Bewildering D3 behaviour - can't select text after zooming on map visualisation - javascript

I've been working on making a map related visualisation in D3 for a site that for historical reasons is stuck using some old versions of jQuery, and I've come across a weird bug when implementing drag behaviour on the map.
I've extracted the D3 code, and put it onto a gist listed below, and been able to replicate the strange behaviour, which you can trigger by:
Try loading the page below
Clicking on a country
Trying to select some text
I can't seem to select text after I've zoomed into a country, and I suspect it's down to line 130 in the d3_map.js file
The problem gist
The gist is here:
The rendered gist on, is here:
On the strange mismatch of javascript libraries
It's strange to see such an old version of jQuery, I know. I'm unable to change it without breaking other functinality on the site, which is why we're stuck with the old library.
Why is this happening, and how do I reinstate normal text selection again?
I'm utterly stumped as to why triggering a zoom knocks out the ability to select text, and I'd welcome any pointers, because I'm somewhat at a loss now.
Oh well, fingers crossed...


Broken interaction between Qualtrics and D3 javascript in Internet Explorer 11

I'm putting together a d3 visualisation using force layouts for use in in the Qualtrics questionnaire website. Everything seems to be working across the different browsers in a jsfiddle. Its possible to drag exemplars from the exemplar box (African male for e.g.) onto the main canvas. One can right-click on a node in the main canvas to bring up a right-click menu to change the node properties or drag the nodes around the canvas.
javascript too large to paste.
Note that the jsfiddle works in Internet Explorer 11. However, when I add this visualisation to the Qualtrics website it breaks in IE11. Far more SVG elements are added than there is data, as shown in the image below.
Note that this combination of Qualtrics and d3 visualisation works fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Unfortunately the Qualtrics support team doesn't support custom code and I'm not proficient enough in javascript to track this down. Any ideas on what might cause this?
For this to work in Qualtrics:
Add the d3.js library in the Qualtrics header
Uncomment Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload
Comment out create_d3_interaction(false);
Update 1
I've debugged this a bit more.
In the update_svg_node method I do a selection of the SVG element:
var svg ='.' + svg_class);
var nodes = svg.selectAll('.' + class_id)
The problem seems to occur in the selectAll -- for some reason it is not matching the class selection with the data. Note this only happens in Qualtrics and IE11 but works fine in IE11 in the fiddle. Note this is an updated version of the fiddle, but the problem still occurs the same way.
So nodes that should be in the UPDATE class are in the ENTER class for some reason.

SVG problems with Google Chrome

I have been making a simple website with AngularJS and D3JS and created a custom circle mesh library (very crude). It all works fine in Firefox but it doesn't work in Chrome. The website is up at . In my homepage I have this circle mesh thing that displays the circles. But when I transition (directly) to another page with this circle mesh (programmming page) it starts behaving differently. And when I go from programming to home it starts to ignore the clipPath on the first two images (two probably because of the two images in the programming page). The svg is identical (I checked only the first three 'a' tags with the images and the first three clipPaths) to the correct svg that was there first... I don't know what happens.
This is a screenshot just after first loading the page
This is a screenshot after coming from the programming page
As you can see the clipPath is still in the svg and "shown" by Chrome but is not actually used (or is ignored).
Please help, I have no idea why it happens and why it's no problem for Firefox
I'll make an educated guess and say it's because your programming page is reusing ids "#clippath0" and "#clippath1". Because it's a single page site and you are replacing the parts of the DOM that contain those references, perhaps there is a bug in Chrome where it getting confused over what they point to.
Try using different sets of ids for each page and see if that fixes it. Maybe you could add different prefixes for each page (eg "#homeclippath0" and "#programmingclippath0").
It does seem like a bug in Chrome though. Perhaps you might want to report it.

Autocomplete/tagging jQuery plugin with ordering and cursor

I'm looking for a jQuery tagging/autocomplete plugin where I tags can be inserted mid-order - and control over this is possible with the mouse.
I've gone through everything I can find, but am yet to find a plugin with all the requirements I'm looking for. I'm looking for a Facebook-esque tagging plugin, yet I'll be working with pre-defined phrases, and building them up into a paragraph, so I need to be able to control the order, and potentially insert a new tag in the middle of an existing selection.
The closest I've found to having this functionality is TextBoxList and the 'Facebook Theme' of JQuery TokenInput. Both of these however only allow you to move the cursor between tags with the arrow keys - and I'm looking to be able to mouseclick to control the cursor aswell.
Anyone know anything that's got what I need? A few other key essentials are free-text input (when no tag matches), remote source of data, and form submission, but I'd hope they'll be easier to retro-fit to something else!
An update for Googlers - I went with jQuery-tokeninput, and have spent the day modifying the library to work with mouse input. When I get time to tidy the code, and check how it works with other themes, I may put a pull request on GitHub, it seems like fairly useful functionality to me.

jQuery UI Right-Click Menu AND General Advice Needed

So, recently I have been trying to build a user interface form builder that is almost entirely drag and drop. Kind of like Dreamweaver or visual studios I suppose. You guys can see it for yourselves HERE! I am trying to get a right-click menu thing going, however upon getting this working, I realized that it really conflicted with both the draggable and resizable methods. I don't have to right click at all, however when I go to resize or drag, it won't let me stop it. My cursor gets stuck either resizing or dragging, and requires vigorous clicking and shaking to free it. So, I'm assuming that I need a different plugin. Does anybody know of a stress free simple right-click menu that is hopefully compatible with jquery ui? I've tried google but most of them are simply a different version of the one I've already been using.
My second question is much more vague. As I previously mentioned, I'm trying to make a form builder. I'm wondering what the best way to go about this is as I feel sort of lost. My biggest problems right now are figuring out how I'm going to parse everything into code and export it. Does anybody know of anyone else who has attempted this or something similar? Is there any sort of guide?
I know the second questions has potential to be rather annoying, so feel free to only focus on the first one. Any help is appreciated, and I thank everybody who helps me.
EDIT: Just realized that you guys may not know how to use the builder. So far, all you can do is drag panels out onto the building space, and then drag tables within the panels. You can resize the building space, and panels vertically, and you can resize tables both vertically and horizontally. You can move panels and tables within their parent elements. Right click a panel or table for the contextmenu.
EDIT: So I think I found a context menu that will suffice, here it is. So, I guess that only leaves giving me advice on how to go about constructing this form builder.

In js, I'm looking for a force directed graph with draggable nodes - click on nodes to open new page

I am trying to find some example code using a javascript library for a force directed graph in which the user can move any node around (and the graph responds dynamically) - but then each node can be clickable and open an "node detail" page (in a different tab).
I looked through D3.js, arbor.js, jit (javascript infoviz toolkit), springy. Those all look great and have demos which are close to what I want, but not quite there.
I'm not an experienced js programmer, I mostly do server side stuff.
My fear is that I might try to learn one of these libraries to try and implement my use-case only to find that it won't work for some reason. For example, one of these (D3) has a discussion in its forum that clicking a node is often mistaken for moving the node and there didn't seem to be a quick workaround. In another one (arbor.js), the front page (in addition to being minified) shows something close to what I want but the nodes which are movable are not clickable and the nodes which are clickable are not movable.
FF or Chrome is fine - I don't need IE support.
I am also open to something Flash based - as long as I don't need to compile anything in Actionscript/Flash - something with a js/html API.
I think that's a pretty good list of tools you have. Protovis?
I suspect it's actually not going to be much work to grab a click event from any JS-based tool-- but I haven't done that specifically with any of the ones you mention.
A couple years ago I did a prototype project using a pure Javascript implementation. Everything is just DOM nodes, so you can definitely grab clicks as necessary. It's fine, but since the code is not actively maintained (as far as I could find), I did have to do quite a bit to fit it to my needs. Using something with more recent and active development is a good idea. I also learned that performance was going to be an issue, especially in Firefox. You can play with my prototype and see where it breaks down-- which it does. I think 100 nodes or so is the danger point.
Good luck!

