Adding jQuery selector control to phantomJS headless browser - javascript

I am trying to add jQuery selector controls to a phantomJS headless browser for testing purposes.
Is it possible?
To this point we have been overwriting the check to see if the control exists and haven't made any attempts to manipulate values and test onChange events.
The test I am wanting to run is this:
//OnChange results in values being stored in cookies
var result = $.cookie(cookieName);
The problem is that I don't know how to actually create $('#TestControl')

For creating DOM elements in phantomJS/jasmine, you could do the following:
var TestControl = $('<input id="TestControl"/>');
However, it is better to define the markup in html. The fixture module of jasmine-jquery allows you to load HTML content to be used by your tests. The overall workflow is as follows:
In myfixture.html file:
<div id="my-fixture"><input id="TestControl"/></div>
Inside your test:


How to deal with DOM elements?

I am learning about writing custom JavaScript for my Odoo 10 addons.
I've written the following piece of code:
odoo.define('', function(require) {
'use strict'
const e = $('div.o_sub_menu_footer')
// the "Powered by Odoo" down the secondary menu
The code is well loaded and I can see my testing string in the console.
However when this code is being loaded before the target div, so e empty/not yet filled and thus its content is not removed.
Doing it manually from the console works.
My question is what is the right way to do that? And how to know exactly when the code gets executed?
You can
put your html code before the script tag in your file
use jQuery $(document).ready(...);
Place your script at the bottom of the <body> tag to make sure the DOM renders before trying to manipulate it.
This is an Odoo specific question, so you should use the Odoo standard way, which is via its base JS class. That class contains a ready() method which does exactly what you need.
In your case, to use that function, you need to require the class first. Then you can use ready().
Updating your code, it should look like this:
odoo.define('', function(require) {
'use strict'
// require base class
var base = require('web_editor.base');
//use its ready method
base.ready().done(function () {
// put all the code you want to get loaded
// once the DOM is loaded within this block
const e = $('div.o_sub_menu_footer')
// the "Powered by Odoo" down the secondary menu
While your accepted answer leads to the same outcome, you might want to update it to this one since this is the Odoo way. It's generally advised to work within the Odoo framework as much as possible and customise only if really needed. (Though it can be tough to learn what features Odoo already provides because of its poor documentation.)

Why can't I use querySelector in protractor?

I am using protractor. I understand that protractor has Jquery like syntax but I need something that can
create conditions, variables and loops based on DOM elements in some of my testing. I want to be able to use querySelector. Using just promises won't let me do the kind of testing I need to do.
When I run it, it says:
Failed: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined
Failed: document is not defined
Failed: window is not defined
I've set up a test to test this issue. It runs off a random web page that I was looking at it. It selects the footer using protractor and then attempts it using querySelector. If I enter the querySelector portion in the console, it runs the code correctly. I've also tried variations of querySelector, using window.document; this also works in the browser but not in protractor.
describe("Test", function()
it('This is a test to test protractor' , function()
$("#footer").getAttribute("innerHTML").then( function(value)
console.log("inside value then");
var queryse = document.querySelector("#footer").innerHTML;
// var queryse = browser.document.querySelector("#footer").innerHTML;
// var queryse = window.document.querySelector("#footer").innerHTML;
console.log('query selector');
The code you're running in Protractor test case doesn't really run in browser, in fact it's executed in Node.js. You should think of it as an API that will afterwards communicate with the browser through WebDriver. That means that you cannot use browser specific JavaScript API in the code. The $ helper is just there to make the syntax easy and understandable without knowing anything about Selenium. That's why document and window are inaccessible for you. If you want to read more about that:
#Nhor's answer is mostly correct in terms of the environments and why you cannot use document and window directly. However, for what it's worth, you can definitely find elements in the DOM through executeScript. The only question is, why do you need to do this?
Any locator you can use in the DOM, you can use in Protractor (though the syntax might be different). Here's an example, I used innerHTML because that's what you were trying in your case:
describe('Protractor Demo App', function() {
it('element test', function() {
var el = browser.executeScript('return document.querySelector("h3").innerHTML');
el.then(function (text) {
console.log(text); // logs "Super Calculator"
Finally, it's important to note that this el is restricted to javascript functions from within that executeScript call. It is not a version of Protractor's ElementFinder, you cannot perform actions like getText() on it (though it is still a Promise, so you need to call .then()). You can do a console log on the el to see what's in that object.

Trying to drag an element to an element that is inside of an iFrame (using Webdriver-io)?

I am currently using Webdriver IO, Chimp JS and Cucumber JS, and I'm having a bit of a hard time dragging an element to another element that's inside of an iframe. I've been able to locate the element I want to move, as well as the element in the iframe after using client.frame(0); however I haven't found a way to click on the element, switch to the iframe to locate the element I want to move to, then move the element.
To make it easier, here's a picture. I want to move element 1 to element 2. But element 2 is in an iframe:
Looking through the docs, I see a lot of potentially helpful actions like hold, release ext. But I am working on desktop, and so I can't use any of the mobile actions.
With this limitation, it looks like the only drag and drop function available to me is dragAndDrop, but there doesn't seem to be a way to drag and drop an object into an element in an iframe in the javascript version of Webdriver. Am I correct in thinking this? Is there someway to do this solely using Cucumber JS? I feel like I'm missing something huge here, but I can't seem to figure it out :\
The selenium standalone driver I used is selenium-server-standalone-2.50.0.jar( and chrome driver I used is ChromeDriver 2.29 (
var webdriverio = require('webdriverio'),
dragAndDrop = require('html-dnd').codeForSelectors,
should = require('should');
// a test script block or suite
describe('Title Test for Web Driver IO - Tutorial Test Page Website', function() {
// set timeout to 10 seconds
var driver = {};
// hook to run before tests
before( function () {
// load the driver for browser
driver = webdriverio.remote({ desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'chrome'} });
return driver.init();
// a test spec - "specification"
it('should be load correct page and title', function () {
var sectionId = "";
// load page, then call function()
return driver
.url('http://localhost:9000') //your url
// a "hook" to run after all tests in this block
after(function() {
return driver.end();

Load event not fired on Safari when reloading page

I have a simple SVG loaded inside a object tag like the code below. On Safari, the load event is fired just once, when I load the first time the page after opening the browser. All the other times it doesn't. I'm using the load event to initialize some animations with GSAP, so I need to know when the SVG is fully loaded before being able to select the DOM nodes. A quick workaround that seems to work is by using setTimeout instead of attaching to the event, but it seems a bit akward as slower networks could not have load the object in the specified amount of time. I know this event is not really standardized, but I don't think I'm the first person that faced this problem. How would you solve it?
var myElement = document.getElementById('my-element').getElementsByTagName('object')[0];
myElement.addEventListener('load', function () {
var svgDocument = this.contentDocument;
var myNode = svgDocument.getElementById('my-node');
It sounds more like the problem is that, when the data is cached, the load event fires before you attached the handler.
What you can try is to reset the data attribute once you attached the event :
object.addEventListener('load', onload_handler);
// reset the data attribte so the load event fires again if it was cached =;
I also ran into this problem while developing an Electron application. In my workflow I edit index.html and renderer.js in VSCode, and hit <Ctrl>+R to see the changes. I only restart the debugger to capture changes made to the main.js file.
I want to load an SVG that I can then manipulate from my application. Because the SVG is large I prefer to keep it in an external file that gets loaded from disk. To accomplish this, the HTML file index.html contains this declaration:
<object id="svgObj" type="image/svg+xml" data="images/file.svg"></object>
The application logic in renderer.js contains:
let svgDOM // global to access SVG DOM from other functions
const svgObj = document.getElementById('svgObj')
svgObj.onload = function () {
svgDOM = this.contentDocument
The problem is non-obvious because it appears intermittent: When the debugger/application first starts this works fine. But when reloading the application via <Ctrl>+R, the .contentDocument property is null.
After much investigation and hair-pulling, a few long-form notes about this include:
Using svgObj.addEventListener ('load', function() {...}) instead of
svgObj.onload makes no difference. Using addEventListener
is better because attempting to set another handler via 'onload'
will replace the current handler. Contrary to other Node.js
applications, you do not need to removeEventListener when the element
is removed from the DOM. Old versions of IE (pre-11) had problems but
this should now be considered safe (and doesn't apply to Electron anyway).
Usage of this.contentDocument is preferred. There is a nicer-looking
getSVGDocument() method that works, but this appears to be for backwards
compatibility with old Adobe tools, perhaps Flash. The DOM returned is the same.
The SVG DOM appears to be permanently cached once loaded as described by #Kaiido, except that I believe the event never fires. What's more, in Node.js, the SVG DOM remains cached in the same svgDOM variable it was loaded into. I don't understand this at all. My intuition suggests that the require('renderer.js') code in index.html has cached this in the module system somewhere, but changes to renderer.js do take effect so this can't be the whole answer.
Regardless, here is an alternate approach to capturing the SVG DOM in Electron's render process that is working for me:
let svgDOM // global to access from other functions
const svgObj = document.getElementById('svgObj')
svgObj.onload = function () {
if (svgDOM) return mySvgReady(this) // Done: it already loaded, somehow
if (!this.contentDocument) { // Event fired before DOM loaded
const oldDataUri = // Save the original "data" attribute = '' // Force it to a different "data" value
// setImmediate() is too quick and this handler can get called many
// times as the data value bounces between '' and the actual SVG data.
// 50ms was chosen and seemed to work, and no other values were tested.
setTimeout (x => = oldDataUri, 50)
svgDOM = this.contentDocument
Next, I was very disappointed to learn that the CSS rules loaded by index.html can't access the elements within the SVG DOM. There are a number of ways to inject the stylesheet into the SVG DOM programmatically, but I ended up changing my index.html to this format:
<svg id="svgObj" class="svgLoader" src="images/file.svg"></svg>
I then added this code to my DOM setup code in renderer.js to load the SVG directly into the document. If you are using a compressed SVG format I expect you will need to do the decompression yourself.
const fs = require ('fs') // This is Electron/Node. Browsers need XHR, etc.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.querySelectorAll ('svg.svgLoader').forEach (el => {
const src = el.getAttribute ('src')
if (!src) throw "SVGLoader Element missing src"
const svgSrc = fs.readFileSync (src)
el.innerHTML = svgSrc
I don't necessarily love it, but this is the solution I'm going with because I can now change classes on the SVG object and my CSS rules apply to the elements within the SVG. For example, these rules from index.css can now be used to declaritively alter which parts of the SVG are displayed:
#svgObj.cssClassBad #groupBad,
#svgObj.cssClassGood #groupGood {
visibility: visible;

How to test DOM and CSS using Jasmine and Karma

I'm trying to TDD a purely front-end project based on a single HTML page using Jasmine and Karma to unit test.
The document of Jasmine tells nothing about DOM manipulations, which is one of the most important things I'm trying to test.
The question is simple, how do I examine the DOM changes and the content changes of a HTML page?
For example, say if I have code like below:
HTML file
Say Hello
JS file:
// Router
App.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'home',
'say_hello': 'sayHello'
var router = new App.Router();
router.on('route:sayHello', function(){
$("body").append("Hello World");
How do I test such behavior:
If someone clicks "Say Hello" link, the text in the html body will contain "Hello World"
And even more, how do I check the CSS changes or simulate HTML events (mouseover, focus, change, load, etc...)? Is that possible with Jasmine and Karma?
TDD is to unit testing - unit - small methods with mocks, stubs and spies. Manipulation on the DOM should be done by methods and you want to tests those methods.
Instead of testing jQuery engine selector and method 'append' call some method. In the test create spy that will be expecting that your methods was called.
To check DOM manipulation you can use Jasmine jQuery matcher -
If you need to test small html snippets you should add them programatically to your test.
var fixture = '<h1>My HTML fragment</h1>';
You can also manage to link stylesheets
var fixture = '<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" \
<header><div class="header-item header-nav-menu-container">\
<h1 style="color:#FFF">My HTML fragment</h1></div></header>';
Also to serve the stylesheets with karma you should add the to the list of files and link them like this

