JWT authoritzation the right way - javascript

I am developing a platform that has 3 applications, probably going to be 4.
First one is the client website, made using phalconPHP, second one is the clients intranet, where he can manage his website, the there is the administrator, where I can create new websites and manage my customers.
Last one is the API, everything should be accesible via API too.
My initial plan is to use JWT as authoritzation method, I have some doubts thought.
1.- Once JWT token has been created, I need to store it somewhere on the client so that I can be sent on every new request, what I don't know is where to store so that PHP can access it and Javascript can access it too so that I can make AJAX requests with the token.
I need a way to make this possible in a secure way, HTTPS will be always used in my app, but there is this one problem that I'm not sure how to solve.
I repeat, JWT token should be accesible by both, JS and PHP. How do I do this in a secure way?
Also, I was thinking about adding the PHP_session_id into the JWT payload, and add auto-renew too, that means that a token is usefull only for "user" that made the log-in. Is this aproach secure?
Hope you can help me.


Flask API to provide JSON files to a simple HTML+JS+CSS webapp while keeping it secure

I've made a simple webapp that is going to show some data in a table, which will be updated weekly.
This update it done in the backend with some python code, that scrapes and alters some data, before putting it in a SQLite database.
After doing some reading I learned that to deliver that data to my webapp I should make a API with Flask, that can take that data and deliver it to the JS in my webapp in form of JSON, which then can use the data to populate the table. However, I should secure my API with username and pw. But as its a JS frontend that will retrieve data from the API, there is really no point, as the username and pw will have to be hardcoded into JS, which then can be read by the users. (I think)
Should I expose my API to everyone, or is this not the way to go to be able to use SQLite data as a backend for my webapp? I am fine keeping the API to a GET only.
You are correct, it is pointless for you to secure your API. Securing an API is only needed in certain circumstances.
If you are accessing data that you don't want anybody to see, perhaps through a backend call, then it would make sense to add in some form of security (normally an API key or Authorisation tokens in your request headers).
However, if you are making calls from your front-end (i.e. client side) to a backend API, then there is no point putting additional security there as the user can already see the request and already has access to the data the API is returning - so by securing it you are achieving nothing.
Normally, if the page the user is visiting contains sensitive data that you don't want everyone to see, you would take steps to secure your website instead (for example protecting it with a login for username and password before you can access that page). If you were to take this approach, where the website is protected by username and password, then you can update the API to make sure it does not respond to requests where the user is not authenticated (e.g. by generating a session token or something unique for each logged in user).
If you have a look around on websites that have lots of free data available, you will find they all have front end API calls that are completely unsecured (because it is pointless if the data is already free to access). Some websites do take steps to try to make sure it is their own website that is calling the API, but even then it is a bit pointless as web scrapers can always extract the data from the HTML.
Take a look at this page which outlines authentication headers. This simpler route is to hard code the header info in Flask to make it a little more secure. You could also try the more involved route of reading header info from your db. What's currently working for me to read from postgres db is below so you may modify it slightly for sqlite.
def valid():
headers = request.headers
auth = headers.get("X-Api-Key")
user = User.query.filter_by(apikey=auth).first_or_404()
print('from search of db ',user,'',auth)
return str(user)
As you mentioned, you plan to show a public data - then it can be used even
without authentication. Otherwise I think it can take too much unnecessary time spent on that.
As you have just a simple and single table from database, I believe that you don't need an API. You can just create HTML template and render it with data. Some examples can be found here and few more here.

How to use JWT for a proxy server written using Node.js?

This is absolutely a newbie question & I am Node.js beginner.
I am not sure, this is right place to ask this question. But I may need idea from this large community. So let me explain what I am trying to do.
Server Configurations:
Node.js - 4.0.0
Hapi.js - 10.0.0
I am writing a proxy server in nodejs using hapijs. My Backend is ATG based e-commerce website and my api's are going to be consumed by web browser, mobile app etc..
We planned not to send the cookies sent by ATG to both browser and mobile.
So to maintain sessions and cookies from ATG,this is how we done POC.
First We planned without considering storing the anonymous user cookies returned from ATG. So we have done two POC's.
(Many of us know, what anonymous cookie is,any way let me explain that, if I put that one word -- Guest Checkout. There are many ways to accomplish this. But my Commerce Backend is implemented like this, When we go to website, you add items to cart and checkout that items without logging in right ? This what happens on background whenever we add the items they are only stored in your browser cookie,it not stored in persistent database, in any case user wants to login/signup to the account that cookie is retrieved from the browser and stored in database (basically that anonymous cart is transferred to logged in user.))
POC-1 (Not Considering Guest Checkout):
To access my api, user must be logged-in, after the successful login, We generate a rand-token and store it in Redis db associated with the cookies sent from the ATG for logged-in user and set ttl for 1 hour and return that token to the client
Now whenever they invoke any of api methods, they should send the token in the authorization header, I will check for token validity and expand the ttl once again for 1 hour and retrieve the cookies associated with that token, set that cookies in ATG request options and make a request.
3.On logout, I will clear the cookie and delete the token.
I have successfully implemented JWT fot this scenario, by generating a JWT token with user logged-in information in jwt payload. Used hapi-jwt-auth2.
POC-2 (With Maintaining Guest Cookies),
My API Will have endpoint /auth/generatesession, which in turn will return a 64 byte random token (we are using rand-token npm module for that) which will expire in 24 hours.
All the methods needs that access token passed back to me in authorization header and I will extend that token ttl to 24 hours.
Now they can invoke any api methods, like addtocart or something, even after adding items to cart , suddenly they want to login or something I can use their guest session cookie and transfer that cart to persistent database after successful login.
Should I use JWT for the second scenario? If so,
How can I implement JWT for the Second Scenario? (Coz, don't know about who is the user?)
Does anyone think this is good idea for writing proxy server like this?
How can streamline session expiry of this token with ATG session Expiry?
Does anyone of using Node.js like this? How does it scale ?
If anyone care to give me an idea how to write this proxy server, it will be much helpful for me.
I Apologize, if this is too long question, just my way of explaining things.
Thanks in advance.
Sure, why not?
You don't necessarily need a user. A JWT stores arbitrary data, the username can be blank or anonymous. If a user logs it, and provides a token associated with a guest cart, then it can be assumed that that user is allowed to claim the contents of that cart, and the anonymous cart can be destroyed.
Sure, this is quite common (disclaimer: I've worked on something very much the same as you).
TTL is reasonable, but I have no idea what ATG is or how it handles it.
Yes. It scales very well as long as you ensure your servers are stateless, and that you manage all your state through something like Redis.
Too broad of a question, I would just use Express + Redis/Mongo/Postgres.

oAuth2 authentication on a JavaScript app

I'm planning to refactor a legacy Rails 2 app by splitting the logic into a RESTful API, and the view into a separate Javascript client. The API itself will be protected by oAuth2. This is basically the second option explained on this question:
Separate REST JSON API server and client?
There's a lot of questions out there concerning the security of using oAuth with a JS app, the main concern seems to be that storing the access token on the client is a bad idea since it acts as a password and someone that has physical access to the computer can hijack the user's identity. A possible solution I've read is to expire the access token every 1h or so and use the refresh token stored on Yahoo's YQL to request a new token when necessary. This doesn't looks to me like a good solution since at the end you'll need again a token to access the YQL service.
But at the end, aren't we facing the same problem as when using persistent sessions? I mean, AFAIK, the common method to keep the session alive across browser opening/closing (when you tick "remember me") is to generate a token associated to a user and store it both on the DB and on a long-living cookie. So again, anyone with access to this cookie has the "key" to your session. AFAIK this is the method all the "big guys" use.
I am right? And if I am, aren't we worrying too much about something that we cannot control at all? Of course I'm talking about those applications where an intrusion is not too harmful for the user like social networks, blogs, forums, etc.

Web site using backbone for frontend and nodejs for backend

I'm developing a new web site that will be a single paged app with some dialog/modal windows. I want to use backbone for frontend. This will call backend using ajax/websockets
and render the resulting json using templates.
As a backend I'll use nodejs express app, that will return the json needed for client, it'll be some kind of api. This will not use server side views.
Client will use facebook, twitter, etc. for authentication and maybe custom registration form.
Client static resources, such as css, js, and html files will be handled by nginx (CDN later).
Questions that I have now:
How can I determine that a given user has the right to do some action in api(i.e. delete a building, create new building)? This is authorization question, I thought of giving user a role when they login and based on it determine their rights. Will this work?
Similar to the above question, will this role based security be enough to secure the api? Or I need to add something like tokens or request signing?
Is this architecture acceptable or I'm over engineering and complicating it?
Passport is an option for the authentication piece of the puzzle. I'm the developer, so feel free to ask me any questions if you use it.
I thought of giving user a role when they login and based on it determine their rights. Will this work?
Yes this will work. You can check for a certain role on the user after it's been fetched from the server. You can then display different UI elements depending on this role.
Will this role based security be enough to secure the api? Or I need to add something like tokens or request signing?
It wont be enough. Anyone could hop into the console and set something like user.admin = true. In your API you'll need to validate a user token from the request, making sure that the related user has the appropriate permissions.
Is this architecture acceptable or I'm over engineering and complicating it?
At the least you should have an API validation layer. That would make a decent enough start, and wouldn't be over-engineering.
For the authentication part of your question i would use everyauth which is an authentication middleware for connect/express. It supports almost every oauth-social-network-thingie.
For role management you could give node-roles a try. I didn't use it myself but it should help you out, because it checks the role on the server side. Of course that is only useful if your API is implemented in node.js. If that's not the case, you have to "proxy" the API calls over your node.js app.
I hope I could help you! :)

Multiple application instance authentication using OAuth?

First of all, I'm not sure whether this is a Dropbox API or an OAuth question, but maybe some of you can give me some insight of my problem.
I'll explain my scenario.
My application is written in Javascript, and its purpose is to run seamlessly on a screen (fullscreen/browser), fetching some pictures of my account and "slideshowing" them. Nothing too difficult at a first glance. I've managed to authorize my application, store the access token and secret on localstorage for later use. It is working so far.
However, this application will run on lots of screens. This means that on each first run of the app I must be there to enter me credentials in order for that particular application instance to have access to the API. Well, this isn't possible.
After the first run, and after my interaction by entering the credentials, the application would get an access token and then would be able to access the API.
Hard-coding the access token in all instances is possible, but I'm sure this isn't recommended as it poses some threat to my own account.
How can I give authentication to my every application instance (screen) without requiring the owner to interact once for each instance?
Am I missing something?
Thank you.

