ngResource/$resource not injected correctly - javascript

The current task is to write a client for an API. The $resource module is not getting injected correctly. I have injected ngResource to the module, and then also passed it into the factory declaration. However inside the controller, if I try to console.log($resource), I get the following error:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating '$resource('',options)')
I am convinced the issue is happening/not happening in app.js, but receptive to input if you have other ideas. Can you help me spot the problem?
function restClient ($resource) {
'use strict';
var options = {};
return {
endpoint: self.endpoint,
sendRequest: sendRequest
function init () {
self.endpoint = '';
function sendRequest () {
$resource('', options);
return true;
module.exports = restClient;
var angular = require('angular');
// imports
(function (angular, config, loaders, controllers, services, providers) {
'use strict';
.module('at.annabel', [
// constants
.constant('translations', config.translations)
// config
// services
['$resource', services.restClient]
// controllers
// config
menu: require('./config/menu').config
// loaders
localeLoader: require('./config/locale-loader')
// controllers
PlaceholderController: require('./modules/placeholder/placeholder-controller')
// services
restClient: require('./services/restClient')
locationProvider: require('./config/location-provider')

It turned out to be there the whole time. Since the app does not invoke restClient.js in the browser, I was only seeing the module invoked in test. The test runner wasn't properly set up for $resource, and $resource needed to be injected into the module by the test. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and investigate. I got caught up on the app.js file, because it is so unconventional, but turns out the whole file is legit.


Syntax for Extending AngularJS Route Provider

Hopefully this question doesn't get erroneously marked as a duplicate.
I am attempting to extend the AngularJS $routeProvider, as suggested as a response to a previous question. Unfortunately, this is not working, and I may have the syntax incorrect.
Here is a sanitized version of my "top-level" module:
// app.js
angular.module('app', ['ngRoute', 'ngSanitize'
, 'main'
.provider('appRoute', ['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
this.$get = function($http) {
console.log("Instantiaing $rmaRouteProvider");
var universalResolves = {authorize: function($http) {
return $http.get('/svc/authorize/view?urlPath=' + path)
.then(function(response) {
var data =;
if ( === 'NOT_AUTHORIZED') {
console.log("finished authorized()");
return data;
var rmaRouteProvider = angular.extend({}, $routeProvider, {
when: function(path, route) {
route.resolve = (route.resolve) ? route.resolve : {};
angular.extend(route.resolve, universalResolves);
$routeProvider.when(path, route);
return this;
return rmaRouteProvider;
Here is my main.js, where I am attempting to define routes using the appRoute provider instead of the $routeProvider:
angular.module('admin', ['ngRoute', 'ngSanitize', 'ngCsv'])
.config(['appRouteProvider', function(appRouteProvider) {
appRouteProvider.when('/route', {
templateUrl: 'pageTemplate.tmpl.html',
controller: 'pageCtrl'
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app due to:
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module main due to:
[$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: appRouteProvider$injector/unpr?p0=%24appRouteProvider
As I said, I'm hoping this is an error with my syntax.
Edit: I realize that instatiation of providers is load-order specific. The app.js is the first <script> imported in the application index.html file and should be loaded first.
Edit 2: I have updated this question to the following: Custom Route Provider when is not a function

AngularJS module.controller vs $controllerProvider.register

I'm trying to add controller dynamically in my AngularJS application.
On sub-domain, I have anotherController.js file.
Here's anotherController.js content:
function anotherControllerWrapper() {
return ['$scope', '$state', function ($scope, $state) {
$scope.doWork = function () {
//...doing some work...
alert('work done');
Also I have wrote runtimeController provider to be able to use $controllerProvider in runtime:
app.provider('runtimeController', function () {
var controllerProvider = null;
this.setControllerProvider = function (cp) {
controllerProvider = cp;
this.$get = function () {
return {
registerController: function (controllerName, controllerConstructor) {
if (!controllerProvider.has(controllerName)) {
controllerProvider.register(controllerName, controllerConstructor);
Here's config section of application:
app.config(function($controllerProvider, runtimeControllerProvider) {
I'm receiving controller's code over http (inside another controller), so it looks like this:
app.controller('testController', ['$scope', '$state', '$http', 'runtimeController',
function ($scope, $state, $http, runtimeController) {
var evaluated = new Function('return ' +;
var ctrl = evaluated();
// routing to ui state with specified 'anotherController' works
// no 'anotherController' in app._invokeQueue
runtimeController.registerController('anotherController', ctrl);
// routing to ui state with specified 'anotherController' constanly fails
// 'anotherController' appears in app._invokeQueue
//app.controller('anotherController', ctrl);
//--registering new UI route with 'anotherController' as controller here
function(error){ alert('something went wrong!'); },
Ui states are also added dymanically, after I'm adding controller.
Can someone explain me please, what's happening and what's difference between $controllerProvider.register and module.controller?
Module methods (controller, directive, etc) result in adding a config block (_configBlocks) that is executed on application initialization. Once the application has passed config phase, it won't execute newly added config blocks, so app.controller(...) has no effect during run phase.
As this example shows, runtimeController implementation can be simplified to
app.config(($provide, $controllerProvider) => {
$provide.value('$controllerProvider', $controllerProvider);
eval should be avoided for numerous reasons. Considering that the script is loaded from a domain that is allowed by CORS and doesn't require to be evaled, a suitable alternative is to load it as a script. This will require to patch AngularJS API to allow late component registrations, similarly to how ocLazyLoad does - or just use ocLazyLoad, because it already does that.

Using Browserify with Angular JS - - Passing a service into a Controller

As the title suggests I've recently started a new project where I'm using Browserify (and Gulp) to concatenate my Angular JS files (and the Angular sourcefile) into a single file - bundle.js.
I've decided to split my controllers, services and directives into separate files and then "require" them into my app.js file using Browserify like this:
(function () {
'use strict';
var tabCtrl = require('./controllers/tabs'),
dataService = require('./services/');
angular.module("citiToolsApp", [])
.service('dataService', ['$scope', dataService])
.controller('TabController', ['$scope', tabCtrl]);
However when I try to access my service - dataService - from within my Tab Controller like this:
module.exports = function($scope, tabController) {
dataService.getPrograms(function (response) {
I get an undefined error. I believe I need to pass dataService into the tabController but I'm unsure on the syntax to do this. Can anyone help with this?
I've also added the contents of my service file for further detail:
module.exports = function($http) {
this.getPrograms = function(callback) {
I've realised my own mistake. I needed to pass in $http rather than $scope. So instead of:
(function () {
'use strict';
var tabCtrl = require('./controllers/tabs'),
dataService = require('./services/');
angular.module("citiToolsApp", [])
.service('dataService', ['$scope', dataService])
.controller('TabController', ['$scope', tabCtrl]);
It should be:
(function () {
'use strict';
var tabCtrl = require('./controllers/tabs'),
dataService = require('./services/');
angular.module("citiToolsApp", [])
.service('dataService', ['$http', dataService])
.controller('TabController', ['$scope', tabCtrl]);

A constant declared in my main module is not available in other modules/services?

I have a constant declared on my main module that links the other modules together in angular:
.constant('FIREBASE_URL', '')
Unfortunately, I can't seem to pass it in to other controllers and services of other modules. Is there a way around this or something I am missing?
Edit with more detail:
//add the constant to the main module
angular.module('app', [
.controller('MainCtrl', MainCtrl)
.value('version', '1.0.1')
.constant('FIREBASE_URL', '')
.factory('Subscribe', Subscribe);
function Subscribe($firebase, FIREBASE_URL) {
var Subscriptions = {
subscribeStatus: subscribeStatus, //try to use FIREBASE_URL in this function
loginStatus : loginStatus

All AngularJS Controllers Not Loading with LazyLoad

I am trying to lazy load my controllers for my AngularJS app I built along side with requireJS. I have created a custom "lazyLoad" library that creates a resolve object in app.config() routes (also I am using ui-router). If I code the state (without my library) to look like so it works
define(['angular', 'lazyLoader', 'uiRouter'], function(angular, lazyLoader, uiRouter){
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router']);
app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $controllerProvider, $compileProvider, $filterProvider, $provide) {
window.lazy = {
controller: $controllerProvider.register,
directive: $compileProvider.directive,
filter: $filterProvider.register,
factory: $provide.factory,
service: $provide.service
.state('campaigns', {
views: {
"top-nav" : {
templateUrl: 'views/home/top-nav.html',
resolve : {
load : ['$q', '$rootScope', function($q, $rootScope){
var d = $q.defer();
require(['../app/controllers/header-controller'], function() {
return d.promise;
"fullpage": {
templateUrl: 'views/home/index.html',
resolve : {
load : ['$q', '$rootScope', function($q, $rootScope){
var d = $q.defer();
require(['../app/controllers/home-controller'], function() {
return d.promise;
//controller: 'home-controller'
return app;
If I attempt to replace the resolve object with my library function it looks would look like this:
define(['angular', 'lazyLoader', 'uiRouter'], function(angular, lazyLoader, uiRouter){
.state('home', lazyLoader.route({
views: {
"top-nav" : {
templateUrl: 'views/home/top-nav.html',
controllerUrl: '../app/controllers/header-controller'
"fullpage": {
templateUrl: 'views/home/index.html',
controllerUrl: '../app/controllers/home-controller'
define(function () {
'use strict';
function LazyLoader() {}
LazyLoader.prototype.route = function(config){
var controllerPath;
if(config && config.views){
var singleView = Object.keys(config.views);
for(var i in singleView){
var viewName = singleView[i];
controllerPath = config.views[viewName].controllerUrl;
delete config.views.controllerUrl;
config.views[viewName].resolve = {
load : ['$q', '$rootScope', function($q, $rootScope){
var d = $q.defer();
require([controllerPath], function() {
return d.promise;
return config;
return new LazyLoader();
Example Controller
define(['app/module'], function (module) {
lazy.controller('header-controller', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
// stuff here
On a side note I plan on implementing something better than attaching lazy variable to window.
When I code the router like the first example it works. When I use my lazyLoader the one of the two views loads it's controller, the second view's controller's file is started to load (console.logs at the beginning show this) but it cannot resolve "module" in the example above.
link to error: AngularJS Error
Again this issue only happens when using my lazyloader which is producing the same resolve object that I have hard coded in for the version that works.
I have searched high and low and there are a lot of resources out there but I could not find anything that addressed this issue.
Any advice is appreciated!
You are taking too much pain to do lazy loading of controllers & services. There is simple approach to lazy load files with ocLazyLoad. This article might help you resolve the same issue.
What you should do is
Add a reference of ocLayzLoad & updated JS files’ reference to load on demand from app.js or .html file of their views.
`bower install oclazyload --save-dev`
Now load the module ‘oc.lazyLoad’ in application. Update app.js file
.module('helloWorldApp', [
Load JS file by adding reference of JS in .html file
<div oc-lazy-load="['scripts/controllers/about.js', 'scripts/services/helloservice.js']">
<div ng-controller="AboutCtrl as about">
Your html goes here
If you using Grunt, update Gruntfile to uglyfy, renamed file name & update references in the final .html or .js file.
On the 'myApp' module definition, shouldn't you be returning app variable instead of myApp?
And to avoid exposing lazy to window, you could define it as a property of app variable, this way when you define new functions, you require app first and you can use it:
app.lazy = {
controller: $controllerProvider.register,
directive: $compileProvider.register,
filter: $filterProvider.register,
factory: $provide.factory,
service: $provide.service
return app;
define(['app'], function (app) {
app.lazy.controller('header-controller', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
// stuff here

