wrap href link and id to last 3 characters in span - javascript

I want to wrap a href with and id to the last three characters wrapped in a span.
<span id="cartCost">€0.00 EUR</span>
The last three characters of the span will always be a currency code. The currency code will change automatically depending on your region. I am trying to wrap the last three characters (currency code) in a href. The href will be used to stimulate a select box and does not need a link just an ID (so even wrapping it the code in a div is sufficient).
I know I need to be working with .each(), .wrapInner and maybe substring. Anyway here is what I've been trying:
$('#cartCost').each(function() {
var count = $(this).text( text.substring(-3)
code = $(count).text();
$(code).wrapInner('<a href="#" id="open">');
The end result should look like this:
<span id="cartCost">€0.00 EUR</span>
Any solutions, greatly appreciated.

1st id must be unique .. use classes instead
$('.cartCost').each(function() {
// get the text and use trim to avoid left and right white spaces
var count = $.trim($(this).text());
// get last three .. substring() needs start index and end index
var lastthree = count.substring(count.length - 3 , count.length);
// replace last three with html code we want
var replaceit = count.replace(lastthree , ''+ lastthree +'');
// append the new value as a html using .html()
Working Demo

Hey after playing a little with a fiddle, this is the result I could come up with
var content = $('#cartCost').html();
var code = content.substr(-3);
var newCode = "<a href='#' id='open'>" + code + "</a>";
var newContent = content.replace(code, newCode);
<span id="cartCost">€0.00 EUR</span>
Here is the working fiddle


How to replace only the text of this element with jQuery?

I'm trying to make a kind of simple search engine, where
the user enters a string and if it's equal to the text inside
an element, that portion of text must be highlighted some way.
This is the html:
<input type="text">
<input type="button" value="Change text"><br>
Click here to get more info!
this is the css:
and this is the jquery function that makes the search and replace:
var textValue = $("input[type=text]").val();
$("a").html(function(_, html) {
return html.replace(new RegExp(textValue,"ig"), '<span class="smallcaps">'+textValue+'</span>');
This is an example of how it looks like:
Everything works fine, until the search string is equals to the name of a node element, so for example if the search string is a, the html will be broken.
How can I avoid the replace of the html itself?. I just want to work over the text.
This is the codepen:
Thanks in advance!
I assume that you want to only highlight the last search and not store the ones from before.
With this assumption, you can store the old value if it is the first call and use the stored value in the calls afterwards:
// Escape the html of the input to be able to search for < or >
var textValue = $('<div/>').text($("input[type=text]").val()).html();
if(textValue === '') return;
$("a").html(function(_, html) {
var old = $(this).data('content');
if(!old) {
old = html;
$(this).data('content', old);
var replacer = function(match) {
return match.replace(new RegExp(textValue, "ig"), '<span class="smallcaps">'+textValue+'</span>');
if(/[<>]/.test(old)) {
return old.replace(/^[^<>]*</gi, replacer).replace(/>[^<>]*</gi, replacer).replace(/>[^<>]*$/gi, replacer);
return replacer(old);
Also i fixed two bugs I found when testing:
if you search for an empty string, everything is broken.
If you search for html characters like < or > nothing is found as in the text they are converted to < or >.
One thing is not solved, as it is not possible to easily implement it without destroying the subelement structure: It is not possible to search in different subelements, as you have to remove the tags, search then and insert the tags at the right position afterwards.
Working fiddle: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/KlxEB
Updated Demo
A workaround would be to restore <a> to original text, instead of complicating the regex.
Your problem is a form the <span> tag is getting replaced.
var init = $("a").text(); //save initial value
$('a').text(init); //replace with initial value
var textValue = $("input[type=text]").val();
$("a").html(function(_, html) {
return html.replace(new RegExp(textValue,"ig"), '<span class="smallcaps">'+textValue+'</span>');

Get initial and final position of text inside an element? - jQuery

I'm trying to learn some of jQuery/JS and I get a problem that I can't solve. I have one text like this:
blablablabla <b data-start="" data-end="">#foo</b> blablabla"
Note that I can have more than one tag in this text.
I need edit the attributes to their right values, so I was constructing a method to do this:
// "str" isn't static, but for pratical purposes, I'm using this as static.
str = 'blablablabla <b data-start="" data-end="">#foo</b> blablabla'
$(this).attr('data-start', '');
$(this).attr('data-end', '');
As you can see, I don't have idea how I can do the code above. I though use:
var start = $(this).indexOf('#');
$(this).attr('data-start', '');
$(this).attr('data-end', '');
But this will return the index 1, because I'm getting the index of text inside the b tag, and not inside the all text itself. So, how I can fix this problem and get initial position of "b" and final position of "b" (excluding the tag itself)?
umm.. something like this perhaps.. jsfiddle link
<span id="test" >
blablablabla <b data-start="" data-end="">#foo</b> blablabla"
and the jquery..
var str = $("#test").text();
var strB = $("#test b").text();
$("#test b").attr("data-start", str.indexOf(strB) );
$("#test b").attr("data-end", (str.indexOf(strB) + strB.length-1));

Find Characters and wrap with HTML

I am trying to find // (slashes) in the document and wrap it with a span.
I've tried
var slashes = "//";
So output should be:
Hello There! I Am <span class="slashes">//</span> An Alien
With jQuery .replace() and :contains but nothing happens, and I am new to reguler expressions to do this correctly. How would I do this?
Edit: What have I tried:
Solution for this question didn't work:
function slashes($el) {
$el.contents().each(function () {
dlbSlash = "//";
if (this.nodeType == 3) { // Text only
.replace(/(dlbSlash)/gi, '<span class="slashes">$1</span>'));
} else { // Child element
You need to escape the slashes in your regex. Try
var mystring = "adjfadfafdas//dsagdsg//dsafda"
mystring.replace(/\/\//g,'<span class="slashes">\/\/</span>');
Should output
"adjfadfafdas<span class="slashes">//</span>dsagdsg<span class="slashes">//</span>dsafda"
If you want to replace the slashes in h2 and p tags, you can loop through them like so:
$('h2, p').each(function(i, elem) {
$(elem).text().replace(/\/\//g,'<span class="slashes">\/\/</span>'));
This will blow away any additional html tags you may have had in your p and h2 tags, though.
This is one more way of doing this
//Find html inside element with id content
var html = $('#content').html();
//Replace // with <span style='color:red'>//</span>
html = html.replace(/\/{2}/g,"<span style='color:red'>$&</span>");
//Return updated html back to DOM
and here is the demo
I think you were looking in the right place. The only thing to fix is your regular expression:
.replace(/\/\//g, '<span class="slashes">$1</span>'));
Focusing on text nodes (type 3) is important, instead of doing a global replace of the body innerHTML that might break your page.
If you want to apply such replacement for single // only, go with
mystring = mystring.replace(/(\/{2})/g, "<span class=\"slashes\">$1</span>");
However if you want to apply that for 2 or more slashes, then use
mystring = mystring.replace(/(\/{2,})/g, "<span class=\"slashes\">$1</span>");
But if you want to apply it for any even quantity of slashes (e.g. //, ////, etc.) then you need to use
mystring = mystring.replace(/((?:\/{2})+)/g, "<span class=\"slashes\">$1</span>");
Test the code here.

How to combine tags as long as they have the same class

The Html that I'm getting ideally looks like this:
<span class="RapidLink1-H">See the more detailed areas of what not</span>
Next my aim is to change the span tag into an anchor tag. With the ideal Html, I have done it this way:
// Walk through each link tag on this page and replace the content with an actual link
thisLink.each(function() {
linkRefTarget = '';
// Get only the identifier number of the link
linkId = ($(this).attr('class')).replace(/[A-Za-z$-]/g, '');
// Match this link with the list of link references
if (thisLinkRef) {
for (var key in thisLinkRef) {
if (key == 'link' + linkId) linkRefTarget = thisLinkRef[key];
output = '';
output+= '<a href="#' + linkRefTarget + '" id="link' + linkId + '" class="rapidLink">';
output+= $(this).html();
output+= '</a>';
Now, the problem comes when I'm actually getting this sort of Html (please note, I can't change the Html input):
<span class="RapidLink1-H">See the</span><span class="RapidLink1-H">more detailed areas of</span><span class="RapidLink1-H">what not</span></span>
The question is:
How could I get it to work with such a broken set of spans?
I'm thinking the following:
Find an expected link span
Check whether the immediate next element is also a span with the same class
and then check whether the immediate next element is also...,
and then check...
if none is found, combine the innerHtml of each span into a single anchor tag
How could I achieve such a loop?
There is the + selector which selects consecutive elements: http://jsfiddle.net/NWWYC/1/.
$(".RapidLink1-H + .RapidLink1-H").each(function() {
// move contents to previous span, remove this span afterwards

Read more/less without stripping Html tags in JavaScript

I want to implement readmore/less feature. i.e I will be having html content and I am going to show first few characters from that content and there will be a read more link in front of it. I am currently using this code :
var txtToHide= input.substring(length);
var textToShow= input.substring(0, length);
var html = textToShow+ '<span class="readmore"> … </span>'
+ ('<span class="readmore">' + txtToHide+ '</span>');
html = html + '<a id="read-more" title="More" href="#">More</a>';
Above input is the input string and length is the length of string to be displayed initially.
There is an issue with this code, suppose if I want to strip 20 characters from this string:
"Hello <a href='#'>test</a> output", the html tags are coming between and it will mess up the page if strip it partially. What I want here is that if html tags are falling between the range it should cover the full tag i.e I need the output here to be "Hello <a href='#'>test</a>" . How can I do this
Why not just hide the hidden part of the content instead of adding it later? I usually just use a display: none for hidden content and have it set to display: block when the read more is clicked..
I'm sorry I didn't read the question good enough.
This should work though:
<div id="test">
This links to google
<strong>and</strong> some random text to make it a little bit longer!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var max_length = 21;
var text_to_display = "";
var index = 0;
var full_contents = $("#test").contents();
// loop through contents, stop after maxlength is reached
$("#test").contents().each(function(i) {
if ($(this).text().length + text_to_display.length < max_length) {
text_to_display += $(this).text();
} else {
return false;
// second loop removes unwanted content
$("#test").contents().each(function(i) {
if (i > index) {
return true;
// add link to show the full text
$('read more...').click(
This can be accomplished quite easilly using jQuery
<div id="test">This is a link to google</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
Good luck!
You stated that the html tags would become an issue, so why not remove in the string conversion and replace with plain text, then on the Show More click, Toggle plain + Html
var Contents = $('#post p'); //Object
var Plain = Contents.text(); //truncate this
//Hide the texts to Contents
var PlainContainer = $("<div>").addClass("Plain_Container").val(Plain)
//Add PlainContainer div after
var $('.show_hide').click(function(){
$(Plain_Container).remove(); //Delete it
Contents.Show(); //Show the orginal
$(this).remove(); //Remove the link
return false; //e.PreventDefault() :)
This way using the text() function will convert html tags to there values and remove the tag itself, all you have to do is toggle them :)
Note: The code above is not guaranteed to work and is provided as example only.

