I need to upload hundreds of PDF documents, convert them to HTML and then store the HTML in MongoDB. I am currently saving both the incoming PDF documents and converted HTML in the file system. Is there a way to use streams to avoid all the file I/O?
Current approach (which works but is slow):
I am using:
Busboy to read the uploaded PDF documents which I save to the file system.
I create an "exec" child process in node.js which invokes "'pdftohtml -c -s -noframes -nodrm ' + inputFileNamePDF + ' ' + outputFileNameHTML,". The HTML output files get saved to the file system.
I then iterate through all the HTML files to create a Bulk upsert to MongoDB.
Ideally I'd like to stream the uploaded PDF file directly to "inputFileNamePDF". Then stream the converted "outputFileNameHTML" to the bulk upsert.
Here's the Code:
var path = require("path"),
Busboy = require('busboy')
http = require('http'),
util = require('util'),
fs = require('fs-extra'),
pdftohtml = require('pdftohtmljs'),
exec =require('child_process').exec,
pdf_extract = require('pdf-extract'),
exports.postUpload = function (req, res) {
// parse a file upload
var fileName = "";
var uploadDir = '/tmp/' +[#\.]/g,"_");
var infiles = 0, outfiles = 0, done = false,
busboy = new Busboy({ headers: req.headers });
console.log('Start parsing form ...');
busboy.on('file', function (fieldname, file, filename) {
console.log("file event #" + infiles);
onFile(fieldname, file, filename, function () {
console.log("file #" + infiles + " written.");
if (done) console.log(outfiles + '/' + infiles + ' parts written to disk');
if (done && infiles === outfiles) {
console.log('All parts written to disk');
res.writeHead(200, { 'Connection': 'close' });
res.end("That's all folks!");
busboy.on('finish', function () {
console.log('Done parsing form!');
done = true;
function onFile(fieldname, file, filename, next) {
// or save at some other location
var fileName = "";
fileName = filename.replace( /[^a-z0-9_\-]/gi,"_");
fileName = fileName.replace(/_(pdf|docx|doc)$/i,".$1");
var fstream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(uploadDir, fileName));
file.on('end', function () {
console.log(fieldname + '(' + fileName + ') EOF');
fstream.on('close', function () {
console.log(fieldname + '(' + fileName + ') written to disk');
console.log(fieldname + '(' + fileName + ') start saving');
function convertToHTMLTxt () {
var execTxt, execHTML, execPDF;
var textDir = 'text';
var htmlDir = 'html';
console.log('Directory: ', uploadDir);
fs.readdir(uploadDir, function(err, files) {
if (err) {
console.log('error reading directory: ', uploadDir);
files.forEach(function(fileName) {
var fileNameHTML = path.join(uploadDir, htmlDir,
var fileNamePDF = path.join(uploadDir, fileName);
if (fileName.match(/pdf$/i)) {
execPDF = exec('pdftohtml -c -s -noframes -nodrm '
+ fileNamePDF + ' ' + fileNameHTML,
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('stdout: ', stdout);
console.log('stderr: ', stderr);
if (error !== null) {
console.log('exec error: ', error);
execPDF.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('******** PDF to HTML Conversion complete - exit code '
+ code);
Once the conversion is done I iterate through all the HTML files and do a MongoDB bulk upsert:
fs.readFile(fileNameHTML, 'utf8', function (err, HTMLData) {
if (err) {
console.log('error reading file: ', fileNameHTML + '/nerror: ' + err);
bulk.find({ userName: userName,
docName : fileName
.updateOne({userName: userName,
docName : fileName,
HTMLData : HTMLData});
As my first NodeJS app I made a simple CLI Minifier app for HTML, CSS and Javascript files. It works for the most part but one feature. The goal is to have the "all" command read all files in a folder, put the names in an array and write those files minified to a different folder. When I give the CLI "Command: all", console logs all files correctly but will only minify 1 file for as much times as there are files in the folder.
I tried to for...loop through fileArr[] to read and write files from there, after letting 'forEach' push all file names into fileArr[]. This gave the same output as now.
The full working code is added with all features below the code that does not work as intended.
To make the app work you need to have HTML-Minifier installed npm install html-minifier
The piece of code that does not work as intended, I have added comments to try to make it clearer (some comments in the full working code I wrote for myself and dont necessarily need an answer in this thread):
} else if(answer === 'all'){
if (!fs.existsSync("./files/")){ //Checks if folder exists, if not it will create one
//Code that reads the /files/ folder to make a list of all files in there.
fs.readdir(__dirname + '/files/', function (err, files){ //Files get listed correctly
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
let fileArr = []
//With forEach I want to minify->write new file->log for every item in the list.
//Console.log shows all seperate items correctly but only 1 item gets minified as much as there are items in the folder
files.forEach(function (file){
fileArr.push(file) //Files get listed correctly
//Part that reads the input file
codeIn = file;
console.log(codeIn + " - console.log()") //Files get listed correctly
const fileIn = fs.readFile(__dirname + `/files/${codeIn}`, 'utf8', (err, data) => { //For some reason something must go wrong somewhere here. Only 1 file gets minified over and over
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
codeOut = minify(data, { //Minifies input
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeEmptyElements: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
minifyCSS: true,
minifyJS: true
//Part that writes the minified file
if (!fs.existsSync("./minified/")){ //Checks if folder 'minified' exists, this is the output folder
fs.writeFile(__dirname + `/minified/${codeIn}`, codeOut, err => {
if (err) {
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
const sizeOutput = minified(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (minified(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb'; //Some calulations with the file sizes for the log file.
const sizeBefore = before(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (before(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const sizeDifference = (before(codeIn) - minified(codeIn)) + " Bytes - " + ((before(codeIn) - minified(codeIn)) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const outputMsg = codeIn + " | Before: " + sizeBefore + " | After: " + sizeOutput + " | Difference: " + sizeDifference
console.log('File Sucessfully Minified!')
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
} else {
//Full Working Code
var minify = require('html-minifier').minify;
const rl = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
const fs = require('fs');
let codeIn;
let codeOut;
let logArr = [];
function minified(filename) {
var stats = fs.statSync(`./minified/${filename}`);
var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;
return fileSizeInBytes;
function before(filename, fIsTrue) {
if(fIsTrue === true){
var files = '';
} else {
var files = 'files/';
var stats = fs.statSync(`./${files}${filename}`);
var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;
return fileSizeInBytes;
function createLog(){
const logTime = (new Date().getMinutes()).toString() + (new Date().getSeconds()).toString()
let logFile = ""
logFile = logFile + (logArr.toString()).replace(/,/g, "\n")
fs.writeFile(__dirname + `/log-${logTime}.txt`, logFile, err => {
if (err) {
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
console.log(`File log-${logTime}.txt created!`)
logArr = []
function askCommand(){
rl.question('Command: ', (answer) => {
if(answer === 'log'){
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
} else if (answer === 'print') {
let logFile = ""
logFile = logFile + (logArr.toString()).replace(/,/g, "\n")
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
} else if(answer === 'log date'){
logArr.unshift(new Date())
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
} else if(answer === 'help'){
console.log(`\n \n By default the app will look for files in the './files/' folder \n Minified files will be put in a folder './minified/' \n \n LIST OF POSSIBLE COMMANDS: \n * 'myApp.js' - Enter the filename including extension to minify \n * 'index.html --f' - With ' --f' you can minify files from the same folder as app.js \n * 'print' - Will print the log to the console \n * 'log' - Will create a log.txt file with relevant file sizes. Log is cleared afterwards. \n * 'log date' - Will create a log file with current date time. Log is cleared afterwards. \n * 'help' - Shows the list of possible commands`)
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
} else if(answer === 'all'){
if (!fs.existsSync("./files/")){ //Checks if folder exists, if not it will create one
//Code that reads the /files/ folder to make a list of all files in there.
fs.readdir(__dirname + '/files/', function (err, files){ //Files get listed correctly
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
let fileArr = []
//With forEach I want to minify->write new file->log for every item in the list.
//Console.log shows all seperate items correctly but only 1 item gets minified as much as there are items in the folder
files.forEach(function (file){
fileArr.push(file) //Files get listed correctly
//Part that reads the input file
codeIn = file;
console.log(codeIn + " - console.log()") //Files get listed correctly
const fileIn = fs.readFile(__dirname + `/files/${codeIn}`, 'utf8', (err, data) => { //For some reason it will not get all items from the list. Only 1 file gets minified over and over
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
codeOut = minify(data, { //Minifies input
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeEmptyElements: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
minifyCSS: true,
minifyJS: true
//Part that writes the minified file
if (!fs.existsSync("./minified/")){
fs.writeFile(__dirname + `/minified/${codeIn}`, codeOut, err => {
if (err) {
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
const sizeOutput = minified(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (minified(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb'; //Some calulations with the file sizes for the log file.
const sizeBefore = before(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (before(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const sizeDifference = (before(codeIn) - minified(codeIn)) + " Bytes - " + ((before(codeIn) - minified(codeIn)) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const outputMsg = codeIn + " | Before: " + sizeBefore + " | After: " + sizeOutput + " | Difference: " + sizeDifference
console.log('File Sucessfully Minified!')
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
} else {
var bol;
const answerSplit = answer.split(' --')
if(answerSplit[1] === 'f'){//In case command --f is given 'bol' is set to true and strPath to nothing. This way it will only look for files in the same folder as app.js. Answer is checked for command
const strPath = ''
bol = true;
} else {
bol = false;
const strPath = 'files/'
function miniFy(param){ //Function works inside the 'else if' statement but not outside, error is: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received undefined
if (!fs.existsSync("./files/")){
codeIn = answerSplit[0].toString();//Gets filename from splitted input
console.log(param + codeIn + " - console.log()")
const fileIn = fs.readFile(`./${param}${codeIn}`, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
codeOut = minify(data, {
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeEmptyElements: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
minifyCSS: true,
minifyJS: true
function wFile(){ //Function works inside the 'else if' statement but not outside, error is: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received undefined
if (!fs.existsSync("./minified/")){
fs.writeFile(__dirname + `/minified/${codeIn}`, codeOut, err => {
if (err) {
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
if(bol === true){
const sizeOutput = minified(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (minified(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const sizeBefore = before(codeIn, true) + ' Bytes - ' + (before(codeIn, true) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const sizeDifference = (before(codeIn, true) - minified(codeIn)) + " Bytes - " + ((before(codeIn, true) - minified(codeIn)) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
var outputMsg = codeIn + " | Before: " + sizeBefore + " | After: " + sizeOutput + " | Difference: " + sizeDifference
} else {
const sizeOutput = minified(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (minified(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const sizeBefore = before(codeIn) + ' Bytes - ' + (before(codeIn) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
const sizeDifference = (before(codeIn) - minified(codeIn)) + " Bytes - " + ((before(codeIn) - minified(codeIn)) / 1024).toFixed(3) + 'Kb';
var outputMsg = codeIn + " | Before: " + sizeBefore + " | After: " + sizeOutput + " | Difference: " + sizeDifference
console.log('File Sucessfully Minified!')
setTimeout(askCommand, 250)
In an example the event.on() was called after event.emit() method but still the results appeared. I know that some wehre it is related to chaining but can anyone explain the chaining and the cause why the order of operations isn't a concern in the example
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var fs = require('fs');
function findPattern(files, regex) {
var emitter = new EventEmitter();
files.forEach(function(file) {
fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, content) {
return emitter.emit('error', err);
emitter.emit('fileread', file);
var match = null;
if(match = content.match(regex))
match.forEach(function(elem) {
emitter.emit('found', file, elem);
}); });
return emitter;
['fileA.txt', 'fileB.json'],
/hello \w+/g
.on('fileread', function(file) {
console.log(file + ' was read');
.on('found', function(file, match) {
console.log('Matched "' + match + '" in file ' + file);
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Error emitted: ' + err.message);
In trying to get a hang of node.js asynchronous coding style, I decided to write a program that would read a text file containing a bunch of URLS to download and download each file. I started out writing a function to download just one file (which works fine), but having trouble extending the logic to download multiple files.
Here's the code:
var http = require("http"),
fs = require("fs"),
input = process.argv[2],
folder = "C:/Users/Wiz/Downloads/",
regex = /(https?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?/,
urls = null,
url = "",
filename = "";
fs.readFile(input, "utf8", function(e, data) {
console.log("Reading file: " + input);
if (e) console.log("Got error:" + e.message);
urls = data.split("\n");
for (var i = urls.length; i--;) {
url = urls[i];
if (!url.match(regex)) continue;
filename = folder + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
downloadQueue.addItem(url, filename);
var downloadQueue = {
queue: [],
addItem: function(p_sSrc, p_sDest) {
src: p_sSrc,
dest: p_sDest
if (this.queue.length === 1) {
getNext: function() {
var l_oItem = this.queue[0];
http.get(l_oItem.src, function(response) {
console.log("Downloading: " + l_oItem.dest);
var file = fs.createWriteStream(l_oItem.dest);
response.on("end", function() {
console.log("Download complete.");
}).on("error", function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.message);
removeItem: function() {
this.queue.splice(0, 1);
if (this.queue.length != 0) {
} else {
console.log("All items downloaded");
How do I structure the code so that the completion of the first download can signal the initiation of the next one. Please note that this exercise is just for learning purposes, to understand how asynchronous coding works. In practice, I'm sure there are much better tools out there to download multiple files.
Try simple at first, it look like you copy paste codes and quite don't understand what they do.
Do a simple loop, that get the url, and print something.
var http = require('http');
URL = require('url').parse('')
URL['headers'] = {'User-Agent': 'Hello World'}
// launch 20 queries asynchronously
for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
(function(i) {
console.log('Query ' + i + ' started');
var req = http.request(URL, function(res) {
console.log('Query ' + i + ' status: ' + res.statusCode + ' - ' + res.statusMessage);
res.on('data', function(content){
console.log('Query ' + i + ' ended - ' + content);
req.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('Query ' + i + ' return error: ' + err.message);
All the urls will be fetched asynchronously. You can observe that the response does not arrive in order, but are still processed correctly.
The difficulty with async is not to do the things is parallel, because you just write like a single task, and execute multiple time. It becomes complicated when you need for instance to wait for all tasks to finished before continuing. And for that, have a look at promises
Here is what I started out with. Figuring that each download was invoked asynchronously, they would all be independent of each other.
var http = require("http"),
fs = require("fs"),
input = process.argv[2],
folder = "C:/Users/Wiz/Downloads/",
regex = /(https?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?/,
urls = null,
url = "",
filename = "";
fs.readFile(input, "utf8",
function(e, data) {
console.log("Reading file: " + input);
if (e) console.log("Got error:" + e.message);
urls = data.split("\n");
for (var i = urls.length; i--;) {
url = urls[i];
if (!url.match(regex)) continue;
filename = folder + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
http.get(url, function(response) {
var file = fs.createWriteStream(filename);
response.on("end", function() {
When the following POST API is called, it should save the file to the file system. However, the file is not being saved. I can see the file in the console, but can't save/write it.
I have the following code:'/notes', function(req, res, next) {
var gfsstream, startFileWrite, endFileWriteTime;
var busboy = new Busboy({ headers: req.headers });
busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) {
startFileWrite = new Date().getTime();
console.log('File [' + fieldname + ']: filename: ' + filename);
gfsstream = gfs.createWriteStream('/uploads');
file.on('data', function(data) {
file.on('end', function() {
gfsstream.on('close', function (file) {
// do something with `file`
endFileWrite = new Date().getTime();
console.log('File [' + fieldname + '] Finished');
console.log("Time needed: " + (endFileWrite - startFileWrite) + " ms");
busboy.on('error', function(err) {
res.sendStatus(500, 'ERROR', err);
busboy.on('finish', function end() {
req.pipe(gfsstream) might be the issue here, but I am not sure what is preventing the file from being saved.
Just do file.pipe(gfsstream) and use the finish event instead of the close event:
busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) {
startFileWrite = new Date().getTime();
console.log('File [' + fieldname + ']: filename: ' + filename);
gfsstream = gfs.createWriteStream('/uploads');
file.pipe(gfsstream).on('finish', function() {
endFileWrite = new Date().getTime();
console.log('File [' + fieldname + '] Finished');
console.log("Time needed: " + (endFileWrite - startFileWrite) + " ms");
I have a form in which I am expected to do some file processing which takes some time, so I want that finish event executes only after the processing is complete, right now
node is processing the file and while it is processing the file and executes commands node if finds finish event it fires it. so, how do i make sure that the finish event is fired only after processing of all files.
busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename,transferEncoding,mimeType) {
var fName = uuid.v4();
var fileext = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
var filepath = path.normalize(__dirname + '/../../');
var fstream = fs.createWriteStream(filepath+'/server/uploads/'+fName+'.'+fileext);
var uploadFileCompletion = file.pipe(fstream);
console.log('uploaded now');
var cmd = 'libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir '+ filepath + 'server/uploads ' + filepath + 'server/uploads/' + fName + '.' + fileext;
exec(cmd, function(error,stdout,stderr){
var encryptCmd = 'java -jar server/uploads/pdfbox-app-1.8.6.jar Encrypt -canAssemble false -canExtractContent false -canExtractForAccessibility false ' +
'-canModify false -canModifyAnnotations false -canPrint false -canPrintDegraded false server/uploads/' + fName + '.' + 'pdf'
+ ' ' + 'server/uploads/' +fName + '.' + 'pdf';
exec(encryptCmd, function(error,stdout,stderr){
fs.unlink(filepath+'server/uploads/'+fName + '.' + fileext, function(){
console.log("removed " +filepath+'server/uploads/'+fName + '.' + fileext);
busboy.on('field', function(fieldname, val, valTruncated,keyTruncated) {
noteData = JSON.parse(val);
noteData.uploader = req.user.username;
noteData.actualFileName = actualFileName;
noteData.storedFileName = storedFileName;
noteData.noteId = uuid.v4();
return res.send({reason:err.toString()});
now the console log for this is as follows -
uploaded now
convert /home/unknown/public_html/campustop/server/uploads/8465f9a9-d6b7-4d53-8cb5-a8dbf3aed6a5.odt -> /home/unknown/public_html/campustop/server/uploads/8465f9a9-d6b7-4d53-8cb5-a8dbf3aed6a5.pdf using writer_pdf_Export
removed /home/unknown/public_html/campustop/server/uploads/8465f9a9-d6b7-4d53-8cb5-a8dbf3aed6a5.odt
indicating that the finish event is getting fired again and again
You could try something like:
var files = 0;
busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename,transferEncoding,mimeType) {
var fName = uuid.v4();
var fileext = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
var filepath = path.normalize(__dirname + '/../../');
var fstream = fs.createWriteStream(filepath+'/server/uploads/'+fName+'.'+fileext);
file.pipe(fstream).on('finish',function() {
console.log('uploaded now');
var cmd = 'libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir '+ filepath + 'server/uploads ' + filepath + 'server/uploads/' + fName + '.' + fileext;
exec(cmd, function(error,stdout,stderr) {
var encryptCmd = 'java -jar server/uploads/pdfbox-app-1.8.6.jar Encrypt -canAssemble false -canExtractContent false -canExtractForAccessibility false ' +
'-canModify false -canModifyAnnotations false -canPrint false -canPrintDegraded false server/uploads/' + fName + '.' + 'pdf'
+ ' ' + 'server/uploads/' +fName + '.' + 'pdf';
exec(encryptCmd, function(error,stdout,stderr) {
fs.unlink(filepath+'server/uploads/'+fName + '.' + fileext, function() {
console.log("removed " +filepath+'server/uploads/'+fName + '.' + fileext);
busboy.on('field', function(fieldname, val, valTruncated,keyTruncated) {
noteData = JSON.parse(val);
busboy.on('finish', onFinish);
function onFinish() {
if (!busboy.writable && files === 0) {
noteData.uploader = req.user.username;
noteData.actualFileName = actualFileName;
noteData.storedFileName = storedFileName;
noteData.noteId = uuid.v4();
if (err){
return res.send({reason:err.toString()});
On an unrelated note, you should probably do some sanitizing/checking of the filename, someone could be malicious and use something like '../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd' (I'm not sure if createWriteStream() resolves/normalizes the path given to it or not).