Set HTML text input to null with JQuery - javascript

Using JQuery event handlers I want to adjust the default value of a HTML text input and set it to empty.
The input
<button id="setColor">Set Color</button>
<input type="text" id="colorText">
The function
$("#setColor").on("click", function ()
document.getElementById('#colorText').defaultValue = "";
I have also tried
$("#colorText").defaultValue = "";
$("#colorText").val = "";
$("#colorText").value = "";
but every time I click the SetColor button it seems to keep its previously set default value.
document.getElementById('colorText').defaultValue = "#0000ff";

Your question is not cleared to me, But i got a simple mistake in your code, you write extra # in getElementById
try this:
$("#setColor").on("click", function ()
document.getElementById('colorText').value = "";
Are you trying to reset the textbox color or want to reset the value?

document.getElementById('colorText').value = '';

You can try this with jquery.


Changing a dynamically created label's text with keyup() issue

I am creating a form dynamically and therefore edit the form elements’ properties. When attempting to change the label, assigning an auto-generated id works fine but when changing this label using the generated id, the function or keyup() from jQuery keeps calling all the previously created label id(s). this means when i want to edit one label, it ends up editing every label.
<input type="text" id="change-label"><br><br>
<button id="add-button">add label</button>
<div id="add-label"></div>
var div = document.createElement('div');
var textLabel = document.createElement('label');
var labelNode = document.createTextNode('untitled');
textLabel.appendChild(labelNode); = autoIdClosure();
var autoIdClosure = (function(){
var counter = 0;
var labelId = "textInputLabel";
return function(){
counter += 1;
var id = labelId + counter;
return id;
function editLabelWrapper(id){
function editLabel(){
var value = $(this).val();
I’ve already found an alternative using onkeyup="$('#'+globaID).text($(this).val());", but I need to understand what I was doing wrong so I can learn from it.
I think you are overthinking the matter...
Instead of using an unique id, rather use classes, makes it easier to handle.
So change <div id="add-label"></div> to <div class="add-label"></div>
Then what you want to do is, when a value is given in #change-label you want it in the last div.add-label.
So the function will become this:
$("#change-label").on('keyup', function() {
$('.add-label:last').text( $(this).val() );
Next what you want to do is bind a function to #add-button. Once it gets clicked, we want to add a new div.add-label after the last one. And empty the #change-label. You can do that by using this function:
$('#add-button').on('click', function() {
$('.add-label:last').after('<div class="add-label"></div>');
Updated Fiddle

How to remove style one click event?

How can i remove the style class applied to a textbox on the click event? I'm calling the textbox element using getElementsByName(). Here's my code:
<input id="userNameExists" name="popUpText" class="pop-upText" onclick="clearText(this);" />
function clearText(element)
id = element.getAttribute("id");
var textElement = document.getElementById(id);
textElement.value = "";
var element = document.getElementsByName("popUpText");
var count = 0;
for (count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
var id = element.item(count);
id.classname = "";
In the above script, im not getting the id in the variable id. Right now the values are like "#inputTextBoxName". Please help.
you can use removeClass();
you can manege your styling using attr();
$("#yourid").attr("style","float: right");
or remove class using
It is case sensitive so
id.className = '';
If you're trying to remove the class from the textbox when you click on the textbox itself, that code is far, far longer than it needs to be.
<input type="text" id="userNameExists" name="popUpText" class="pop-upText" onclick="clearText(this);" />
function clearText(element) {
element.className = '';
element.value = '';
That said, inline event handlers (ie. declaring an onclick attribute on your HTML element) are a bad practice to get into.
Also, if you pass in a reference to an element, get its id, then call document.getElementById() with said id, you end up with two references to the same element. Yes, it should work, but totally pointless.

What is wrong with my Javascript?

This is my jsfiddle( I was trying to answer a question here but my code won't work. Here is the code:
var stateOfClick = null;
function initiateLine(){
document.getElementById('test').innerHtml = "Started";
function endLine(){
document.getElementById('test').innerHtml = "Line Ended";
function createLines(){
if(!stateOfClick) {
stateOfClick = 1;
} else {
<input type="text" id="test" onclick="createlines()">
A couple of things,
change createlines() to createLines (camel-case).
change <element>.innerHtml to <element>.value
Inside JSFiddle, don't wrap your code inside a function, as then createLines won't be global which it needs to be for the onclick to work.
Here's a working example.
Not even this simple example will work on jsFiddle. You need to attach the event listener with JavaScript:
document.getElementById("someElement").onclick = function() {
//Do stuff
For input element you must use the value attribute not the innerHTML field.
function initiateLine(){
document.getElementById('test').value = "Started";
also you've misspelled the innerHTML function (though not the primary problem). innerHTML is used for html elements that can contain other elements such as a div containg a p element. Input and option elements all have a value attribute that can be used to extract or set their values.

changing input text to textarea just like in facebook

i would like to replicate that you see a regular input text and when you click it changes into textarea.
is this a hidden layer or is it actually changing the input to textarea? how to do it?
I do believe it's always a textarea and on focus they just change the height of the textarea.
Edit: yes, it is. They use scripting to do everything with a textarea, there is no input field.
<textarea onfocus='CSS.addClass("c4b900e3aebfdd6a671453", "UIComposer_STATE_INPUT_FOCUSED");CSS.removeClass("c4b900e3aebfdd6a671453_buttons", "hidden_elem");window.UIComposer && UIComposer.focusInstance("c4b900e3aebfdd6a671453");' id="c4b900e3aebfdd6a671453_input" class="UIComposer_TextArea DOMControl_placeholder" name="status" title="What's on your mind?" placeholder="What's on your mind?">
What's on your mind?
One method that I found was to have a text area that begins with a smaller width and height and then to dynamically resize it.
function sz(t) {
a = t.value.split('\n');
for (x=0;x < a.length; x++) {
if (a[x].length >= t.cols) b+= Math.floor(a[x].length/t.cols);
b+= a.length;
if (b > t.rows) t.rows = b;
then you would call your function with an onclick event
onclick="function sz(this)"
I found this here
Fellgall Javascript
One problem that he does mention is that this only functions on browsers that support it.
You can combine the jQuery widget you can find here with some coding
<div id="myform">
<button type="submit" style="display:none;">Post</button>
var widget = $('#myform textarea');
var button = $('#myform button');
var tarea = widget[0];
// turn the textarea into an expandable one
var nullArea = true;
tarea.value = "What's on your mind?";
widget.focus(function() {
button.css('display', 'block');
if (nullArea) {
tarea.value = "";
nullArea = false;
widget.blur(function() {
if ($.trim(tarea.value) == "") {
tarea.value = "What's on your mind?";
button.css('display', 'none');
nullArea = true;
This code will hide by default the post button and will show it only when the textarea is focused or when you already have written something into it (you may want to hide/show a div instead or anything you want).
If jQuery is an option for you at all, there's a jQuery plugin that does just this called Jeditable.
Check out the demos here.
One way to do this is to code a dynamic textarea. This article explains how to do it:
Another way to do it is to change the type of the object. Let's say you place your input text in a div tag (its ID being "commentBox". The code would then be:
//when you click on the textbox
function makeTextArea()
document.forms[0].getElementById("commentBox").innerHTML = "<textarea id=\"comments\" onBlur=\"backToTextBox()\"></textarea>";
//when you click outside of the textarea
function backToTextBox()
document.forms[0].getElementById("commentBox").innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" id=\"comments\" onFocus=\"makeTextArea()\"/>";

jQuery: Change element type from hidden to input

I've got an input which it's type is set to hidden, I need to change it's type to text. Can't seem to figure this out or if it's possible with jQuery
With jQuery 1.4 you can change the type of an input while it's detached.
marker = $('<span />').insertBefore('#myInput');
$('#myInput').detach().attr('type', 'text').insertAfter(marker);
I'm not sure this is possible, so I would suggest using a hidden div to contain the input element, which can be shown as needed. The text input field can still hold data even if it's hidden.
IE won't allow you to change the type of a form element for security reasons so I would go with Aram's hidden div suggestion.
Here's how I would do this:
var name = $(this).attr('name'); // grab name of original
var value = $(this).attr('value'); // grab value of original
/* create new visible input */
var html = '<input type="text" name="'+name+'" value="'+value+'" />';
$(this).after(html).remove(); // add new, then remove original input
If you want to filter some of the elements call filter() before each(), like this:
easy man...
$('input[type="hidden"]').each (function() { this.type = 'text'; });
Trigger it on a event
Overlay.toAnyType = function (c, type) {
var shadow = jQuery(document.createElement(c.context.nodeName));
// Clone attributes to new object.
for (var i = 0; i < c[0].attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = c[0].attributes[i].name;
var val = c[0].attributes[i].value;
if (attr == "type") val = type;
shadow.attr(attr, val);
When c is a jQuery object; the function above changes type attribute. Usage:
var inputElemt = jQuery("#input");
Overlay.toAnyType(inputElemt, "text");
Old thread, but I recently needed to do something similar but with file fields and clearing them... I think the same solution could apply, but at least you can grab the contents in this case.
var temp = $('#hidden-field').val();
$("#container-for-field").html("<input id='not-hidden' type='text' value='"+temp+"'/>");
That should also solve the problem :).

