jspm cannot find globalResources of a 'feature' plugin for Aurelia app - javascript

Aurelia docs describe how setup and use a feature plugin at http://aurelia.io/docs.html#features
I'm having some trouble because it seems that jspm or Aurelia is transforming paths to resources. I discovered that if I specify a current path with .aurelia.use.feature('./plugins/auth'); that calvert-auth/index.js cannot be found when booting. The request looks correct, but the browser throws a 404 error. I fixed that simply by removing the "./" from .aurelia.use.feature('plugins/auth');
Next, I added a call in index.s's configure() to frameworkConfig.globalResources('auth'). This causes a new 404 error because the request is for calvert-auth/auth.html instead of the expected calvert-auth/auth.js
I suspect the problem may be in the jspm config or maybe corejs, but haven't been able to isolate it yet.
How do I create and use internal feature plugins for Aurelia? Here are the classes:
paths: {
"*": "dist/*",
"github:*": "jspm_packages/github/*",
"npm:*": "jspm_packages/npm/*"
import 'bootstrap';
import authConfig from './auth-config';
export function configure(aurelia) {
.feature('plugins/calvert-auth', (baseConfig) => {
aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());
export class Auth {
constructor() {
console.log('Auth: constructor()');
import {BaseConfig} from './baseConfig';
export function configure(frameworkConfig, configCallback) {
let baseConfig = frameworkConfig.container.get(BaseConfig);
if (configCallback !== undefined && typeof(configCallback) === 'function') {

Try this:
Assuming your code above, and this structure:
In main.js:
import 'bootstrap';
import authConfig from './auth-config';
export function configure(aurelia) {
.feature('plugins/calvert-auth', (baseConfig) => {
aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());
In plugins/calvert-auth/index.js:
export function configure(frameworkConfig, configCallback) {
// this assumes you're importing a view model
In plugins/calvert-auth/auth.js:
import {noView} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class Auth {
constructor() {
console.log('Auth: constructor()');


How to use vue-toastification

I just migrated my project created in vue 3 to nuxt 3. Previously I used the vue-toastification module but now I don't know how to import it correctly. My code using this module.
import { useToast, POSITION } from 'vue-toastification'
const toast = useToast()
export default {
methods: {
copy(text) {
toast.success('Copied!', {
timeout: 2000,
In Vue I had to do app.use(Toast) but Nuxt does not have an index.js file. Adding modules: ['vue-toastification/nuxt'] in nuxt.config.js does not work because I get an error.
Answers suggested by kissu and Ricardo de Paula worked for me while I was using development server (npm run dev).
After building and running the project I encountered error 500:
Named export 'useToast' not found. The requested module 'vue-toastification' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports. CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using: import pkg from 'vue-toastification';
To fix this, I registered toast as plugin helper (I'm using Nuxt 3.1.1 with Nitro 2.1.1):
Inside vue-toastificaton.client.js:
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import * as vt from 'vue-toastification'
import '#/assets/css/toast.scss'
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
return {
provide: {
toast: vt.useToast()
Then in my component script setup:
//throws an error after production build
//import { useToast } from 'vue-toastification'
//const toast = useToast()
//works after production build
const { $toast } = useNuxtApp()
If you want it to be available globally, you can install it as a Nuxt plugin as explained in the official docs or in this other answer.
vue-toastification is probably a client-side only plugin, hence you would probably want to use it as
/plugins/vue-toastificaton.client.js like this
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import Toast from "vue-toastification"
import "vue-toastification/dist/index.css" // if needed
export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {
Then, you should be able to use it in your components with either Composition API or Options API (I think).
I was wanting to do the same thing. I read kissu's answer and did the following:
1 - I created a folder for the puglin - plugins
2 - Inside the plugins folder I created a file called vue-toastificaton.client.js
Inside vue-toastificaton.client.js:
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import Toast from 'vue-toastification'
import 'vue-toastification/dist/index.css' // if needed
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
And I used it that way:
<script setup>
import { useToast } from 'vue-toastification'
const toast = useToast()
const onSubmit = () => {
// use the toast notification plugin to show a success message
toast.success('Hello world!')

export import browser complaint cannot find module

This Meteor app has a template event that maks a Meteor.call, and is causing browser error Cannot find module 'server/plateCheck.js'. The file responsible is:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
import { Vehicles } from './vehicles.js'
import { plateCheck } from "../server/plateCheck.js"; //<<<<<<<<<<
'extractPlateData': function (plate) {
console.log('method called: ', plate)
import {Vehicles} from '../imports/api/vehicles/vehicles.js'
const plateCheck = async (plateNumber) => {...}
module.exports = plateCheck;
meteor list includes ecmascript 0.15.1
Why is this and isn't the export/import correct as stated? How to get read of the error? Thanks.
Your relative path is wrong. The server folder is in the same directory as methods.js, so you'll need to import
import { plateCheck } from "./server/plateCheck.js";
Or you can make all imports absolute:
import { plateCheck } from "/imports/api/server/plateCheck.js";
import {Vehicles} from '/imports/api/vehicles/vehicles.js'

Alternative for "component: () => import()" in VueJS routing

I downloaded a template online to better understand VueJS and also create a web app. However I have a problem with routing. There is a function in my router's index.js that imports a path. The import syntax seems to be buggy due to some webpack issues. I tried a lot of different things but couldn't fix the bug so I want to find a workaround for that import syntax
This is my code for router's index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAnalytics from 'vue-analytics'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import Meta from 'vue-meta'
// Routes
import paths from './paths'
// import views from './views'
function route (path, view, name) {
return {
name: name || view,
component: () => import(
// Create a new router
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
routes: paths.map(path => route(path.path, path.view, path.name)).concat([
{ path: '*', redirect: '/home' }
scrollBehavior (to, from, savedPosition) {
if (savedPosition) {
return savedPosition
if (to.hash) {
return { selector: to.hash }
return { x: 0, y: 0 }
// Bootstrap Analytics
// Set in .env
// https://github.com/MatteoGabriele/vue-analytics
if (process.env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS) {
Vue.use(VueAnalytics, {
id: process.env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS,
autoTracking: {
page: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development'
export default router
When i try to build it, I get an error saying:
ERROR in ./src/router/index.js
Module build failed: SyntaxError: C:/djangoProjects/martin - Copy/martin/src/router/index.js: Unexpected token (15:21)
The syntax error is on line (15:21), in the route function on the component: () => import( line and exactly on import. Fixing this issue is a pain so I was wondering if there is a workaround for it without using the import syntax?
If I remember correctly you'll need a plugin for babel that can handle dynamic imports.
Check out:
Run npm install #babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
Create or open .babelrc
"plugins": ["#babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"]

ES6 import all files in a folder? [duplicate]

With ES6, I can import several exports from a file like this:
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from 'lib/things';
However, I like the organization of having one module per file. I end up with imports like this:
import ThingA from 'lib/things/ThingA';
import ThingB from 'lib/things/ThingB';
import ThingC from 'lib/things/ThingC';
I would love to be able to do this:
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from 'lib/things/*';
or something similar, with the understood convention that each file contains one default export, and each module is named the same as its file.
Is this possible?
I don't think this is possible, but afaik the resolution of module names is up to module loaders so there might a loader implementation that does support this.
Until then, you could use an intermediate "module file" at lib/things/index.js that just contains
export * from 'ThingA';
export * from 'ThingB';
export * from 'ThingC';
and it would allow you to do
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from 'lib/things';
Just a variation on the theme already provided in the answer, but how about this:
In a Thing,
export default function ThingA () {}
In things/index.js,
export {default as ThingA} from './ThingA'
export {default as ThingB} from './ThingB'
export {default as ThingC} from './ThingC'
Then to consume all the things elsewhere,
import * as things from './things'
Or to consume just some of things,
import {ThingA,ThingB} from './things'
The current answers suggest a workaround but it's bugged me why this doesn't exist, so I've created a babel plugin which does this.
Install it using:
npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-wildcard
then add it to your .babelrc with:
"plugins": ["wildcard"]
see the repo for detailed install info
This allows you to do this:
import * as Things from './lib/things';
// Do whatever you want with these :D
again, the repo contains further information on what exactly it does, but doing it this way avoids creating index.js files and also happens at compile-time to avoid doing readdirs at runtime.
Also with a newer version you can do exactly like your example:
import { ThingsA, ThingsB, ThingsC } from './lib/things/*';
works the same as the above.
You now can use async import():
import fs = require('fs');
and then:
fs.readdir('./someDir', (err, files) => {
files.forEach(file => {
const module = import('./' + file).then(m =>
// or const module = await import('file')
Great gugly muglys! This was harder than it needed to be.
Export one flat default
This is a great opportunity to use spread (... in { ...Matters, ...Contacts } below:
// imports/collections/Matters.js
export default { // default export
hello: 'World',
something: 'important',
// imports/collections/Contacts.js
export default { // default export
hello: 'Moon',
email: 'hello#example.com',
// imports/collections/index.js
import Matters from './Matters'; // import default export as var 'Matters'
import Contacts from './Contacts';
export default { // default export
...Matters, // spread Matters, overwriting previous properties
...Contacts, // spread Contacts, overwriting previosu properties
// imports/test.js
import collections from './collections'; // import default export as 'collections'
Then, to run babel compiled code from the command line (from project root /):
$ npm install --save-dev #babel/core #babel/cli #babel/preset-env #babel/node
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ hello: 'Moon',
something: 'important',
email: 'hello#example.com' }
Export one tree-like default
If you'd prefer to not overwrite properties, change:
// imports/collections/index.js
import Matters from './Matters'; // import default as 'Matters'
import Contacts from './Contacts';
export default { // export default
And the output will be:
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ Matters: { hello: 'World', something: 'important' },
Contacts: { hello: 'Moon', email: 'hello#example.com' } }
Export multiple named exports w/ no default
If you're dedicated to DRY, the syntax on the imports changes as well:
// imports/collections/index.js
// export default as named export 'Matters'
export { default as Matters } from './Matters';
export { default as Contacts } from './Contacts';
This creates 2 named exports w/ no default export. Then change:
// imports/test.js
import { Matters, Contacts } from './collections';
console.log(Matters, Contacts);
And the output:
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ hello: 'World', something: 'important' } { hello: 'Moon', email: 'hello#example.com' }
Import all named exports
// imports/collections/index.js
// export default as named export 'Matters'
export { default as Matters } from './Matters';
export { default as Contacts } from './Contacts';
// imports/test.js
// Import all named exports as 'collections'
import * as collections from './collections';
console.log(collections); // interesting output
console.log(collections.Matters, collections.Contacts);
Notice the destructuring import { Matters, Contacts } from './collections'; in the previous example.
$ npx babel-node --presets #babel/preset-env imports/test.js
{ Matters: [Getter], Contacts: [Getter] }
{ hello: 'World', something: 'important' } { hello: 'Moon', email: 'hello#example.com' }
In practice
Given these source files:
Creating a /myLib/index.js to bundle up all the files defeats the purpose of import/export. It would be easier to make everything global in the first place, than to make everything global via import/export via index.js "wrapper files".
If you want a particular file, import thingA from './myLib/thingA'; in your own projects.
Creating a "wrapper file" with exports for the module only makes sense if you're packaging for npm or on a multi-year multi-team project.
Made it this far? See the docs for more details.
Also, yay for Stackoverflow finally supporting three `s as code fence markup.
Similar to the accepted answer but it allows you to scale without the need of adding a new module to the index file each time you create one:
export const example = 'example';
export const anotherExample = 'anotherExample';
// require all modules on the path and with the pattern defined
const req = require.context('./', true, /.js$/);
const modules = req.keys().map(req);
// export all modules
module.exports = modules;
import { example, anotherExample } from './modules'
If you are using webpack. This imports files automatically and exports as api namespace.
So no need to update on every file addition.
import camelCase from "lodash-es";
const requireModule = require.context("./", false, /\.js$/); //
const api = {};
requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
if (fileName === "./index.js") return;
const moduleName = camelCase(fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.js)/g, ""));
api[moduleName] = {
export default api;
For Typescript users;
import { camelCase } from "lodash-es"
const requireModule = require.context("./folderName", false, /\.ts$/)
interface LooseObject {
[key: string]: any
const api: LooseObject = {}
requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
if (fileName === "./index.ts") return
const moduleName = camelCase(fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.ts)/g, ""))
api[moduleName] = {
export default api
I've used them a few times (in particular for building massive objects splitting the data over many files (e.g. AST nodes)), in order to build them I made a tiny script (which I've just added to npm so everyone else can use it).
Usage (currently you'll need to use babel to use the export file):
$ npm install -g folder-module
$ folder-module my-cool-module/
Generates a file containing:
export {default as foo} from "./module/foo.js"
export {default as default} from "./module/default.js"
export {default as bar} from "./module/bar.js"
Then you can just consume the file:
import * as myCoolModule from "my-cool-module.js"
Just an other approach to #Bergi's answer
// lib/things/index.js
import ThingA from './ThingA';
import ThingB from './ThingB';
import ThingC from './ThingC';
export default {
import {ThingA, ThingB, ThingC} from './lib/things';
Nodejs ? Do like this:
Create a folder with index.js, in index file, add this:
var GET = require('./GET');
var IS = require('./IS');
var PARSE = require('./PARSE');
module.exports = { ...GET, ...IS, ...PARSE};
And, in file GET.js, or IS.js export as normal:
module.exports = { /* something as you like */}
ANd now, you need only including index.js like:
const Helper = require('./YourFolder');
Helper will include all of function in YourFolder.
Good day!
This is not exactly what you asked for but, with this method I can Iterate throught componentsList in my other files and use function such as componentsList.map(...) which I find pretty usefull !
import StepOne from './StepOne';
import StepTwo from './StepTwo';
import StepThree from './StepThree';
import StepFour from './StepFour';
import StepFive from './StepFive';
import StepSix from './StepSix';
import StepSeven from './StepSeven';
import StepEight from './StepEight';
const componentsList= () => [
{ component: StepOne(), key: 'step1' },
{ component: StepTwo(), key: 'step2' },
{ component: StepThree(), key: 'step3' },
{ component: StepFour(), key: 'step4' },
{ component: StepFive(), key: 'step5' },
{ component: StepSix(), key: 'step6' },
{ component: StepSeven(), key: 'step7' },
{ component: StepEight(), key: 'step8' }
export default componentsList;
You can use require as well:
const moduleHolder = []
function loadModules(path) {
let stat = fs.lstatSync(path)
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// we have a directory: do a tree walk
const files = fs.readdirSync(path)
let f,
l = files.length
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
f = pathModule.join(path, files[i])
} else {
// we have a file: load it
var controller = require(path)
Then use your moduleHolder with dynamically loaded controllers:
for (const controller of moduleHolder) {
controller(app, db)
I was able to take from user atilkan's approach and modify it a bit:
For Typescript users;
require.context('#/folder/with/modules', false, /\.ts$/).keys().forEach((fileName => {
import('#/folder/with/modules' + fileName).then((mod) => {
(window as any)[fileName] = mod[fileName];
const module = new (window as any)[fileName]();
// use module
if you don't export default in A, B, C but just export {} then it's possible to do so
// things/A.js
export function A() {}
// things/B.js
export function B() {}
// things/C.js
export function C() {}
// foo.js
import * as Foo from ./thing

Typescript, cant load internal module

I m actually learning typescript, and I m facing some problems with internal modules.
In fact, I have three files :
index.ts in which I start my app
///<reference path='RouteManager.ts'/>
import RouteManager = RestifyRouting.RouteManager;
var myManager = new RouteManager();
RouteManager.ts that manage my REST routes
///<reference path='RouteParser.ts'/>
module RestifyRouting {
export class RouteManager {
constructor() {
public init(filePath) {
this.routeParser = new RouteParser();
RouteParser which has to parse some string to get some informations
module RestifyRouting {
export class RouteParser {
constructor() {
public register(path, callback) {
console.log('super register');
I have a gulp file that creates my .js and d.ts files and it works great, except for the index.js file. The compiler tells my that RestifyRouting (which is my internal module) is undefined and I dont know why...
Can you help me ?
PS : every files are in the same folder, it's just a learning application.
Thanks for advance
As of TypeScript 1.5 the module syntax is aligned with ES6 module syntax and that is what I have been using as well...
You can remove any references to TypeScript modules and just export the classes directly
import { RouteManager } from './RouteManager';
var myManager = new RouteManager();
import { RouteParser } from './RouteParser';
export class RouteManager {
constructor() {}
public init(filePath) {
this.routeParser = new RouteParser();
export class RouteParser {
constructor() {}
public register(path, callback) {
console.log('super register');
Keeping modules
If you'd like to keep using internal modules then you have to be sure to export your module as well as the classes inside the module.
// RouteManager.ts
export module RestifyRouting {
export class RouteManager{}
import { RestifyRouting } from './RouteManager';
var manager = new RestifyRouting.RouteManager();
Something to keep in mind is that you will not be able to import multiple items into the the same name.
// i.e.
import { RestifyRouting } from './RouteManager';
import { RestifyRouting } from './RouteParser';
the {} syntax in the import statement can allow multiple imports
{ Class1, Class2 }
The {} can be skipped if you exporting a default:
//Source (foo.ts):
export default class Foo{}
import Foo from './foo';
class User {
foo: Foo;

