Cross-domain conversion tracking - Custom vs GA? - javascript

Say I'm starting a site,, where I post items on an 'affiliation' basis. When users click on my links, they're directed to the site If the user I redirect to makes a purchase, I need that conversion tracked.
I see two possibilities:
Creating a custom tracking library (probably JavaScript) where I
request URLs from to transfer information from I guess PHP would work too, but reduces compatibility with clients.
I use Google Analytics cross-domain tracking to do this. I don't
want the GA account to interfere with the GA account, but as I understand it you can use several accounts on the
same page, giving them different identifiers.
I feel like I'm stuck with a narrow set of possibilities. Do I do both? Neither? I need it to be as easy to implement as possible for the client, while also providing relatively bullet proof tracking. What's the standard today? Affiliation services are everywhere, and this type of cross-domain tracking has to be a very used technique. Is there another preferred method of achieving this that I'm not aware of?
This question might seem highly theoretical. While that may be true, answers with code are highly appreciated too.

I have a way for this to work but it requires both your domains to have the Universal Analytics code installed. This will not work with the older GA code
You can install multiple instances of the Google Analytics tracking code on your web pages to send data to multiple properties in your account.
You can, for example, install multiple instances of the Universal Analytics tracking code (analytics.js) on your web pages but only one instance of the Classic Analytics code (ga.js).
So (provided they have your GA code installed) when you refer to what you should do is this
Parse your GA cookie. You can get to it by $_COOKIE['_ga']. The cookie holds a string that has four parts, broken up by periods. (i.e. GA1.3.367110421.1357220305). You want those last 2 numbers (in this example 367110421.1357220305)
Pass the parsed cookie data in your referral to should store the parsed cookie in its session
Last but not least, when has your referral data it should load your GA code and set your sessions up like this
ga('create', 'UA-YOUR-GA-CODE', {'cookieDomain': '', 'clientId': 'USERS-PARSED-SESSION'});
What this does is it passes your GA session to their domain. At this point, GA will keep their session going so you can track what happens on Any conversion data they pass to their GA code should be passed to your GA as well.
Is it bulletproof? No. You have to trust to properly retain and show your referrred GA session ID. But I have to use this methodology to keep my sessions between my primary sites and the centralized checkout we use and it preserves my Adwords conversions, etc.

I feel like if you're looking for ease of use for the client, Google Analytics is a pretty solid option. It is a widely used tool, with lots of documentation and active forums for feedback. Also, from my research on the topicit seems that they've got this type of behaviour in mind already.
An alternate that comes to mind is that, when redirected from site A to site B, they should be forced to authenticate on site B. You could then setup an authentication form that is unique to this referral from site A, and will be filtered into your database separately from regular authentications on site B.


How does Google's analytics.js authenticate the hostname?

I'm building JS-only plugin which will be implemented on multiple websites, each website having its own unique ID, which is passed to a Rails API along with some other data. My API will verify the hostname and ID provided by the JS plugin - but these things can of course be seen and used to fake impressions or events by anyone.
As far as I'm aware, there is no foolproof way of authenticating a website without an invisible, server-side key. That said, how does Google do it?
Analytics requires no server-side implementation, only an ID, which it of course checks against the hostname. Does this not mean that page views and events can be faked by a third party, and if so, why isn't it a prevalent issue?
Thanks in advance

Google Analytics: how to use custom dimension on different website to identify intranet users

I have a main public Liferay website, that is therefore accessible both by intranet and not-intranet (i.e. public) users.
I also have a Liferay intranet website, which is accessible only to intranet users because is protected via a login page.
The login page to the intranet website is public.
After you successfully login, the intranet website is loaded.
In my Google Analytics account for the main website, I want to differentiate intranet users from public users (e.g. in order to understand how the 2 categories behave).
Can I use a custom dimension to solve this problem, or is there a better way?
Custom dimension data has to be sent via hits (UPDATE: by "hits" I meant either pageview or event hits, I am not referring to the dimension scope, cfr., therefore I should:
load the Google Analytics tracking code of the main website on the intranet website (the site displayed after successfully logging in)
send a pageview hit from this Intranet website to the main website together with a custom dimension, e.g.
ga('send', 'pageview', {
'dimension1': 'I am a intranet user'
Is this correct?
Does the above mentioned solution have any impact on my Analytics data in the main website (e.g. more pageviews due to the tracking code added to the intranet website, or strange behaviours in counting user sessions, etc.)?
Thanks a lot.
Actually, the solutions proposed below would not work because the 2 websites (intranet and not-intranet) are considered different domains.
So, even if I had the following domains
intranet website:
company website:
and I sent data to the same UA account (i.e. the company website UA account), they would be counted as different visits.
Quoting Google (see
If a user independently visits two sites that are tracking in the same
view (profile), such as through a bookmark, these visits will still be
counted under separate sessions. In this scenario, the linking methods
are not invoked, and thus there is no way to determine the initiating
session for a given user.
So, how could I solve my problem?
Would it be possible to solve it by implementing cross-domain tracking (, and how?
Thanks a lot.
Can I use a custom dimension to solve this problem, or is there a better way?
Yes, custom dimension is perfect for this.
Custom dimension data has to be sent via hits
The User-level scope is more appropriate than the hit-level one for what you want to achieve. The linked document explains in detail why, and gives an example similar to your use case.
Does the above mentioned solution have any impact on my Analytics data in the main website
Yes, impact is mainly that you will have extra data corresponding to the visits to the intranet.
A custom dimension works well for your purpose. You will get additional hits for visits on your intranet site, but you can segment them out via the custom dimension to separate between inter/intranet.
Since the intranet requires a login there is one other way you could try, which would have the additional benefit of allowing for cross-device tracking (if that is beneficial to you).
Google calls this "userID", despite the fact that it must not be used to identify individual users. On login you pass in a unique value per user that is set by your backend system (UUID format is suggest but any unique string would work). Since it is not assigned by the tracking code but set by your system it will be the same id on every device. It is used to de-duplicate users, i.e. persons that log in from multiple devices will be recognized as single users (also useful if people delete their cookies - the userID can be used to aggregate sessions into unique visitors).
To make this work you need to set up a special view that contains only data from visits where the userId is set (so you would have a view for your public site and a view only for your logged-in users). You get a few special reports, for example one to tell you how many users log in from different device categories.
What the userID should not do, and in fact must not do according to Googles terms of service, is to identify individuals. The userId is not exposed in the Interface, and you must not store it as a custom dimension. If you store it on the client side in a cookie you must unset it once the users log out. It is merely there to allow continuous tracking of users independently from cookies (plus you need to amend your privacy policy if you want to use this).
Of course you can combine both approaches to get even more insights.

How to implement a web widget with OAuth 2.0

I want to create a web widget that will display information from my site.
The widget will be included in the client's website HTML using JavaScript, and should only be usable for my clients -- web sites that were registered at my site.
The information in the widget should be specific to the user who is currently visiting the client's site.
So, I need to authenticate both the client (website owner) and the resource owner (website visitor). This seems to map nicely to OAuth 2.0, but I couldn't find a complete example or explanation for such an implementation.
Any resources or pointers to such information will be appreciated.
Update: I've stumbled upon this article, which provides an outline for an approach that uses OAuth. However, it is not detailed enough for me to really understand how to use this with OAuth 2.
There are many large organizations that have done this, and I'm sad to see no other answers for this question since it's such an important web pattern.
I'm going to presume that you are not rolling your own OAuth 2.0 provider from scratch, if you are - well done otherwise you should be using something kickass like Doorkeeper to do this for you.
Now, in OAuth 2.0 you have the following entities:
Users registered on your website
Applications registered on your website (who subscribe to your oauth2)
User Permissions which is a list of Applications that a user has 'allowed'
Developer (who is consuming your auth API / widgets and building an Application)
The first thing to note is you must have a domain name associated with each Application. So if a developer registers for a API token / secret on your website, the Application he creates is mapped to a unique domain.
Now, I presume that the flow for an application to authenticate users via your website is already clear. That being said, you don't need to do much for this to work.
When an Application sends the user to your website (in order to sign in) you place a session cookie on the user's computer. Lets call this "Cookie-X".
Now the user is authenticated by your website and goes back to the Application. There we want to show a custom widget with information pertaining to that user.
The developer will be need to copy paste some code into this app.
The flow is like this:
The code will contain a url to your website with his Application ID (not secret) which he got when registering his application on your website.
When that code runs, it will ping your website with his appId. You need to check that AppID with your database, and additionally check that the referrer url is from the same domain as that which is registered in your website for that AppID. Edit: Alternatively or additionally, the code can check for document.domain and include it in the ping to your website, allowing you to verify that the request has come from the domain that has registered with the given AppID.
If that is correct, you reply back with some JS code.
Your JS code looks for the session cookie your website had set when the user had signed in. If that cookie is found, it pings back to your website with the session and your website responds with the custom view content.
Edit: as rightfully mentioned in a comment, the cookie should be HttpOnly to safeguard against common XSS attacks.
Additional Notes
The reasons this is a secure approach:
The AppId and domain name are a good enough combination to verify that other people are not fetching this information. Even thou the appId is visible in the applications html source, the domain name would have to be spoofed by anyone attempting to use someone else's AppID.
Presuming someone takes an AppID which is not his, and writes code to spoof the domain name of the referrer when requesting for your widget, he still won't be able to see any information. Since you are showing user specific information, the widget will only render if your website can find the session cookie it placed on the users browser which can't really be spoofed. There are ways around like session-hijacking, etc. But I think that's beyond the scope of this question.
Other Methods
Just by looking at Facebook's Social Plugins, you can tell that there are other options.
For example, one might be to use an Iframe. If you ask the developer to add an Iframe to his application, you can even reduce a few of the steps mentioned above. But you will have to add JS along with it (outside the iframe) to grab the correct domain, etc. And ofcourse from an accessibility and interface standpoint I'm not very found of Iframes.

Will Google Analytics track traffic if cookies are disabled in my browser?

I want to know whether Google Analytics will track traffic on my website, if my browser has cookies disabled?
I tried to search on Google but couldn't find much information about this question.
I would appreciate if you can also provide me with a source link.
No, if you disable cookies, Google Analytics will not track you.
Google Analytics tracks you by creating cookies (or using existing cookies it finds). Then it uses that cookie information in the request it sends to That "request" to get the __utm.gif is how the data is transmitted to Google Analytics.
Googling this is a bit difficult, since it mostly just turned up information on the cookies themselves, not what happens when they're disabled.
So, I did an experiment to prove it. I loaded StackOverflow in a fresh FireFox install with cookies disabled.
Below is the list of HTTP requests. Note that it loads ga.js, the Google Analytics script that attempts to track you. But, no request for __utm.gif is made. ga.js merely runs, realizes its unable to create cookies, and as a result has no way to create "state" from pageview to pageview.
Without cookies, Google Analytics would view every single "hit" as its own visit, and each of those visits would be a bounce. This data would be useless. As a result, GA makes the logical choice to just not track those people.
The answer appears to be YES, below is what google has to say.
The "measurement protocol" can even work withOUT cookies or js, it seems to be in beta so you have to request access.
Universal Analytics supports data collection without browser cookies.
The Universal Analytics collection methods (analytics.js and the Measurement Protocol) can be implemented and used to collect visitor usage data without cookies. These methods also work if cookies are cleared or disabled. Website visitors that don’t want their visit data reported by Google Analytics can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on to opt-out.
Thanks for the explanation however I thougfht cookies or no cookies Analytics will still record a vist but just can't track it. So when you say "Google Analytics would view every single "hit" as its own visit, and each of those visits would be a bounce." are you implying this is still recorded as say a 0 second or 100% Bounce visit? Or Analytics records no visit at all?
It can, but only if the site owner sets it up that way, which is difficult. The problem is tracking a user across different URLs while maintaining a UUID.
The short answer is yes - but only if the site owner found his way around the pitfalls.
I did it on my website.

Is it possible to use the Google Analytics API to provide stats for customer's page views?

Let's say I run a site where customers are willing to pay for a page that shows some sort of cool info about them. The whole site is tracked using Google Analytics.
To provide stat tracking for the customers, would it be possible to mine the data from Google Analytics, using the AJAX API?
Are there any show-stoppers I should look out for before attempting this?
Trying to prevent from writing my own stat tracking solution.
Update, a bit more clarification: I'm looking to be able to build a stats page that shows a few stats for a specific url (page views, traffic sources, etc...), not necessarily in real-time. I would cache the page to prevent hitting API rate limits.
There are 2 major impediments: One technological, and one legal-ish. Together, they make using Google Analytics Data Export API an unfit solution.
Technological: Google Analytics Data is not available in Real-Time. Delays in data processing run from 3-4 hours to 24-48 hours. Page-views are processed fasted; things like custom variables often take a day or so). In theory, you could tag each user with a custom variable, and then query against that custom variable for information.
Legal-ish The Google Analytics Terms of Service prohibits you from collecting personally identifiable information. So, you can't use a custom variable that stores their username on your site without violating the Terms of Service. Here's the relevant section.
PRIVACY . You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use the
Service to track or collect personally
identifiable information of Internet
users, nor will You (or will You allow
any third party to) associate any data
gathered from Your website(s) (or such
third parties' website(s)) with any
personally identifying information
from any source as part of Your use
(or such third parties' use) of the
Service. You will have and abide by an
appropriate privacy policy and will
comply with all applicable laws
relating to the collection of
information from visitors to Your
websites. You must post a privacy
policy and that policy must provide
notice of your use of a cookie that
collects anonymous traffic data.
As far as alternatives, it depends on what information you want. You can access their IP address on the server side and use that with a third party tool or a command line call to find out their rough location (much the same way that Google does). You can similarly access their referer on the server side. Much of the information that gets sent to Google actually gets stored in the Analytics cookies (_utm prefixed cookies). There's a wide body of literature on reading these cookies (See:

