event.button not working properly in Chrome - javascript

I'm using JQuery event object's button property to get whether the left button of the mouse was clicked during a mouseout event:
$("#foo").on("mouseout", function(event){
if (event.button === "0"){
// do code
According to the specification button property gets the string value "0" if the left button was clicked, and it gets the value "-1" if none of the buttons.
My problem is that in Chrome (I haven't tried it on other browser yet) I get the value "0" whether left button is being clicked or none of the buttons are being clicked. If I clicked the right button, I get the proper value ("2") as in the specification. So I only have problem if none of the buttons are being clicked (it should give the "-1" value, but it gives the "0" value).
Do you have any clue?
I know there is a buttons (plural!) property two, but I use TypeScript and it cannot recognize this proprety for JQueryEventObject class. However in JavaScript buttons property works well for me.

I'm using JQuery event object's button property to get whether the left button of the mouse was clicked during a mouseout event.
But you are using a mouse event which is not in the list mouseout, but docs # MDN says this:
The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). Common events using this interface include click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown.


Right click acts like a left click on the event

I have this code:
document.getElementById("1").oncontextmenu = function() {
return false
It disables the little window that shows after a right click (only on the button/image).
On my code (https://jsfiddle.net/nnuyguat/) everything is working fine, except for when I do a right click on the image as it triggers the left click event and changes the image untill I move the mouse.
Another related problem is if I press left click without releasing and then right click (releasing the right button), it will also change the image.
I need to prevent the image changing with right clicks. It should work as the closing button of the browser (except it's another images and it doesn't close anything).
You could use event.button to check which button is pressed because event.button returns a number which indicates which mouse button was pressed.
if (event.button === 2){
// run your function
That should be correct, as I have never used this before.
The right click event is not triggering a left click. It is just activating your object. Your image says "click" but it is inaccurate. It should say "Active".
Second, a number is NOT a valid ID. So rename your div from id="1" to id="one" or similar.
Finally, try with this code, instead of yours:
document.getElementById("one").addEventListener('contextmenu', function(ev) {
alert('hello from right click');
return false;
}, false);
See https://jsfiddle.net/nnuyguat/3/
The issue with your image changing on right click is not related to your javascript, but to your css. The :active CSS pseudo-class matches when an element is being activated by the user. According to the specs this should only be when the element is activated with the primary mouse button, but it seems like most browsers do not implement the spec correctly. See this question for info.
A work around maybe to abandon the :active pseudo-class, and set up a function to change the content explicitly on left click.
Its because of the oncontextmenu event. Remove it and it will work

Not able to understand how the domEvent works

I have a RadCombobox and I have attached functions to most of the events.
One event of the combobox is OnClientBlur and I am using this to check whether value in Combo is "Unassigned" or not. If it is "Unassigned" I need to cancel the onblur event and keep the focus on to the same combo.
This is the javascript which I has been used to cancel the event.
if (sender.get_text() === "Unassigned") {
return false;
When the user tabs out first time of the ComboBox the event gets cancelled and the focus stays on the same combo box (in this case it is the 3rd Combo).
But when the user hits the tab button again the focus moves to the next control.
When I debugged the code I found that when the user first hits the tab button, following line works
I can see the preventDefault function, see following snapshot.
but when the user hits the tab button again I get an error and cannot see preventDefault function, see following snapshot
I am not able to understand what is going wrong here. Anyhelp would be appreciated.
Your problem, revolves around the difference between MouseEvents and KeyEvents. And also the way Telerik implement the OnClientBlur event. As far as it doesn't point to a specific type of browser event, each time it gets triggered
As you see in the first snapshot you got clientX and clientY, which means your OnClientBlur derived from a MouseEvent.
Whereas in the second one you got altKey, altLeft, and also there is no button property, which means that this one is a KeyEvent.
The other point here is as you have these fields in the output:
Means you are using one of the old versions of IE4+ to IE7 or IE8, which they have cancelBubble instead of preventDefault.
Sometimes events are not cancelable, and using event.cancelable you can make sure if the current event is cancelable or not.
At the end to fix you code you can simply do this:
if (sender.get_text() === "Unassigned") {
var domEvent = eventArgs.get_domEvent();
domEvent.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
//you can not cancel the event, do something else to make it manageable

Pointer Events method of checking left- or right-click

I've configured Pointer Events through
There's an issue I have where I cannot differentiate between left- and right-clicks where right-clicking a nav item will do the same action as left-clicking instead of opening the right-click menu.
The specific event I'm using is pointerup.
Is there a way with Pointer Events to check if the event is a left- or right-click?
Looks like there is a property called button that has a value of 0 if it's the primary pointer (left mouse button).
I haven't used this library but from looking at the source and the W3C spec it would appear that way.
You can always print/debug the event and see what the property is.
I used event.type == 'click' (left) vs. event.type == 'contextmenu' (right).
The following code identifies “main button” type pointer events like left mouse click, touch.
if(e.pointerType !== 'mouse' || e.button === 0){
//Not mouse pointer or mouse pointer with left button
0: Main button pressed, usually the left button or the un-initialized state
1: Auxiliary button pressed, usually the wheel button or the middle button (if present)
2: Secondary button pressed, usually the right button
3: Fourth button, typically the Browser Back button
4: Fifth button, typically the Browser Forward button

Keypress and Keydown generate different behavior

I am trying to create to popup div when pressing enter key, while the div contains a button (that I script to focus when it fired up) that will close the div when you press enter again. I receive the enter key from binding keypress and keydown, end up having different results.
Binding 'keypress'
Things work properly, with first enter key fires up a popup box and another enter key to dismiss the popup box.
Refer this JSFiddle.
Binding 'keydown'
This doesn't work correctly, as it fires up and dismiss the popup box immediately (which you won't see) with only one enter key.
Refer this JSFiddle.
My question is why would keydown generate odd behavior, it is like firing enter key twice for me, but the truth it wasn't. If I remove the button focus(), it will works correctly. That's puzzled me.
Tested with firefox and chrome.
You're rebinding the click event every single time the popup opens, so each time you click the close button it'll fire it multiple times which will cause unexpected behaviour.
var Popup = function(){
This code means every time you create a new Popup instance, every single $('#ok-button') that exists will have another click event bound to it.
As for the reason why it immediately closes when you use keydown vs keypress, that's due to the fact that the moment the popup is opened you've set the focus to the button.
The two key events work differently (firing at slightly different times during the key process). It appears that with keydown, you're changing the focus in the middle of the actual action (pressing the button on the keyboard) which then continues and triggers the focused click.
Removing the focus stops the weird double trigger behaviour because you're no longer binding another click event.
I'd suggest changing your click event:
$('#ok-button').live('click', function(){
var Popup = function(){
// Whatever
I'd also suggest looking at jQuery's on event instead of using live.

Detect Mouse Button for FireFox in Javascript

What is the best way to go about detecting what button has been pressed in a DIV in FireFox using javascript?
There are two properties for finding out which mouse button has been clicked: which and button. Please note that these properties don’t always work on a click event. To safely detect a mouse button you have to use the mousedown or mouseup events.
which is an old Netscape property. Left button gives a value of 1, middle button (mouse wheel) gives 2, right button gives 3. No problems, except its meager support (and the fact that it’s also used for key detection).
Now button has been fouled up beyond all recognition. According to W3C its values should be:
* Left button – 0
* Middle button – 1
* Right button – 2
According to Microsoft its values should be:
* Left button – 1
* Middle button – 4
* Right button – 2
No doubt the Microsoft model is better than W3C’s. 0 should mean “no button pressed”, anything else is illogical.
Besides, only in the Microsoft model button values can be combined, so that 5 would mean “left and middle button”. Not even Explorer 6 actually supports this yet, but in the W3C model such a combination is theoretically impossible: you can never know whether the left button was also clicked.
In my opinion W3C has made some serious mistakes in defining button.
Right click
Fortunately you most often want to know if the right button has been clicked. Since W3C and Microsoft happen to agree on this one and give button a value of 2, you can still detect a right click.
function doSomething(e) {
var rightclick;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.which) rightclick = (e.which == 3);
else if (e.button) rightclick = (e.button == 2);
alert('Rightclick: ' + rightclick); // true or false
Please note that, although Macs have only one mouse button, Mozilla gives a Ctrl–Click a button value of 2, since Ctrl–Click also brings up the context menu. iCab doesn’t yet support mouse button properties at all and you cannot yet detect a right–click in Opera.
[jquery][1] mentions how you can detect the mouse button here:
The mousedown event is sent when any
mouse button is clicked. To act only
on specific buttons, we can use the
event object's which property. Not all
browsers support this property
(Internet Explorer uses button
instead), but jQuery normalizes the
property so that it is safe to use in
any browser. The value of which will
be 1 for the left button, 2 for the
middle button, or 3 for the right

