Meteor's createUser running on client and server - javascript

I'm fairly new to Meteor and trying to grasp its concepts. I have a client code below that triggers Meteor method to create new user:
var validator = $('.signup-team-form').validate({
submitHandler: function(event){
var email = $('[name=email]').val();
var password = $('[name=password]').val();'addNewUser', email, password, "team-captain", function(error, result) {
if (error){
return alert(error.reason);
The method is defined to run on both client and server. When run on the server I want it to create user and add role to account. On the client side I want to sign user in.
addNewUser: function(email, password, role) {
check(email, String);
check(password, String);
email: email,
password: password,
profile: {
completed: false
}, function(error){
console.log(error); // Output error if registration fails
} else {
} else {
var id = Accounts.createUser({
email: email,
password: password,
profile: {
completed: false
Roles.addUsersToRoles(id, role);
The server part runs fine and new user is created but on client side I get error Error: No result from call to createUser and user isn't signed in automatically.
I assume the problem is I dont need to run createUser on the client and use Meteor.loginWithPassword instead but I would really like to know the theory behind this. Thanks

Don't do this. You are rewriting core code and creating security issues needlessly.
Instead of using your addNewUser method, just call Accounts.createUser on the client. Have a onCreateUser callback handle adding the role.
In your code, you are sending the users password to the server in plaintext. When you call Accounts.createUser, the password is hashed before being sent to the server. It also takes care of logging in the new user for you.
One gotcha with adding the role though, you will not be able to use Roles.addUsersToRoles(id, role) in the onCreateUser callback, as the user object has not yet been added to the database, and does not have an _id. However you can directly add the role to the proposed user object like this:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
user.roles = ['team-captain']
return user;
Then again, maybe you don't want all users to be team captains!


Firebase: Email verification link always expired even though verification works

I'm trying to set up an email verification flow in my project, but I can't seem to get it right.
How my flow works now is the user enters their credentials (email and password), which are used to create a new firebase user. Then, once that promise is resolved, it sends an email verification link to the new user that was created. The code looks like this:
async createUser(email: string, password: string) {
try {
console.log("Creating user...");
const userCredentials = await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
console.log("Successfully created user");
const { user } = userCredentials;
console.log("Sending email verification link...");
await this.verifyEmail(user);
return user;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
async verifyEmail(user: User) {
try {
} catch (err) {
throw err;
The link is sent through fine, but once I press on it, I'm redirected to a page that says this:
Strangely, the user's email is verified after this, in spite of the error message displayed. Any idea why this is happening?
I managed to figure it out. The email provider I'm using is my university's, and it seems to be preventing the verification link from working properly. I did try with my personal email to see if that was the case, but I wasn't seeing the verification link appearing there. I eventually realized that it was because it was being stored in the spam folder. It's working on other email providers, though, ideally, I'd want it to work on my university's email provider (the emails that users sign up with are supposed to be exclusively student emails). Any ideas how I could resolve this?
I eventually figured out that the issue was with my email provider. I was using my student email, which the university provides, and I imagine they've placed rigorous measures in place to secure them as much as possible. I have no idea what was preventing it from working, but I managed to figure out a workaround.
In brief, I changed the action URL in the template (which can be found in the console for your Firebase project in the Authentication section, under the Templates tab) to a route on my website titled /authenticate. I created a module to handle email verification. Included in it is a function that parses the URL, extracting the mode (email verification, password reset, etc.), actionCode (this is the important one. It stores the id that Firebase decodes to determine if it's valid), continueURL (optional), and lang (optional).
export const parseUrl = (queryString: string) => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const mode = urlParams.get("mode");
const actionCode = urlParams.get("oobCode");
const continueUrl = urlParams.get("continueUrl");
const lang = urlParams.get("lang") ?? "en";
return { mode, actionCode, continueUrl, lang };
I created another method that handles the email verification by applying the actionCode from the URL using Firebase's applyActionCode.
export const handleVerifyEmail = async (
actionCode: string,
continueUrl?: string,
lang?: string
) => {
try {
await applyActionCode(auth, actionCode);
return { alreadyVerified: false };
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof FirebaseError) {
switch (err.code) {
case "auth/invalid-action-code": {
return { alreadyVerified: true };
throw err;
The auth/invalid-action-code error seems to be thrown when the user is already verified. I don't throw an error for it, because I handle this differently to other errors.
Once the user presses the verification link, they're redirected to the /authenticate page on my website. This page then handles the email verification by parsing the query appended to the route. The URL looks something like this http://localhost:3000/authenticate?mode=verifyEmail&oobCode=FLVl85S-ZI13_am0uwWeb4Jy8DUWC3E6kIiwN2LLFpUAAAGDUJHSwA&apiKey=AIzaSyA_V9nKEZeoTOECWaD7UXuzqCzcptmmHQI&lang=en
Of course, in production, the root path would be the name of the website instead of localhost. I have my development environment running on port 3000.
Once the user lands on the authentication page, I handle the email verification in a useEffect() hook (Note: I'm using Next.js, so if you're using a different framework you might have to handle changing the URL differently):
useEffect(() => {
async function verifyEmail() {
const { actionCode } = parseUrl(;
if (!actionCode) return;
router.replace("/authenticate", undefined, { shallow: true });
try {
const response = await handleVerifyEmail(actionCode!);
if (response.alreadyVerified) {
} catch (err) {
}, []);
It first checks if there is an action code in the URL, in case a user tries to access the page manually.
The onSuccess, onFailure, and onEmailAlreadyVerified callbacks just display toasts. loadingState and emailAlreadyVerified are used to conditionally render different responses to the user.

Why i can't handle error connection? MQTT

I am trying to handle two cases. When the connection is successful and not. I created a promise that should return if the connection is successful. But it does not handle the error (the connection does not work at all (I think the problem is authorization)).
If I enter the wrong username or password, then the connection does not work at all.
I need to handle the error, any ideas?
UPD. Body server.on is not called if i using wrong password or username. I think its feature mqtt connect or something.
return new Promise((resolve) => {
server = mqtt.connect('url', {
username: 'username',
password: 'pass'
server.on('connect', (res) => {

firebase.initializeApp() does not reestablish a connection to onAuthStateChanged

I have three firebase instances: dev, staging and prod.
My application needs to authenticate the user with an email and password.
At login time my application has no idea if the user is in the dev, staging or prod databases.
So I decided to loop over my different config files and attempt to login to each database one-by-one. The logic in pseudocode looks like this:
var success = reinitializeFirebaseAndLogin(prodConfig, email, password);
if (!success) {
success = reinitializeFirebaseAndLogin(stagingConfig, email, password);
if (!success) {
success = reinitializeFirebaseAndLogin(devConfig, email, password);
if (!success) {
display("Login Failed.");
function reinitializeFirebaseAndLogin(config, email, password) {
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password); //if successful, onAuthStateChanged() should be called.
function reinitializeDefaultFirebase(config) { {
The problem is once the reinitializeDefaultFirebase() method is called then onAuthStateChanged is no longer called.
It seems that the loses the connection to firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged().
So the questions become:
How do I reestablish the connection to onAuthStateChanged?
Is this logic correct or is there a better way?
Should firebase.initializeApp() reestablish a connection to onAuthStateChanged without any special coding on my side?
Thank you for your time.

User authentication without back-end

I have a simple Backbone.js app with User model with different roles and I use json-server to emulate some backend basics. I need to make a basic authentication -- i.e. I need my User to be able to login and save his session somewhere (for that he wouldn't need to sign in each time he refreshes his browser). I've got a db.json file where I already have some users:
"users": [
"login": "admin",
"password": "password",
"role": "admin",
"id": 1
and here is my User model:
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
login: "",
password: "",
role: ""
// Updated
url: function () {
return "http://localhost:3000/users?login=" +
this.attributes.login + "&password=" + this.attributes.password;
I don't get quite good how could I manage authentication (i.e. entering login and password in form and storing the user session without proper backend). I thought about making a token field in my User model and filling in in each time user signs in and saving it in cookies, but I don't get how could I do that either way. I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this task.
ADDDED This is my login function in my view:
signIn: function () {
var login = $('#js-login').val();
var password = $('#js-password').val();
if (login && password) {
var currentUser = new User({
login: login,
password: password
success: function () {
error: function (err) {
But instead of finding a user from my json-server it just creates a new user with all empty attributes except of values of #js-login and #js-password input fields
ADDED I guess I should find my users by the query in url above in my collection, but I don't actually get how I would manage that
Repo with my project
This is simplified flow for your app:
Each time user open your website, check his cookies.
If cookies contain user info (saved username, password), check match with the info in your DB. If matched, go to home page. Otherwise, clear cookies, go to login page
If cookies not contain user info, go to login page
In login page, after user success logged in, save user info to cookies for next time check.
You can use some mechanism to encode user info (tokens, encryption...) to secure info stored in cookies/sessions. But store authentication DB in client is really weak security point. Sample code below:
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: function () {
return "users?login" + this.attributes.login + "&password=" + this.attributes.password;
isAdmin: function () {
return (this.get("role") == "admin");
In your view:
// Load username password from cookie (just simple example)
var username = $.cookie("username"),
password = $.cookie("password");
if (username && password) {
var userModel = new User({
login: username,
password: password
success: function () {
if (userModel.isAdmin) {
// e.g. go to admin page
} else {
// e.g. go to normal user page
// Save to cookie/session here
error: function () {
// Go to login page
} else {
// Go to login page
About cookie, you can refer How do I set/unset cookie with jQuery?
About getting username/password input form, you can just use simple jquery selector (very easy to google for it, e.g.
Here you can refer to this plugin that uses mostly the jquery functions as mentioned in the documentation here
I would not be going into much detail as the documentaion is quite clear.
This refers to the authentication with the jquery
Now IF you want to authenticate the user using backbone.js
if the route came back with {loggedIn: false} the backbone router would send the user to the login/register pages only. But if it came back with a users profile information then it would obviously mean he had a session.
wire up $.ajax to respond to 401 (Unauthorized) status codes.
Also to mention as stated in this stackoverflow thread
Hope it may be able to help you a bit.
Here is the step by step guide to authenticate with backbone.js

Passport js authenticate by url

I'm using Express JS and Passport JS for my app.
I want to give a new user the opportunity to automatically login, once, by a specific URL. I can get the user from the database with the information from the URL, so I have an User object (with id, email, hashed password etc.) but I don't know how I can use passport to authenticate the user and login.
I tried executing below function with the user object I got from the database:
req.login(user, function(err) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
return res.redirect('/users/' + req.user.username);
But that didn't work. Guess it's just because the user object contains the hashed password...
Anyone who ever tried this before and can tell me how it works?
Maybe strategy will be useful for you
Base logic is getting argument from url
UrlStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req, options) {
var self = this;
function verified(err, user, info) {
if (err) { return self.redirect(self.failRedirect); } // redirect in fail
self.success(user, info); // done callback
this._verify(req.query[this.varName], verified);
Full example here
Heyo, so while #Rax Wunter is totally right, I just saw this question and wanted to say it is NOT A GOOD IDEA to do what you're doing here. You should never be passing a hashed password in a URL string ever. This is a really bad security concern.
What you should do instead is use something like a JSON Web Token (JWT). There are lots of libraries to help with this, but the basic flow goes something like this:
Wherever you are generating your URL, you'll instead generate a JWT that contains the user ID in it.
You'll then build a URL that looks like:
On your endpoint, you'll read in the token, validate it using the JWT library (and a shared secret variable), and this will confirm this token was unmodified (eg: you KNOW this user is who they claim to be).
This strategy above is really great because it means you can safely log someone in, in a trusted way, without compromising security or leaking a password hash at all.
There is not need of any additional module or passport-strategy for this. Adjust below code according to your use case;
router.get('/url/:token', (req, res) => {
User.findOne({token: req.params.token}, (err, user) => {
req.login(user, {}, function(err) {
if (err) { console.error(err); }
else return res.redirect("/home.html");

