Basic d3: why can you select things that don't exist yet? - javascript

I've been learning about d3, and I'm a bit confused about selecting. Consider the following example:
Specifically, let's look at this line:
var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; })
.attr("r", 8)
.style("fill", function(d, i) { return fill(i & 3); })
.style("stroke", function(d, i) { return d3.rgb(fill(i & 3)).darker(2); })
.on("mousedown", function() { d3.event.stopPropagation(); });
In the documentation it says, "A selection is an array of elements pulled from the current document." I interpret this to mean that svg.selectAll(.node) creates an array of elements of class .node pulled from the current document, but as far as I can tell there are no such elements! Unless I'm confused - and I'm almost certain that I am - the only place in the document where something is given the class "node" is after the selection has already occurred (when we write .attr("class", "node")).
So what is going on here? What does svg.selectAll(".node") actually select?

Although, at first sight, this may look like a simple and silly question, the answer to it is probably the most important one for everyone trying to do some serious work with D3.js. Always keep in mind, that D3.js is all about binding data to some DOM structure and providing the means of keeping your data and the document in sync.
Your statement does exactly that:
Select all elements having class node. This may very well return an empty selection, as it is in your case, but it will still be a d3.selection.
Bind data to this selection. Based on the above mentioned selection this will, on a per-element basis, compute a join checking if the new data is a) not yet bound to this selection, b) has been bound before, or c) was bound before but is not included in the new data any more. Depending on the result of this check the selection will be divided into an enter, an update, or an exit selection, respectively.
Because your selection was empty in the first place. All data will end up in the enter selection which is retrieved by calling selection.enter().
You are now able to append your new elements corresponding to the newly bound data by calling selection.append() on the enter selection.
Have a look at the excellent article Thinking with Joins by Mike Bostock for a more in-depth explanation of what is going on.


D3.js with Observable, problem with event handler [duplicate]

The documentation for d3.drag states the DOM element target of the drag event will be available in this to the callback:
When a specified event is dispatched, each listener will be invoked with the same context and arguments as selection.on listeners: the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element.
But my call back is an object instance and this points to that object. So I need another way of accessing the current DOM element that is normally passed in this. How can I do it?
Use the second and the third arguments together to get this when this is not available:
d3.drag().on(typename, function(d, i, n) {
//here, 'this' is simply n[i]
For a detailed explanation, have a look at the article below that I wrote to deal with this in arrow functions. The issue is different from yours, but the explanation is the same.
Here is a basic demo, try to drag a circle and look at the console:
var data = d3.range(5)
var svg ="body")
.attr("width", 400)
.attr("height", 100);
var circle = svg.selectAll(null)
.attr("cy", 50)
.attr("cx", function(d) {
return 50 + 50 * d
.attr("r", 10)
.attr("fill", "tan")
.attr("stroke", "black")
.on("start", function(d, i, n) {
<script src=""></script>
PS: I'm using JSON.stringify on the D3 selection because Stack snippets freeze if you try to console.log a D3 selection.
Using "this" with an arrow function
Most of functions in D3.js accept an anonymous function as an argument. The common examples are .attr, .style, .text, .on and .data, but the list is way bigger than that.
In such cases, the anonymous function is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed:
The current datum (d)
The current index (i)
The current group (nodes)
this as the current DOM element.
The datum, the index and the current group are passed as arguments, the famous first, second and third argument in D3.js (whose parameters are traditionally named d, i and p in D3 v3.x). For using this, however, one doesn’t need to use any argument:
.on("mouseover", function(){;
The above code will select this when the mouse is over the element. Check it working in this fiddle:
The arrow function
As a new ES6 syntax, an arrow function has a shorter syntax when compared to function expression. However, for a D3 programmer who uses this constantly, there is a pitfall: an arrow function doesn’t create its own this context. That means that, in an arrow function, this has its original meaning from the enclosing context.
This can be useful in several circumstances, but it is a problem for a coder accustomed to use this in D3. For instance, using the same example in the fiddle above, this will not work:
.on("mouseover", ()=>{;
If you doubt it, here is the fiddle:
Well, that’s not a big problem: one can simply use a regular, old fashioned function expression when needed. But what if you want to write all your code using arrow functions? Is it possible to have a code with arrow functions and still properly use this in D3?
The second and third arguments combined
The answer is yes, because this is the same of nodes[i]. The hint is actually present all over the D3 API, when it describes this:
...with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i])
The explanation is simple: since nodes is the current group of elements in the DOM and i is the index of each element, nodes[i] refer to the current DOM element itself. That is, this.
Therefore, one can use:
.on("mouseover", (d, i, nodes) => {[i]);
And here is the corresponding fiddle:

d3.js : Select this element on mouseover [duplicate]

The documentation for d3.drag states the DOM element target of the drag event will be available in this to the callback:
When a specified event is dispatched, each listener will be invoked with the same context and arguments as selection.on listeners: the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element.
But my call back is an object instance and this points to that object. So I need another way of accessing the current DOM element that is normally passed in this. How can I do it?
Use the second and the third arguments together to get this when this is not available:
d3.drag().on(typename, function(d, i, n) {
//here, 'this' is simply n[i]
For a detailed explanation, have a look at the article below that I wrote to deal with this in arrow functions. The issue is different from yours, but the explanation is the same.
Here is a basic demo, try to drag a circle and look at the console:
var data = d3.range(5)
var svg ="body")
.attr("width", 400)
.attr("height", 100);
var circle = svg.selectAll(null)
.attr("cy", 50)
.attr("cx", function(d) {
return 50 + 50 * d
.attr("r", 10)
.attr("fill", "tan")
.attr("stroke", "black")
.on("start", function(d, i, n) {
<script src=""></script>
PS: I'm using JSON.stringify on the D3 selection because Stack snippets freeze if you try to console.log a D3 selection.
Using "this" with an arrow function
Most of functions in D3.js accept an anonymous function as an argument. The common examples are .attr, .style, .text, .on and .data, but the list is way bigger than that.
In such cases, the anonymous function is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed:
The current datum (d)
The current index (i)
The current group (nodes)
this as the current DOM element.
The datum, the index and the current group are passed as arguments, the famous first, second and third argument in D3.js (whose parameters are traditionally named d, i and p in D3 v3.x). For using this, however, one doesn’t need to use any argument:
.on("mouseover", function(){;
The above code will select this when the mouse is over the element. Check it working in this fiddle:
The arrow function
As a new ES6 syntax, an arrow function has a shorter syntax when compared to function expression. However, for a D3 programmer who uses this constantly, there is a pitfall: an arrow function doesn’t create its own this context. That means that, in an arrow function, this has its original meaning from the enclosing context.
This can be useful in several circumstances, but it is a problem for a coder accustomed to use this in D3. For instance, using the same example in the fiddle above, this will not work:
.on("mouseover", ()=>{;
If you doubt it, here is the fiddle:
Well, that’s not a big problem: one can simply use a regular, old fashioned function expression when needed. But what if you want to write all your code using arrow functions? Is it possible to have a code with arrow functions and still properly use this in D3?
The second and third arguments combined
The answer is yes, because this is the same of nodes[i]. The hint is actually present all over the D3 API, when it describes this:
...with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i])
The explanation is simple: since nodes is the current group of elements in the DOM and i is the index of each element, nodes[i] refer to the current DOM element itself. That is, this.
Therefore, one can use:
.on("mouseover", (d, i, nodes) => {[i]);
And here is the corresponding fiddle:

d3.js v4 force diagram update

Trying to update a force diagram with nodes and links that already exist in the current diagram.
So for example, we have a simple diagram with two nodes A and B and a link between them "A" --> "B".
I was wondering what would be the correct way of handling if another node, exactly the same, is added.
In the fiddle I've put together and in my personal development I end up with duplicates, which I thought would be handled in
.data(nodes, function(d) { return; })
and the links appropriate data function
(for example .data(links, function(d) { return; }))
Ideally, I'm looking for "nothing to happen" when the same node/ link is added.
Hopefully, this makes sense, please see my fiddle example here

Map does not render completely in d3.js

I am creating a globe on which I plot a number of locations. Each location is identified with a small circle and provides information via a tooltip when the cursor hovers over the circle.
My problem is the global map renders incompletely most of the time. That is various countries do not show up and the behavior of the code changes completely at this point. I say most of the time because about every 5th time i refresh the browser it does render completely. I feel like I either have a hole in my code or the JSON file has a syntax problem that confuses the browser.
btw: I have the same problem is FF, Safari, and Chrome. I am using v3 of D3.js
Here is the rendering code:
d3.json("d/world-countries.json", function (error, collection) {
.attr("class", "country")
.attr("d", path)
.text( function(d) {
return; });
track = "countries";
d3.json("d/quakes.json", function (error, collection) {
.attr("r", function (d) {
return impactSize(;
.attr("cx", function (d) {
return projection(d.geometry.coordinates)[0];
.attr("cy", function (d) {
return projection(d.geometry.coordinates)[1];
.attr("class", "quake")
.on("mouseover", nodehi)
.on("mouseout", nodelo)
.attr("d", path)
.text( function(d) {
var tip = + " long "+ (d.geometry.coordinates)[0] + " lat " + (d.geometry.coordinates)[1];
return tip
Any thoughts would be appreciated...
The reason you're seeing this behaviour is that you're doing two asynchronous calls (to d3.json) that are not independent of each other because of the way you're selecting elements and binding data to them. By the nature of asynchronous calls, you can't tell which one will finish first, and depending on which one does, you see either the correct or incorrect behaviour.
In both handler functions, you're appending path elements. In the first one (for the world file), you're also selecting path elements to bind data to them. If the other call finished first, there will be path elements on the page. These will be matched to the data that you pass to .data(), and hence the .enter() selection won't contain all the elements you're expecting. This is not a problem if the calls finish the other way because you're selecting quake elements in the other handler.
There are several ways to fix this. You could either assign identifying classes to all your paths (which you're doing already) and change the selectors accordingly -- in the first handler, do .selectAll("") and in the second .selectAll("path.quake").
Alternatively, you could nest the two calls to d3.json such that the second one is only made once the first one is finished. I would do both of those to be sure when elements are drawn, but for performance reasons you may still want to make the two calls at the same time.

d3: confusion about selectAll() when creating new elements

I am new to d3 and am using 'Interactive Data Visualization for the Web' by Scott Murray (which is great btw) to get me started. Now everything I saw so far works as described but something got me confused when looking at the procedure to create a new element. Simple example (from Scott Murray):
The name "circle" is used for the selectAll which returns an empty selection (which is ok as I learned). Then circles are appended by putting the same name into the .append. Great!
Now what got me confused was what happens when you want to do the same thing again. So you have a second dataset and want to generate new circles in the same way. Using the same code just replacing the dataset will obviously not work as the selectAll("circle") will not return an empty selection anymore. So I played around and found out that I can use any name in the selectAll and even leave it empty like this: selectAll()
Scott Murrays examples always just use one type (circle, text, etc.) per dataset. Finally I found in the official examples something like
.attr ...
.attr ...
Now my question: How is this entry in selectAll("ENTRY") really used? Can it be utilized later to again reference those elements in any way or is it really just a dummy name which can be chosen in any way and just needs to return an empty selection? I could not find this entry anywhere in the resulting DOM or object structure anymore.
Thank you for de-confusing me.
What you put in the selectAll() call before the call to .data() really only matters if you're changing/updating what's displayed. Imagine that you have a number of circles already and you want to change their positions. The coordinates are determined by the data, so initially you would do something like
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d; });
Now your new data has the same number of elements, but different coordinates. To update the circle positions, all you need to do is
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d; });
What happens is that D3 matches the elements in newData to the existing circles (what you selected in selectAll). This way you don't need to append the circles again (they are there already after all), but only update their coordinates.
Note that in the first call, you didn't technically need to select circles. It is good practice to do so however just to make clear what you're trying to do and to avoid issues with accidentally selecting other elements.
You can find more on this update pattern here for example.

