How to update global object - javascript

Iam trying to run an external function inside nightmarejs evalute function...As you can see my code below...
function get_my_links(url){
vo(function* () {
var nightmare = Nightmare();
var href_link = []; // i have tried making it as global without var but did not work
var title = yield nightmare
.evaluate(function (href_link,url,get_my_links) {
$('.myclass').each(function() {
return href_link;
yield nightmare.end();
})(function (err, result) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
By above code I am trying to update href_link ...
1) How to make it Global object,so that everytime the function is called new value should be added with the existing values?

1st The reason
// i have tried making it as global without var but did not work
is not working because though you making the object global but every time you call get_my_links function, it will update the global object to empty array.
For your use case, define href_link before defining get_my_links function. Like
var href_link =[];
function get_my_links() {
Defining href_link after function definition like ->
function get_my_links() {
var href_link =[];
will throw an error of undefined value of href_link inside get_my_links function due to hoisting which must be the case you have mentioned in above comment.

electron uses node.js, so you can use the global object of node.js to store the value.
When you use this solution you should be able to access the value also from other parts of your app.


how to access global variable from function in javascript

I am trying to access global variable from function, i want to call variable outside from inside function variable.This is what I tried.
Note: the query function should be work after click on query function from html drop down selection.
Thank you for helping.
<select name="myInput" id="choice1">
<li><option value="6011">apib_cadastral:bivel</option></li>
<li><option value="6012">apib_cadastral:burhchaura</option></li>
var layer_name;
function query() {
var text_value = document.getElementsByName('myInput')[0];
var layer_name = text_value.options[text_value.selectedIndex].text;
var config = {
geojson: layer_name,
Remove the "var" inside the function. With that you define a new variable that exists inside the function.
You should change your code in this way.
Because, when you re-declare variable inside query() it will occupy another cell from memory with different address. And, variable inside config object cannot access it. It will access layer_name [first defined] which contains undefined value
var layer_name ;
function query() {
var text_value = document.getElementsByName('myInput')[0]
layer_name = text_value.options[text_value.selectedIndex].text;
var config = {
geojson: layer_name
In addition to other answers, which correctly state that you should remove var from the variable declaration inside the query() function, you could change the function to return the value, rather than relying on shared/global state.
function query() {
var text_value = document.getElementsByName('myInput')[0];
return text_value.options[text_value.selectedIndex].text;
var config = {
geojson: query()
Note that this may have a performance impact depending on how many times you call query() as the return value would have to be computed each time, but it's worth considering from the perspective of alleviating the need for shared/global state.
Also note, consider replacing var with more modern const and let...
const when the variable is initialised and never needs to change.
let when the variable needs to change beyond initialisation.
function query() {
const text_value = document.getElementsByName('myInput')[0];
return text_value.options[text_value.selectedIndex].text;
const config = {
geojson: query()

How to include or detect the name of a new Object when it's created from a Constructor

I have a constructor that include a debug/log code and also a self destruct method
I tried to find info on internet about how to detect the new objects names in the process of creation, but the only recommendation that I found was pass the name as a property.
for example
var counter = {}
counter.a =new TimerFlex({debug: true, timerId:'counter.a'});
I found unnecessary to pass counter.a as a timerId:'counter.a' there should be a native way to detect the name from the Constructor or from the new object instance.
I am looking for something like ObjectProperties('name') that returns counter.a so I don't need to include it manually as a property.
Adding more info
#CertainPerformance What I need is to differentiate different objects running in parallel or nested, so I can see in the console.
counter.a data...
counter.b data...
counter.a data...
counter.c data... etc
also these objects have only a unique name, no reference as counter.a = counter.c
Another feature or TimerFlex is a method to self desruct
this.purgeCount = function(manualId) {
if (!this.timerId && manualId) {
this.timerId = manualId;
this.txtId = manualId;
if (this.timerId) {
this.timer_is_on = 0;
setTimeout ( ()=> { console.log(this.txtId + " Destructed" ) },500);
setTimeout ( this.timerId +".__proto__ = null", 1000);
setTimeout ( this.timerId +" = null",1100);
setTimeout ( "delete " + this.timerId, 1200);
} else {
if (this.debug) console.log("timerId is undefined, unable to purge automatically");
While I don't have a demo yet of this Constructor this is related to my previous question How to have the same Javascript Self Invoking Function Pattern running more that one time in paralel without overwriting values?
Objects don't have names - but constructors!
Javascript objects are memory references when accessed via a variables. The object is created in the memory and any number of variables can point to that address.
Look at the following example
var anObjectReference = new Object(); = 'My Object'
var anotherReference = anObjectReference;
console.log(; //Expected output "My Object"
In this above scenario, it is illogical for the object to return anObjectReference or anotherReference when called the hypothetical method which would return the variable name.
Which one.... really?
In this context, if you want to condition the method execution based on the variable which accesses the object, have an argument passed to indicate the variable (or the scenario) to a method you call.
In JavaScript, you can access an object instance's properties through the same notation as a dictionary. For example: counter['a'].
If your intent is to use counter.a within your new TimerFlex instance, why not just pass counter?
counter.a = new TimerFlex({debug: true, timerId: counter});
// Somewhere within the logic of TimerFlex...
// var a = counter.a;
This is definitely possible but is a bit ugly for obvious reasons. Needless to say, you must try to avoid such code.
However, I think this can have some application in debugging. My solution makes use of the ability to get the line number for a code using Error object and then reading the source file to get the identifier.
let fs = require('fs');
class Foo {
constructor(bar, lineAndFile) { = bar;
this.lineAndFile = lineAndFile;
toString() {
return `${} ${this.lineAndFile}`
let foo = new Foo(5, getLineAndFile());
console.log(foo.toString()); // 5 /Users/XXX/XXX/temp.js:11:22
readIdentifierFromFile(foo.lineAndFile); // let foo
function getErrorObject(){
try { throw Error('') } catch(err) { return err; }
function getLineAndFile() {
let err = getErrorObject();
let callerLine = err.stack.split("\n")[4];
let index = callerLine.indexOf("(");
return callerLine.slice(index+1, callerLine.length-1);
function readIdentifierFromFile(lineAndFile) {
let file = lineAndFile.split(':')[0];
let line = lineAndFile.split(':')[1];
fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
If you want to store the variable name with the Object reference, you can read the file synchronously once and then parse it to get the identifier from the required line number whenever required.

Is it bad practice to instantiate variables inside of $(document).ready as opposed to globally declaring them?

I'm trying to avoid the use of global variables in my code, so I'm trying to use a work around by declaring them inside of $(document).ready and passing them as parameters to functions outside of $(document).ready, updating them, and then returning the updated value from those functions to manipulate the variables inside of $(document).ready.
Another way around this is to use hidden input fields to store variables but I also heard that was bad practice.
I'm wondering if I should just use global variables, do it the way I'm currently doing it, or use hidden input fields?
Below is a brief example of what I'm trying to accomplish. The variable validations is the variable I want to be able to use and update.
var validations = [];
if(e.which == 13){
scanValidation(validations, function(valid){
validations = valid;
function scanValidation(valid, cb){
var scanval = $('#inp').val();
//display error
var validarr = valid.slice();
var myData=JSON.stringify({ "name":"user1", "validations":validarr});
//Makes an ajax call to see if the sent array validarr is a valid request
apiCall(myData,'scanValidation',function(decoded) {
if (decoded.Status!="ERROR") {
valid = validarr;
else {
//display error
Any variables declared within the immediately executed function below will NOT be in the global scope.
(function () {
var someVar = 'someValue';
$(document).ready(function() {
Is it bad practice to instantiate variables inside of $(document).ready as opposed to globally declaring them?
No, not at all! Variables should always be declared in the scope they're needed in, nowhere else.
Another way around this is to use hidden input fields to store variables but I also heard that was bad practice.
I've never heard of that, but yes it definitely sounds like a bad practise. That's just the same as a global variable, but a global variable stored in the DOM for some odd reason.
I'm trying to avoid the use of global variables in my code, so I'm trying to use a work around by declaring them inside of $(document).ready and passing them as parameters to functions outside of $(document).ready, updating them, and then returning the updated value from those functions to manipulate the variables inside of $(document).ready.
That, admittedly, is a bit weird.
The easiest way to improve this is to move the function declaration inside the ready handler as well, and just access the variable there directly - with the additional bonus of not having a scanValidation global variable:
$(document).ready(function() {
var validations = [];
function scanValidation() {
var scanval = $('#inp').val();
if (validations.includes(scanval)) {
//display error
} else {
var validarr = validations.slice();
var myData = JSON.stringify({"name": "user1", "validations": validarr});
// Makes an ajax call to see if the sent array validarr is a valid request
apiCall(myData, 'scanValidation', function(decoded) {
if (decoded.Status!="ERROR") {
validations = validarr;
} else {
//display error
if(e.which == 13){
If you want to make scanValidation reusable, so that it could be called from other places as well with its own array, I would suggest to create a factory function that creates validators, each of which is a closure over its own array. That way, the array is declared where it belongs, so that the user of the function does not have to store the state for them:
function makeScanValidator(display) { // any other configuration
var validations = [];
// returns closure
return function scanValidation(scanval) { // take it as an argument
if (validations.includes(scanval)) {
display(/* error */);
} else {
var validarr = validations.concat([scanval]);
var myData = JSON.stringify({"name": "user1", "validations": validarr});
apiCall(myData, 'scanValidation', function(decoded) {
if (decoded.Status!="ERROR") {
validations = validarr;
} else {
display(/* error */);
$(document).ready(function() {
var validate = makeScanValidator(function display() { … });
if(e.which == 13){

Using closure for storing and retrieving data

I am trying to use closure for storing and retrieving variable at the same time.
I am using JSONP and callback to the function
function geoIPInfo(newGeoData) {
var geoInfo;
if (newGeoData) {
geoInfo = newGeoData;
var provideGeoData = function () {
return geoInfo;
return provideGeoData();
I want firstly to store data and than retrieve last saved data from the closure using simple call like that
If argument provided it will set new info otherwise it will return existing one.
But in my case data is set successfully, but when I try to get set data I get undefined
$("#super_button").click(function (e) {
What is wrong with my closure understanding ?
Please explain.
Thank you.
This will work. The idea here is we create a function that returns a function with that accepts a parameter and we store geoInfo in a closure to keep it value. Idk if that makes sense, if you need a better explanation I can give it another try :)
var geoIPInfo = function() {
var geoInfo;
var provideGeoData = function (newGeoData) {
if (newGeoData) {
geoInfo = newGeoData;
return geoInfo;
return provideGeoData;
Each time you call geoIPInfo(), you're re-declaring the local variable geoInfo. You'll want to declare geoInfo once, and have it accessible to geoIPInfo() via a closure:
//Create a closure
var geoIPInfo = (function(){
//Private variable, available via closure
var geoInfo;
function geoIPInfo(newGeoData) {
if (newGeoData) {
geoInfo = newGeoData;
var provideGeoData = function () {
return geoInfo;
return provideGeoData();
return geoIPInfo;
alert(geoIPInfo()); //undefined
geoIPInfo('Some Data');
alert(geoIPInfo()); //'Some Data'
Here, we're creating a closure using an Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE).

Is there anyway to unit test javascript functions defined within a function?

I would just like to ask whether I would be able to unit test the code inside ExternalFunction within the document.ready? I have tried many things for a while now and still couldn't work out how, and am at my wits end.
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalExternalFunction = ExternalFunction;
ExternalFunction = function(context, param) {
// trying to unit test the stuff in here!
I'm unit testing using JsTestDriver. Test declaration is something like TestThisTest.prototype.test_this - function() {};
Thanks in advance.
Since, in your example, ExternalFunction is not declared within the scope of the function, it is global (or at least, in whatever scope it may have been defined in outside ready). You can therefore test it by calling it as a global.
The trouble is, in order to assign the function to ExternalFunction, you have to run ready (which you could run manually, if you need). This means that if you put any other functionality in ready, then no, it is not unit testable. If your example code is an accurate reflection of reality, then I suppose it is kinda testable.
The point of a construct like this, is to hide the inner function. If you don't wish to hide it, then Anon.'s suggestion of defining newExternalFunction in a more accessible scope is what you need.
If your function needs to be a closure using variables from within ready, you could define newExternalFunction thus:
var newExternalFunction;
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalExternalFunction = ExternalFunction;
newExternalFunction = function(context, param) {
// trying to unit test the stuff in here!
ExternalFunction = newExternalFunction;
You would still need to ensure that ready has run, prior to unit testing, but you wouldn't have to rely on ExternalFunction not being reset to originalExternalFunction.
You could do something like:
function newExternalFunction(context, param) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalExternalFunction = ExternalFunction;
ExternalFunction = newExternalFunction;
Then it's relatively straightforward to run your unit tests on newExternalFunction.
Theoretically, you could do something like:
ExternalFunction = function() { }
ExecuteDocumentReady(); // implement a mock on $(document).ready(fn) to store the function, and then execute it here
ExternalFunction(fakeContext, fakeParam);
assert( == 12); // or whatever you need it to do
That being said, I'm not sure exactly how to do that in javascript.
You could use a closure to generate your callback function:
// create function to make your "extension" function
function createHookFunction(callback) {
// return a function
return function(context, param) {
var ret;
// // trying to unit test the stuff in here!
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
// if you want to trap the return value from callback,
// ret = callback.apply(...);
callback.apply(this, arguments);
return ret;
// your hook now becomes:
$(document).ready(function() {
ExternalFunction = createHookFunction(ExternalFunction);
// and your unit test becomes:
var funcToTest = createHookFunction();
funcToTest(testContext, testParam);
// And, you could even test that the callback itself gets called
function someTest() {
var testContext = {}, testParam='test';
var callbackCalled = false;
var funcToTest = createHookFunction(function(context, param) {
callbackCalled = (context === testContext) && (param === testParam);
return (funcToTest(testContext, testParam) == 'Expected Return') && callbackCalled;

