How to add multiple items to context menu in Kendo Scheduler? - javascript

"kendoContextMenu" is one of control from Telerik suit. I am trying to attach it with Kendo Scheduler control.
Below is the code to render scheduler and menu
Part of it taken from Kendo sample site
<div id="example">
<div id="scheduler"></div>
<ul id="contextMenu"></ul>
Here is Context Menu Initialization
filter: ".k-event, .k-scheduler-table td",
target: "#scheduler",
select: function(e) {
var target = $(;
if (target.hasClass("k-event")) {
var occurrenceByUid = scheduler.occurrenceByUid("uid"));
} else {
var slot = scheduler.slotByElement(target);
open: function(e) {
var menu = e.sender;
var text = $("k-event") ? "Edit Title" : "Block";
menu.append([{text: text, cssClass: "myClass" }]);
The above code adds only ONE item in context menu and click event directly fires up. I would like to have multiple items in a context menu and each should have its own event so that I can use them as it clicked.
Below image shows right click behavior, where it shows only Block in a menu
I am trying to get menu as below- which has multiple items and have its own click events
I am trying like below by appending text but it's seems to be wrong way to do and it can not have separate click event.
open: function(e) {
var menu = e.sender;
var text = $("k-event") ? "Edit event" : "Add Event";
text = text + "|" + "Cancel"
menu.append([{text: text, cssClass: "myClass" }]);
Kindly help

I'm afraid you're appending it wrong. By concatenating "| Cancel" you're not adding a new item, but adding text to the existing one.
Try creating a new object and append it with append():
menu.append([{text: "Cancel", cssClass: "cancel-opt" }]);
Then you check by the class inside the select event:
if (target.hasClass("cancel-opt"))


Summernote - Custom dropdown for ordered and unordered list

I am using Summernote editor v0.8.9 for quite a long time. I have created a custom dropdown button for Ordered List and Unordered List by using below code
let orderedList = function (context)
let ui = $.summernote.ui;
// create button
let button = ui.buttonGroup([
className: 'dropdown-toggle',
contents: '<i class="fa fa-list-ol"/><span class="note-icon-caret"></span>',
container: false,
tooltip: 'Ordered List',
data: {
toggle: 'dropdown'
className: 'dropdown-style',
contents: "<ol style='list-style-type:none' class='ordered-list'><li data-value='1'>1</li><li data-value='1' style='display: none;'>1)</li><li data-value='I'>I</li><li data-value='A'>A</li><li data-value='a)' style='display: none;'>a)</li><li data-value='a'>a</li><li data-value='i'>i</li></ol>",
callback: function ($dropdown) {
$dropdown.find('li').each(function () {
$(this).click(function() {
selectedListType = orderedListMap[$(this).attr('data-value')];
return button.render(); // return button as jquery object
And also I get the dropdown attached to the toolbar as shown in the image
I have changed some code in the summernote.js to change the list style type after clicking on the dropdown item.
I am adding following code in the Bullet.prototype.wrapList method as follows
//for bullets and numbering style
if (selectedListType != 'NA') {
listNode.setAttribute('style', 'list-style-type:' + selectedListType);
I have also added the following code in the method "function replace(node, nodeName)" of "dom" object.
//for bullets and numbering style
if ((nodeName == 'OL' || nodeName == 'UL' ) && selectedListType != 'NA') {
$(newNode).css('list-style-type', selectedListType);
When I click on the dropdown item I am calling below code.
At first instance everything is working fine. I can change ordered list to unordered list as well as to other types of lists. But the problem arises when I am trying to create a new list. When I try to create a new list below the existing list (note : after double entering new line, existing list closes, hence a new list is created after double entering new line),
the focus does not stay on the current line. Instead it goes to the old list and old list style (Ordered/unordered) is getting changed.
I have also kept the default UL/OL in the toolbar for deugging and I can see that the document.selection() in the method WrappedRange.prototype.nativeRange is giving proper selection for default UL/OL but is giving wrong selection for my dropdown UL/OL.
Please help.
Let me know if any info is needed from my side
I solved this problem.
The problem was with the custom dropdown I created.
The dropdown needs to be in the following structure in the 'contents' attribute inside 'ui.dropdown'
'a' tag inside 'li' tag

How to set the button in my toolbar to disabled

I have created a toolbar in my windows 10 UWP winjs app and I want to disable some of the buttons.
I append attributes to the button like so :
new WinJS.UI.Command(null, {
disable: true,
id: 'cmdSave',
label: 'save',
section: 'primary',
type: 'button',
icon: 'save',
onclick: clickbuttonprintout()
I have looked through the winjs css files and found many disabled tags. Is it possible to set the button to disabled like I have appended other attributes above ?
Figured this out :
You select the button, set it to disabled and then process it.
var thisBtn = document.getElementById('cmdSave');
thisBtn.disabled = true;
WinJS.UI.process(btn); //this is key
With this in mind, I set up a function so I can pass different buttons to it:
function disableButton(buttonID){
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonID);
btn.disabled = true;
Even though this is not part of the question, it may help people.
What about editing the attributes on the button too ? Ive made this function to edit any attribute on a winjs button :
function changeButtonAttributes(buttonId, element, attribute) {
var btn = document.getElementById(buttonId); //select button
btn.winControl[element] = attribute; //button.element = attribute
WinJS.UI.process(btn); //process all
Hope that helps :)

ResponsiveTabs add onclick in js file

I am working with the ResponsiveTabs module from
I would like to make a change into it because I need an onclick event added to the tabs. Now this should be done I believe in the following code section.
//create tab list item from heading
//associate tab list item with tab panel
var $tabListItem = $('<li/>', {
'class': 'responsive-tabs__list__item',
id: 'tablist' + tablistcount + '-tab' + tabcount,
'aria-controls': 'tablist' + tablistcount +'-panel' + tabcount,
'role': 'tab',
tabindex: 0,
text: $tabHeading.text(),
keydown: function (objEvent) {
if (objEvent.keyCode === 13) { // if user presses 'enter'
click: function() {
//Show associated panel
Now I expected to see somewhere <li> so that I could do <li onclick="setBrowserFrameSource(); return false;"> but there is no <li> anywhere just the closing brackets. So I should add it to the code above. I have tried to add it as follows:
'role': 'tab',
'onclick="setBrowserFrameSource(); return false;"',
tabindex: 0,
But this broke the entire thing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
According to the instructions from the website (full link in original question) you need to start the tabs with:
<div class="responsive-tabs">
Then the plugin will do the rest. So I thought instead of adding for each <li> an onclick event why not add it to the container element. Which I did and it is working. So I now have the following.
<div class="responsive-tabs" onclick="setBrowserFrameSource(); return false;">
Now every time a tab is clicked it does its functions.

SAPUI5 make the whole row clickable for sap.m.Panel

In an XML view I have an expandable Panel. Here, I can expand the panel only with clicking the arrow icon.
Is there a way to make the icon AND the whole Panel clickable?
Here's a snippet for a simple Panel:
You can just add a delegate. Add the id "panel" to your panel and this to your controller:
onInit: function() {
var panel = this.byId("panel");
onclick: function(oEvent) {
if ( === panel.$().find(".sapMPanelHdr").get(0)) {
I changed your JSBin:,js,output

Simple ToDo App using Agility.js with Persistence

I created a database called agilityjs that has a table called todolist. I created a file in /api/todolist.php which will act as a web service. I want to make it so when the user clicks "New Item," it will add a new item to my database by calling the PHP file (todolist.php). My next goal is to edit the item when they click to edit and delete when they click to delete.
Can anyone help me in the right direction? I have seen the persistence documentation at but I'm not sure how to apply it.
The following code is simply taken from (at the bottom, you can see it and it's live demo).
Here is another good resource for learning, but I can't seem to apply it either.
// Item prototype
var item = $$({}, '<li><span data-bind="content"/> <button>x</button></li>', '& span { cursor:pointer; }', {
'click span': function(){
var input = prompt('Edit to-do item:', this.model.get('content'));
if (!input) return;
'click button': function(){
// List of items
var list = $$({}, '<div> <button id="new">New item</button> <ul></ul> </div>', {
'click #new': function(){
var newItem = $$(item, {content:'Click to edit'});
this.append(newItem, 'ul'); // add to container, appending at <ul>
Thank you.

