Using Angular Dragula without RequireJS - javascript

I would love to implement Drag and Drop in my Angular project using the angular-dragula module ( However, it seems to be heavily dependent on RequireJS. I've not used Require for a while and only then for an example app or two. Is there an easy way to untangle Require from this module?
The author seems to think it is simple ( and has shut down similar questions as well without a real explanation. I've looked at the code and don't see how to load the module without adding RequireJS to my project (which I don't want to do). Am I stuck with either not using this module or adding Require or is there a way to use this without Require?

OK, after help from those who commented (thanks everyone!), I was able to get this to work. There are a couple things that you need to do. First, I was bundling this module with the rest of my modules and trying to call it. That will not work because it needs to initialize with a parameter (angular). Therefore, you need to do the following:
Add a reference to angular-dragula.js (or the min version) to your index.html page below the declaration for angular but above where you create your app.
When you declare the dependencies for your app, specify angularDragula(angular) (not in quotes).
Use dragula as you normally would. If you need to access the service, the name would be angularDragula.
For example, here is my declaration of app:
var app = angular.module('app', [
And then to get a simple list to be drag and drop capable, this is my html:
<div dragula='"bag-one"' dragula-model="vm.items">
<div ng-repeat="item in vm.items">{{ item }}</div>
Note that I do not declare angularDragula anywhere, unlike the examples. In the example the author gives, he requires angular and creates the angular variable and then he requires angular-dragula and creates the angularDragula variable. This is not needed if you are not using RequireJS as long as you load the scripts in the right order.


Sails: Exclude directory from being auto loaded as helper

I am building a Sails.js application using sails 1.2.3, node 10.15. I want to include a javascript module in my api/helpers/* directory, without sails automatically using it to try to create a helper. I.e. I have javascript objects that use helpers and are used in a helper, but are not helpers themselves; as in this image, where the module 'rules' is imported into the create-rule helper and the objects exported by this module are used within the helper.
By default, sails tries to load each file in the helpers/* directory as a helper, and throws if the underlying implementation does not match that of a valid helper:
ImplementationError: Failed to load helper `create-rule/rules/foo/index` into a Callable! Sorry, could not interpret "index" because its underlying implementation has a problem:
• Missing the `fn` property.
Hoping someone can help out! Let me know if more info is needed. Thanks in advance!
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. In my humble opinion I would grab all object constructors and placed them as a single file in api/services. That will make it automatically available in all controllers. I would not allow my object's methods to use helpers by them selves (I even think you can't, at least easily). Then when you need a helper to use your object, just pass it as parameter. Anyway, again, in my humble opinion; you are structuring your code to fit all inside /helpers and that will make it extremely hard to develop. Let assume you manage to make it work all inside /helpers, only you without exception, will be able to understand what it does or how it works. Doesn't seem as a good idea.

Dynamic loading of modules and components at runtime in Angular 4

I've been looking to develop a method for loading modules and/or components into an AOT-compiled Angular 4 application and been stymied by a variety of solutions that never quite seem to get me where I want to be.
My requirements are as such:
My main application is AOT compiled, and has no knowledge of what it is loading until runtime, so I cannot specifically identify my dynamic module as an entry component at compile time (which is explicitly necessary for the 'dynamic' component loading example presented on
I'd ideally love to be able to pull the code from a back end database via a GET request, but I can survive it simply living in a folder alongside the compiled site.
I'm using Webpack to compile my main application, breaking it into chunks - and so a lot of the SystemJS based solutions seem like dead ends - based on my current research, I could be wrong about this.
I don't need to know or have access to any components of my main application directly - in essence, I'd be loading one angular app into another, with the dynamically loaded module only perhaps having a few tightly controlled explicit interface points with the parent application.
I've explored using tools like SystemJsNgModuleLoader - which seems to require that I have the Angular compiler present, which I'm happy to do if AOT somehow allowed me to include it even if I'm not using it elsewhere. I've also looked into directly compiling my dynamic module using ngc and loading the resulting ngfactory and compiled component/module, but I'm not clear if this is at all possible or if so - what tools Angular makes available to do so. I have also seen references to ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS - but can't clearly dig up what the limitations of this are, as first analysis indicates its not quite what I'm looking for either.
I had assumed I might be able to define a common interface and then simply make a get request to bring my dynamic component into my application - but Angular seems painfully allergic to anything I try to do short of stepping outside of it alltogether and trying to attach non-angular code to the DOM directly.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible? Does Angular 2+ simply despise this kind of on the fly modification of its internal application architecture?
I think I found an article that describes exactly what you are trying to do. In short you need to take over the bootstrap lifecycle.
The magic is in this snippet here.
import {AComponentNgFactory, BComponentNgFactory} from './components.ngfactory.ts';
imports: [BrowserModule],
declarations: [AComponent, BComponent]
export class AppModule {
ngDoBootstrap(app) {
.then((name)=>{ this.bootstrapRootComponent(app, name)});
bootstrapRootComponent(app, name) {
const options = {
'a-comp': AComponentNgFactory,
'b-comp': BComponentNgFactory

Can't get Angular UI-Map working

This should be simple but I'm fairly new to Angular and really can't understand the documentation for UI-Map form the Angular UI team.
There are a few things I don't understand so it's probably easier for me to number them.
1) The docs talk about using Bower to install which I don't use. It says I have to load UI-map and UI-event but I'm loading Angular UI from, So I think that bundles all the directives I need, or am I wrong?
2) The docs say that I have to listen to the callback parameter when loading the Google Maps API using the following code..
function onGoogleReady() {
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById("map"), ['app.ui-map']);
But I don't know what this is doing or where it is being called? Does google call this automatically when it's ready? Why is it attaching the map to an element with ID "map", surely I need to be able to dynamically use the map on many elements using the directive?
To add to the confusion, their own demo calls the function "initCall", instead of "onGoogleReady".
3) The docs say I have to add it as a dependency on my app module.
var myAppModule = angular.module('app.ui-map', ['']);
What is the app. before ui-map? My current app declaration looks like this and only has dependencies named in the array...
var portal = angular.module('portal', ['ngAnimate','ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap', 'restangular'])
Maybe I'm being really stupid, but I added 'ui-map' into the array but it didn't seem to work :(
I know this might seem easy to some but as I said I'm new to Angular and still don't totally get how dependency injection works or what order things are loaded/initialized in. Any help would really be appreciated.
It doesn't look like Angular UI maps is supported any more (I might be wrong), so I used Angular Google Maps instead.

Custom directives on AngularJS pages without specific ng-app module set

I have some simple pages that don't need a specific application module to be provided in the ng-app attribute. But those pages also use some of my custom directives.
As it seems natural I've put all my directives in separate namespace (namely module) i.e. MyApp.Directives.
This is all great when I also provide my application module, because I add MyApp.Directives as dependency and it works.
angular.module("MyApp", ["MyApp.Directives", ...])
But. As said I also have some very simple pages, that don't really require any particular application module because they don't need any custom controllers or anything. They're just driven by ng-... attributes/directives.
I know I can simply add all my custom directives to ng module and they will become accessible to all pages. Those with custom application module and those without. But this beats the purpose of modules, so I'm wondering if there's any other way to tell dependency injector of my additional directives/filters?
I would like to avoid any unneeded code in my application to keep is small and maintainable. (what AngularJS is all about). What I'm looking is actually some sort of hack that I'd be using in my directives' files to make ng module aware of my directives but without adding them to ng module directly... A rather advanced Angular question as it likely involves some internals manipulation.
I've tried manully adding my directives' module to angular.module("ng").requires array but that didn't do the trick.
#1) If you only have one module you can do it with ngApp:
<html ng-app="MyApp.Directives">
#2) If you have multiple modules you can use angular.bootstrap like so:
#3) Or just create a simple module for declaring dependencies:
<html ng-app="myApp">
If we could only write something like this:
<html ng-app="MyApp.Directives MyApp.Filters">
I made a patch to the source code:
function angularInit(element, bootstrap) {
// some code
if (appElement) {
bootstrap(appElement, module ? module.split(/\s+/) : []); // split by spaces :)
Here is a demo:

Using require.js for client side dependancies in Adobe CQ5

I was wondering if anyone had experience using require.js with the Adobe CQ5 platform. I'm writing a Chaplin.js(backbone-based) single page app that will be integrated into the rest of CQ5-based site we're working on. Chaplin requires the use of a module system like AMD/Common.js and I want to make sure my compiled javascript file will usable within CQ5's clientlibs. Is it as simple as adding require.js as a dependency in clientlibs prior to loading in my javascript modules? Someone's insight who has experience in doing this would be greatly appreciated.
I've implemented this as a solution of organize in a better way all the modules such as:
define('myModule',[ /* dependencies */] ,function( /* stuff here */ ))
and in the components such:
<% //components/component.jsp %>
<!-- stuff here -->
and finally I've configured require (config.js) and I've stored the JSs modules in a new different design folder. Located the compiled JS after close </body> to guarantee the JS is always located at the bottom after the HTML.
<!-- page/body.jsp -->
<cq:includeClientLib js="specialclientlibs.footer"/>
solving with this the issue of have "ready" all the content before the JS is executed. I've had some problems to resolve with this async stuff managed for the clienlibs compilation tool, in production the problem was different, however, in development, the order in what CQ compiles the JS has produced me some lacks in terms of order of the JS. The problem really was a little bit more complex than the explanation because the number of JS was really big and the team too, but in simple terms it was the best way I've discovered so far..
The Idea
I think you can compile your Chaplin.js with one of the AMDShims to make it self contained, wraps every dependencies it needs inside a function scope, expose an entry point as global variable (which is a bad practise, but CQ do it all the time...) and then use the compiled.js inside a normal clientlib:
AMD Shims
Here is an example of how we make the one of our libs self-contained:
Basically, in source code level the lib "require"s the other modules just as usual. However after compiled, the generated chuanr.js file contains everything its needs, even wrapped a piece of lightweight AMD compatible implementation.
check out compiled file here:
and the source code:
Alternatively rather than compile every lib you are using to be independent/self-contained, what we do in our project is simply use below amdshim instead of the real require.js. so on cq component level you can call into require() function as usual:
require(['foo/bar'], function(){});
The amd shim will not send the http request to the module immediately, instead it will wait until someone else loads the module.
and then at the bottom of the page, we collect all the dependencies, send the requirements to server side handler (scriptmananger) for dynamic merging (by internally calling into r.js):
var paths = [];
for (var path in amdShim.waiting){
document.write('/scriptmananger?' + paths.join(','));
The amdShim we are using:

