In communication between two applications, I'd like to encrypt a piece of information in JavaScript and decrypt the message from an Objective-C client using a fixed key (just for basic security).
Encryption works well:
var command = "mjallo";
var crypto_key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('280f8bb8c43d532f389ef0e2a5321220');
var crypto_iv = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse("CC0A69779E15780A");
// Encrypt and encode
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(command, crypto_key, {iv: crypto_iv}).toString();
var encrypted_and_encoded = btoa(encrypted);
// encrypted_and_encoded => 'dFBQVDZZS3dGSktoa0J3Y1NQOElpZz09'
// Confirms that decrypt works with CryptoJS:
// Decode and decrypt
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(atob(encrypted_and_encoded), crypto_key, {iv: crypto_iv});
// decrypted => 'mjallo'
How would you go about decoding and decrypting the message in Objective-c after it was encrypted by CryptoJS?
I've attempted to decrypt using CocoaSecurity, but with no luck. Following is RubyMotion syntax:
res = CocoaSecurity.aesDecryptWithBase64('dFBQVDZZS3dGSktoa0J3Y1NQOElpZz09', hexKey: '280f8bb8c43d532f389ef0e2a5321220', hexIv: 'CC0A69779E15780A')
rescue NSException => e
p e.reason # => "Length of iv is wrong. Length of iv should be 16(128bits)"
AES supports a block size of 128 bit and key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bit. The IV for CBC mode (which is the default) should be 128 bit.
Your encoded key consists of 32 characters. In CryptoJS you're parsing it as Base64 which results in a 192 bit key, but in CocoaSecurity you're assuming that it is Hex encoded. Since it only contains digits and the letters a to f, it's likely Hex encoded and not Base64 encoded. If one would assume that it is Hex encoded, then one would get a valid AES key size of 128 bit:
var crypto_key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('280f8bb8c43d532f389ef0e2a5321220');
Your IV on the other hand doesn't have a valid size under the same assumption. An IV should be 16 bytes long for AES in CBC mode. Additionally, an IV should never be fixed at a static value. You would need to generate a random IV for every encryption. Since the IV doesn't have to be secret, you can send it along with the ciphertext.
var crypto_iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128/8);
console.log("IV: " + crypto_iv.toString()); // hex encoded
The result of CryptoJS.<Cipher>.encrypt() is a special formattable object. If you call toString() on that object, you will get a Base64 encoded ciphertext (optionally with a salt when password-based encryption was used). But then you're encoding it again with Base64 by calling btoa(). You don't need to encode it twice.
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(command, crypto_key, {iv: crypto_iv}).toString();
console.log("Ciphertext (Base64): " + encrypted.toString());
console.log("Ciphertext (Hex): " + encrypted.ciphertext.toString());
As far I can judge, your RubyMotion code looks fine.
If you can only change the CocoaSecurity code, then you will need to
re-encode the key by decoding it as Base64 and encoding it as Hex,
append 16 "0" characters to the IV hex string, because CryptoJS fills the IV up to the next valid IV with 0x00 bytes,
decode the ciphertext once from Base64.
You should always authenticate the ciphertexts. This can either be done with an authenticated mode like GCM or with an HMAC over the ciphertext.
I have been struggling with this for a couple of days and was wondering if anyone would have the experience to know these two encryption libraries well enough to help.
I am currently creating a SSO payload according to instructions given to me by a vendor. The steps to have this created are highlighted as follows:
Create an AES 256 CBC cypher of the payload
i. The key will be a SHA256 digest of the site token.
2. Base64 encode the initialization vector (IV) and encrypted payload from above
3. CGI-escape the output from step 2.
4. Your final payload would look something like ikUbqiutwMhi%2Bjg6WwUHyeZB76g6LdLGcrKrEV4YpvQ%3D%0A.
SHA256 will always generate a 32-byte hash, but it can’t be displayed nicely in Base64. When it’s displayed as Hex, it is 32 pairs of Hex values (a total of 64 characters on the screen) but representing only 32 bytes.
I was able to get it to work on Ruby with Open SSL, the code is:
require 'digest'
require 'openssl'
require "base64"
require 'cgi'
require 'json'
cipher ='aes-256-cbc')
cipher.key = Digest::SHA256.digest(siteToken)
iv = cipher.random_iv
data= unencryptedPayload
encrypted = cipher.update(JSON.generate(data)) +
encoded = CGI::escape(Base64.encode64(iv + encrypted))
puts encoded
However, I have not yet had luck with Node.js's Crypto library. This is what I have so far:
const crypto = require('crypto');
// Defining algorithm
const algorithm = 'aes-256-cbc';
// Defining key
//'key' variable is defined and equal to siteToken in the OpenSSL version
//const key = siteToken;
// Defining iv
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
// An encrypt function
function encrypt(text) {
// Creating Cipheriv with its parameter
let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(
'aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(key), iv);
// Updating text
let encrypted = cipher.update(text);
// Using concatenation
encrypted = Buffer.concat([encrypted,]);
// Returning iv and encrypted data
return { iv: iv.toString('hex'),
encryptedData: encrypted.toString('hex') };
// Displays output
var output = encrypt(unencryptedPayload);
I think my code has so far covered almost all of these except for the SHA256 digest of the site token. Does anyone know how I might achieve this in Node.js terms?
I'm trying RSA encrypt text with JSEncrypt(javascript) and decrypt with python crypto (python3.7). Most of the time, it works. But sometimes, python cannot decrypt.
const encrypt = new JSEncrypt()
from base64 import b64decode
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 as Cipher_PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
crypt_text = "J9I/IdsSGZqrQ5XBTlDrze5+U3otrGEGn7J7f330/tbIpdPNwu9k5gCh35HJHuRF6tXhbOD9XbHS6dGXwRdj0KNSWa43tDQMyGp/ZSewCd4wWkqIx83YzDKnYTVc9zWYbg2iYrmR03AqtWMysl8vZDUSmQn7gNdYEJGxSUzVng=="
private_key = "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"
decode_data = b64decode(crypt_text)
other_private_key = RSA.importKey(b64decode(private_key))
cipher =
decrypt_text = cipher.decrypt(decode_data, None).decode()
this is a example text that python can't decrypt, but js can decrypt it well.
python throws the error:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 165, in decrypt
raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length.")
ValueError: Ciphertext with incorrect length.
If the ciphertext is Base64-decoded, the reason becomes clearer: The ciphertext doesn't have the length of the modulus (128 byte), but only 127 byte, i.e. it isn't padded to the length of the modulus with leading 0x00 values. This ciphertext is invalid (see RFC8017, step 1) and the decryption in the Python code fails with the error message Ciphertext with incorrect length. In contrast, the decryption in the JavaScript code works, i.e. JSEncrypt#decrypt obviously adjusts the ciphertext to the length of the modulus by stealthily padding with 0x00 values. If the ciphertext was created with JSEncrypt#encrypt, this method doesn't seem to work properly.
In detail: The modulus can be determined with:
openssl rsa -modulus -noout -in <path to private key>
and is (as hex-string):
The length is 128 byte. The Base64-decoded ciphertext is (as hex-string):
The length is 127 byte. If the ciphertext is padded manually to the length of the modulus with 0x00-values, it can also be decrypted in the Python code:
The decrypted data are:
which are two valid Base64-encoded strings.
Thanks to Topaco, it solved.
from base64 import b64decode, b16decode
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 as Cipher_PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
crypt_text = \
private_key = "MIICXQIBAAKBgQClFImg7N+5ziGtjrMDwN7frootgwrLUmbE9YFBtecnjchCRjAn1wqq69XiWynEv0q3/U91N5g0nJxeMuolSM8cwdQbT3KZFwQF6vreSzDNhfEYOsFVZknILLPiJpUYm5w3Gi34UeM60iHGH9EUnmQeVwKSG0WF2nK2SCU6EyfoJwIDAQABAoGAHHk2Y/N3g2zykiUS64rQ5nQMkV0Q95D2+PH/oX3mqQPjjsrcc4K77E9RTQG8aps0IBgpJGa6chixP+44RMYSMvRIK0wqgX7s6AFIkFIIM+v+bP9pd3kKaVKTcNIjfnKJZokgAnU0QVdf0zeSNElZC+2qe1FbblsSQ6sqaFmHaMECQQC4oZO+w0q2smQh7VZbM0fSIbdZEimX/4y9KN4VYzPQZkDzQcEQX1Al2YAP8eqlzB4r7QcpRJgvUQDODhzMUtP9AkEA5ORFhPVK5slpqYP7pj2F+D2xAoL9XkgBKmhVppD/Sje/vg4yEKCTQ7fRlIzSvtwAvbDJi3ytYqXQWVdaD/Eb8wJAdYC3k8ecTCu6WHFA7Wf0hIJausA5YngMLPLObFQnTLFXErm9UlsmmgATZZJz4LLIXPJMBXKXXD20Qm9u2oa4TQJBAKxBopP6KiFfSNabDkLAoFb+znzuaZGPrNjmZjcRfh6zr+hvNHxQ7CMVbnNWO7AJT8FyD2ubK71GvnLOC2hd8sMCQQCT70B5EpFqULt7RBvCa7wwJsmwaMZLhBcfNmbry/J9SZG3FVrfYf15r0SBRug7mT2gRmH+tvt/mFafjG50VCnw"
decode_data = b64decode(crypt_text)
if len(decode_data) == 127:
hex_fixed = '00' + decode_data.hex()
decode_data = b16decode(hex_fixed.upper())
other_private_key = RSA.importKey(b64decode(private_key))
cipher =
decrypt_text = cipher.decrypt(decode_data, None).decode()
I am using CryptoJS to manually decrypt a string with a provided set of values. The secret is provided and then an SHA256 has is taken of it. The message and initialization vector are base 64 encoded. Here's what I am trying, but every time I run it, the output changes - how can that be?! I'm at the end of my wits...
// Key and take the hash of it
var secretKey = 'TESTING123Secret_Key';
var secretKeyHash = CryptoJS.SHA256(secretKey).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
// Base 64 encoded values
var accountNumberBase64 = 'nxjYfo4Stw63YBEcnjo3oQ==';
var initializationVectorBase64 = 'HnNcvu9AP9yl09APWkWnDQ==';
// decode the values provided above
var accountNumberEncrypt = atob(accountNumberBase64);
var initializationVector = atob(initializationVectorBase64);
// Use crypto to decrypt
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(
ciphertext: accountNumberEncrypt,
salt: ''
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding,
iv: initializationVector,
salt: ''
console.log(' decrypted, by hand: ' + decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex));
the last line changes every time this is run (run it on page load) - same values provided every time, output is different.
How it is supposed to work:
Decryption Instructions:
1. A static, secret key will be shared which will be used for decryption (Secret Key TBD).
a. HASH the secret key with SHA256, encode it to Hex and use the first 32 characters. This will be used as the KEY when decrypting.
2. Two pieces of information will be sent via the POST method
a. Parameter “AN”: A Base64 Encoded, AES-256-CBC Encrypted string which will represent the Account Number when decrypted
b. Parameter “IV”: A Base64 Encoded initialization vector (IV) string which will be used in decrypting the Account Number string
3. Base64 Decode both parameters
4. Using the AES-256-CBC method, decrypt the encrypted string (which was base64 decoded as part of Step #3) with the initialization vector decoded in Step #3 and the hash created in Step #1a
5. The decryption should then provide you the account number.
Java code
There many issues with your code. It is hard to say what is really responsible for the non-deterministic decryption. I guess it is the fact that you're passing the key as a string which means that CryptoJS will assume that it is a password and try to use EVP_BytesToKey to derive a key from that. Since the salt is not set, CryptoJS probably has a bug that it generates a random salt for decryption (which it should not). You need to parse the key into a WordArray if you want to manually provide the key.
The other main issue is using non-CryptoJS methods for decoding (atob) which means that you get some data format that cannot be directly read by CryptoJS. CryptoJS relies on the internal WordArray for representing all binary data or expects all strings to be UTF-8-encoded.
Working code:
// Key and take the hash of it
var secretKey = 'TESTING123Secret_Key';
var secretKeyHash = CryptoJS.SHA256(secretKey).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex).slice(0,32);
secretKeyHash = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(secretKeyHash);
// Base 64 encoded values
var accountNumberBase64 = 'nxjYfo4Stw63YBEcnjo3oQ==';
var initializationVectorBase64 = 'HnNcvu9AP9yl09APWkWnDQ==';
var ct = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(accountNumberBase64);
var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(initializationVectorBase64);
// Use crypto to decrypt
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt({
ciphertext: ct
secretKeyHash, {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding,
iv: iv
console.log(' decrypted, by hand: ' + decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Here is a JavaScript part which decodes a string with AES encryption
var p = 'some large string'
var s = 'Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg='
var y = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt({
ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(p)
}, CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(s), {
iv CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("random")
var v = y.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)
I am trying to code a similar decoding function in python with importing AES.
Could anyone help me with this one. I can't figure out all equivalent code for js to python.
I looked up this page
Python AES Decryption Routine (Code Help)
AES - Encryption with Crypto (node-js) / decryption with Pycrypto (python)
Not sure if they have the code similar to the js I have here
This in python what it means
I have tried something like this from another source
from base64 import b64decode
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
iv = 'random'
key = 'Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg='
encoded = b64decode('some large string')
dec =, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv)
value = dec.decrypt(encoded)
There are multiple problems with your CryptoJS code and Python code.
Wrong key size
Your key s contains only 20 bytes (160 bit) which doesn't constitute any of the valid key sizes for AES which are 128 (10), 192 (12) and 256 bit (14 rounds). CryptoJS will silently run the key schedule for a 160 bit key with 11 rounds which PyCrypto doesn't support (see AES.c).
You can reduce the key to 128 bit like this in CryptoJS:
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse('Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg=');
key.sigBytes = 16;
or in Python:
key = b64decode('Q05WTmhPSjlXM1BmeFd0UEtiOGg=')[:16]
Wrong character encoding
You forgot to decode the key from a Base64 string in Python and you forgot to decode the IV from hex. The character '0' and the byte 0x00 are entirely different. There's an easier way to define an all zero IV:
iv = "\0"*16
No unpadding
CryptoJS uses PKCS#7 padding by default, but PyCrypto doesn't implement any padding and only handles data as a multiple of the block size. After you decrypt something, you need to remove the padding yourself in Python:
value = value[:value[-1]]
(the last byte determines how many bytes are padding bytes). More on that here.
Other considerations:
You really shouldn't be setting the IV to a static value. The IV should be randomly generated for every encryption using the same key. Otherwise, you will lose semantic security. Since the IV doesn't have to be secret, you can put it in front of the ciphertext and slice it off before decryption.
Hello I'm using the following passphrase: "test".
This generates the AES key: "9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08"
IV is 0.
As a test I tried to encrypt this key. Since I will always use this program with 256 bits I cut the encrypted cipher after 64 hex characters (256 bits).
However when I decrypt this cut ciphertext I'm missing the last 16 characters (128bits) of my key.
This is the size of one AES block, but my key is 256 bits so it seems weird to me.
My question is: Why is my AES result too long? And: Can I do this correctly so its 64 chars only?
(CryptoJS is the google crypto library for javascript.)
function go(){
var shakey = CryptoJS.SHA256(document.getElementById("t3").value); //Textbox key here.
var hash =CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(shakey));
var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(hash);
var iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('00000000000000000000000000000000');
var encHex = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(document.getElementById("t1").value);
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(encHex, hash, { iv: iv }); //Textbox input here.
var encObj = {ciphertext:CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(document.getElementById("t2").value)}; //Textbox decrypt here
var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encObj, hash, { iv: iv});
var encResult = (encrypted.ciphertext+"").length > 63 ? (encrypted.ciphertext+"").substring(0,64) : (encrypted.ciphertext+"");
Disable padding using the NoPadding option. The default is PKCS#7 padding, which will always apply padding to the plaintext before encryption. In the case of a full block, it will pad out another full block, which makes the result one block longer than you would expect.