multiple graphs for kendo UI - javascript

I am using multiple series for scatter graph in kendo(each series represent one attribute). Since every series has multiple ranges, hence I am required to NOT use multiple series instead draw each graph separately and show in the same window. Is there any option provided for the same?
Please see the below URL:
I have the same requirement as above, except the 3 graphs '0.8C', 1.8C' and '3.1C' have to be drawn as separate graphs(separate X and Y axis) but should be displayed in the same window? Is it possible? Any response will be highly appreciated.
Edit: I found one image(via google) to represent what I intend to say:


Is there a way to show all values corresponding to a value on x-axis in the tooltip of Google Charts linechart?

I have a simple linechart with 2 lines. On hover, I would like to display both y-values in the tooltip that appears. I know I can accomplish this by writing a Javascript function that creates a custom tooltip for every x-value on the graph, but this seems so redundant to do, especially when the graph gets large. Since Google Chart is able to auto-generate the standard tooltip which contain both the x and y-value I feel like there should be an option to do this with built-in tools, is there?
Probably setting focusTarget to 'category' will do the trick.
See here for an example that uses it.

Column behind column highchart

So just like highcharts have the basic area graph i.e. one area graph behind the another I want to have multi column graphs in which one series will be exactly behind the other series and will be visible through some transparency.
Currently highcharts have stacked column graphs but in those one series is either on the top of other series or is beside them.
I hope there must be some configuration available for that.
Yes, you can do it by setting grouping: false in the plotOptions.
Updated fiddle:
However, this is - generally speaking - a really bad way to show data, that adds unnecessary complexity and obfuscation of the data for the user.

Always show labels in legend for Dygraphs

I am plotting multiple series of time course data against each other, and many of the sets of data were captured at different times. The graphs looks like what is seen in the Independent Series example:
However, the users find it distracting that what is in the legend changes as you mouseover the graph. I would like it to consistently display A: (value) B: (value) instead of just the line that has a y-value associated with the x-value.
I haven't been able to find a way to do this in my searching, and was hoping someone had found a way to work around this.
It's not possible to do this with the built-in legend. You'll have to write your own using highlightCallback and unhighlightCallback.

Shield UI Pie chart hierarchical functionality

I have a question regarding ShieldUI pie chart. What I need is to provide following functionality on a web page. Initially a pie chart will represent some data. When user clicks on a slice
I need that slice’s compound data to be broken down taking up the whole chart. Let’s give an example with sales volumes. Initially we have the sales volumes for all the four quarters of the year. Than the user clicks on the first quarter slice. And it divides into let’s say months, or weeks. All that data I need to take up the whole chart. In other words in need some sort of multi dimensional data zooming.
I searched for some sort of hierarchical pie charts, but what they do is to show all the data a once, which is not quite I really need.
Looking at what you need it might be not the chart itself, but the relation of multiple charts that provide the functionality you want.
You may take a look at this answer:
Linking graphs of two Shield UI Charts
The number of related and subordinate charts will be equal to the data depth you have. For instance if you have 3 levels- quarters, weeks and days, you will have 3 related chart. The users will first click on the quarter slice, than on the week.
You could even more fully match the functional behavior needed by using one container for rendering all the charts to. There is however one disadvantage that you will need a button or a link to provide users the possibility to return to the top level.

Summing graph data in highcharts

I have a highcharts line graph that shows sales data. Is there a way to sum up the data for a selected period of time? For example, if I plot daily sales reports, to be able to highlight and sum up one week of that?
What you're describing is not a native feature of highcharts. You can get a series from the chart object and perform the calculations you want on it individually, or have the tooltips or legends display the sum over the whole series. But it's not natively possible to highlight only part of a series and they provide no convenience methods for what you're describing.
If you're satisfied with summing over a whole series, I would use the legendFormatter hook and show the series sum as part of the legend. If it needs to be a subset of the series you'll need to write it yourself, possibly using the hover event for series to start the event.

