D3 map SVG performance - javascript

I've been struggling the past few days to optimize performance on a D3 map, especially on mobile. I am using SVG transforms for zooming and panning but made the following observation: the overkill comes from path strokes used to fake spacing between countries.
I have uploaded a pair of sample maps for comparison:
The only difference between the two maps is the stroke path along the country paths, and the difference in performance is even noticeable on desktop devices - but more obvious on mobile. Removing the path strokes makes mobile performance a breeze..
I tried all kinds of svg stroke shape-rendering options without significant results.
Now to the question. Is there any way to remove a thin border from each country to fake the spacing between countries instead of using a stroke?
If anyone else has a different suggestion I'd love to hear it!
Update: Attaching explanation photo.
What I have drawn is this. The red arrow points to the country joints. When adding a stroke in a color same as the background to the country paths (here depicted in dark grey color) it creates the sense that the countries are seprated - however this adds a serious performance hit on mobile devices. What I am looking for is somehow re-shape the countries paths so that their borderlines are where the blue arrow points, but without having a stroke.
Update 2: People seem not to be able to understand what I am looking for, so I am updating this in order to make the question even clearer.
Let's assume that the original countries paths are shown on the left of this image. What I am looking for is a way that I can somehow 'contract' the paths inwards so that the newly created paths shown in red, leave enough empty space between them that will 'emulate' a stroke between them.
Doing this, will leave no use to having an extra layer of strokes, thus gain performance from only using paths instead of paths+strokes.
Update 2: Hello again, I seem to have found a half-solution to my problem. I managed to extract the topojson to shapefile, edit the shapefile the way I want (used a program named OpenJump), but the conversion takes away all the topojson properties I need - id, country name, so I can't convert back to the original topojson.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

D3 has a thing just for that: topojson.mesh() (see documentation). The idea is that since most countries share borders, there's no need to draw the shared borders twice. If you can draw each border only once, you get as much as 80% reduction in the number of strokes you have to draw. The mesh method does the javascript processing to turn a bunch of closed shapes (countries) into the multiline path of just the borders between them. You can then draw that multiline path into a single <path> object that you position on top of the fills.
The mesh looks like this.
Here's another example.

Finally found the answer. This radically improves d3 map performance!
1) I got my topojson file and extracted to shapefile using mapshaper.org. This gives 3 files: .shp, .shx, .dbf . From what I realized the .dbf file holds all the TopoJSON properties/attributes.
2) Opened the .shp shape file to OpenJUMP http://www.openjump.org/ - Which automatically imports the .dbf file as well.
3) I selected the countries layer and went to Tools > Analysis > Buffer.
4) Checked the Update geometry in source layer box so that the geometry is edited without losing the rest of the attributes/properties and added a negative Fixed Distance -0.1. This shrinked all the country geometries to the result I was looking for.
5) Saved Dataset as ESRI Shapefile
6) Reimported BOTH .shp and .dbf that were produced from OpenJUMP back to mapshaper.org - careful, BOTH files.
7) Exported as TopoJSON. Contains new shape and all original properties/attributes!
The following link has been updated with the new produced map; we have a 'bordered' look without the need of strokes.
Compare the performance to this link that has the original shapes + stroke. Please try on mobile to see the performance difference!
Also, here is the updated world map TopoJSON file in case someone wants some extra performance! :D

There might be a couple of reasons of this behaviour (on my computer, everything is working fine at the same speed ):
Which browser do you use ? On Chrome, your exemples are working perfectly.
eg. previous answer.
You are launching the animation when the page is loading. You might want to add a delay (animation().delay(in ms)). There is also a function in D3: queue(), https://github.com/mbostock/queue which load the data before launching a function.
If none of this change your problem, and if you want it to work fine on mobile, you can try to mix D3 and Leaflet (map for mobiles), which is great in term of performance by loading tiles.
One example:
Hope it helps


How can I add reference lines in uplot?

Because of the high rendering performance I am using uPlot to visualize historical sensor data.
Is there a way to add horizontal reference lines like recommended min/max values for a data series?
With other libraries that's often straight forward, like the ReferenceLine tag in recharts, but I haven't found anything yet with uPlot. Any hints?
Example: The orange dotted lines are the lower and upper acceptable bounds at 7.0 and 7.4. This image is rendered with recharts, but I want to migrate to uplot.
(There's a layer in front of the chart with the actual, min and max value which is totally independent of the chart.)
I found an acceptable aproach based on two examples in the uPlot repository:
The main idea is to handle one of the draw-hooks (draw, drawAxes, drawClear) and to directly drawing on the canvas.

Triangulate path data from OpenType.js using Earcut

I have a use case where I need to render a significant amount (~50,000 glyphs) of crisp, scalable text strings on a canvas element. The best solution I've tried so far involves triangulating text drawn on a canvas element (Text was drawn using fillText method), uploading matrix uniforms and the Float32Array of triangles representing that string to the GPU via WebGL. Using this method, I was able to render 100,000 glyphs at about 30fps. Glyphs become blocky at very high zoom levels, but that is fine for my use case.
However, this method has overhead of about ~250ms per string, since I first draw the string to a canvas element in memory, read pixel data, turn the bitmap image into a vector and then triangulate the vector data. Searching the web for solutions, I came across two interesting open-source projects:
OpenType.js: https://opentype.js.org/
Earcut: https://github.com/mapbox/earcut
So now I want to re-write my initial proof of concept to use OpenType and Earcut. OpenType for feeding curve data into Earcut, and Earcut for triangulating that data and returning an array representing the point for each triangle.
My problem is, I can't figure out how to get the data OpenType provides and convert it into the format that Earcut accepts. Can anyone provide assistance for this?
More Info:
This StackOverflow question had some great information, but lacks some of the implementation details: Better Quality Text in WebGL. I suppose what I am trying to accomplish is the "Font as Geometry" approach described in the first answer.
You can create a path using Font.getPath. Path consists of move-to, line-to, curve-to, quad-to and close instructions, accessed via path.commands. You will need to convert bezier curve instructions into small segments first, of course.
Once you have a set of closed paths, you need to determine which ones are holes. Inner outlines will be oriented in an opposite direction to outer ones, and you can assign them to the smallest outer outline containing them. Once you have groups of <outer outline and a set of holes> you should be able to feed it to earcut library.
This is a simple implementation that assumes there are no intersections. For me it worked very well for most fonts, except for very few "fancy" fonts that have intersecting paths.
Here's a working example: https://jsbin.com/gecakub/edit?html,js,output
Instead of creating meshes for each string, you could also create them for individual characters, and then position them yourself using kerning data from the library.
Edit: this solution will only work for TTF fonts, though it can be easily adjusted for CCF (.otf) by ignoring path orientation and using a better "path A is inside path B" check, unless the font has intersecting paths.

How to draw a bezier line between two DOM elements

How can I draw a Bezier Line between two non-static DOM elements, like this:
The two lines should be drawn between the
<div class="brick small">Line starts here</div>
and the
<div class="brick small">Line ends here</div>
of this CodePen: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/XeamWe
Note that the boxes can be dragged. If one of the elements changes its position, the line should be updated accordingly.
If I'm not wrong I can't use a canvas, right? What can I use instead?
Let me point you toward the answer I beleve you're looking for, it's a dom element type called 'SVG' which is supported by most if not all web browsers of today (so you won't need to plug in anything external), in which you can draw lines, shapes, apply graphical filters much like in Photoshop and many other useful things, but the one to be pointed out here is the so called 'path', a shape that can consist of both straight lines with sharp corners, or curved lines (bezier) or both combined.
The easiest way to create such paths is to first draw them in for example Illustrator, save the shape in the SVG format, open that file in a text editor and pretty much just copy the generated markup code and paste it into your html, as it is supported there. This will result in the drawn shape to be displayed on your site. But in your case, you won't come around the a little bit complex structuring of the paths, because you wish to have control of it using javascript, so I would suggest first making a few simple paths in this way by exporting from Illustrator, study these in code, then manipulate their bezier values in javascript until you get the hang of how they work, once you've done that you will be able to create the accurate bezier shape you have in mind and (knowing the positions of the elements you want to connect) position them so that they connect your boxes.
Paths can even be decorated with markers, like an arrowhead in the end or beginning of the path, you can even design your own markers as you like them to look and much more if you would dig deeper into it.
Good luck! :)

HTML Canvas: mouse click hit test by using ghost canvas - anti-aliasing troubles

I'm writing an JavaScript application that is drawing arbitrarily shaped objects on a HTML canvas. The user should be able to select any of the objects by clicking on them.
To make this an O(1) operation I'm using a shadow canvas, i.e. a not displayed canvas that has exactly the same size, where each object drawn on the normal canvas is also drawn there - but with a color that represents it's ID.
So a simple ghostContex.getImageData() together with the mouse click coordinates gives me the color at that pixel and thus the ID of the clicked object.
All of that is working fine - except when I click on the exact border of an object.
As it's drawn with anti-aliasing on the ghost canvas I get a wrong color (as that color is a mixture between the correct ID and the ID of the object under it that was drawn before...). This wrong color is representing a wrong ID and thus I'm selecting a totally different object :(
How can I solve that problem?
Note #1: I'm already using the translate(0.5, 0.5) trick to prevent most anti-aliasing
Note #2: I was trying to write this application with SVG before, but especially this object selection was extremely slow as I guess it's been too many objects for the collision detection. That's the main reason why I want a O(1) approach now... Oh, and this way I can easily draw a much bigger line on the ghost canvas than the line is drawn on the normal canvas to make picking much easier.
Note #3: Relevant browsers are Firefox, Chrome, Android 2.3+ native and iOS native
The reason why I couldn't accept any answer here is quite easy and quite sad: it doesn't exist... :(
The antialiasing can not be switched of, the standard has no method for that. But the standard does have a hit test function (http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/2dcontext/html5_canvas_CR/#hit-regions) that would do exactly what is needed here. Even in a nice way that would hide the nasty details for the developer - but it's not implemented in any of the browsers right now.
And implementation was looking to be far away till impossible (see e.g. comment #6 at https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=328961). But apparently it gained momentum during the last month...
So what can be done in the mean time? What did I do?
In my code I could implement for each shape a isPointInShape() method. So I use the ghost canvas trick to get a shape and verify with the isPointInShape() that I really selected the correct shape. This helps in the anti aliased pixels not to pick a wrong shape (just think of clicking on the border of shape #2 where we had a 50% antialias transparency - this would tell you wrongly a selection of shape #1...).
If implementing a generic isPointInShape() is quite hard for your shape you could try a trick that I was reading of somewhere else (I didn't try it tough, so I haven't tested it...):
Create an additional ghost canvas of size 1x1 pixel that is positioned exactly on the mouse position. Then draw the shape of interest - when the A of the RGBA is changed, this shape does belong to that pixel.
I know this is an old post, but recently I had a similar issue. The way I solved the "seam of two colors" problem was doing a 10x10 pixel sampling of the secondary canvas instead of a single pixel. I then stringified the RGB values and used these as keys in a map that mapped to the object that color represents. So initially with the 1 pixel sampling I used the map immediately to determine the associated object but antialiasing created halfway colors that didn't exist in the map. The 10x10 method solves this problem by looping through the 100 RGB values returned and creating a "counting map." This map uses the stringified colors and maps them to a count, but only includes valid colors from the first map in the count. So you end up with a map saying you counted 65 red pixels and 23 blue pixels (where the remaining 12 pixels were some weird anti-alias hybrid). In the same loop where I was counting the colors I also maintained a variable for current max count and current color associated with that max count (to avoid looping through this new map again). Now at the end you have the color that was counted the most in that 10x10 sampling and can use that to map back to the object associated with it. You will only get an undefined result if no valid colors were found in the 10x10 sample which you can reasonably assume means the "background" was clicked.
I made up the name ghost context! Are you using my old tutorial? :)
In that old tutorial I do not clear the ghost context after each object is drawn to it. In your case, to fix your issue, you may need to clear after testing each object on the ghost context.
Make sure of course that you are translating the ghost context and normal context by precisely the same amounts. (and translating them back, or resetting the transformation, afterwards).

OpenLayers as a large (changing and growing) image viewer

Basically, what I'm trying to do is use a map viewer as an image viewer with the same sort of efficient tile-loading, zoom/pan awesomeness without having to build it myself.
Specifically, I need an image viewer that will allow the image to grow and change while not altering the coordinates of any older (unchanged) tiles. This means that the center point (0,0), where the image started growing from, must always remain (0,0). So I'm looking for a library that will allow me to use a very basic Cartesian coordinate system (no map projection!), which will ask for tiles infinitely in all directions with no repetition (as opposed to how map libraries just ignore y-axis above and below the map, but the x axis repeats).
There's another catch. I need zoom level 0 to be zoomed in all the way. Since the image is constantly growing, there's no way to tell what the max zoom level will be, and the coordinates need to be based on the base image layer tiles so that every tile in zoom level z contains 2^z base layer tiles.
I am wondering if this is possible with OpenLayers and how to do it. If it's not, any suggestions of other (open-source javascript) libraries that can do this would be very appreciated! I've tried playing around with Polymaps, but the documentation is lacking too much for me to be able to tell if it will work. So far no luck.
Please let me know if none of this made sense, and I'll try to include some images or better explanations. Thanks!
I ended up using Polymaps after all, since I like it more than OpenLayers, because it's faster and has much smoother scrolling and panning. I wasn't able to do exactly what I wanted, but what I did was close enough.
I ended up writing my own layer (based on the po.image() layer), which disabled infinite horizontal looping of the map. I then wrote my own version of po.url() that modified the requests going to the server for tiles so that zooming was reversed (I just arbitrarily picked a 'max' zoom of 20, then when making a request subtract the zoom level from 20) and the x and y coordinates were converted to cartesian coordinates from the standard row, column coordinates Polymaps uses, based on the zoom level and the map centered at (0,0).
If anyone is interested in the code I can post it here. Let me know!
EDIT: I've posted the code on github at https://github.com/camupod/polymaps
The relevant files are src/Backwards* and examples/backwards (though it actually doesn't work, you might be able to clean some information about how it should work).

