how to select all checkbox in Datatables - javascript

I want to select all my checkbox
I have an input in header of datatables like this
<th style="width: 25%" ><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" class="select-checkall" id="checkall" value=""></th>
i use it like this to checked it but only work in the page that iam
$(':checkbox').prop('checked', true);
check this fiddle

jQuery will not be able to find checkboxes in other pages than the current one because DataTables somehow hides them (maybe removes them from DOM?)
Please refer to DataTables API to access your table cells irrespective of which ones are currently shown or not / of which page you are on.
In your case, you could do:
// Use "DataTable" with upper "D"
oTableStaticFlow = $('#flow-table').DataTable({
"aoColumnDefs": [{
'bSortable': false,
'aTargets': [0]
$("#flowcheckall").click(function () {
var cells = oTableStaticFlow.column(0).nodes(), // Cells from 1st column
state = this.checked;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i += 1) {
cells[i].querySelector("input[type='checkbox']").checked = state;


how to get the index of a clicked checkbox in DT object

I built a data table in shiny with two columns which contain check-boxes.
I found this code,(dont remember exactly from where),
output$Sum_table = renderDataTable({
SPY <-
#Display table with checkbox buttons
df.var.names <- names(SPY)
addCheckboxButtons <- paste0('<input type="checkbox" name="row', df.var.names, '" value="', df.var.names, '">',"")
addCheckboxButtons1 <- paste0('<input type="checkbox" name="row', df.var.names, '" value="', df.var.names, '">',"")
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 25, 50),
pageLength = length(df.var.names),
callback = JS("function(table) {
table.on('change.dt', 'tr td input:checkbox', function() {
setTimeout(function () {
$(this).add('tr td input:checkbox:checked').parent().siblings(':last-child').map(function() {
return $(this).text();
}, 10);
}")),escape = FALSE)
i used this code to bulid a data table which has three columns, it's first is the variables names, the second is checkboxes column to select the variables that i want to exclude from my model (multiple), the third is checkboxes column to select the target variable(single selection).
what i still dont know is how to access these selected checkboxes.
for example:
varibles to exclude<- selected checkboxes in the second column
target variable<- selected checkbox in the third column
Does anyone knows how to do that?

Jquery Toggle Table Column Using a Better Method

I have a table with around 30 columns and the idea is to let the user select which columns to be hidden or shown. The reason for this is to let them select which columns will be visible when they print.
To tackle this problem, I have assigned a class name to each column and i'm using jQuery's toggle function. This works fine, but I was wondering if there is a better way to go about it that is more efficient and cleaner than what I am currently using. I have a separate function for each column and my code looks like this:
function tablecolumn1toggle(){
function tablecolumn2toggle(){
function tablecolumn3toggle(){
HTML Simplified
toggle column 1
toggle column 2
toggle column 3
<table class="table table-bordered" id="points_table">
<th class="column1>Route</th>
<th class="column2">Location</th>
<th class="column3>Track</th>
and so on..
I am using a button to call each toggle function, I will use checkboxes once I have the basic code working. So, is there a way for me to cut down the amount of code?
EDIT: Thank you all for your answers, it was really hard to pick a single answer but i'm grateful for all your input.
If you want to do it dynamically using checkboxes, add a data property to the checkbox
<input class='toggleColumns' type="checkbox" data-target="column1" />
<input class='toggleColumns' type="checkbox" data-target="column2" />
<input class='toggleColumns' type="checkbox" data-target="column3" />
<input class='toggleColumns' type="checkbox" data-target="column4" />
then add a change event on the checkbox:
$('.toggleColumns').on('change', function (e) {
// get the target for this checkbox and toggle it
var tableColumn = $(e.currentTarget).data('target');
$('.' + tableColumn).toggle();
Here is working fiddle:
A bit of a late addition, but to add one more alternative: if you have multiple setups of this kind and you don't want to add classes each time, you can show or hide a column with something like $('tr *:nth-child(' + (ColumnIndex + 1) + ')', table).toggle();. Especially if you change the column order in the future, the class approach can come to bite you.
One step further, is not to define the checkboxes beforehand, but have JQuery create them on the fly. This is also easier in maintaining the page and with the added benefit that you can assign the column index while creating the input objects and don't have to add any special attributes in design time.
All in all, the html would be as light as possible (no classes or properties) and doesn't have to be maintained. An example where the checkboxes are added in a div:
var table = $('table'); //add an id if necessary
var cols = $('th', table); //headers
var div = $('<div>'); //new div for checkboxes
$('<input type="checkbox" checked=true>') //create new checkbox
$('tr *:nth-child(' + (ind + 1) + ')', table).toggle();
table.before(div); //insert the new div before the table
/* number is a parameter now */
function tablecolumntoggle(i){
/* example to iteratly call */
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
Here's one way to make it simpler.
Give each button a data-col value and the matching column element(s) the same data-col value, then they can be paired in a simple function:
<button data-col='column1'>toggle</button>
<button data-col='total'>toggle</button>
<button data-col='other'>toggle</button>
<div class="col" data-col="column1">
column 1
<div class="col" data-col="total">
total column
<div class="col" data-col="other">
and code
$(function() {
$("button[data-col]").on("click", function() {
var col = $(this).data("col");
$(".col[data-col='" + col + "']").toggle();
Simple fiddle demo:
You Pass number 1,2,3 function
Try this
function tablecolumn1toggle(id){
function call like this
tablecolumn1toggle(1); or
tablecolumn1toggle(2); or
function tablecolumn1toggle(colum_name){
function call like this
tablecolumn1toggle(column1); or
tablecolumn1toggle(column2); or

dojo datagrid IndirectSelection also selects the disabled cells

By selecting all rows in this fiddle: you will notice that the disabled checkboxes (rows 1, 3 and 5) are also selected.
I've seen same behaviour in dojo 1.9
One way to solve this might be to modify the toggleAllSelection and run a function foreach row to check if the checkbox is disabled first, but I would rather not to.
this is the toggleAllSelection function:
// summary:
// Toggle select all|deselect all
// checked: Boolean
// True - select all, False - deselect all
var grid = this.grid, selection = grid.selection;
selection.selectRange(0, grid.rowCount-1);
this.toggleAllTrigerred = true;
thanks in advance

Adding a custom button in row in jqGrid?

I want to make a simple table that contains a custom button in a row. When the button is pushed, I want to pop up an 'alert' box. I have read some posts on this, for example:
this post
this other post, and I don't understand why my code is not working. The buttons are drawn, but pushing them has no effect.
I have three attempts described here.
Version 1. The button click never fires:
datatype: "local",
{'A':2,'B':100,'status':"<button onclick=\"jQuery('#simpletable').saveRow('1', function(){alert('you are in')});\" >in</button>"},
{'A':1,'B':200,'status':"<button onclick=\"jQuery('#simpletable').saveRow('2', function(){alert('you are in')});\" >in</button>"},
caption: "Demo of Custom Clickable Button in Row",
Html Code:
<table id="simpletable"></table>
EDIT 8/2/12 -- I've learned some things since my original post and here I describe two more attempts.
Version 2: I use onCellSelect. This works, but it would not allow me to put more than one button in a cell. Additionally, I made the code nicer by using the format option suggested by one of the comments to this post.
function status_button_maker_v2(cellvalue, options, rowObject){
return "<button class=\"ver2_statusbutton\">"+cellvalue+"</button>"
datatype: "local",
if (icol==2){
alert('My value in column A is: '+$("#simpletablev2").getRowData(rowid)['A']);
return true;
caption: "Demo of Custom Clickable Button in Row, ver 2",
}); //end simpletablev2
<style>.ver2_statusbutton { color:blue;} </style>
<h3>simple table, ver 2:</h3>
<table id="simpletablev2"></table>
Version 3: I tried to use the solution to w4ik's post, using ".on" instead of deprecated ".live". This causes the button click to fire, but I don't know how to retrieve the rowid. w4ik also struggled with this, and he posted that he worked it out, but not how he did it. I can get the last row selected, but this will always refer to the previous row selected because the button is taking priority.
I would prefer this solution if I could get it to work.
datatype: "local",
caption: "Demo of Custom Clickable Button in Row, ver 3",
onSelectRow: function(){},
gridComplete: function(){}
}); //end simpletablev3
click: function(){
//how to get the row id? the following does not work
//var rowid = $("#simpletablev3").attr('rowid');
//it also does not work to get the selected row
// this is always one click behind:
rowid = $("#simpletablev3").getGridParam('selrow');
alert("button pushed! rowid = "+rowid);
<style>.ver3_statusbutton { color:red;} </style>
<h3>simple table, ver 3:</h3>
<table id="simpletablev3"></table>
In summary, I'm struggling with the issue of getting my button to be pushed at the right time. In version 1, the row gets selected and the button never gets pushed. Version 2 does not use the "button" at all -- It just handles the cell click. Verion 3 gets the button click before the row select (wrong order).
Any help would be appreciated!
You can use action formatter here with each row and make edit and delete button as false in formatOptions like this:
formatoptions: {editbutton:false,delbutton:false}}
And follow these two demos:
And on click event of these custom buttons show your alert:
var getColumnIndexByName = function (grid, columnName) {
var cm = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel'), i, l = cm.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (cm[i].name === columnName) {
return i; // return the index
return -1;
function () {
var iCol = getColumnIndexByName(grid, 'act');
$(this).find(">tbody>tr.jqgrow>td:nth-child(" + (iCol + 1) + ")")
.each(function() {
$("<div>", {
title: "Custom",
mouseover: function() {
mouseout: function() {
click: function(e) {
alert("'Custom' button is clicked in the rowis="+
$("tr.jqgrow").attr("id") +" !");
).css({"margin-right": "5px", float: "left", cursor: "pointer"})
.addClass("ui-pg-div ui-inline-custom")
.append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-document"></span>')
If you check this code, I'm trying to find out index value by giving column name as 'act', you can get index on any other column by giving a different column name.
var iCol = getColumnIndexByName(grid, 'Demo'); and the rest of the code will be same for you. //demo is the column name where u want to add custom button
and write your click event for this button.
Let me know if this works for you or not.

How to target another element on the same row in a table with jQuery

I am trying to use jQuery to pick an item in a table row that will make a change within the same row
<tr id="t1"><td><input type="checkbox" id="t1" value="" /></td></tr>
<tr id="t2"><td><input type="checkbox" id="t2" value="" /></td>{want new stuff here}</tr>
In this instance - if I select the checkbox with the id of 2 - I would want a new column to be added/appended just after the last and if this same checkbox was unchecked it would remove the content just added.
Can anyone suggest how this is done?
Make sure your id values are unique on all elements, then you can use .parents("tr"):
$(".mytable tr :checkbox").click(function () {
var checked = $(this).is(":checked"),
$tr = $(this).parents("tr").first();
if (checked) {
} else {
If you're adding multiple <td>'s, then store a reference to them or use an identifier to find them again. I'm assuming you just want to add/remove a column at the end.
As with anything jQuery, there are multiple solutions! This was the one off the top of my head.
I would better have dynamic content inserted into specified TD cell instead of creating and removing td container so that you would not have to take care about correct colspans.
$('#table :checkbox').change(function() {
var cont = $(this).closest('tr').find('.content');
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
cont.append('Some content');
else {
Check this out:
See this jsFiddle for a quick-written example
$(this).parents('tr').append("<td class='t2-add'>have new stuff</td>")
Try something like the following:
$('[type="checkbox"]').change(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($':checked') {
} else {
This uses the jQuery .closest(selector) method.

