Windows Forms: WebBrowser - access local files - javascript

What CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled feature are required to access local files over ajax in Forms WebBrowser component (W10, mshtml v11, Trident)? Assuming Localmachine_Lockdown is 0 and JS is working, but jQuery AJAX fails with IE error 2147024891 "Access Denied". Desired behaviour: like Chrome with "--allow-file-access-from-files" flag. CefSharp & Co are no option, unfortunatelly.
Use case: imagine a large JS-App (AMD modules, JSON-configs, etc) you want to put in your WF application, local security policy prohibits using of a simple web server and there is no way to install a web server somewhere in the local network, no Internet connection available. Yup, that's bad.

I did not manage to find anything that would allow JS access local files in WinForms WebBrowser under Windows10 (and I have tried everything).
So, I have eliminated the problem itself - I have bundled my JS-App into 3 files (html, css and js) so that it doesn't need to load modules anymore. All JSON-configs and language files are moved into WCF Services and accessed just like all other data requests (through a method binded to windows.external with "ObjectForScripting"). From now on the App is working same way it does on a web server.


Simulate XMLHttpRequest as from localhost or Remote Connection to a machine

I have a website hosted in ISS (can be other) that loads when it's called on localhost but not from extern :) like: http://:8081/Website.html.
The verification whether the website is called from localhost it's on the client in a js script that I can’t modify as it’s encrypted.
So I was thinking at two options:
Develop an ASP application that has a remote desktop connection to the machine that host the website (not some many example on how to).
Maybe configure the IIS configuration (didn't found how)
I'm out of ideas
Do you have any other solution or can you point on how can I do one of the above?
I have tried the WinForm solution from here: and it doesn't work. And I prefer a website.
The only working solution that I have for now is to configure a Remote Desktop Services (Web Access) as I hosted the application on Server 2008 R2. Then I only shared the browser that has the localhost page as default page
The javascript files are all minified and encrypted, meaning that if I search localhost as a word in all the files, nothing shows up. So fixing the client will be hard.
Is it possible to create a new Site Binding on IIS and access the site using the binding hostname? This requires your network DNS to register the hostname to the IP Address.
I assume you are dealing with encrypted(???) javascript that is hardcoded to display DOM only if it is loaded from localhost.
If by encrypted you mean minified you should still be able to find reference to "localhost" and modify javascript in minified version. If it is really encrypted by a wrapper of third party javascript library then I would suggest you to rewrite javascript. I mean how can there be any quality code in javascript code that is hardcoded to load only from localhost?
Fix the client and stop exploring other solutions like remote desktop connection. None of them are practical and sustainable solutions.
I think you need to use WebRTC, but it's supported for Chrome and Firefox. It allows two users to communicate directly, browser to browser using the RTCPeerConnection API.

Show local pdf inside webapplication [w/o remote server]

I'm developing a HTML5/.net POC in which I have a local HTML5 webapp shown inside a .net (C#) WebBrowser control.
The page is developed in MVC, downloaded as a single .htm file (using Chrome's SingleFile extension) and saved in a DB (or stored in a filesystem, doesn't matter), loaded and shown inside a .net webbrowser control.
[almost] Everything works: the page is rendered correctly, i can invoke js functions from C#, etc.
But now I have to show some pdf inline inside the page. The pdf is not served from a remote server (there's no server at all), but will be loaded from the filesystem (e.g. a temp file). The idea I have is to make a js function like showPdf(path, pageNum) in the html5 app and call it from .net.
The problem is that it looks there's no way (at least I couldn't find it) to load local pdf, both using Mozilla's pdf.js or html tags, I get "Not allowed to load local resource" in Chrome console/"Access denied" alert in IE.
Is there some kind of component I can try/option I can set to allow the browser to load local pdfs?
The WebBrowser component uses IE to render the page, so maybe some kind of IE option/key registry I can change (the machines that will eventually use this webapp are known, we can configure them as we want)?.
You could try a traditional anchor element (<a href="file:...">) and then enable the File Protocol Navigation feature control for your app. (And, though it may seem obvious, it's probably worth confirming that IE feature controls do not to enable functionality in other browsers.)
I don't know that this would work, but it seems like a possible solution given the question.
Note that accessing file objects may permission to access local file system objects may be disabled by other policies or security measures. More info/research may be needed.
Hope this helps...
-- Lance
I forgot to write here how I solved it:
well, it was a webapp shown inside a WinForm WebBrowser control, so I used this article to call a C# method from JS. The C# method used the default OS pdf reader to show the pdf inside the form.

How to get folder path instead of file path in extjs

How to access path of a folder instead of a file using Ext.form.field in extjs. Is it possible at all in extjs.
I can use the component above but its giving me only the file name without the path to the file.
Or should I use third party tools like jquery or maybe dynamic html/ plain js?
There's no way to get any information on the client's filesystem using a website, for security reasons. Nor Javascript, nor PHP...
Thus, you can't get the path of a client's file.
However, you can do it with a non-website application, installed on his computer.
You could use a java, flash, or activex control to do that.
You could also host extjs inside Sencha Desktop Packaging, ie in an installed executable with an embedded browser.
You might be able to get folder access with HTML5, but that would only be a folder local to your domain and heavily restricted.
Otherwise, browser file/folder security restrictions exist for good reason and you should consider files off limits other than upload/download.

How to deploy WaveMaker project without runtimeLoader.js

WaveMaker is a powerful ajax based UI builder, but its JSON-RPC API standard is incompatible with our web service, which only has a RESTful API. As a result, we would like to design an UI without using any service using WaveMaker, and only extract part of its source code that runs on browser side (discarding all services)
Unfortunately, we can neither view or test the extracted code (all .html files show an empty page), a javascript reference in index.html is pointing to runtimeLoader.js, which we cannot find anywhere. So, is it possible to deploy the browser side code on a web container (not an application container like Tomcat) without runtimeLoader.js? If this is not possible, how do I change the source code so it can be tested without using WaveMaker?
If you don't mind having a java server in the mix, you could "import" REST calls to your API into the application. The XHR service (new in 6.5) targets JSON returning services. The 'Build-a-Service' does best with XML returning services. The browser would then call the WM java server, which in turn calls your REST services.
An easy way to get started with a WaveMaker client only app is to use the phonegap build option. This will build a zip file of a stand alone app. If you unzip that into say an apache served folder, you will render pages, etc. Note this build is targeted towards mobile devices via phonegap, so you will want to make adjustments if you are targeting desktop browsers.
Also, runtimeLoader.js can be found in the client runtime lib folder. e.g. /studio/lib/runtimeLoader.js of the installation.

web page to read client side registry

I currently have a web app that uses ActiveX / JScript to read files and to read the registry for a web page. Originally when designing the page, it was supposed to be on a site that only supported IE...then things changed and it is no longer that way. My question:
HTML5 is able to read files. Is there any way to read registry entries outside of ActiveX and internet explorer using javascript/html? I'm trying to avoid having to port the entire applet over to use Java, but that may be my best method.
The page makes no modifications, it only reads text files and registry entries.
It is not possible without a third party plugin.

