How to test an MD5 implementation? - javascript

I am considering using a JS MD5 implementation.
But I noticed that there are only a few tests. Is there a good way of verifying that implementation is correct?
I know I can try it with a few different values and see if it works, but that only means it is correct for some inputs. I would like to see if it is correct for all inputs.

The corresponding RFC has a good description of the algorithm, an example implementation in C, and a handful of test values at the end. All three together let you make a good guess about the quality of the examined implementation and that's all you can get: a good guess.
Testing an applications with an infinite or at least a very large input set as a black box is hard, impossible even in most cases. So you have to check if the code implements the algorithm correctly. The algorithm is described in RFC-3121 (linked to above). This description is sufficient for an implementation. The algorithm itself is well known (in the scientific sense, i.e.: many papers have been written about it and many flaws have been found) and simple enough to skip the formal part, just inspect the implementation.
Problems to expect with MD5 in JavaScript: input of one or more zero bytes (you can check the one and two bytes long inputs thoroughly), endianess (should be no problem but easy to check) and the problem of the unsigned integer used for bit-manipulation in JavaScript (">>" vs. ">>>" but also easy to check for). I would also test with a handful of data with all bits set.
The algorithm needs padding, too, you can check it with all possible input of length shorter than the limit.
Oh, and for all of you dismissing the MD5-hash: it still has its uses as a fast non-cryptographic hash with a low collision-rate and a good mixing (some call the effect of the mixing "avalanche", one bit change in the input changes many bits in the output). I still use it for larger, non-cryptographic Bloom-filters. Yes, one should use a special hash fitting the expected input but constructing such a hash function is a pain in the part of the body Nature gave us to sit on.


Store language (ISO 639) as Number

I'm working on a MongoDB database and so far have stored some information as Numbers instead of Strings because I assumed that would be more efficient. For example, I store countries following ISO 3166-1 numeric and sex following ISO/IEC 5218. But so far I have not found a similar standard for languages, ISO 639 does not appear to have a matching list of numeric codes.
What would be the right way to do this? Should I just use the String codes?
If you're a fan of the numbers, you can use country calling codes, although they "only" represent the ITU members (193 countries according to Wikipedia). But hey, they have Somalia and Palestine, so that's a good hint about how global this is.
However, storing everything in an encoded format (numbers here) implies a decoding step on the fly when any piece of data is requested (with translation tables stored in RAM instead of DB's ROM). Probably on the server whose CPU is precious, but you might have deported the issue on the client, overworking the precious, time-critical server-client link in the process.
So, back in the 90s, when a 40MB HDD was expensive, that might have been interesting. Today, the cost of storing data vs. the cost of processing data is not on the same side of 1... Not counting the time it takes you to think and implement the transformations. All being said "IMHO", I think this level of efficiency actually kills efficiency. ;)
EDIT: Oops, just realized I misthought (does that verb even exist?) the country/language issue. Countries you have sorted out already, my bad. I know no numbered list of languages. However, the second part of the post might still be relevant...
If you are after raw performance and/or want to achieve really small data sizes, I would suggest you use either the three-letter (higher granularity) or the two-letter (lower granularity) codes from IOC ISO-639-1/2.
To my knowledge, there's no helper or anything for this standard built into any programming language that I know, so you'd need to build your own translator (code<->full name) which, however, should be trivial.
And as others already mentioned, you have to assess the cost involved with this (e.g. not being able to simply look at the data and understand it right away anymore) for yourself. I personally do recommend keeping data sizes small since BSON parsing and string operations are horribly expensive compared to dealing with numbers (or shorter strings for that matter). When dealing with small data sets, this won't make a noticeable difference. If, however, you need to churn through millions of documents or more optimizations like this can become mission critical.

Client side search engine optimization

Due to the reasons outlined in this question I am building my own client side search engine rather than using the ydn-full-text library which is based on fullproof. What it boils down to is that fullproof spawns "too freaking many records" in the order of 300.000 records whilst (after stemming) there are only about 7700 unique words. So my 'theory' is that fullproof is based on traditional assumptions which only apply to the server side:
Huge indices are fine
Processor power is expensive
(and the assumption of dealing with longer records which is just applicable to my case as my records are on average 24 words only1)
Whereas on the client side:
Huge indices take ages to populate
Processing power is still limited, but relatively cheaper than on the server side
Based on these assumptions I started of with an elementary inverted index (giving just 7700 records as IndexedDB is a document/nosql database). This inverted index has been stemmed using the Lancaster stemmer (most aggressive one of the two or three popular ones) and during a search I would retrieve the index for each of the words, assign a score based on overlap of the different indices and on similarity of typed word vs original (Jaro-Winkler distance).
Problem of this approach:
Combination of "popular_word + popular_word" is extremely expensive
So, finally getting to my question: How can I alleviate the above problem with a minimal growth of the index? I do understand that my approach will be CPU intensive, but as a traditional full text search index seems unusably big this seems to be the only reasonable road to go down on. (Pointing me to good resources or works is also appreciated)
1 This is a more or less artificial splitting of unstructured texts into small segments, however this artificial splitting is standardized in the relevant field so has been used here as well. I have not studied the effect on the index size of keeping these 'snippets' together and throwing huge chunks of texts at fullproof. I assume that this would not make a huge difference, but if I am mistaken then please do point this out.
This is a great question, thanks for bringing some quality to the IndexedDB tag.
While this answer isn't quite production ready, I wanted to let you know that if you launch Chrome with --enable-experimental-web-platform-features then there should be a couple features available that might help you achieve what you're looking to do.
IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor() - value-free cursors, in case you can get away with the stem only
IDBCursor.continuePrimaryKey(key, primaryKey) - allows you to skip over items with the same key
I was informed of these via an IDB developer on the Chrome team and while I've yet to experiment with them myself this seems like the perfect use case.
My thought is that if you approach this problem with two different indexes on the same column, you might be able to get that join-like behavior you're looking for without bloating your stores with gratuitous indexes.
While consecutive writes are pretty terrible in IDB, reads are great. Good performance across 7700 entries should be quite tenable.

How can dates and random numbers be used for evil in Javascript?

The ADsafe subset of Javascript prohibits the use of certain things that are not safe for guest code to have access to, such as eval, window, this, with, and so on.
For some reason, it also prohibits the Date object and Math.random:
Date and Math.random
Access to these sources of non-determinism is restricted in order to make it easier to determine how widgets behave.
I still don't understand how using Date or Math.random will accomodate malevolence.
Can you come up with a code example where using either Date or Math.random is necessary to do something evil?
According to a slideshow posted by Douglas Crockford:
ADsafe does not allow access to Date or random
This is to allow human evaluation of ad content with confidence that
behavior will not change in the future. This is for ad quality and
contractual compliance, not for security.
I don't think anyone would consider them evil per se. However the crucial part of that quote is:
easier to determine how widgets behave
Obviously Math.random() introduces indeterminism so you can never be sure how the code would behave upon each run.
What is not obvious is that Date brings similar indeterminism. If your code is somehow dependant on current date it will (again obviously) work differently in some conditions.
I guess it's not surprising that these two methods/objects are non-functional, in other words each run may return different result irrespective to arguments.
In general there are some ways to fight with this indeterminism. Storing initial random seed to reproduce the exact same series of random numbers (not possible in JavaScript) and supplying client code with sort of TimeProvider abstraction rather than letting it create Dates everywhere.
According to their website, they don't include Date or Math.random to make it easier to determine how third party code will behave. The problem here is Math.random (using Date you can make a psuedo-random number as well)- they want to know how third party code will behave and can't know that if the third party code is allowed access to random numbers.
By themselves, Date and Math.random shouldn't pose security threats.
At a minimum they allow you to write loops that can not be shown to be non-terminating, but may run for a very long time.
The quote you exhibit seem to suggest that a certain amount of static analysis is being done (or is at least contemplated), and these features make it much harder. Mind you these restrictions aren't enough to actually prevent you from writing difficult-to-statically-analyze code.
I agree with you that it's a strange limitation.
The justification that using date or random would make difficult to predict widget behavior is of course nonsense. For example implement a simple counter, compute the sha-1 of the current number and then act depending on the result. I don't think it's any easier to predict what the widget will do in the long term compared to a random or date... short of running it forever.
The history of math has shown that trying to classify functions on how they compute their value is a path that leads nowhere... the only sensible solution is classifying them depending on the actual results (black box approach).

tunable diff algorithm

I'm interested in finding a more-sophisticated-than-typical algorithm for finding differences between strings, that can be "tuned" via some parameters, to balance between such things as "maximize count of identical characters" vs. "maximize the length of spans" vs. "try to keep whole words intact".
Ultimately, I want to be able to make the results as human readable as possible. For instance, if a long sentence has been replaced with an entirely new sentence, where the only things it has in common with the original are the words "the" "and" and "a" in that order, I might want it treated as if the whole sentence is changed, rather than just that 4 particular spans are changed --- just like how a reasonable person would see it.
Does such a thing exist? Although I'm working in javascript/node.js, an algorithm in any language would be helpful.
I'm actually ok with something that uses Monte Carlo methods or the like, if its results are better. Computation time is not an issue (within reason), nor is determinism.
Note: although this is beyond the scope of what I'm asking, I'll throw one more thing out there just in case: It would also be great if it could recognize changes that are out of order....for instance if someone changes the order of two paragraphs while leaving them otherwise identical, it would be awesome if it recognized it as a simple move, rather than as one subtraction and and one unrelated addition.
I've had good luck with diff_match_patch. There are some good options for tuning it for readability.
Try Its code is already formatted for compatibility with CommonJS, which is the framework Node uses.

Comparing large strings in JavaScript with a hash

I have a form with a textarea that can contain large amounts of content (say, articles for a blog) edited using one of a number of third party rich text editors. I'm trying to implement something like an autosave feature, which should submit the content through ajax if it's changed. However, I have to work around the fact that some of the editors I have as options don't support an "isdirty" flag, or an "onchange" event which I can use to see if the content has changed since the last save.
So, as a workaround, what I'd like to do is keep a copy of the content in a variable (let's call it lastSaveContent), as of the last save, and compare it with the current text when the "autosave" function fires (on a timer) to see if it's different. However, I'm worried about how much memory that could take up with very large documents.
Would it be more efficient to store some sort of hash in the lastSaveContent variable, instead of the entire string, and then compare the hash values? If so, can you recommend a good javascript library/jquery plugin that implements an appropriate hash for this requirement?
In short, you're better off just storing and comparing the two strings.
Computing a proper hash is not cheap. For example, check out the pseudo code or an actual JavaScript implementation for computing the MD5 hash of a string. Furthermore, all proper hash implementations will require enumerating the characters of the string anyway.
Furthermore, in the context of modern computing, a string has to be really, really long before comparing it against another string is slow. What you're doing here is effectively a micro-optimization. Memory won't be an issue, nor will the CPU cycles to compare the two strings.
As with all cases of optimizing: check that this is actually a problem before you solve it. In a quick test I did, computing and comparing 2 MD5 sums took 382ms. Comparing the two strings directly took 0ms. This was using a string that was 10000 words long. See
If you really see this as an issue, I would also strongly consider using a poor-mans comparison; and just comparing the length of the 2 strings, to see if they have changed or not, rather than actual string comparisons.
An MD5 hash is often used to verify the integrity of a file or document; it should work for your purposes. Here's a good article on generating an MD5 hash in Javascript.
I made a JSperf rev that might be useful here for performance measuring. Please add different revisions and different types of checks to the ones I made!
I found two major results
When strings are identical performance is murdered; from ~9000000 ops/s to ~250 ops/sec (chrome)
The 64bit version of IE9 is much slower on my PC, results from the same tests:
| IE9 64bit | IE9 32bit |
| 4,270,414 | 8,667,472 |
| 2,270,234 | 8,682,461 |
Sadly, jsperf logged both results as simply "IE 9".
Even a precursory look at JS MD5 performance tells me that it is very, very slow (at least for large strings, see - peaks at 70 ops/sec). I would want to go as far as to try AJAXing the hash calculation or the comparison to the backend but I don't have time to test, sorry!

