backbone fragment route is added to root when has :attributes - javascript

I'm quite new using Backbone and now I have found this new issue.
I use the route "jobprofile" to create a view which fetch the data from urlRoot= "job" (doing job/id using a default id) BUT if I add the :id to the route as "jobprofile/:id" which I need to type in the browser to be able to get the view, then it stops to work and the url of the model change to: ".../jobprofile/job/id" which (obviously) give me 404 error.
Hope is clear. Thanks!
I have a router.js
routes: {
"jobprofile/:id": "view", //without /:id works!
this.job = new Job();
this.job.setId(id); //This is set correctly
this.jobProfileView = new JobProfileView({
model: this.job,
el: $('.tab-content')
initialize: function(){
var that = this;
console.log("fetch done!");
urlRoot: 'job',
initialize: function () {
setId: function (job_id) {
this.set('id', job_id);
Ok. So it looks that I "fix" the problem adding this.navigate('/jobprofile'); to the method view in router.js. I guess that the /:id which causes the problem is deleted from the route (actually when you see the browser its not there anymore) but I still keep the id in the method.
In any case, this is a really bad solution because when I try to go back it creates a bucle and it goes to jobprofile/id and navigate again to jobprofile. So if anyone has an idea it would be great...

Finally I understood what the problem was...
Basically there is a difference when in the url or urlRoot are set in the model. Thus, these two options appear:
url:'/foo'. In this case it will not take the base url.
url:'foo'. In this case, it will take the base url
My case is as follow:
urlRoot: '/job',
initialize: function () {
setId: function (job_id) {
this.set('id', job_id);


How to get the 'keyword' in with Iron Router

I am working on a site where I have to search in the DB for string that come after the / on the root domain. I can't find anything about it in the documentation.
I am trying to make it work with Iron Router but any other suggestion would work out.
Thanks for the help!
Edit: Basically I just want to pass anything that comes after to a variable.
Here's something i've been doing so maybe it'll lead you down the right path
Route sends URL params to ownedGroupList template
Router.route('/users/:_id/groups', {
name: '',
template: 'ownedGroupList',
data: function() {
return {params: this.params};
Template ownedGroupList can access params object using in onCreated, onRendered, and onDestroyed template event handlers
this.subscribe("owned-groups", );
Template ownedGroupList can access params through this variable in helper methods
groups: function() {
return Groups.find({owner: this.params._id });
Template ownedGroupList can access params through variable in event handlers{
'click .a-button': function(event, template) {
var group = Groups.findOne({owner: });
// do something with group
Here's a simple route that should do the trick
Router.route('/:keyword', {
name: 'keyword',
template: 'keywordTemplate',
data: function() {
return this.params.keyword;
This will pass the keyword as the data context to your template and then you can do whatever you want with it. Alternatively you can perform the search straight in the router (especially if you're passing the keyword to a subscription so that the search runs on the server). For example:
Router.route('/:keyword', {
name: 'keyword',
template: 'keywordTemplate',
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe('keywordSearch',keyword);
data: function() {
return MyCollection.find();
This second pattern will send your keyword to a subscription named keywordSearch that will execute on the server. When that subscription is ready, the route's data function will run and the data context passed to your keywordTemplate will be whatever documents and fields have been made available in MyCollection.

Refresh page to see content

I've created a Rails app using Backbone, but I've run into a small but annoying problem. When a user goes to his profile and then back to the frontpage the frontpage is empty and I have to refresh it in order to show the content of the backbone view.
In my Movieseat.Routers.Movieseats I have:
'': 'index'
initialize: ->
#movieSeats = new Movieseat.Collections.Movieseats()
#searchResults = new Movieseat.Collections.Moviesearch()
index: ->
view = new Movieseat.Views.MovieseatsIndex(collection: #movieSeats)
Any idea on why users have to refresh to see the frontpage?
I don't know CoffeeScript but the fetch() method takes a success callback where you can ensure the collection has loaded. In your index you're creating a new view passing the #movieSeats collection but the collection may have not been loaded by that time. Try the following:
routes: {
'': 'index'
initialize: function() {
this.movieSeats = new Movieseat.Collections.Movieseats();
index: function() {
var self = this, view;
success: function(collection) {
view = new Movieseat.Views.MovieseatsIndex({ collection: collection })
However, you might want to "bootstrap" your collection like is shown on the Backbone docs:

Backbone Boilerplate - fetch method don't refresh collection

is my first question here, so I please about some patience and forgive my english:)
When I type link in browser address bar, all is OK. But when I do this inside browser by clicking element, collection is empty. But the main problem is there is always the same response from server, but fetch "dont load" any items, so view render empty collection.
I use Backbone Boilerplate,
Browser.Views.Catalog - it is Backbone.View
Browser.Catalog - it is of Backbone.Collection
My router:
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'' : 'browse'
refreshCatalog: function(folder){
"#catalog" : new Browser.Views.Catalog({
collection: app.catalog
browse: function(folder){
app.catalog = new Browser.Catalog();
error: function() { console.log(arguments); },
success: this.refreshFolders(folder),
data: $.param({folder: folder}),
//app.catalog = new Browser.Catalog();
error: function() { console.log(arguments); },
success: this.refreshCatalog(folder),
data: $.param({folder: folder}),
I belive you should set the catalog in the initialize function
app.catalog = new Browser.Catalog();
should go in here ( add this function)
initialize: function (options) {
app.catalog = new Browser.Catalog();
the initialize function is called when the page is loaded so when browsing to #catelog it will have been set

Backbone.js and local storage . A "url" property or function must be specified

I'm improving my knowledge about Backbone.js and have this code sample taken from a tutorial. (
This example will not access the server for now, so to simulate the retrieval of data from the server I have a file name movies.json.
What I am trying to do:
Add json data in local storage (using localStorage adapter)
For this I am using Backbone.ajaxSync, Which Is Given to the alias Backbone.sync by the localStorage adapter: I created the method refreshFromServer () to do this
The reason for doing this is that I'm trying to implement a way to get data only one time (and only refresh when i need to)
My issues:
  I'm having an error "Uncaught Error: 'url' property or function must be specified" when I call refreshFromServer ().
I do not understand why because I set the url collection. (url : "scripts/data/movies.json" )
Sample code
var Theater = {
Models : {},
Collections : {},
Views : {},
Templates : {}
Theater.Models.Movie = Backbone.Model.extend({})
Theater.Collections.Movies = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : Theater.Models.Movie,
localStorage : new Backbone.LocalStorage("MovieStore"), // Unique name within your app.
url : "scripts/data/movies.json",
refreshFromServer : function() {
return Backbone.ajaxSync.apply(this, arguments);
initialize : function() {
console.log("Movies initialize")
Theater.Templates.movies = _.template($("#tmplt-Movies").html())
Theater.Views.Movies = Backbone.View.extend({
el : $("#mainContainer"),
template : Theater.Templates.movies,
initialize : function() {
this.collection.bind("reset", this.render, this);
render : function() {
Theater.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes : {
"" : "defaultRoute"
defaultRoute : function() {
Theater.movies = new Theater.Collections.Movies()
new Theater.Views.Movies({
collection : Theater.movies
var appRouter = new Theater.Router();
If a comment localStorage property in the collection
Theater.Models.Movie = Backbone.Model.extend({})
Theater.Collections.Movies = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : Theater.Models.Movie,
//localStorage : new Backbone.LocalStorage("MovieStore")
and then in router call normal fetch method
Theater.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes : {
"" : "defaultRoute"
defaultRoute : function() {
Theater.movies = new Theater.Collections.Movies()
new Theater.Views.Movies({
collection : Theater.movies
I can see the json list correctly in my view
If I use the localStorage property in the collection and then call the standard fetch () method, I see only an empty list (I think it is normal as it is read from the local storage and is empty)
The error only occurs when using the method refreshFromServer () witch use Backbone.ajaxSync (alias for backbone.sync)
Err... my bad. The refreshFromServer implementation is from my answer to your earlier question., and it's completely, uselessly wrong.
Backbone.sync expects arguments (method, model, options), but as it stands, it doesn't get what it needs from refreshFromServer because the refresh method simply sends forward whatever arguments it gets. Sorry for the mistake.
The correct, working implementation would be:
refreshFromServer : function(options) {
return Backbone.ajaxSync('read', this, options);
It can be used either via success / error callbacks passed to the options hash:
this.collection.refreshFromServer({ success: function() { /* refreshed... */ });
Or via the jqXHR Promise API:
this.collection.refreshFromServer().done(function() { /* refreshed... */ })
Or not signing up for callbacks and waiting for the collection reset event like in your example:
this.collection.bind("reset", this.render, this);
This should work. Please let me know if it doesn't. I fixed my answer in the previous question too, in case someone stumbles onto it.
Edit: To save the data to local storage after refreshing you need to manually save each of the models:
var collection = this.collection;
collection.refreshFromServer({success: function(freshData) {
collection.each(function(model) {;

How does one "listen to the router" (respond to Router events in Views/Models) in Backbone.js?

In the Backbone.js documentation, in the entry for the Router.routes method, it is stated
When the visitor presses the back button, or enters a URL, and a particular route is matched,
the name of the action will be fired as an event, so that other objects can listen to the router,
and be notified.
I have attempted to implement this in this relatively simple example:
The relevant JS:
// Thing model
window.Thing = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
// An individual Thing's View
window.ThingView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#thing',
initialize: function() {
this.on('route:showThing', this.anything);
anything: function() {
console.log("THIS DOESN'T WORK! WHY?");
render: function() {
$(this.el).html(_.template($('#thing-template').html(), {
text: this.model.get('text')
return this;
// The Router for our App
window.ThingRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"thing": "showThing"
showThing: function() {
console.log('THIS WORKS!');
// Modified from the code here (from Tim Branyen's boilerplate)
window.initializeRouter = function (router, root) {
Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: root });
$(document).on('click', 'a:not([data-bypass])', function (evt) {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var protocol = this.protocol + '//';
if (href.slice(protocol.length) !== protocol) {
router.navigate(href, true);
return router;
var myThingView = new ThingView({ model: new Thing() });
var myRouter = window.initializeRouter(new ThingRouter(), '/my/path/');
The relevant HTML:
<div id="thing"></div>
<!-- Thing Template -->
<script type="text/template" id="thing-template">
<a class='task' href="thing"><%= text %></a>
However, the router event referenced in the View's initialize function does not seem to get picked up (everything else works--I'm successfully calling the "showThing" method defined in the Router).
I believe I must have some misconception about what the documentation intended by this statement. Therefore, what I'm looking for in a response is: I'd love to have someone revise my code so that it works via a Router event getting picked up by the View, or, clearly explain what the Router documentation I listed above intends us to do, ideally with an alternative code sample (or using mine, modified).
Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!
This is beacuse you are binding a listener to the wrong object. Try this in your View :
window.ThingView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
myRouter.on('route:showThing', this.anything);

