getElementByID loop returning null - javascript

Chrome developer tools says that the value function doesn't work on a null value and points to the line in the for loop. Why isn't getElementByID fetching my values? (this is a refactor, getElement work perfect with the actual values typed in).
locationStops = ["start","end"];
var stopNum = locationStops.length;
var stopAddresses = [];
for(val in locationStops) {

You could avoid the for loop, and the potential for bugs that you ran into with, by using map:
stopAddresses = locationStops . map(function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id).value;
Depending on your stylistic preferences, you might find the following more readable:
function get_value_from_id(id) {
return document.getElementById(id).value;
stopAddresses = locationStops . map(get_value_from_id);
If you want to use a loop, you could use the new for...of construct:
for (let val of locationStops) {
If you have an environment that supports ES7 array comprehensions:
[ for (id of locationStops) document.getElementById(id).value ]
If you want to stick with your loop, then as other answers have pointed out, the loop variable is the index, not the value, so you have to access the ID with locationStops[i], but you are better off using a regular for loop.

Do not use for in for arrays.
Use a simple for loop instead.
var a = ["start", "end"];
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
You can use for-in also but, it is not recommended as it results in unexpected behaviour sometimes.
val refers to 0,1 etc. So there must be elements with ID's 0,1.
for(var val in a)

Your code is not working because your for loop syntax is incorrect
Try This
var locationStops = ["start","end"];
var stopNum = locationStops.length;
var stopAddresses = [];
for(i = 0; i < locationStops.length; i++) {

Alternatively, you could use
var locationStops = ["start","end"];
var stopAddresses = {
return document.getElementById(val).value;
Honestly, though, looping over a two element array is kind of silly and if it was my code I would even prefer to simply assign each address directly.
var stopAddresses = [document.getElementById("start").value, document.getElementById("end").value];


How to map within a for loop

We need to map an object array within a for loop, which actually works, but the editor is giving us a warning saying not to put a function within a loop:
for(var i=0; i<$; i++){
var pos1 = $ { return e.sys_id; }).indexOf($[i].sys_id);
var add = $scope.selectedItems.indexOf($[i].sys_id);
To mitigate this, we're thinking about creating a separate function for the mapping and then calling it within the loop, like this:
function mappingID(e){
return e.sys_id;
However, when we call upon it within the loop, we're lost as to what to pass in...any suggestions? Thanks!
two things, create a function outside the loop and avoid repeating indexing and object nesting. It will make your code much cleaner and easier to reason about. I'm pretty sure this whole function could be done a lot better but I'm not sure of the bigger scope
var items = $scope.selectedItems;
var sys_id = function(e) { return e.sys_id; }
for(var i=0; i<$; i++){
var data = $[i]; // might be a better name for this...
var pos1 =;
var add = items.indexOf(data.sys_id);
The comments suggest lodash, which is a good suggestion. For the purposes of your original question, however, you can declare the function mappingID as you have it, and simply put
var pos1 = $$[i].sys_id);
and that will do the job.
You don't need to bring lodash to handle this, you can use find:
for(var i=0; i<$; i++){
var item = $scope.selectedItems.find(e => (e.sys_id === $[i].sys_id));
if (item) {
Also I suggest changing selectedItems to an plain-object/Map/Set so you can lookup in constant time.
To avoid doing the same mapping on each iteration of the loop, move the mapping outside the loop:
var idArr = $ { return e.sys_id; })
$ => {
var pos1 = idArr.indexOf(item.sys_id);
var add = $scope.selectedItems.indexOf(item.sys_id);

javascript callback - how to use call backs

I need help with this JS callback function. I am trying to figure out how exactly callbacks work in JS.
--quick test code follows:
function debFilter(deb_array, fillCb){
var filt_darr = [];
for (var inx in deb_array) {
return filt_darr;
console.log(debFilter(savedInp, function(x) { if (x%2 == 0) { return x;}} ));
Let's say my savedInp array contains [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] something like this. How do I make sure my callback returns only the even elements and not the odd ones? so my filt_darr would be [2,4,6...etc].
With the above test code I am getting [2,undefined,4,undefined,..etc]. I have tried with other similar conditions too with no avail. I just need to know how to tell JS not to 'push/return' something I dont need. Sorry if this is a beginner Q.
Thanks for the help.
Iterate the array and then push evens into a new array:
var a = [1,2,3,4,5];
function getEvens(originalArray){
var evens = [];
for(var i = 0; i < originalArray.length; ++i){
if(originalArray[i] % 2 === 0){
return evens;
As you probably noticed, you are collecting every return value into your result array and your callback returns undefined for every odd.
You could change your code to sth like
function debFilter(deb_array, fillCb){
'use strict';
var filt_darr = [],
len = deb_array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (fillCb(deb_array[i])) {
return filt_darr;
By the way, ES 5 supports Array.prototype.filter which might be what you are looking for. There is also a polyfill that you can take some inspiration from.

What is the fastest / recommended way of creating new list with duplicate list entries in JavaScript?

My values naturally come in this form:
I am developing against a server api which requires an input parameter like:
Is there a faster or more js-style way to do than a simple for loop?
var f = function(values) {
var newList = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
return newList;
You could avoid a .push() call by combining them since .push() is variadic.
newList.push(values[i], values[i]);
Other than that, I doubt you'll get much quicker.
You can use each function.
this will reduce your step.
var list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
var newlist=[];
hope this helps.
May be assignment is faster...
L2 = [];
for (var i=L1.lenght*2; i-->0;) {
L2[i>>1] = L1[i];
but this kind of micro-optimization really needs to be profiled on the specific implementations (and I wouldn't be surprised in big differences between different Javascript engines).
I'd keep the most readable way unless this is a key issue (and if it's a key issue they probably Javascript is the wrong tool).
Try: [][1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]).sort();
or more generic:
return this.concat(this).sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});}
or just a function:
function(v) {
var i = v.length, nw = [];
while (i--) { nw.push(v[i],v[i]); }
return nw.reverse();
or using map
var nw = ([1,2,3,4,5].map(function(a){this.push(a,a)},nw=[]),nw);
I suspect the function is the most efficient.

Javascript efficient search array for value with jQuery

There's a gap in my JavaScript knowledge here. I want to search an array of objects values for a particular value and return it.
For the year I have been writing JavaScript, I have been implementing it like this:
var itemClicked = (function(){
var retval;
//Note self.inventory.itemsArray is an array of JS objects
if(parseInt( === parseInt(idOfItem)){
retval = this;
return false;
return retval;
It works, but I'm sure as anything there is a more elegant way. Tell me please!
EDIT - Solution
Thanks to #gdoron with his answer below.
var myVar = $(self.owner.itemsArray).filter(function(){
return parseInt( == parseInt(recItemID);
Note: .get(0) was added at the end because myVar is wrapped as a jQuery object.
The native jQuery function for this is filter:
return == "foo";
It's shorter than code you have and more important a lot more readable.
About efficiency, it will iterate all the elements in the set to find as much as possible matches, but I hardly believe it will be the bottle neck of your application, don't focus on micro-optimisations.
I suggest you read Eric Lipper blog about Which is faster.
You can also use grep as suggested by #Mattias Buelens:
$.grep(data, function(ele){
retun == "foo";
Just another option using jQuery's $.grep( ) function
var arr = $.grep( self.inventory.itemsArray, function ( n ) {
return == idOfItem;
The above returns an array of matching array elements. If you just want the first it is easy enough to return arr[0] if it exists.
Although I'm unsure what the function is actually supposed to do (due to the external contexts' variables), the following should be more efficient cycle-wise
var itemClicked = (function(){
var i, array = self.inventory.itemsArray, length = array.length;
for( i=0; i < length; i++) {
if(parseInt(array[i].id) === parseInt(idOfItem)){
return array[i];
return undefined;
It's an array of Javascript objects
Then do not use jQuery at all. At least, use $.each instead of building a wrapper object around the array. Still, a simple for-loop is much shorter and more performant:
var itemClicked = (function(idnum) {
var arr = self.inventory.itemsArray;
for (var i=0, l=arr.length; i<l; i++)
if (parseInt(arr[i].id, 10) === idnum)
return arr[i];
})( parseInt(idOfItem, 10) );
You might as well think of storing the id properties as numbers right away, so you don't need to convert it each time.

JavaScript converting an array to array of functions

Hello I'm working on a problem that requires me to change an set array of numbers into an array that returns the original numbers as a function. So we get a return of a2 instead of a[2].
I dont want the answer I just need a hint. I know i can loop through the array and use .pop() to get the last value of the array, but then I dont know how to convert it to a function from there. any hints?
var numToFun = [1, 2, 3];
var numToFunLength = numToFun.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numToFunLength; i++) {
numToFun.unshift(function() {
return num;
basically it pops out a number from the last, builds a function with that number returned, and put back into the first of the array. after one full cycle, all of them are functions.
here's the catch: how this works, it's up to you to research
why the loop does not look like the straightforward pop-unshift:
for (var i = 0; i < numToFunLength; i++) {
numToFun.unshift(function() { //put into first a function
return numToFun.pop() //that returns a number
and why i did this: (HINT: performance)
var numToFunLength = numToFun.length;
There's three important steps here:
Extract the number value from the array. Within a loop with an iterator of i, it might look like this:
var num = numArray[i];
This is important, because i will not retain its value that it had when you created the new function - it'll end up with the last value it had, once the for loop is finished. The function itself might look like this:
function() { return num; }
There's no reference to i any more, which is important - to understand better, read about closures. The final step would be to add the new function to the array of functions that you want.
...and you're done!
EDIT: See other's answers for good explanations of how to do this right, I will fix mine also though
As others have pointed out, one of the tricky things in javascript that many struggle with (myself included, obviously) is that scoping variables in javascript is dissimilar to many other languages; scopes are almost purely defined by functions, not the {} blocks of, for example, a for loop, as java/C would be.
So, below you can see (and in other answers here) a scoping function can aid with such a problem.
var numArray = [12, 33, 55];
var funcArray = [];
var numArrLength = numArray.length; // Don't do this in for loop to avoid the check multiple times
for(var j=0; j < numArrLength; j++) {
var scopeMe = function() {
var numToReturn = numArray[j];
console.log('now loading... ' + numToReturn);
var newFunc = function() {
return numToReturn;
return newFunc;
console.log('now me');
console.log(funcArray[1]()); // To ensure it's repeatable
EDIT my old bad answer below
What you'll want to do is something like
var funcArray = [];
for(...) {
var newFunc = function() {
return numArray.pop();
The key here is that functions in javascript can be named variables, and passed around as such :)

