Function Keep Triggering Before JSON Done Processing - javascript

Function 1: Get JSON Data & Store
I am creating a script where an array of twitch channels will go through the JSON function loop to be processed and then stored using "localStorage.setItem" as temporary storage. I'm saving them in name,viewer and url.
Function 2: Sort Data
Stored data can later be used to display the information without having to use function 1 again.
The sortdata function keeps on firing before function 1 is complete. Resorting in error because the data is undefined. This error popped before the console displays all the information stored from function 1.
My code:
function getData(){
var streamArray=[];
jQuery.each (channels, function (i, channel) {
channelId =;
channelUrl = channel.url;
var promise = $.ajax({
dataType: "jsonp",
url: twitchApi + channelId,
success: 1,
}).done(function ( data ) {
if ( == null) {
} else {
var displayName =;
var viewerCount =;
streamArray.push({name: displayName, views: viewerCount, url: channelUrl});
localStorage.setItem("storedStreamArray", JSON.stringify(streamArray));
function getStoredObj () {
var retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem('storedStreamArray');
var parsedObject = JSON.parse(retrievedObject);
<sorting codes here>
Some help here really appreciated. :)

You're calling $.when with the result of getData, but getData doesn't return anything, let alone a deferred that when can use. As a result, there's nothing to wait for and your done callback calls getStoredObj immediately.
In getData, you need to collect all the deferreds returned by your ajax calls and pass them back to the caller. That would look like:
function getData(){
return (channels, function (i, channel) {
return $.ajax(...).done(function ( data ) {
// Do work
Each iteration returns its ajax deferred, which are aggregated by map and returned to the caller. Then you can run when on the result and wait for loading to finish before you sort anything.


function reading JSON data not passing to variables

I am creating a function to read different JSON files. The problem is when I try to pass the array.
I keep getting 'undefined' once I am back to my primary function.
Reading the file works but when I try to use the variable I get 'undefined'.
I could use some help. thanks.
This is the file I read 'data.json':
Here's my code:
function readfile(myfile) {
var mydata;
$.get(myfile, function (data) {
mydata = JSON.parse(data);
console.log(mydata); // result ok
console.log(mydata); // undefined
return (mydata); // return 'undefined'
var content = readfile('data.json'); //should be an array
console.log(content); // undefined
You're almost there!
The jQuery $.get() method is an asynchronous call. That means that instead of making the request to get myfile, waiting until it is complete, and then continuing from there, the code will make the request and continue on while the request is done in the background.
There are two things you can do here.
The first thing you can do is simply move your logic inside the callback function like so
$.get(myfile, function (data) {
mydata = JSON.parse(data);
console.log(mydata); // do whatever you need
However, if you want to continue using the readfile method, you can make the $.get request synchronous, wait for the response, then return from it.
Like so:
function readfile(myfile) {
var mydata;
url: myfile,
async: false,
success: function(data) {
mydata = data;
return mydata;
Get is asynchronous meaning that it will not execute in the order it is written.
$.get(myfile, function (data) {
mydata = JSON.parse(data);
console.log(mydata); // result ok
This is why
console.log(mydata); // undefined
return (mydata);
is undefined, because the values are not actually set from get().

Javascript esriRequest (dojo) in a function async issue

I am facing the following synchronization issue. I wouldn't be surprised if it has a simple solution/workaround. The BuildMenu() function is called from another block of code and it calls the CreateMenuData() which makes a request to a service which return some data. The problem is that since it is an async call to the service when the data variable is being used it is undefined. I have provided the js log that also shows my point.
BuildMenu: function () {
console.log("before call");
var data=this.CreateMenuData();
console.log("after call");
//Doing more stuff with data that fail.
CreateMenuData: function () {
console.log("func starts");
data = [];
dojo.forEach(config.layerlist, function (collection, colindex) {
var layersRequest = esriRequest({
url: collection.url,
handleAs: "json",
function (response) {
dojo.forEach(response.records, function (value, key) {
}, function (error) {
console.log("func ends");
return data;
Console log writes:
before call
func starts
func ends
after call
FYI: using anything "dojo." is deprecated. Make sure you are pulling all the modules you need in "require".
Ken has pointed you the right direction, go through the link and get familiarized with the asynchronous requests.
However, I'd like to point out that you are not handling only one async request, but potentionally there might be more of them of which you are trying to fill the "data" with. To make sure you handle the results only when all of the requests are finished, you should use "dojo/promise/all".
CreateMenuData: function (callback) {
console.log("func starts");
requests = [];
data = [];
var scope = this;
require(["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/base/array", "dojo/promise/all"], function(lang, array, all){
array.forEach(config.layerlist, function (collection, colindex) {
var promise = esriRequest({
url: collection.url,
handleAs: "json",
// Now use the dojo/promise/all object
// Check for all the responses and add whatever you need to the data object.
// once it's all done, apply the callback. watch the scope!
if (typeof callback == "function")
callback.apply(scope, data);
so now you have that method ready, call it
BuildMenu: function () {
console.log("before call");
var dataCallback = function(data){
// do whatever you need to do with the data or call other function that handles them.

How to convert callback sample to deferred object?

I have a function that accepts a callback function where I pass the data back in. Can this converted to a deferred object for better practice?
Here is what I got:
var chapters;
var getChapters = function (fnLoad) {
if (!chapters) {
.done(function (json) {
chapters = Lawnchair(function () {, function (data) {
} else {
chapters.all(function (data) {
Then I simply use it like this:
this.getChapters(function (data) {
How can I use it like a promise though while maintaining the cache approach?
this.getChapters().done(function (data) {
var chapters;
var getChapters = function (fnLoad) {
var d = new $.Deferred();
if (!chapters) {
.done(function (json) {
chapters = Lawnchair(function () {, function (data) {
.fail(function() { d.reject(); });
} else {
chapters.all(function (data) {
return d.promise();
Relevant example
I see you have already accepted an answer, however if you take a large mental leap and store a promise of chapters instead of the chapters themselves, then the code will simplify significantly.
These days, this is probably the more generally adopted approach for a "fetch/cache" situation.
var chapters_promise;
var getChapters = function () {
//Cache data if applicable and return promise of data
if (!chapters_promise)
chapters_promise = $.getJSON('/chapters.txt').then(Lawnchair).then(;
return chapters_promise;
What is actually promised (the chapters) will be determined by the value(s) returned by the functions Lawnchair and, so you still have some work to do.
getChapters() will always return a promise, regardless of whether the data needs to be fetched or is already cached. Therefore, getChapters() can only be used with promise methods .then(), .done(), .fail() or .always(), for example :
You have no other way to access the chapters but that is reasonable since at any call of getChapters(), you don't know whether it will follow the $.getJSON() branch or the simple return branch, both of which return an identical promise.

Javascript: is there a better way to execute a function after x amount of async database/ajax calls

using Backbone.js we have an application, in which on a certain occasion we need to send an ajax post to a clients webservice.
however, the content to be posted, is dynamic, and is decided by a certain array.
for each item in the array we need to go fetch a piece of data.
after assembling the data that aggregated object needs to be sent.
as of now, i have a synchronous approach, though i feel that this is not the best way.
var arrParams = [{id: 1, processed: false},{id: 7, processed: false},{id: 4, processed: false}];
function callback(data) {
$.post()... // jquery ajax to post the data... }
function fetchData(arr, data, callback) {
var currentId = _(arr).find(function(p){ return p.processed === false; }).id; // getting the ID of the first param that has processed on false...
// ajax call fetching the results for that parameter.
url: '',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {id: currentId},
success: function(serviceData) {
data[currentId] = serviceData; // insert it into the data
_(arr).find(function(p){ return === currentId; }).processed = true; // set this param in the array to 'being processed'.
// if more params not processed, call this function again, else continue to callback
if(_(arr).any(function(p){ return p.processed === false }))
fetchData(arr, data, callback);
error: function(){ /* not important fr now, ... */ }
fetchData(arrParams, {}, callback);
isn't there a way to launch these calls asynchronous and execute the callback only when all results are in?
You have to use JQuery $.Deferred object to sync them. Look at this article Deferred Docs
You can use in this way:
$.ajax({ url : 'url1' }),
$.ajax({ url : 'url2' }) // or even more calls
I would do something like this:
make a function that besides the parameters that you pass to fetchData also gets the index within arrParams, then in a loop call that function for every element. In the success function set processed in your element to true, and check if "you're the last" by going through the array and see if all the rest is true as well.
A bit of optimization can be if you make a counter:
var todo = arrParams.length;
and in the success you do:
if (--todo == 0) {

Jquery get text file and return the value to other function

Can any one help me what im wrong in
function separateerror()
var jqxhr = $.get("/errormsg.txt", function(data) {
line = data;
array = line.split(',');
return getmsg;
i need to return "getmsg" to another function, but its not working, where as if i add alert inbetween
function separateerror()
var jqxhr = $.get("/errormsg.txt", function(data) {
line = data;
array = line.split(',');
return getmsg;
the value returns, what wrong im doing in code?
$.get is an async call and what happens is that if you add an alert in between, you give time for the async call to finish and then your value is already set by the time the separateerror function finishes. Otherwise, the separateerror function returns before the $.get call finishes and then your getmsg is probably still a null value.
While working with async calls you should not use this simple model of calling functions and expecting theirs values in return, you should use callback functions to accomplish that the right way.
Also, you should handle the $.get error callback, in case something happens and you can not load the txt file.
function separateerror()
var jqxhr = $.get("/errormsg.txt", function(data) {
line = data;
array = line.split(',');
.error(function() { alert("error"); });
function dosomething(msg) { ... }
Insert that to the top of your script. That /should/ fix it.
async: false

