Summernote not functioning. Just display text line [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a html page. Which summernote is supposed to function on as a mail compose form. I have followed the instructions for installation to the letter. Due to the code being rather large I have included it in a pastebin available here:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I found a work around. If I move the form section to a different file and use iframe it functions fine.


Change Text and Image On Static Website Dynamically [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I made a static website and its online now. I want to change only some text and image Dynamically, So that I dont have to change the code for change text or image. Please suggest me a simple way.
For a static website, I think it is not possible unless you have set up some administrator stuff or you created that website using frameworks such as Wordpress or WIX.

What is 'deep-linkable' meaning in this context [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In school, we got a task to finish as pre-exam in Angular 9.
Our task is to do something similar as Trello, with Boards, Lists, Cards...
In task description, there is attention on "boards, lists and cards should be deep-linkable" but I am not sure what 'deep-link' should present in this case.
Can you please advise me. Thanks.
What is Depp Linking
The task asks that you can pass a link to a card, and enter directly to see the card, without having to do anything else, for example:
http://localhost:4200/cards/1 and this link should show you to the specific card

HTML/JS Button onclick download whole HTML Page for Offline Usage [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have this website I have made, and I have released it and tried it out, but one of the problems is that it won't work unless it is connected to wifi/internet. This is why I want to be able to download the whole page, and possibly other pages onclick. I am troubled on how to do implement this, which is why I am asking for help. Please do not use any php. Only JS and Html.
I just found this:
<a href="/test/src/webpage.html" download><button>Download</button></a>
This code downloads the webpage, and so far, works for me perfectly. Just found this. If anyone has better techniques, please share.

display splash page on webpage load - JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i search lot, but unable to get code how to display splash on page load.
take website as samaple.
groupon co uk
want simple example
many thanks.
You can load splash screen from following code(You need to include JQuery)
window.onload = function() {

How can I do tag-entry field (as done by Stack Overflow). Javascript is ok [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Please can anyone show me a proper way to program the Tags field so that it looks like the stackoverflow one.
As in:
I suspect it is done in HTML/CSS and Javascript. Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated. I would be grateful as well, if you can write some illustration code or direct me to some sort of tutorial.
If you can use jQuery here are some good options:
From the jQuery folks themselves:
This one is easiest to see in action right from the web page link:

