this.nextChild coming up undefined - mouseover/mouseout - javascript

I'm a student and still learning, so my apologies if this is a silly question. Normally I can figure this out by sifting through other questions here, but I seem to be stuck this time.
I'm just trying to do a simple mouseover/mouseout, where when you mouse over the image, the image disappears and the text in the anchor tag changes to the name of the link (ie. hover over the house icon and it disappears and is replaced by "HOME"). I got that part working fine, but I can't get it to switch back to the icon when the mouse leaves the link. This is the current HTML for the link:
<li class="linksLi">
<a id="#homeLink" data-namesrc="HOME" class="linksA">
<img src="img/home.svg" alt="Home Icon" class="links">
and then the javascript:
var linksImg = document.querySelectorAll(".links");
var linksName = document.querySelectorAll(".linksA");
function changeImg() {
this.parentElement.innerHTML = this.parentElement.dataset.namesrc;
function changeName() {
this.innerHTML = "";
for (var i=0;i<linksImg.length;i++) {
linksImg[i].addEventListener("mouseover", changeImg, false);
for (var j=0;j<linksName.length;j++) {
linksName[j].addEventListener("mouseleave", changeName, false);
changeImg() is attached to the img tag, and changeName() is attached to the anchor tag. But my issue is in changeName(), when I try to remove the class "hide" from the child, it tells me the child is undefined (even though the img tag is clearly inside the a tag in the HTML). I've seen a lot of stuff regarding nodes and whitespace that I don't entirely understand, so I have no idea if that's what the issue is? Maybe this is a really basic problem and I'm missing something really obvious, I have no idea, but any help would be greatly appreciated!

Try taking the event as a parameter to the functions and using "" instead of "this"
function changeImg(evt) {"hide"); =;
"this" is a tricky keyword in JavaScript which can be many things depending on how the function is called.
And a JSFiddle for you.
I have updated the JSFiddle to add/remove a span instead of setting innerHTML.

Thank you for the answers! For anyone wondering, I also got it working by making the img and anchor tags sibling, rather than the img being a child of the anchor tag. That way I could just target nextSibling in the js, and the issue of innerHTML creating an empty anchor tag and removing the img was no longer a problem.


How to display a div/element on mouse hover using external JavaScript?

My divs are nested so i understand i cant display an element if its already hidden. I want the information(p1 inside my html code)to display once the mouse hovers over another element(h1 in my html. I have already made my paragraph 1 style to none in JavaScript, now i need it to re-appear, i have tried the following code to attempt to make it re-appear document.getElementById("1") = "block"; but with no success.
This is My HTML code, ignore the order im new to web dev lol
This is the code i have tried but it doesnt seem to work
This is the end result i want, the circled text on hover display the paragraph
So a few things. For starters, put actual code into your questions instead of screen shots. If we can't reproduce your issue it's difficult to troubleshoot usually from just pictures.
Next, you might familiarize yourself with syntax a bit more since p1 isn't a valid HTML element.
Then, try not to rely on javascript too much and keep presentation stuff on the compositor thread. Here's an example accomplishing your goal with no javascript. Hope it helps, cheers!
p {
display: none;
h1:hover + p {
display: block;
<h1>Hover me</h1>
<p>PEEK A BOO!</p>
Yes, this is doable without javascript but since the question asked how to do it with, hopefully this helps get OP on the right track.
<div id="bioBlock" style="display:none">
<h2 id="1">
Cameron Lodge
<p1 id="para">Im an avid learner of anything computers....</p1>
function showBioBlock() {
document.getElementById("bioBlock").style.display = "block";
document.getByElementId("myH1").onmouseover = function(){
document.getByElementId("myH1").onmouseout = function(){
function displayH1(myId){
if(document.getByElementId(myId).style.display == "block"){
document.getByElementId(myId).style.display = "none";
document.getByElementId(myId).style.display = "block";
This invokes a function that toggles the paragraph's style when the mouse enters and leaves the element. It assumes that you have an id on both your h1 and p tags, in my example myH1 and myP respectively.

What Javascript if/else statement can return an enlarged image to its default size?

I am new to this website and to coding in general. I am having trouble attempting to get an image to shrink back to its "small" size after being enlarged by a single click.
This is my HTML element:
<img src=""
This id and class cannot be changed, as it is for an assignment. The "small" class automatically turns the image into a thumbnail. It enlarges upon clicking, but I cannot get it to return to its "small" state by clicking it again. It must be done with an if/else statement.
Here is the Javascript template given:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var thumbnailElement = document.getElementById("smart_thumbnail");
thumbnailElement.addEventListener("click", function() {
thumbnailElement.className = "";
The double quotes is the "enlarge" class.
Thank you, and I apologize if this post does not fit the format required on this site. I also searched everywhere for this solution but could not find it for the life of me.
This can be done using the DOM classList attribute:
This will remove the small class from the element if it is present, otherwise it will add it.

Show URL in browser when link added with javascript

I have added an onclick function to a div here:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("fab").onclick = function() {
location.href = '';
When you hover over the div, it doesnt show the URL in the bottom left of the browser like an anchor tag does (see picture):
Is there any way to make the browser show the link, when it has been added with javascript?
Add the title attribute to your element:
<div id="fab" title="'></div>
Actually this is different than the popup you're seeing, but it might be as close as you can get.
As #Benten points out, you'd have to set window.status, which isn't allowed by most modern browsers.
I don't think you can directly access the property that you are looking for any more. Usually it's ignored. See this: . I'd say the other answer is your best bet.
I think something different. I hope i didnt understand it wrong. If you add -a- element as parent to your -div- it acts like what you want.
var element = document.getElementById("fab");
var aa = document.createElement("a");
aa.setAttribute('href', '');
var parent = element.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(aa, element);
please let me know if i understand it wrong?

javascript-- changing the innerHTML of an image

So I JUST asked a question and I've already hit another roadblock. Thanks so much to the stackoverflow community for helping me out so much recently :)
Every time I see people changing the innerHTML of some tag, they use document.getElementByID(id).innerHTML. My images do NOT have ids, nor do I want to give each and every one of them an id.
Here is my code:
function clickImages()
var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
var delegate = function() { hover(this); };
images[i].onmouseover = delegate;
function hover(img)
img.innerHTML = "Text!";
The innerHTML doesn't seem like it's working; when I mouse over the image nothing changes.
Thanks in advance! Let me know if I can clarify!
An image is itself a replaced element, so there is no innerHTML to replace.
Based on your comment, if you want to add HTML adjacent to the image, you could do this:
img.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', 'HTML code');
You could also change 'afterend' to 'beforebegin' if you wanted to add the HTML before the image.
Writing on the image itself would be much more complicated and would require positioning another element above it with a transparent background, or using the image itself as the background of another element, or a variety of other similar techniques.
innerHTML sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element's
innerHTML means the HTML that comes between the start and end HTML tags. Images don't have innerHTML
I am not sure what you want to achieve.
If you want to have a text displayed onmouseover, you can use the title attribute to do that.. for example:
<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" title="Hello" />
If you are trying to replace the image with text on onmouseover ... then as an example (only to show the possibilities), the following code will hide the image & display a text onmouseover and make the image visible & remove the text onmouseout (although not very satisfactorily IMHO, more work has to be done on the code to improve it)
Please note: There shouldn't be any gap between the image tag and the span for this particular code to work. Also, a negative margin-left added to the span element can make it appear over the location of the image.
<img onmouseover="toText(this)" onmouseout="toImage(this)" src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley" /><span style="visibility: hidden; margin-left: -30px;">Show Text</span>
function toText(img) { = 'hidden'; = 'visible';
function toImage(img) { = 'visible'; = 'hidden';
Good luck

gallery script only functioning on certain pages

I am using a gallery script with thumbnails on the following post on my site
It works fine, but when you go to the main page (third post down), it stops working. Is it because I have another post with the same script that is interfering?
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Your script uses ids to target the picture to show. Ids should be uniques, only one element can have any given Id.
Your two galleries' img are sharing same Ids : #pic-0, #pic-1, etc. So on click, only the first one found is shown, the img in the first gallery.
It should not be too hard to solve, but a lot of your code must be CMS-generated, so I must know what you can change to help more.
(that's the piece of code handling your gallery:)
function myshowImages(id) {
/* $(".mainPic").hide();
edit after comments :
So, honnestly your code is a bit of mess, there would be lots of change to achieve something clean.
However, for your immediate needs, you should use two showImage functions :
function myshowImages1(id) {
function myshowImages2(id) {
And edit your links :
for the first gallery.
for the second one.
Keep in mind that it's ugly and not scalable : if you have three gallery, it'll break.
I'm going to look at your code to see how you could do to have a unique function.
Edit2 :
So, a cleaner function for you to use :
1/ setup : chose a classname for each link/img pair. Per exemple :
<a href="" class="image_1">
<img alt="" height="80" src="(some long path)/lookbookcookbooksaya267b.jpg" title="" width="80">
the thumb link and the image to show :
<a href="(some long path)/lookbookcookbooksaya267.jpg">
<img alt="" class="image_1" height="470" src="(some long path)/lookbookcookbooksaya267.jpg"></a>
Then, I've seen you have JQuery, so this kind of function :
$(".gallery div div a").on("click",function()
var myClass = $(this).attr('class');
var $parentGallery = $(this).parents('.gallery');
$parentGallery.find("div > a > img").css("display","none").find("myClass").fadeIn();
return false;
First, it binds a click event on all your links which are two div depth in the .gallery element. That's your thumbs.
On click, it fetches the class of the clicked thumb link.
Then it searches for the parent .gallery of this link, hide alls images and show the good one.
I can't really guarantee it'll work out the box because your markup is very complex, but it should.

