Pass object by reference from/to webworker - javascript

Is it possible passing an object from/to webWorker from/to main thread by reference? I have read here information about transferable objects.
Chrome 13 introduced sending ArrayBuffers to/from a Web Worker using
an algorithm called structured cloning. This allowed the postMessage()
API to accept messages that were not just strings, but complex types
like File, Blob, ArrayBuffer, and JSON objects. Structured cloning is
also supported in later versions of Firefox.
I just want to pass information, not object with methods. Just something like this (but with a lot of information, a few MB, so that main thread does not have to receive a copy of the object):
var test = {
some: "data"

Once you have some data in an object (this: {bla:666, color:"red"}) you will have to copy it and there is no way to avoid it. The reason is, that you don't have control over the memory object is stored in, so you can't transfer it. The only memory that can be transferred is memory allocated for transferable objects - typed arrays.
Therefore if you need some data transferred, you must think in advance and use the transferable interface. Also keep in mind that even when object is copied, the transfer speed is very fast.
I wrote a library that converts object to binary data (therefore transferable), but it isn't faster than native transfer, it's way slower actually. The only advantage is that it allows me to transfer unsupported data types (eg. Function).

There Is An Array 2nd Argument To postMessage
Actually yes, it is possible in, (surprise, Surprise!) Chrome 17+ and Firefox 18+ for certain objects (see here).
// Create a 32MB "file" and fill it.
var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024 * 32); // 32MB
for (var i = 0; i < uInt8Array.length; ++i) {
uInt8Array[i] = i;
worker.postMessage(uInt8Array.buffer, [uInt8Array.buffer]);
You can also apply this to strings by converting the string to and from an array buffer using FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder as shown below.
//inside the worker
var encoderInst = new TextEncoder;
function post_string(the_string){
var my_array_buffer = encoderInst.encode(the_string).buffer;
postMessage( my_array_buffer, [my_array_buffer] );
Then, to read the arraybuffer as a string:
// var workerInstance = new Worker("/path/to/file.js");
var decoderInst = new TextDecoder;
workerInstance.onmessage = function decode_buffer(evt){
var buffer =;
var str = decoderInst.decode(buffer);
console.log("From worker: " + str);
return str;
Here is a small interactive example of using a Worker to increment each letter of a string.
var incrementWorker = new Worker("data:text/javascript;base64,"+btoa(function(){
// inside the worker
importScripts("" +
const decoderInst = new TextDecoder;
self.onmessage = function(evt){
const u8Array = new Uint8Array(;
for (var i=0, len=u8Array.length|0; i<len; i=i+1|0) {
} .toString().slice("function(){".length, -"}".length)));
const inputElement = document.getElementById("input");
const encoderInst = new TextEncoder;
(inputElement.oninput = function() {
const buffer = encoderInst.encode(inputElement.value).buffer;
incrementWorker.postMessage(buffer, [buffer]); // pass happens HERE
incrementWorker.onmessage = function(evt){
document.getElementById("output").value =;
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Before: <input id="input" type="text" value="abc123 foobar" /><br />
After: <input id="output" type="text" readonly="" />
Sources: Google Developers and MDN

It is not possible. You have to send the object, update it in the worker and then return the updated version to the main thread.
If you want to pass an object just with information, you only need to pass your object as a string
parse the object inside your worker
and finally return your updated object to the main thread.
Take a look also to ParallelJs that is library to work easier with web-workers


Running out of memory writing to a file in NodeJS

I'm processing a very large amount of data that I'm manipulating and storing it in a file. I iterate over the dataset, then I want to store it all in a JSON file.
My initial method using fs, storing it all in an object then dumping it didn't work as I was running out of memory and it became extremely slow.
I'm now using fs.createWriteStream but as far as I can tell it's still storing it all in memory.
I want the data to be written object by object to the file, unless someone can recommend a better way of doing it.
Part of my code:
// Top of the file
var wstream = fs.createWriteStream('mydata.json');
// In a loop
let JSONtoWrite = {}
JSONtoWrite[entry.word] = wordData
// Outside my loop (when memory is probably maxed out)
I think I'm using Streams wrong, can someone tell me how to write all this data to a file without running out of memory? Every example I find online relates to reading a stream in but because of the calculations I'm doing on the data, I can't use a readable stream. I need to add to this file sequentially.
The problem is that you're not waiting for the data to be flushed to the filesystem, but instead keep throwing new and new data to the stream synchronously in a tight loop.
Here's an piece of pseudocode that should work for you:
// Top of the file
const wstream = fs.createWriteStream('mydata.json');
// I'm no sure how're you getting the data, let's say you have it all in an object
const entry = {};
const words = Object.keys(entry);
function writeCB(index) {
if (index >= words.length) {
const JSONtoWrite = {};
JSONtoWrite[words[index]] = entry[words[index]];
wstream.write(JSON.stringify(JSONtoWrite), writeCB.bind(index + 1));
wstream.write(JSON.stringify(JSONtoWrite), writeCB.bind(0));
You should wrap your data source in a readable stream too. I don't know what is your source, but you have to make sure, it does not load all your data in memory.
For example, assuming your data set come from another file where JSON objects are splitted with end of line character, you could create a Read stream as follow:
const Readable = require('stream').Readable;
class JSONReader extends Readable {
this._source=options.source: // the source stream
source.on('readable', function() {;
}.bind(this));//read whenever the source is ready
var chunk;
var line;
var lineIndex;
var result;
if (this._buffer.length === 0) {
chunk =; // read more from source when buffer is empty
this._buffer += chunk;
lineIndex = this._buffer.indexOf('\n'); // find end of line
if (lineIndex !== -1) { //we have a end of line and therefore a new object
line = this._buffer.slice(0, lineIndex); // get the character related to the object
if (line) {
result = JSON.parse(line);
this._buffer = this._buffer.slice(lineIndex + 1);
this.push(JSON.stringify(line) // push to the internal read queue
} else {
now you can use
const source = fs.createReadStream('mySourceFile');
const reader = new JSONReader({source});
const target = fs.createWriteStream('myTargetFile');
then you'll have a better memory flow:
Please note that the picture and the above example are taken from the excellent nodejs in practice book

Unpack a C struct on browser?

I found this:
Basically if I have something like this:
struct someStruct {
unsigned long id;
char username[16];
float amountDue;
on client side I can do:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://URI");
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
var buffer =;
var data_view = new DataView(buffer);
// ... read the data into the buffer ...
var idView = data_view.getUint32(0);
var usernameView = data_view.getUint32(4);
var amountDueView = data_view.getFloat32(20);
The problem is that I want to convert them to normal Javascript objects (numbers, strings etc).
Original question
I would send data via websocket packed using a C struct, and unpack on browser using Javascript.
I know modules exists for node.js, but I can't find nothing client-side.
If you're familiar with Python struct, then you may like structjs. It's my attempt at porting Python struct to javascript. As it is, it's for Node, but a client port should be easy.
You won't have issues with alignment or padding (you can specify those explicitly though) for that structure, but you may need to indicate little-endian (by the '<' in the format string) if that's your flavour. You might do like so (I haven't tested this example in any way):
let struct = require("./struct") // Node specific, you need to wrap it.
let someStruct = struct('<I16sf') // This is your struct definition
let ws = new WebSocket("ws://URI");
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
ws.onmessage = e => {
// Unpack using the structure definition. Unpack takes an ArrayBuffer.
let [id, username, amountDue] = someStruct.unpack(;
// Use data...
Ok, looks like what you want.
Good luck!
Ok, after some researching, I finally decided this could not be a good idea:
Shortly: javascript is slow in decoding.
Probably it's just more simple to use JSON and Content-Encoding: gzip, if it does not slow down your web app.

'Uncaught Error: DATA_CLONE_ERR: DOM Exception 25' thrown by web worker

So I'm creating a web worker:
var arrayit = function(obj) {
work = arrayit(images);
//work = images.push.apply( images, array );
// Method : "load+scroll"
var worker = new Worker('jail_worker.js');
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log("Worker said:" +;
Here's what images is:
$.jail.initialStack = this;
// Store the selector into 'triggerEl' data for the images selected'triggerEl', (options.selector) ? $(options.selector) : $window);
var images = this;
I think my problem has something to do with this:
How can I get around this? as you can see, I tried slicing the host object into a real array, but that didn't work.
Here's a link to the file I'm hacking on:
This is what I had to do based on the accepted answer from #davin:
var arrayit = function(obj) {
imgArray = arrayit(images);
work =, function(i){ return i.attributes[0].ownerElement.outerHTML; });
var worker = new Worker('jail_worker.js');
worker.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log("Worker said:" +;
NOTE: I used underscore.js to assure compatibility.
The original exception was most likely thrown because you tried passing a host object to the web worker (most likely a dom element). Your subsequent attempts don't throw the same error. Remember two key points: there isn't shared memory between the different threads, and the web workers can't manipulate the DOM.
postMessage supports passing structured data to threads, and will internally serialise (or in some other way copy the value of the data recursively) the data. Serialising DOM elements often results in circular reference errors, so your best bet is to map the object you want serialised and extract relevant data to be rebuilt in the web worker.
Uncaught DataCloneError: An object could not be cloned was reproduced when tried save to indexeddb function as object's key. Need double recheck that saved object is serializable

Nodejs: convert string to buffer

I'm trying to write a string to a socket (socket is called "response"). Here is the code I have sofar (I'm trying to implement a byte caching proxy...):
var http = require('http');
var sys=require('sys');
var localHash={};
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
var proxy = http.createClient(80, request.headers['host'])
var proxy_request = proxy.request(request.method, request.url, request.headers);
proxy_request.addListener('response', function (proxy_response) {
proxy_response.addListener('data', function(x) {
var responseData=x.toString();
var f=50;
var toTransmit="";
var p=0;
var N=responseData.length;
var hash="";
var chunk="";
for(var i=0;i<p;i++){
response.write(new Buffer(toTransmit)); /*error occurs here */
proxy_response.addListener('end', function() {
response.writeHead(proxy_response.statusCode, proxy_response.headers);
request.addListener('data', function(chunk) {
proxy_request.write(chunk, 'binary');
request.addListener('end', function() {
function DJBHash(str) {
var hash = 5381;
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
hash = (((hash << 5) + hash) + str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xffffffff;
return hash;
The trouble is, I keep getting a "content encoding error" in Firefox. It's as if the gizipped content isn't being transmitted properly. I've ensured that "toTransmit" is the same as "x" via console.log(x) and console.log(toTransmit).
It's worth noting that if I replace response.write(new Buffer(toTransmit)) with simply response.write(x), the proxy works as expected, but I need to do some payload analysis and then pass "toTransmit", not "x".
I've also tried to response.write(toTransmit) (i.e. without the conversion to buffer) and I keep getting the same content encoding error.
I'm really stuck. I thought I had this problem fixed by converting the string to a buffer as per another thread (, but I've re-opened a new thread to discuss this new problem I'm experiencing.
I should add that if I open a page via the proxy in Opera, I get gobblydeegook - it's as if the gzipped data gets corrupted.
Any insight greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,
How about this?
var responseData = Buffer.from(x, 'utf8');
from: Convert string to buffer Node
Without digging very deep into your code, it seems to me that you might want to change
var responseData=x.toString();
var responseData=x.toString("binary");
and finally
response.write(new Buffer(toTransmit, "binary"));
From the docs:
Pure Javascript is Unicode friendly but not nice to binary data. When
dealing with TCP streams or the file system, it's necessary to handle
octet streams. Node has several strategies for manipulating, creating,
and consuming octet streams.
Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class. A Buffer is
similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory
allocation outside the V8 heap. A Buffer cannot be resized.
So, don't use strings for handling binary data.
Change proxy_request.write(chunk, 'binary'); to proxy_request.write(chunk);.
Omit var responseData=x.toString();, that's a bad idea.
Instead of doing substr on a string, use slice on a buffer.
Instead of doing + with strings, use the "concat" method from the buffertools.
Actually, now new Buffer() is deprecated sence node.js v10+, so better to use
response.write(new Buffer(toTransmit));

Accessing JavaScript Variables in XSL, Client-Side

I'm creating reporting from a SharePoint 2007 system via the provided WebServices on the client-side (this is all due to developer restrictions - I know, if I had permission, this entire exercise would be perfectly simple in SharePoint designer).
Currently I have a working report. In JavaScript I pass in three parameters (a "From" date, "To" date and "Business Category") which are used to generate a CAML query to web service. The XML response is returned and (after some formatting clean-up) an XSLT is imported (external file) and applied directly to it and the result is pumped into a DIV on the page. All works well.
At this point however I'd like to actually display the input parameters (dates and category) on the report. I have at least a few two kludgy options to do this:
1) Output the values outside of the display DIV. This will work but isn't very versitile.
2) Ouput place-holders for the values in the XSL and then run through a series of replacements before display. This just feels... odd.
3) Manually add nodes with the desired values to the XML packet before transformation then access them normally in the XSLT. This seems the cleanest to me... but also has some baggage I'm not sure I like.
Is there a "right" way to do this? Any chance one of those is it?
Here's some (abbreviated) code to illustrate:
// Set the URL of the XSL to apply
reportXSLURL = "BusinessCategoryReport.xsl";
// Set the input variables.
var CurCategory = DP_QueryString.get("ForCategory", "first");
var CurFrom = DP_QueryString.get("ForFrom", "first");
var CurTo = DP_QueryString.get("ForTo", "first");
* * Soap Call Censored (Too Hot for the Internet) * *
// Load the data
function ProcessResponse(ResponseText) {
// Create and load the serviceXML
var serviceXML = new DP_XML();
// Create and Load the XSL
var reportXSL = new DP_XML();
// Clean Up
CleanSharePointColumn(serviceXML.Doc, "ows_Duration", "CalculatedField");
CleanSharePointColumn(serviceXML.Doc, "ows_Incident_x0020_Manager_x0028_s_x", "UserList");
CleanSharePointColumn(serviceXML.Doc, "ows_Application_x0020__x0028_EAI_x00", "LookupList");
CleanSharePointColumn(serviceXML.Doc, "ows_Business_x0020_Category", "LookupList");
CleanSharePointColumn(serviceXML.Doc, "ows_Incident_x0020_Start", "DateTime_Min");
CleanSharePointColumn(serviceXML.Doc, "ows_Incident_x0020_End", "DateTime_Min");
// Present the Results
document.getElementById("DataDisplay").innerHTML = serviceXML.Doc.transformNode(reportXSL.Doc);
You can pass parameters to an XSLT in javascript, just put
<xsl:param name="myparam" />
in the root of your stylesheet. Look into the setParameter method on the XSLTProcessor object in javascript. Here's a javascript method I use:
function transform(inputXml, xslt) {
var xsltProcessor;
var toReturn;
if (window.XSLTProcessor) {
xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
if (arguments.length > 2 && arguments.length % 2 == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((arguments.length)/2)-1; i++) {
xsltProcessor.setParameter(null, arguments[2*i+2],arguments[2*i+3]);
toReturn = xsltProcessor.transformToDocument(inputXml);
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
toReturn = makeDocFromString(inputXml.transformNode(xslt));
else {
toReturn = "Unable to transform";
return toReturn;
Any parameters beyond the first two are treated as name/value pairs to be passed to the xslt as a parameter. inputXml and xslt are both XML Documents.
EDIT: Just noticed, I forgot to mention this function uses a helper method, 'makeDocFromString', that just takes the source of an XML document as a string input, and returns an actual XML document. That function's define elsewhere in that .js, it's not part of the standard libraries.

