jQuery update li class attribute href after ajax call - javascript

I'm using my Wordpress site and have a popup modal window that just presents some radio buttons (#input_1_1). When changing value of the radio button field an ajax call is run and performs a simple mySql table update. All goes well and I would like to perform a change of the text of the href I used to open the window in the first place.
Below is the javascript I got so far, but the second JQuery row from the bottom does not execute the change I want. Regardless of even just trying to change the simple target url.
jQuery("body").css("cursor", "wait");
var commitmentID = jQuery("#gform_1 input[type='radio']:checked").val();
url:"<?php bloginfo( 'wpurl' ); ?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
data:'action=gf_submit_1_1&commitmentID=' + commitmentID,
//Here is the problem I've been working on for too many hours/days now
jQuery("#et-secondary-nav > li.popmake-fast-select-commitment.current_commitment_text.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.menu-item-563").attr('href',"http://www.TheSameUrlButILikeADifferentTextToIt.com");
//See line above
jQuery("body").css("cursor", "default");
This is how the HTML for that part of the page looks like
<div id="et-secondary-menu">
<ul id="et-secondary-nav" class="menu">
<li class="bp-menu bp-profile-nav menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-152"></li>
<li class="popmake-fast-select-commitment current_commitment_text menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-563" style="cursor: pointer;">
<a href="http://www.myoriginalurlisjustfine.com/">
<i class="wp-svg-heart heart"></i>

while you use
jQuery("#et-secondary-nav > li.popmake-fast-select-commitment.current_commitment_text.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.menu-item-563")
and this will just select the li which not has a href attr so you need to use (> a)
jQuery("#et-secondary-nav > li.popmake-fast-select-commitment.current_commitment_text.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.menu-item-563 > a").attr('href',"http://www.TheSameUrlButILikeADifferentTextToIt.com");

jQuery("#et-secondary-nav > li.popmake-fast-select-commitment.current_commitment_text.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.menu-item-563").attr('href',"http://www.TheSameUrlButILikeADifferentTextToIt.com");
you are seleting the li here not a
change it to
jQuery("#et-secondary-nav > li.popmake-fast-select-commitment.current_commitment_text.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.menu-item-563 > a").attr('href',"http://www.TheSameUrlButILikeADifferentTextToIt.com");

jQuery("#et-secondary-nav > li.popmake-fast-select-commitment.current_commitment_text.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.menu-item-563 a").attr('href',"http://www.TheSameUrlButILikeADifferentTextToIt.com");
to change the href. As others pointed out, you weren't change the <a> but the <li>.
Check https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/ for reference on jQuery selectors.


JQuery on click link with href atribute

I have the following code structure. Its a set of wordpress tabs. I have many tabs all over the website, using Jquery i want to trigger a function when a user clicks one of the links, however i cant apply a ID atribute so my funtion below doesnt work...any suggestions?
$('#1485856532455-70ee0dfe').on('click', function() {
$('.otherdiv').css('background-image', 'url(http://placehold.it/200x200/ff0000)');
<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span></li>
You can't select them by ID because they don't have IDs. But you can use CSS Atrribute-Equal Selector to get them by href attribute. Like this:
$('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {
// ...
More CSS Selectors here.
Working code snippet:
$('[href = "#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').click(function() {
alert("#1485856532455-70ee0dfe was clicked! Hoooray!");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<a href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"> <span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
<li class="vc_tta-tab">
<span class="vc_tta-title-text">Title</span>
Use attribute selector then :
$('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {....});
$('#1485856532455-70ee0dfe').on('click', function() { - means that on page we have some element with id 1485856532455-70ee0dfe. In your html code no id with text 1485856532455-70ee0dfe, thats why your code not work.
You have two case to fix:
add id's to needed element
change js to $('[href="1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {
You cant give a id to a link like that. However you can select the link with jquery by doing $('[href="#1485856532455-70ee0dfe"]').on('click', function() {....});

Register single click on list item child elements

I have the following HTML structure:
<li class="is_tab" id="geometry_tab">
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#geometry_tab_collapse">
<i class="pe-7s-plugin"></i>
<b class="caret"></b>
<div class="collapse" id="geometry_tab_collapse">
<ul class="nav">
<li class="is_tab" id="pipe_geometry_tab">Pipe Geometry</li>
Using jQuery, my objective is to retrieve the <li> id on click, irrespective of whether the user clicks li.is_tab, li.is_tab > a, li.is_tab > a > p, or li.is_tab > a > i. Moreover, I would like the same event handler to be capable of distinguishing between clicks on #pipe_geometry_tab and #geometry_tab, i.e., simply returning a single, correct id when one or the other is clicked.
My question is this:
Given the following snippet,
$(<selector>).on("click", function(){...})
is there a <selector> that will register a single click on li.is_tab regardless of whether it or its a, i, or p children is clicked?
If not, I would appreciate any recommendations on how to go about this.
PS I've tried quite a few things, but rather than bloat this post with them, I'm hoping someone more experienced feels this has an obvious solution.
$('li.is_tab').on("click", function(e){...});
^^ that should work fine and anything that is clicked on the li will be handled.
If you want the li that was clicked you can look at e.currentTarget if you want to see the actual element that was clicked you can use e.target
So if you want the id of the li that was clicked you can use e.currentTarget.id

Jquery ajax clear before reload

I know this is a topic discussed here many times, but none of the solution of the site have helped me....
I'm having two nav items and both of them load two different PHP files by using jquery ajax. I'm using jquery mobile.
My problem is that whenever i click on the other nav item the other one doesn't clear itself, so basically i get div on top of div.
I've tried .html(""); but hasn't worked for me so far.
<div id="tabs">
<li><a class="classloader1">Upcoming</a></li>
<li><a class="classloader2">History</a></li>
<div id="content"></div>
I would try a different tab structure like
<div id="tabs">
<li><a class="classloader one">Upcoming</a></li>
<li><a class="classloader two">History</a></li>
where both elements share the classloader class name. Then I would use jQuery .html() to load the content but returning the specific file depending on the clicked tab like :
$(".classloader").on("click", function (event) {
var file = $(event.target).hasClass("one") ? "get.php" : "history.php";
$("#content").html(function () {
return $(this).load(file);
If you have more than two tabs, you could use a switch statement to set the value of the file var.
UPDATE : see DEMO using jQuery mobile.

Using .click instead of onclick and getting a variable value

I have seen that the inline/html events like onclick, mouseover etc are being used less and less and it is advised to register events using Javascript.
I currently have some HTML like:
<ul id="supported-locations">
<li onclick="setLocationId(32);">Mexico</li>
<li onclick="setLocationId(35);">Mongolia</li>
Which works fine but I want to now do this without the "onclick" in the HTML but still be able to retrieve the ID number.
The <li> elements are retrieved via AJAX while the user types into an input box it queries the database and retrieve the data without loading the page.
When the user clicks on one of the countries it will run the setLocationId function which just simply sets a hidden HTML form element with the ID of the selected country so I can use that once the form is submitted.
How do you register an event listener for these <li>'s when the countries and their ID's will always be different and changing depending on what the user types into the box?
Use a data attribute to hold the number. On the onclick event, read the attribute on the element that was clicked.
<ul id="supported-locations">
<li data-code="32">Mexico</li>
<li data-code="35">Mongolia</li>
$("#supported-locations").on("click", "li", function() {
var li = $(this);
<ul id="supported-locations">
<li data-id="32">Mexico</li>
<li data-id="35">Mongolia</li>
in jQuery
<ul id="supported-locations">
<li data-id="32">Mexico</li>
<li data-id="35">Mongolia</li>
$('#supported-locations li').click(function(){
I recommend giving a class to the dynamically loaded elements, then use jquery .on(http://api.jquery.com/on/) method to register event listeneres to elements belonging to a class, even those that are dinamically loaded..
Then you could just read out the data stored in the element(in the form of data-something attributes).
<ul id="supported-locations>
<li id="32">Mexico</li>
<li id="35">Mongolia</li>
$("#supported-locations > li").on('click',function(){
When you register your event, you still have the ability to use this, which is linked to the HTML element.
In other word, you still can do something like that
<li id="YOUR_ID">Mexico</li>
And get the id of the li tag
You can attach an event handler to the li:
<ul id="supported-locations">
<li id="location32">Mexico</li>
<li id="location35">Mongolia</li>
$("#supported-locations li").click(function() {
try this.
$("#supported-locations li").click(function() {

Creating a javascript function to switch classes between list elements depending on which one has been clicked

I am trying to create a function to change the class on a series of 5 list elements depending on which has been clicked. The goal is to change the style of the element depending on which one is the current element.
I had tried something like this:
function addClass(obj)
and then added this to my elements:
but this only added the class to the first element in the list and then did not remove the class when a different one was clicked.
My list elements look like this:
<ul id="circularMenu">
<li id="strategy_link"><h3>Strategy</h3></li>
<li id="branding_link" onclick="addClass(this);"><h3>Branding</h3></li>
<li id="marketing_link" onclick="addClass(this);"><h3>Marketing</h3></li>
<li id="media_link" onclick="addClass(this);"><h3>Media</h3></li>
<li id="management_link" onclick="addClass(this);"><h3>Management</h3></li>
When an item is clicked the url changes, maybe this could be the way to set up the function to change classes depending on the url? I am very new with javascript any ideas on how to make this work would be greatly appreciated.
The current way I have it coded is to change each item when hovered, but I would like the change to remain until a different item is clicked. It can be viewed here: http://perksconsulting.com/dev/capabilties.php The items I am referring to are the black dots on the left side of the page.
First, you should use the jQuery addClass() method. You don't need to write your own (your addClass() implementation is buggy, by the way).
Try this:
function selectInList(obj)
<ul id="circularMenu">
<li id="strategy_link"><h3>Strategy</h3></li>
<li id="branding_link" onclick="selectInList(this);"><h3>Branding</h3></li>
<li id="marketing_link" onclick="selectInList(this);"><h3>Marketing</h3></li>
<li id="media_link" onclick="selectInList(this);"><h3>Media</h3></li>
<li id="management_link" onclick="selectInList(this);"><h3>Management</h3></li>
Or even better, keep your html clean and let jQuery simplify things:
<ul id="circularMenu">
<li id="strategy_link"><h3>Strategy</h3></li>
<li id="branding_link"><h3>Branding</h3></li>
<li id="marketing_link"><h3>Marketing</h3></li>
<li id="media_link"><h3>Media</h3></li>
<li id="management_link"><h3>Management</h3></li>
Then, somewhere in your page:
$("#circularMenu").children("a").click(function() { selectInList(this) });
Try this out.
function addClass(obj)

