How to reconnect to socket after disconnecting in html5 - javascript

I'm working with HTML5 socket functions to establish a socket connection to my server. HTML5 has functions below to handle disconnecting
Socket.onclose = function()
Socket.onerror = function()
My problem is, how try for reconnect after onclose function executes? I tried to put a while loop inside of it like
ws.onclose = function()
ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.onopen = function()
But did't work.
Any idea?

Here's the script that comes with the Plezi websocket framework... It's fairly basic, but it works on the browsers I used it on (Safari, Chrome and FireFox).
The trick is to leverage the onclose method WITHOUT a loop.
The onclose method will be called even if the websocket never opened and the connection couldn't be established (without calling onopen).
Initiating a reconnect within an onclose is enough.
Writing a loop or a conditional review will not only fail, but will halt all the scripts on the page. Allow me to explain:
Javascript is single threaded. Again: it's an even/task based, single threaded, environment.
This means that your code acts like an atomic unit - nothing happens and nothing changes until your code finished running it's course.
Because connections could take a while to establish, the new WebSocket was designed (and rightfully so) as an asynchronous function.
This is how come you can define the onopen event callback AFTER the creation of the event.
The new websocket connection will be attempted only once the current task/event is finished... a loop will get you stuck forever waiting for a task that can't be performed until your code stops running...
Back to the issue at hand, here's the code. If you have any ideas for improvements, please let me know:
// Your websocket URI should be an absolute path. The following sets the base URI.
// remember to update to the specific controller's path to your websocket URI.
var ws_controller_path = window.location.pathname; // change to '/controller/path'
var ws_uri = (window.location.protocol.match(/https/) ? 'wss' : 'ws') + '://' + + ws_controller_path
// websocket variable.
var websocket = NaN
// count failed attempts
var websocket_fail_count = 0
// to limit failed reconnection attempts, set this to a number.
var websocket_fail_limit = NaN
// to offer more or less space between reconnection attempts, set this interval in miliseconds.
var websocket_reconnect_interval = 250
function init_websocket()
if(websocket && websocket.readyState == 1) return true; // console.log('no need to renew socket connection');
websocket = new WebSocket(ws_uri);
websocket.onopen = function(e) {
// reset the count.
websocket_fail_count = 0
// what do you want to do now?
websocket.onclose = function(e) {
// If the websocket repeatedly you probably want to reopen the websocket if it closes
if(!isNaN(websocket_fail_limit) && websocket_fail_count >= websocket_fail_limit) {
// What to do if we can't reconnect so many times?
// you probably want to reopen the websocket if it closes.
if(isNaN(websocket_fail_limit) || (websocket_fail_count <= websocket_fail_limit) ) {
// update the count
websocket_fail_count += 1;
// try to reconect
setTimeout( init_websocket, websocket_reconnect_interval);
websocket.onerror = function(e) {
// update the count.
websocket_fail_count += 1
// what do you want to do now?
websocket.onmessage = function(e) {
// what do you want to do now?
// to use JSON, use:
// var msg = JSON.parse(; // remember to use JSON also in your Plezi controller.
// setup the websocket connection once the page is done loading
window.addEventListener("load", init_websocket, false);


Avoid XMLHttpRequest chain calling leak

In my code (a monitoring application) I need to periodically call the server with an XMLHttpRequest object in the form of chained calls. Each call takes exactly 15 seconds, which is timed by the server as it delivers several partial results within that period (HTTP 100 Continue). Immediately after finishing the current call, the onreadystatechange event handler of the current XMLHttpRequest object needs to create and launch the next request (with a new instance), so the communication with the server remains almost seamless.
The way it works, each call retains the object context of the caller in the stack, so as this is a page that must remain open for days, the stack keeps growing with no chance for the garbage collector to claim the data. See the following stack trace:
I cannot use timers (setInterval or such) to launch the next request. It should be launched from inside the ending of the previous one. The data from server must arrive as quickly as possible, and unfortunately browsers nowadays throtle timers when a page is not in focus. As I said, this is a monitoring application meant to be always on in the users' secondary monitors (rarely in focus). I also need to deal with HTTP timeouts and other kinds of errors that derail from the 15 second sequence. There should always be one and only one channel open with the server.
My question is whether is any way to avoid keeping the whole context in the stack when creating an XMLHttpRequest object. Even calling the click() method on a DOM object will keep the stack/context alive. Even promises seem to keep the context.
I'm also unable to use websockets, as the server does not support them.
It's more complex, buy in essence it's like:
var xhttpObjUrl;
var xhttpObj;
onLoad() {
loadXMLDoc(pollURL + "first=1", true);
function loadXMLDoc(url, longtout) {
xhttpObjUrl = url;
xhttpObj = new XMLHttpRequest();, url, true);
xhttpObj.onprogress = progress;
xhttpObj.onloadend = progress;
xhttpObj.ontimeout = progress;
if (commlog) consolelog("loadXMLDoc(): url == " + dname);
function progress() {
if (!xhttpObj) return;
var state = xhttpObj.readyState;
var status;
var statusText;
if (state == 4 /* complete */ || state == 3 /* partial content */) {
try {
status = xhttpObj.status;
statusText = xhttpObj.statusText;
if (status == 200) parseServerData();
} catch (err) {
status = 500;
statusText = err;
if (state == 4 || status != 200) {
var obj = xhttpObj;
xhttpObj = undefined;
obj = false;
function RequestEnd(error) {
var now = (new Date).getTime();
var msdiff = now - lastreqstart;
var code = function () { loadXMLDoc(pollURL + 'lastpoint=' + evtprev.toString() + '&lastevent=' + evtcurrent.toString()); return false; };
if (msdiff < 1000) addTimedCheck(1, code); /** IGNORE THIS **/
else code();
I've solved my problem using a web worker. The worker would end the XMLHttpRequest each time and send the page a message with the collected data. Then, when the page finishes processing the data, it would send the worker a message to start a new request. Thus my page wouldn't have any unwanted delays between requests, and there's no stack constantly building up. On error I'd terminate the worker and create a new one, just in case.

How to determine that an SSE connection was closed?

We have an SSE (Server-Sent Events) connection open in JavaScript which can time to time get closed, either because of server restarts or other causes. In that case it would be good to reestablish the connection. How to do it? Is there a way to find out on the client side that the connection was closed?
Here: I found only a way to close the connection, but no callback or a test method for determining whether the connection is still alive.
Thank you for your help.
If the connection is closed (in such a way that the browser can realize it), it will auto-connect. And it tends to do this quickly (default is 3 seconds in Chrome, 5 seconds in Firefox). readyState will be CONNECTING (0) while it is doing this. It is only ever CLOSED (2) if there was some problem connecting in the first place (e.g. due to a CORS issue). Once CLOSED, it does not retry.
I prefer to add a keep-alive mechanism on top, as the browser cannot always detect dead sockets (not to mention a remote server process that is locked up, etc.). See ch.5 of Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE for detailed code, but basically it involves having the server send a message every 15 seconds, then a JavaScript timer that runs for 20 seconds, but is reset each time a message is received. If the timer ever does expire, we close the connection and reconnect.
EventSource API Update
EventSource API now has three event handlers:
These should be enough to handle everything you need on the client side.
Something like this:
const ssEvent = new EventSource( eventUrl );
ssEvent.onopen = function (evt) {
// handle newly opened connection
ssEvent.onerror = function (evt) {
// handle dropped or failed connection
ssEvent.onmessage = function (evt) {
// handle new event from server
Ref: : EventSource : Event handlers
Browser support for EventSource API: onopen -
Check readyState property:
var es = new EventSource();
// Сheck that connection is not closed
es.readyState !== 2;
// or
es.readyState !== EventSource.CLOSED;
It is best not to try to determine if the connection was closed. I do not think there is a way to do it. Server Side Events work differently in all of the browsers, but they all close the connection during certain circumstances. Chrome, for example, closes the connection on 502 errors while a server is restarted. So, it is best to use a keep-alive as others suggest or reconnect on every error. Keep-alive only reconnects at a specified interval that must be kept long enough to avoid overwhelming the server. Reconnecting on every error has the lowest possible delay. However, it is only possible if you take an approach that keeps server load to a minimum. Below, I demonstrate an approach that reconnects at a reasonable rate.
This code uses a debounce function along with reconnect interval doubling. It works well, connecting at 1 second, 4, 8, 16...up to a maximum of 64 seconds at which it keeps retrying at the same rate.
function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
return functionToCheck && {} === '[object Function]';
function debounce(func, wait) {
var timeout;
var waitFunc;
return function() {
if (isFunction(wait)) {
waitFunc = wait;
else {
waitFunc = function() { return wait };
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
timeout = setTimeout(later, waitFunc());
// reconnectFrequencySeconds doubles every retry
var reconnectFrequencySeconds = 1;
var evtSource;
var reconnectFunc = debounce(function() {
// Double every attempt to avoid overwhelming server
reconnectFrequencySeconds *= 2;
// Max out at ~1 minute as a compromise between user experience and server load
if (reconnectFrequencySeconds >= 64) {
reconnectFrequencySeconds = 64;
}, function() { return reconnectFrequencySeconds * 1000 });
function setupEventSource() {
evtSource = new EventSource(/* URL here */);
evtSource.onmessage = function(e) {
// Handle even here
evtSource.onopen = function(e) {
// Reset reconnect frequency upon successful connection
reconnectFrequencySeconds = 1;
evtSource.onerror = function(e) {

EventSource permanent auto reconnection

I am using JavaScript EventSource in my project front-end.
Sometimes, the connection between the browser and the server fails or the server crashes. In these cases, EventSource tries to reconnect after 3 seconds, as described in the documentation.
But it tries only once. If there is still no connection, the EventSource stops to try reconnection and the user have to refresh the browser window in order to be connected again.
How I can prevent this behavior? I need the EventSource to try reconnecting forever, not only once.
The browser is Firefox.
I deal with this by implementing a keep-alive system; if the browser reconnects for me that is all well and good, but I assume sometimes it won't work, and also that different browsers might behave differently.
I spend a fair few pages on this in chapter five of my book (Blatant plug, find it at O'Reilly here: Data Push Applications Using HTML5 SSE), but if you want a very simple solution that does not require any back-end changes, set up a global timer that will trigger after, say, 30 seconds. If it triggers then it will kill the EventSource object and create another one. The last piece of the puzzle is in your event listener(s): each time you get data from the back-end, kill the timer and recreate it. I.e. as long as you get fresh data at least every 30 seconds, the timer will never trigger.
Here is some minimal code to show this:
var keepAliveTimer = null;
function gotActivity(){
if(keepaliveTimer != null)clearTimeout(keepaliveTimer);
keepaliveTimer = setTimeout(connect, 30 * 1000);
function connect(){
var es = new EventSource("/somewhere/");
es.addEventListener('message', function(e){
Also note that I call gotActivity() just before connecting. Otherwise a connection that fails, or dies before it gets chance to deliver any data, would go unnoticed.
By the way, if you are able to change the back-end too, it is worth sending out a blank message (a "heartbeat") after 25-30 seconds of quiet. Otherwise the front-end will have to assume the back-end has died. No need to do anything, of course, if your server is sending out regular messages that are never more than 25-30 seconds apart.
If your application relies on the Event-Last-Id header, realize your keep-alive system has to simulate this; that gets a bit more involved.
In my experience, browsers will usually reconnect if there's a network-level error but not if the server responds with an HTTP error (e.g. status 500).
Our team made a simple wrapper library to reconnect in all cases: reconnecting-eventsource. Maybe it's helpful.
Below, I demonstrate an approach that reconnects at a reasonable rate, forever.
This code uses a debounce function along with reconnect interval doubling. During my testing, it works well. It connects at 1 second, 4, 8, 16...up to a maximum of 64 seconds at which it keeps retrying at the same rate.
function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
return functionToCheck && {} === '[object Function]';
function debounce(func, wait) {
var timeout;
var waitFunc;
return function() {
if (isFunction(wait)) {
waitFunc = wait;
else {
waitFunc = function() { return wait };
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
timeout = setTimeout(later, waitFunc());
// reconnectFrequencySeconds doubles every retry
var reconnectFrequencySeconds = 1;
var evtSource;
var reconnectFunc = debounce(function() {
// Double every attempt to avoid overwhelming server
reconnectFrequencySeconds *= 2;
// Max out at ~1 minute as a compromise between user experience and server load
if (reconnectFrequencySeconds >= 64) {
reconnectFrequencySeconds = 64;
}, function() { return reconnectFrequencySeconds * 1000 });
function setupEventSource() {
evtSource = new EventSource(/* URL here */);
evtSource.onmessage = function(e) {
// Handle even here
evtSource.onopen = function(e) {
// Reset reconnect frequency upon successful connection
reconnectFrequencySeconds = 1;
evtSource.onerror = function(e) {

Determine if a websocket send() is finished

Is there a way to get notified if a certain send() has finished? As i noticed the send() function is not blocking and the code continuous. Is there a simple way to either make it blocking or getting somehow notified if the send is finished?
You could rely on Socket.bufferedamount (never tried)
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://');
socket.onopen = function () {
setInterval(function() {
if (socket.bufferedAmount == 0){
// Im' not busy anymore - set a flag or something like that
}, 50);
Or implement an acknowledge answer from the server for every client message (tried, works fine)

How to reconnect to websocket after close connection [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Reconnection of Client when server reboots in WebSocket
(9 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I construct my websocket connection with this code (e.g.):
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://");
And I close the connection with this one:
But how do I reestablish connection?
I've done some research and tried several methods. This question could not help me: reconnect on disconnect?
It's the only result which close to what I'm looking for.
The reason I want to do this is to allow users to stop sending data to the web temporary, and resending again after a period of time. Without reconnection, user have to refresh the page in order to resend. This may cause some data lost. Thank you.
When the server closes the connection, the client does not try to reconnect. With some JS frameworks maybe, but the question was, at the time of this answer, tagged as plain Vanilla JS.
I'm a bit frustrated because the accepted, upvoted answer is plainly wrong, and it cost me some additional time while finding the correct solution.
Which is here: Reconnection of Client when server reboots in WebSocket
I found a great solution on this page:
Once the original connection has been closed, you need to create a new WebSocket object with new event listeners
function startWebsocket() {
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080')
ws.onmessage = function(e){
console.log('websocket message event:', e)
ws.onclose = function(){
// connection closed, discard old websocket and create a new one in 5s
ws = null
setTimeout(startWebsocket, 5000)
Note that if there’s a problem reconnecting, the new WebSocket object will still receive another close event, meaning that onclose() will be executed even if it never technically opened. That’s why the delay of five seconds is sensible - without it you could find yourself creating and destroying thousands of websocket connections at a rate that would probably break something.
NOTE: The question is tagged so this answer is specifically regarding
As many people have pointed out, this answer doesn't apply to vanilla websockets, which will not attempt to reconnect under any circumstances.
Websockets will not automatically try to reconnect. You'll have to recreate the socket in order to get a new connection. The only problem with that is you'll have to reattach your handlers.
But really, websockets are designed to stay open.
A better method would be to have the server close the connection. This way the websocket will fire an onclose event but will continue attempting to make the connection. When the server is listening again the connection will be automatically reestablished.
Flawless implementation:
var socket;
const socketMessageListener = (event) => {
const socketOpenListener = (event) => {
const socketCloseListener = (event) => {
if (socket) {
socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
socket.addEventListener('open', socketOpenListener);
socket.addEventListener('message', socketMessageListener);
socket.addEventListener('close', socketCloseListener);
To test it:
Edit: Take note of the Exponential Backoff implementation (at the linked thread by top comment:, not in above code BUT VERY VERY CRUCIAL.
Edit again: Check out back from primus:, it's a flexible sexy implementation.
function wsConnection(url){
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
var s = (l)=>console.log(l);
ws.onopen = m=>s(" CONNECTED")
ws.onmessage = m=>s(" RECEIVED: "+JSON.parse(
ws.onerror = e=>s(" ERROR")
ws.onclose = e=>{
setTimeout((function() {
var ws2 = new WebSocket(ws.url);
ws2.onmessage = ws.onmessage;
ws2.onclose = ws.onclose;
ws2.onerror = ws.onerror;
ws = ws2
).bind(this), 5000)
var f = m=>ws.send(JSON.stringify(m)) || "Sent: "+m; = ()=>ws.send(JSON.stringify("ping"));
f.close = ()=>ws.close();
return f
c=new wsConnection('wss://');
setTimeout(()=>c("Hello world...orld...orld..orld...d"),5000);
setTimeout(()=>c("I am still alive!"),20000);
This code will create a websocket which will
reconnect automatically after 5 seconds from disconnection.
An automatic disconnection is simulated after 10 seconds.

