Is it possible to make reload the page when the data is updated?
import socket
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.gen
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.iostream
import tornado.tcpserver
import os
import tornado.websocket
last_messages = dict()
class TcpClient(object):
client_id = 0
def __init__(self, stream):
super(TcpClient, self).__init__()
TcpClient.client_id += 1 = 'Connection#%d' % TcpClient.client_id = stream
socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
def on_disconnect(self):
yield []
def dispatch_client(self):
while True:
line = yield'\n')
text_line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
last_messages[] = text_line
# UPDATE GUI, webpage HERE
self.log('got |%s|' % text_line)
except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError:
def on_connect(self):
raddr = 'closed'
raddr = '%s:%d' %
except Exception:
self.log('new, %s' % raddr)
yield self.dispatch_client()
def log(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
print('[%s] %s' % (, msg.format(*args, **kwargs)))
class TcpServer(tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer):
def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
connection = TcpClient(stream)
yield connection.on_connect()
class LastMessagesHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class WebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def on_message(self, message):
print message
def main():
tcp = TcpServer()
settings = dict(
template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates'),
static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static'),
app = tornado.web.Application(
(r'/', LastMessagesHandler),
(r'/ws', WebSocketHandler)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is the template.html
<title>TCP server</title>
<title>Tornado WebSockets</title>
<script src=""></script>
if (!("WebSocket" in window)) {
alert("Your browser does not support web sockets");
function setup() {
var host = "ws://localhost:8008/ws";
var socket = new WebSocket(host);
// event handlers for websocket
socket.onopen = function(){
//alert("connection opened....");
socket.onmessage = function(msg){
/*socket.onclose = function(){
//alert("connection closed....");
showServerResponse("The connection has been closed.");
console.log("invalid socket");
function showServerResponse(txt){
var p = document.createElement('p');
p.innerHTML = txt;
<ul id="output">
{% for key, value in sources.iteritems() %}
<ul> {{key}} | {{value}} </ul>
{% end %}
I need to update Client(webpage) whenever last_messages is changed (smth is removed form the dict, smth has been added to the dict). I can't do this using tornado.websocket. Could you please help? I need to update gui after reading line from the socket (you can find the comment in the code where i need to update the webpage: # UPDATE GUI, webpage HERE). So the socket can be still opened (we are continuing reading lines), but the gui must be updated. Is it possible to do it?
If you really want to reload the page then in your JavaScript you can initiate a call to window.location.reload().
However, this will close the WebSocket connection from the client side.
If you just wish to update the DOM (GUI), then listen to the incoming message on the client and update accordingly.
To observe and track data changes you can do it yourself in JavaScript, or with Object.observe if you're running only on modern Chrome, or with the polyfill, or use an existing tool, like Backbone.js.
Should you choose the latter, I can also recommend a tool to help you with working with WebSockets and Backbone.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of Backbone.WS.
I'm asked to work on a networking website that is like Twitter. I work with HTML,CSS, Javascript for the client-side and Django for the server-side. I'm trying to link between Javascript and Django using JSON and fetch as I want to create a button in each of the users' profile that upon being clicked by the registered user, it makes the registered follow the profile as it is saved in django database as a model containing the follower(follower) and the user followed(following) but upon clicking on follow button (in user.html) it doesn't save any data in the database
class follow(models.Model):
follower = models.ForeignKey("User",on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="follower")
following = models.ForeignKey("User",on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="following")
in user.html(contains the script):
document.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(input =>{
input.addEventListener('click', function(){
let follow_username =
fetch('/follow/'+ follow_id, {
body: JSON.stringify({
follow: true
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="submit" value="follow" name ="follow" id={{x.username}}>
from django.urls import path
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
path("follow/<str:name>", views.Users, name="follow")
def Users(request, name):
x = User.objects.get(username = name)
if request.method == 'PUT':
data = json.loads(request.body)
if data.get('follow') is not None:
user = request.user
anotherr = User.objects.filter(username = name)
another = User.objects.get(username = anotherr).id
follow.objects.create(follower = user, following = another)
return render (request, "network/user.html",{"x":x})
upon clicking on the follow button that present in user.html, no data is created in the database. so what is the problem?
I'll throw my best guesses on what's happening.. Just some improper syntax and undefined variables
another / anotherr no, just use x you're already fetching the user at the top of the view
get_or_create will not allow you to have duplicates / follow someone twice (generally a good idea)
Prints are just debugging, remove after you know it's working
def Users(request, name):
x = User.objects.get(username=name)
if request.method == 'PUT':
print('we\'ve hit put')
data = json.loads(request.body)
if data.get('follow') is not None:
print('in follow')
# Note: [User Obj Itself]
# follower = request.user (is: <User Obj>)
# following = x (is: <User Obj>)
followObj, createdBool = follow.objects.get_or_create(follower=request.user, following=x)
print('followObj', followObj)
print('created?', createdBool)
print('past follow')
print('about to render')
return render (request, "network/user.html",{"x":x})
Idk what follow_id is, just use
document.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(input =>{
input.addEventListener('click', function(){
// this should be true
console.log( == '{{x.username}}');
console.log('Fetch Url:\t' + '/follow/'+;
fetch('/follow/'+, {
body: JSON.stringify({
follow: true
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="submit" value="follow" name ="follow" id={{x.username}}>
If these don't work, tell me what print or console.log got hit or didn't get hit- that'll really help narrow down the issue even more
Supposedly this, putting a token in a header, will work if you don't want to put a #csrf_exempt decorator (which might be a good idea tbh)
fetch('/follow/'+, {
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken': $('[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').val() },
body: JSON.stringify({
follow: true
I am working on Yolov3, OpenCV,python and Flask. Here, I explain the details of usage for each item.
Yolov3 - To detect and recognize object in video input
Opencv - To capture images of detected object in video input.
Flask - As a web server since it's support python language.
My objective
To develop application which able to captured the image of the object and update in the flask web directly or real-time
For your information, currently my system able to capture image and save in one folder which name as images by using OpenCv and python. you can refer the code below.
opencv and python code to capture image of object detected
for i in range(len(boxes)):
if i in indexes:
x,y,w,h = boxes[i]
label = str(LABELS[class_ids[i]])
confidence= confidences[i]
color = colors[class_ids[i]]
crop_img = image[y:y + h, x:x + w]
imagesPath = "images/file_%d.jpg"%self.d
cv2.imwrite(imagesPath, crop_img)
cv2.putText(image,label+" "+str(round(confidence,2)),(x,y+30),font,1,(255,255,255),2)
When the images successfully save in images folder. I convert all the images in to base64 and return as json in flask. Here I attach the python code in flask.
Covert image to base64 and render in html templates
def get_images():
directory = os.listdir('C:/Users/HP/Miniconda3/envs/count_vechicle/coding/images')
image_list= list()
for file in directory:
data = dict()
base = os.path.basename(file)
data["label"] = base
open_file = open(file,'rb')
image_read =
image_64_encode = base64.encodebytes(image_read)
data["data"] = image_64_encode.decode('ascii')
final_data = {'files':image_list}
return render_template('images.html', final_data=final_data)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1 class="logo">Results</h1>
{% for data in final_data.files %}
<img alt="embedded" src="data:image/jpg;base64,{{}}"/>
{% endfor %}
Problem and question
I have two major problem here.
1) When i run my application, my application captured the images welly. But it's automatically stop when image.html page is open to display the picture. Why it's happen and how to solve this?
2) If the application able to capture image even i open the image.html page. What should i do to update my web directly or real-time?
Here I attach the full code. Because I have been works for many weeks but still not found the solution. Hope someone can helps. Let's me know if u need more information
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response,jsonify
from camera import VideoCamera
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import detect as dt
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import base64
import json
from pprint import pprint
app = Flask(__name__)
def success_handle(output, status=200, mimetype='application/json'):
return Response(output, status=status, mimetype=mimetype)
def get_images():
directory = os.listdir('C:/Users/HP/Miniconda3/envs/count_vechicle/coding/images')
flist = list()
for file in directory:
data = dict()
base = os.path.basename(file)
data["label"] = base
open_file = open(file,'rb')
image_read =
image_64_encode = base64.encodebytes(image_read)
data["data"] = image_64_encode.decode('ascii')
final_data = {'files':flist}
return render_template('images.html', final_data=final_data)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
def gen(camera):
frame_id = 0
while True:
frame = camera.get_frame()
yield (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n\r\n')
def video_feed():
return Response(gen(VideoCamera()),
mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
if __name__ == '__main__':'', debug=True)
import cv2
import time
import os
import numpy as np
starting_time= time.time()
frame_id = 0
count = 0
d = 0
labelsPath = os.path.sep.join(["yolo-coco", "coco.names"])
weightsPath = os.path.sep.join(["yolo-coco", "yolov3.weights"])
configPath = os.path.sep.join(["yolo-coco", "yolov3.cfg"])
#imagesPath = 'C:/Users/HP/Miniconda3/envs/count_vechicle/coding/images/file_%d.jpg"%d'
labelsPath = os.path.sep.join(["yolo-coco", "coco.names"])
VideoPath = os.path.sep.join(["videos", "highway.mp4"])
LABELS = open(labelsPath).read().strip().split("\n")
net = cv2.dnn.readNet(configPath, weightsPath)
layer_names = net.getLayerNames()
outputlayers = [layer_names[i[0] - 1] for i in net.getUnconnectedOutLayers()]
colors= np.random.uniform(0,255,size=(len(LABELS),3))
class VideoCamera(object):
def __init__(self):
# Using OpenCV to capture from device 0. If you have trouble capturing
# from a webcam, comment the line below out and use a video file
# instead. = cv2.VideoCapture(VideoPath)
self.frame_id = 0
self.d = 0
# If you decide to use video.mp4, you must have this file in the folder
# as the
# = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4')
def __del__(self):
def get_frame(self):
success, image =
# We are using Motion JPEG, but OpenCV defaults to capture raw images,
# so we must encode it into JPEG in order to correctly display the
# video stream.
height,width,channels = image.shape
#print (frame.shape)
#detecting objects
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image,0.00392,(320,320),(0,0,0),True,crop=False) #reduce 416 to 320
outs = net.forward(outputlayers)
#Showing info on screen/ get confidence score of algorithm in detecting an object in blob
for out in outs:
for detection in out:
scores = detection[5:]
class_id = np.argmax(scores)
confidence = scores[class_id]
if confidence > 0.8:
#object detected
center_x= int(detection[0]*width)
center_y= int(detection[1]*height)
w = int(detection[2]*width)
h = int(detection[3]*height),(center_x,center_y),10,(0,255,0),2)
#rectangle co-ordinaters
x=int(center_x - w/2)
y=int(center_y - h/2)
boxes.append([x,y,w,h]) #put all rectangle areas
confidences.append(float(confidence)) #how confidence was that object detected and show that percentage
class_ids.append(class_id) #name of the object tha was detected
indexes = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes,confidences,0.4,0.6)
# result = open('C:/Users/HP/Miniconda3/envs/count_vechicle/coding/images/frame%04d.txt'%(count), 'w')
for i in range(len(boxes)):
if i in indexes:
x,y,w,h = boxes[i]
label = str(LABELS[class_ids[i]])
# cv2.imwrite(label, crop_img)
confidence= confidences[i]
color = colors[class_ids[i]]
crop_img = image[y:y + h, x:x + w]
imagesPath = "images/file_%d.jpg"%self.d
cv2.imwrite(imagesPath, crop_img)
cv2.putText(image,label+" "+str(round(confidence,2)),(x,y+30),font,1,(255,255,255),2)
elapsed_time = time.time() - starting_time
# cv2.imshow("Image",image)
# key = cv2.waitKey(1) #wait 1ms the loop will start again and we will process the next frame
# if key == 27: #esc key stops the process
# break;
ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)
return jpeg.tobytes()
<title>Object Detection</title>
<h1>Video Streaming Demonstration</h1>
<img src="{{ url_for('video_feed') }}">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1 class="logo">Results</h1>
{% for data in final_data.files %}
<img alt="embedded" src="data:image/jpg;base64,{{}}"/>
{% endfor %}
I try to draw circular gauge using jQuery and circularchart and I'm able to make it.
I want the setInterval() function of javascript to auto-refresh the value so that the gauge value keep update by itself without manual refresh.
But the setinterval() function is not working at all.
I don't want to refresh the whole page or the body of html.
I just want to refresh the particular circleChart#0 function.
Your help is needed.
This is circle.html
<div class="circleChart" id="0"></div>
<div class="circleChart" id="1" data-value="77"></div>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='jquery-1.12.4.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='circleChart.js') }}"></script>
size: 200,
value: {{temperature}},
text: 0,
onDraw: function(el, circle) {
circle.text(Math.round(circle.value) + "'C");
setInterval(function() {
value: {{temperature}},
onDraw: function(el, circle) {
circle.text(Math.round(circle.value) + "'C");
}, 2000);
This is my python code (
from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
import os
import glob
import time
os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
os.system('modprobe w1-therm')
base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
device_folder = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')[0]
device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave'
def read_temp_raw():
f = open(device_file, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
return lines
def read_temp():
lines = read_temp_raw()
while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
lines = read_temp_raw()
equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=')
if equals_pos != -1:
temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos+2:]
temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0
temp_f = temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0
return temp_c, temp_f
def main():
temperature , humidity = read_temp()
templateData = {
'temperature' : temperature,
'humidity': humidity
return render_template('circle.html', **templateData)
if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=80, debug=True)
Assuming {{temperature}} is some kind of template variable, those are (typically) only evaluated once when generating the page from your template.
You will need some kind of AJAX call to fetch the updated temperature value.
I'm working on a Python package that uses Tornado to send data to the browser for visualization. In order to do this, I want the users to be able to write multiple arbitrary modules for the server to render together on a single page -- including each module's own JavaScript.
However, by default, the Tornado's UIModule class's embedded_javascript() method only appends JavaScript to <script>...</script> once per module class. I'm hoping there is a simple way to embed multiple pieces of JS, one for every UIModule (or another way to get the same effect).
Here's a minimal example of what I'm talking about:
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.template
class Element(tornado.web.UIModule):
Module to add some custom JavaScript to the page.
def render(self, element):
self.js_code = element.js_code
return ""
def embedded_javascript(self):
return self.js_code
class InterfaceElement(object):
Object to store some custom JavaScript code.
def __init__(self, js_code):
js_code: Some JavaScript code in string form to add to the page.
self.js_code = js_code
class MainPageHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
elements = self.application.modules
self.render("uitest_template.html", app_name="Testing", elements=elements)
class ThisApp(tornado.web.Application):
def __init__(self, modules):
self.modules = modules
main_handler = (r'/', MainPageHandler)
#settings = {"ui_modules": {"Element": Element}}
settings = {"ui_modules": {"Element": Element},
"template_path": "ui_templates"}
super().__init__([main_handler], **settings)
# Create two objects with some custom JavaScript to render
module_1 = InterfaceElement("var a = 1;")
module_2 = InterfaceElement("var b = 2;")
app = ThisApp([module_1, module_2])
And the template for uitest_template.html is just
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Hello World </title>
{% for element in elements %}
{%module Element(element) %}
{% end %}
The rendered page then includes a <script> tag in body that is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var b = 2;
And what I want is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
Or something like it. Any ideas?
Added - my solution
Based on the answer below, here's how I ended up handling it:
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.template
class InterfaceElement(object):
include_js = [] # List of .js files to include
js_code = '' # JavaScript string to include
def __init__(self, include_js=[], js_code=''):
self.include_js = include_js
self.js_code = js_code
class MainPageHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class ThisApp(tornado.web.Application):
def __init__(self, modules):
# Extract the relevant info from modules:
self.modules = modules
self.include_js = set()
self.js_code = []
for module in self.modules:
for include_file in module.include_js:
if module.js_code != '':
main_handler = (r'/', MainPageHandler)
settings = {"template_path": "ui_templates",
"static_path": "ui_templates"}
super().__init__([main_handler], **settings)
module_1 = InterfaceElement(js_code="var a = 1;")
module_2 = InterfaceElement(include_js=["test.js"], js_code="var b = 1;")
app = ThisApp([module_1, module_2])
Which goes with the following template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Hello world </title>
<!-- Script includes go here -->
{% for file_name in includes %}
<script src="/static/{{ file_name }}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% end %}
<script type="text/javascript">
// Actual script snippets go here.
{% for script in scripts %}
{% raw script %}
{% end %}
embedded_javascript and related methods are (effectively) class-level methods; they must return the same value for any instance of the class. (They're intended to be a kind of dependency-management system, so you can load a piece of javascript only on pages that include a module that needs it)
The only thing that is allowed to vary per instance is the output of render(), so to embed multiple pieces of javascript you should include the script tag in the result of your render() method.
I have the following code:
HTML + JavaScript
<style type="text/css">
color: #3D8BD0;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="mensagem">Mensage</div>
$("#mensagem").click(function( event ) {
And the .py file:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import sys
from PySide.QtCore import Slot, QObject, QUrl
from PySide.QtGui import QApplication
from PySide.QtWebKit import QWebView
from threading import Timer
class Dac(QObject):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Dac, self).__init__(parent)
self.defultMsg = "default" = QApplication(sys.argv)
self.view = QWebView()
self.view.resize(445, 791)
self.frame =
self.frame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject('printer', self)
def changeText(self, mensagem):
print mensagem
def text(self, message):
print message
strm = '$("#mensagem").html("'+message+'").addClass("color1");'
self.changeText(strm) #this change the text
t = Timer(6.5, self.timeoff)
def timeoff(self):
strm = '$("#mensagem").html("'+self.defultMsg+'").removeClass("color1");'
self.changeText(strm) #this don't change
print "debug"
dac = Dac()
When I run the Python file, the window opens and shows me the HTML page, then when I click in the div "mensagem" the text just changes one time.
So I think my problem is that the statement self.frame.evaluateJavaScript(mensagem) only works on the first time.
Is there anyone else with the same problem?
The callback you provide to threading.Timer will not be executed by the main thread. Since QWebView inherits from QWidget, you have to interact with it from the main thread:
Although QObject is reentrant, the GUI classes, notably QWidget and all its subclasses, are not reentrant. They can only be used from the main thread.
You can fix this by using PySide.QtCore.QTimer and replacing this code:
t = Timer(6.5, self.timeoff)
QTimer.singleShot(6.5 * 1000, self.timeoff)
QTimer works with Qt's event loop and therefore stays in the same thread.