How do I attach checkboxes to a submit - javascript

I have unknown amount of checkbox inputs on a page created based on rows in an sql database.
The checkboxes look like:
<input type="checkbox" class="deletefunc" value="<? echo $mid; ?>">
The checkboxes are intended, when checked and submitted, to delete a row from the database based on the value of $mid
The checkboxes could be either loose (not contained in any forms), or each could be contained in its own form (without a submit button). There is no way however to contain all the checkboxes in one form.
The reason is it's displayed in a loop with output like this:
<td><input type="checkbox" class="deletefunc" value="<? echo $mid; ?>"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" class="star" value="1"> <!-- jquery/ajax onclick function --></td>
<td><a href></td>
<td><form name....><input type="submit" value="something"></form></td>
So what I need help understanding is, how to gather all the checkboxes based on classname, and attach them to a submit button....
And further, how would I write the loop function so it knows how many deletes to perform? What I mean is, how would I write a loop that would get the values from an unknown amount of inputs. Normally I know how many inputs there are and what the names are so its a matter of assigning a variable for each input.... I've never done this with an unknown amount of inputs.

I would do it like this:
<input type="checkbox" class="deletefunc" value="<? echo $mid; ?>">
<button id="delete-them">Delete Them</button>
$(function() {
$('#delete-them').on('click', function() {
var data = $('.deletefunc').attr('name', 'delete[]').serialize();
$.ajax('delete-them.php', {
method: 'POST',
data: data,
success: function() {
$ids = $_POST['delete'];
$params = array_fill(0, count($ids), "?");
$sql = "DELETE FROM some_table WHERE id IN (" . implode(",", $params) . ")";
//DELETE FROM some_table WHERE id IN(?,?,?,?);
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb', 'user', 'pass');
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
So we basically listen for a click on our button, when it happens, we set the name (with [] at the end so it becomes an array) for all of the items with the class we care about, so that when we serialize those items we know how to reference it in our PHP.
We then POST that data over to the server, where we read the array we just sent, see how many there are, and then create a query to delete those items.


How to get value of buttons in a PHP foreach loop in Javascript

I'm working on a very simple social media webapp to practice PHP & Ajax. Users get some friend suggestions, and when they send a request I want the recipient to get a little notification using Ajax.
The request button is in a foreach loop, like so:
<?php foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) : ?>
<form action="" method="post" id="formRequest">
<input type="hidden" name="userID" class="userID" value="<?php echo $userID ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="buddyID" class="buddyID" value="<?php echo $suggestion['userID'] ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Add as friend" name="request" class="request">
To test if Ajax gets the right buddyID value when I click 'Add' a specific user, I have tried this:
let request = document.querySelector(".request");
request.addEventListener("click", function() {
let buddyID = document.querySelector(".buddyID").value;
but this only logs the first suggested buddy's ID (so only when I click the first button); the console stays empty when I add the 2nd or 3rd suggested buddy.
My guess is I'll have to use a for loop, but when I tried to add one it wouldn't print anything at all.
In order to assign the click event listener to all the buttons rather than just to one you could try something like this using querySelectorAll to find the nodelist through which you iterate.
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="submit"].request' ) ).forEach( bttn=>{
let'.userID').value; buddyID, userID );
You could simplify things further by removing the forms ( which don't really do anything here anyway if you use AJAX ) and simply have a singular button per record / suggestion that has the necessary information assigned to it in the form of dataset attributes.
foreach( $suggestions as $suggestion ) {
<input class="request" type='button' data-buddyID="<?php echo $suggestion['userID'];?>" data-userID="<?php echo $userID;?>" value="Add as friend" />
Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="button"].request' ) ).forEach( bttn=>{
let buddyID=this.dataset.buddyID;
let userID=this.dataset.userID; buddyID, userID );

changing data output with onchange event

I have an option box which lists the users of something in my site. I then have two input boxes. One for wins and another for losses. I am trying to create an onchange event, so that whenever a certain user is selected from the option box, the php will output that users info. As of now the output is not changing. What am I doing wrong with my onchange event?
function myFunction() {
var wins_var = document.getElementById('wins');
var losses_var = document.getElementById('losses');
PHP that outputs the data and html with inputs
if ($stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM team_rankings WHERE user_id=user_id")) {
$stmt->bind_result($ranking_id, $ranking_user_id, $ranking_firstname, $ranking_username, $ranking_division, $ranking_wins, $ranking_losses);
if (!$stmt) {
throw new Exception($con->error);
echo "<select name = 'member' onchange='myFunction()'>";
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
echo "<option value = '{$ranking_user_id}' data-wins = '{$ranking_wins}' data-losses = '{$ranking_losses}'";
echo ">{$ranking_firstname}</option>";
echo "</select>";
} else {
echo "<p>There are not any team players yet.</p>";
catch (Exception $e)
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $ranking_wins; ?>" id="win">
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $ranking_losses; ?>" id="losse">
You're on the right lines, and you don't need to do any Ajax just to achieve what you asked in your question.
The main problem is that in your Javascript, you get a reference to the two inputs for wins and losses, but you don't actually assign any value to them.
Assuming you're using jQuery (as you tagged it), then it's much easier to use this for the onchange binding and value assignments.
Firstly, you just need to make sure your "member" select has an ID instead (or as well) as a name, and you don't need the "onchange" as we'll bind that with jQuery:
echo "<select id = 'member'>";
Then, your Javascript just needs to look like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#member").change(function() {
function myFunction() {
$selectedOption = $("#member option:selected");
The initial $(document).ready() function sets up the onchange binding to call myFunction(), and the second myFunction() call just ensures the wins and losses inputs are populated for the default selected option on the initial page load.
JS Fiddle here:
Oh yes, and finally, your wins and losses inputs just need to look like this:
<input type="text" value="" id="wins">
<input type="text" value="" id="losses">
Note that I corrected a couple of typos in their IDs.

PHP grab corresponding column id

I have the following html/php table:
<table id="blacklistgrid">
<tr id="Row1">
<td class="space"> </td>
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT assignment,a_id FROM assignments WHERE groupid=0");
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo'<td class="columnname" id="'.$row['a_id'].'" contenteditable="true">'.$row['assignment'].'</td>';
$('.columnname').keyup(function() {
var text= $('.columnname').text();
var id= $('.columnname').attr('id')
data:{text:text, id:id},
console.log('success bro!');
}, 500 );
var delay = (function(){
var timer = 0;
return function(callback, ms){
clearTimeout (timer);
timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT name,memberid_fk FROM groupsort INNER JOIN members ON groupsort.memberid_fk=members.memberid WHERE group_id_fk=0");
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo' <tr id="Row2">';
echo' <td>';
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT submitted FROM userassignment WHERE userid=".$row['memberid_fk']." and groupid=0");
if ($row2['submitted']==0){
echo' <td>';
echo' <input type="checkbox" name="red" />';
echo' </td>';
}else if ($row2['submitted']==1) {
echo' <td>';
echo' <input type="checkbox" name="red" checked />';
echo' </td>';
echo' </tr>';
Im creating a system to keep track of who submits their homework, so it is in the form of a table. On the left side would be all the names of people (in the class), and the right are individual columns with the names of various assignments.
I am using contenteditable to update the name of the assignment/ and also checkboxes to tick when a student/person submits his assignment.
However, in order to make the tick work, what happens is i need to get the corresponding .columnclass id (which i have assigned as the assignmentid), for me to update the correct field.
The issue now is that the columnclass php is in the front while loop, so im not very sure how to access the column class id from the second php whileloop. QUESTION: Is there a way for php to grab the id of the td(an element) without using javascript?
If user submitted assignment, the submitted row in my table would be 1, so then php would display checked checkboxes. However, as per its mysql query, i need to add the assignment id as well, which can be retrieved from the ID of the corresponding td columnclass id.
The table looks something like this:
Assignment 1 Assignment 2
So lets say i want to see if name1 submitted assignment1, then in my mysql table, i need to feed it both the userid AND the corresponding assignment id, therefore to retrieve the assignment id, i need to grab the id of the "assignment 1" .columnclass element's id (which i stored the value of assignmentid) I feel that this is a hack, is there a better way to do this?
Note i removed the add column/row code in the code snippet above to increase simplicity.
To make it even simpler to understand the table code above, the table is created like this:
(row 1) emptytd1 td2(assignment)..
(row 2) td1(name) td2(checkbox)..
To determine if td2 should be checked, i need to query the database, and to do that, since there are multiple users and multiple assignments, i need the name and the assignment, the name is easy to get since it is within the query, but the assignment is in the previous php while loop.
Looks like, when you get to listing out the users in your table, you're not looping over the existing assignments. What you have only writes to the first assignment column, regardless of what assignment the user submitted.
So, below are a few tweaks of your existing code. First I added two lines to your assignments header row, marked with comments. The first creates an assignments array (for later use), and the second loads that array with the existing assignments.
Then, when looping over the users, for each user I added a loop over the existing assignments array. This accomplishes two things, 1) it puts aligns the assignments to the appropriate column, and 2) it gives you the assignment id you need to check if the user submitted the assignment. (I also used prepared statements for added security.)
NOTE: I'm guessing that your "userassignment" table has a field named "a_id" that gets set along with "userid" when a user submits an assignment.
<table id="blacklistgrid">
<tr id="Row1">
<td class="space"> </td>
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT assignment,a_id FROM assignments WHERE groupid=0");
$assignments = array(); // create empty assignments array
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo'<td class="columnname" id="'.$row['a_id'].'" contenteditable="true">'.$row['assignment'].'</td>';
$assignments[$row['a_id']] = $row['assignment']; // add assignment to array
$('.columnname').keyup(function() {
var text= $('.columnname').text();
var id= $('.columnname').attr('id')
data:{text:text, id:id},
console.log('success bro!');
}, 500 );
var delay = (function(){
var timer = 0;
return function(callback, ms){
clearTimeout (timer);
timer = setTimeout(callback, ms);
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT name,memberid_fk FROM groupsort INNER JOIN members ON groupsort.memberid_fk=members.memberid WHERE group_id_fk=0");
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo' <tr id="Row2">';
echo' <td>';
foreach ( $assignments as $a_id => $assignment ) {
$query2=mysqli_prepare($mysqli, "SELECT submitted FROM userassignment WHERE userid=? and groupid=0 and a_id=?"); // added assignment id condition
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query2, "ii", $row['memberid_fk'], $a_id);
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($query2, $submitted);
$checked = ( $submitted )? 'checked': '';
echo" <td> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"red\" $checked /> </td>";
} // end assignments array loop
echo' </tr>';

How to get name by ID from other table

I have a table name "drug". It has column name "ingredians".
"ingredians" field has text (varchar)
I can select the "ingredians" using dropdown box.
<td width="100px"><center>
<select name="drugitem" style="width:100px; height:30px;" >
<? $sc="SELECT * FROM drug";
?><option value='<? echo $scf[id];?>'><? echo $scf[ingredians];?></option>
<? } ;?>
And then I want to pass this "ingredians" both ID and VALUE to another table called "temp".
'temp' table has two colomns to catch these data called "drugitemid" and "drugitemname"
How can I pass both values.
Though your question is bit vague. As per my understanding what you need is to concat name with id in value for ingredients & than on other page you can use them after exploding with -,
<option value='<? echo $scf[ingredians].'-'.$scf[id];?>'><? echo $scf[ingredians];?></option>
On next page:
list($drugname, $drugid) = explode('-', $_POST['drugitem']);
Note: It's irrelevant to save both foreign id & name in any table.
You can use jquery. On this dropdown change event get value from.
var val_id = $("#yordropdown_id").val();
var name = $("#yordropdown_id option[value="+val_id+"]").text();
Then send ajax request with those id and names and save it to your temp table.
I think it makes sense!

Separating variables for SQL insert using PHP and JavaScript

A grid table is displayed via PHP/MySQL that has a column for a checkbox that the user will check. The name is "checkMr[]", shown here:
echo "<tr><td>
<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"{$Row[CONTAINER_NUMBER]}\"
data-info=\"{$Row[BOL_NUMBER]}\" data-to=\"{$Row[TO_NUMBER]}\"
name=\"checkMr[]\" />
As you will notice, there is are attributes for id, data-info, and data-to that are sent to a modal window. Here is the JavaScript that sends the attributes to the modal window:
<script type="text/javascript">
var selectedID = [];
var selectedBL = [];
var selectedTO = [];
$(".modal-body .containerNumber").val( selectedID );
$(".modal-body .bolNumber").val( selectedBL );
$(".modal-body .toNumber").val( selectedTO );
So far so good. The modal retrieves the attributes via javascript. I can choose to display them or not. Here is how the modal retrieves the attributes:
<div id="myModal">
<div class="modal-body">
<form action="" method="POST" name="modalForm">
<input type="hidden" name="containerNumber" class="containerNumber" id="containerNumber" />
<input type="hidden" name="bolNumber" class="bolNumber" id="bolNumber" />
<input type="hidden" name="toNumber" class="toNumber" id="toNumber" />
There are additional fields within the form that the user will enter data, I just chose not to display the code. But so far, everything works. There is a submit button that then sends the form data to PHP variables. There is a mysql INSERT statement that then updates the necessary table.
Here is the PHP code (within the modal window):
$bol = $_POST['bolNumber'];
$container = $_POST['containerNumber'];
$to = $_POST['toNumber'];
$bol = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($bol));
$container = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($container));
$to = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($to));
$sql_query_string =
"INSERT INTO myTable (bol, container_num, to_num)
VALUES ('$bol', '$container', '$to')
echo ("<script language='javascript'>
echo ("<script language='javascript'>
window.alert('Not Saved')
All of this works. The user checks a checkbox, the modal window opens, the user fills out additional form fields, hits save, and as long as there are no issues, the appropriate window will pop and say "Saved."
Here is the issue: when the user checks MULTIPLE checkboxes, the modal does indeed retrieve multiple container numbers and I can display it. They seem to be already separated by a comma.
The problem comes when the PHP variables are holding multiple container numbers (or bol numbers). The container numbers need to be separated, and I guess there has to be a way the PHP can automatically create multiple INSERT statements for each container number.
I know the variables need to be placed in an array somehow. And then there has to be a FOR loop that will read each container and separate them if there is a comma.
I just don't know how to do this.
When you send array values over HTTP as with [], they will already be arrays in PHP, so you can already iterate over them:
foreach ($_POST['bol'] as $bol) {
"INSERT INTO bol VALUES ('$bol')";
Your queries are vulnerable to injection. You should be using properly parameterized queries with PDO/mysqli
Assuming the *_NUMBER variables as keys directly below are integers, use:
echo '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" value="'.json_encode(array('CONTAINER_NUMBER' => $Row[CONTAINER_NUMBER], 'BOL_NUMBER' => $Row[BOL_NUMBER], 'TO_NUMBER' => $Row[TO_NUMBER])).'" name="checkMr[]" /></td>';
$('a#specifyAnchor').click(function() {
var selectedCollection = [];
$(':checkbox[name="checkMr[]"]:checked').each(function() {
$(".modal-body #checkboxCollections").val( selectedCollection );
<form action="" method="POST" name="modalForm">
<input type="hidden" name="checkboxCollections" id="checkboxCollections" />
$cc = $_POST['checkboxCollections'];
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
foreach ($cc as $v) {
$arr = json_decode($v);
$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO myTable (bol, container_num, to_num) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $arr['BOL_NUMBER'], $arr['CONTAINER_NUMBER'], $arr['TO_NUMBER']);
// If query fails, do this...
// Else...
Some caveats:
Notice the selector I used for your previous $('a').click() function. Do this so your form updates only when a specific link is clicked.
I removed your mysql_real_escape_string functions due to laziness. Make sure your data can be inserted into the table correctly.
Make sure you protect yourself against SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Be sure to test my code. You may have to change some things but understand the big picture here.

