Async.js - ETIMEDOUT and Callback was already called - javascript

I keep getting an ETIMEDOUT or ECONNRESET error followed by a Callback was already called error when I run index.js.
At first I thought it was because I was not including return prior to calling the onEachLimitItem callback. So I included it per the async multiple callbacks documentation. Still not solving it. I've also tried removing the error event and removing the callback to onEachLimit in the error event, but neither has worked. I've looked at the other SO questions around the issue of Callback already called, but because they aren't concerned with streams, I didn't find a solution.
My understanding is that if the stream encounters an error like ECONNRESET, it will return the callback in the error event and move on to the next stream, but this doesn't seem to be the case. It almost seems if the error resolves itself i.e. it re-connects and tries sending the errored steam up to Azure again and it works, then it triggers the 'finish' event, and we get the Callback already called.
Am I handling the callbacks within the stream events correctly?
var Q = require('q');
var async = require('async');
var webshot = require('webshot');
var Readable = require('stream').Readable;
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var blob = azure.createBlobService('123', '112244');
var container = 'awesome';
var countries = [
'en-us', 'es-us', 'en-au', 'de-at', 'pt-br', 'en-ca', 'fr-ca', 'cs-cz', 'ar-ly', 'es-ve',
'da-dk', 'fi-fi', 'de-de', 'hu-hu', 'ko-kr', 'es-xl', 'en-my', 'nl-nl', 'en-nz', 'nb-no',
'nn-no', 'pl-pl', 'ro-ro', 'ru-ru', 'ca-es', 'es-es', 'eu-es', 'gl-es', 'en-gb', 'es-ar',
'nl-be', 'bg-bg', 'es-cl', 'zh-cn', 'es-co', 'es-cr', 'es-ec', 'et-ee', 'fr-fr', 'el-gr',
'zh-hk', 'en-in', 'id-id', 'en-ie', 'he-il', 'it-it', 'ja-jp', 'es-mx', 'es-pe', 'en-ph'
var uploadStreamToStorage = function (fileName, stream, onEachLimitItem) {
var readable = new Readable().wrap(stream);
var writeable = blob.createWriteStreamToBlockBlob(container, fileName);
writeable.on('error', function (error) {
writeable.on('finish', function () {;
var takeIndividualScreenshot = function (ID, country, onEachLimitItem) {
var fileName = ID + '-' + country + '.jpg';
var url = '' + country + '/' + ID;
webshot(url, function (error, stream) {
if (error) { throw 'Screenshot not taken'; }
uploadStreamToStorage(fileName, stream, onEachLimitItem);
var getAllCountriesOfId = function (ID) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var limit = 5;
function onEachCountry(country, onEachLimitItem) {
takeIndividualScreenshot(ID, country, onEachLimitItem);
async.eachLimit(countries, limit, onEachCountry, function (error) {
if (error) { deferred.reject(error); }
return deferred.promise;
var createContainer = function () {
var df = Q.defer();
var self = this;
blob.createContainerIfNotExists(this.container, this.containerOptions, function (error) {
if (error) { df.reject(error); }
return df.promise;
.then(function () {
return getAllCountriesOfId('211007');
.then(function () {
return getAllCountriesOfId('123456');
.fail(function (error) {;

You are letting your callback get called twice, as you already know. The question is; do you want to stop on all errors as you are iterating the stream or do you want to accumulate all errors from the stream?
There are multiple ways to catch and handle the errors which you are already doing, but because you aren't throwing the error object leading to additional calls from your data stream to fatally error.
The actual problem in your code is due to the scope of your return. When you are handling the error and trying to return the callback and halt script execution the scope of hour return is local to the streams error handler, not the global script hence the script continuing and catching moving on to the next valid stream.
writeable.on('error', function (error) {
// This 'return' is in the local scope of 'writable.on('error')'
It could perhaps set an array, then handle the error outside of that functions local scope. i.e.
// Set the array's scope as global to the writable.on() error
var errResults = [];
writeable.on('error', function (error) {
// Push the local scoped 'error' into the global scoped 'errResults' array
writeable.on('finish', function () {
// Are there any errors?
return (errResults.length > 0) ? :;
The above is just one way you could tackle the problem.
I am not sure if you have read the error handling help provided from Joyent (original node.js language backers) but it should give you a good idea of your options when handling the error(s).


This code doesn't seem to fire in order?

My problem is that the code does not seem to be running in order, as seen below.
This code is for my discord.js bot that I am creating.
var Discord = require("discord.js");
var bot = new Discord.Client();
var yt = require("C:/Users/username/Documents/Coding/Discord/youtubetest.js");
var youtubetest = new yt();
var fs = require('fs');
var youtubedl = require('youtube-dl');
var prefix = "!";
var vidid;
var commands = {
play: {
name: "!play ",
fnc: "Gets a Youtube video matching given tags.",
process: function(msg, query) {
youtubetest.respond(query, msg);
var vidid = youtubetest.vidid;
console.log(typeof(vidid) + " + " + vidid);
bot.on('ready', () => {
console.log('I am ready!');
bot.on("message", msg => {
if(!msg.content.startsWith(prefix) || || ( === return;
var cmdraw = msg.content.split(" ")[0].substring(1).toLowerCase();
var query = msg.content.split("!")[1];
var cmd = commands[cmdraw];
if (cmd) {
var res = cmd.process(msg, query, bot);
if (res) {;
} else {
let msgs = [];
msgs.push(msg.content + " is not a valid command.");
msgs.push(" ");
msgs.push("Available commands:");
msgs.push(" ");;;
bot.on('error', e => { console.error(e); });
The youtubetest.js file:
var youtube_node = require('youtube-node');
var ConfigFile = require("C:/Users/username/Documents/Coding/Discord/json_config.json");
var mybot = require("C:/Users/username/Documents/Coding/Discord/mybot.js");
function myyt () { = new youtube_node();;
this.vidid = "";
myyt.prototype.respond = function(query, msg) {, 1, function(error, result) {
if (error) {"There was an error finding requested video.");
} else {
vidid = '' + result.items[0].id.videoId;
myyt.vidid = vidid;
module.exports = myyt;
As the code shows, i have an object for the commands that the bot will be able to process, and I have a function to run said commands when a message is received.
Throughout the code you can see that I have put three console.logs with 1, 2 and 3 showing in which order I expect the parts of the code to run. When the code is run and a query is found the output is this:
I am ready!
string +
This shows that the code is running in the wrong order that I expect it to.
All help is very highly appreciated :)
*Update! Thank you all very much to understand why it isn't working. I found a solution where in the main file at vidid = youtubetest.respond(query, msg) when it does that the variable is not assigned until the function is done so it goes onto the rest of my code without the variable. To fix I simply put an if statement checking if the variable if undefined and waiting until it is defined.*
Like is mentioned before, a lot of stuff in javascript runs in async, hence the callback handlers. The reason it runs in async, is to avoid the rest of your code being "blocked" by remote calls. To avoid ending up in callback hell, most of us Javascript developers are moving more and more over to Promises. So your code could then look more like this:
myyt.prototype.respond = function(query, msg) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {, 1, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
reject("There was an error finding requested video."); // passed down to the ".catch" statement below
} else {
vidid = '' + result.items[0].id.videoId;
myyt.vidid = vidid;
resolve(2); // Resolve marks the promises as successfully completed, and passes along to the ".then" method
}).then(function(two) {
// video is now the same as myyt.vidid as above.
}).catch(function(err) {
// err contains the error object from above;
This would naturally require a change in anything that uses this process, but creating your own prototypes seems.. odd.
This promise returns the vidid, so you'd then set vidid = youtubetest.response(query, msg);, and whenever that function gets called, you do:
vidid.then(function(id) {
// id is now the vidid.
Javascript runs async by design, and trying to hack your way around that leads you to dark places fast. As far as I can tell, you're also targetting nodeJS, which means that once you start running something synchronously, you'll kill off performance for other users, as everyone has to wait for that sync call to finish.
Some suggested reading:
I'd also suggest looking up ES6 syntax, as it shortens your code and makes life a hellofalot easier (native promises were only introduced in ES6, which NodeJS 4 and above supports (more or less))
In javascript, please remember that any callback function you pass to some other function is called asynchronously. I.e. the calls to callback function may not happen "in order". "In order" in this case means the order they appear on the source file.
The callback function is simply called on certain event:
When there is data to be processed
on error
in your case for example when the youtube search results are ready,
'ready' event is received or 'message' is received.

NodeJS Variable outside function scope

For the life of me I cannot work this one out. Have look around and tried many many different ways of trying to get this to go. Currently have the following code.
var config = require("./config.js");
var cradle = require('cradle')
var MikroNode = require('mikronode');
var WebServer = require('./bin/www');
var Routers = "Hasnt changed";
var conndb = new(cradle.Connection)(;
var db = conndb.database(config.couchdb.db);
db.exists(function(err, exists){
if (err) { console.log('error', err);}
else if (exists) { console.log('Seems the Force is with you - Database Exists');}
else { db.create(); }
map: function (doc){
if (doc.type=='ConfigRouter') emit(, doc);
}, function (err, res){
Routers = JSON.stringify(res);
As it stands it will respond with:
E:\Dev\MM>npm start
> MM#0.0.1 start E:\Dev\MM
> node ./Start.js
Hasnt changed
Seems the Force is with you - Database Exists
I am assuming it is an asynchronous call to the CouchDB and is not filling the result in time before it displays the result. How do I get around this issue?
You are right, the call is asynchronous so when console.log(Routers); is processed, Routers is "Hasnt changed".
One way of doing it would be to use promises thanks to the Q npm module:
var Q = require('q');
var deferred = Q.defer();
map: function (doc) {
if (doc.type=='ConfigRouter') emit(, doc);
}, function (err, res) {
.then(function (data) {
Routers = data;
// do some stuff...
Maybe it's possible to do something better without using Q.defer and adapting directly the callback:

Fiber Error with npm package serial-port with meteor

I'm using the SerialPort npm package with meteor. I've used wrapAsync to list Serial ports but i don't know how to do with the serialPort.on method.
I've an error when i want to inser datas in my Cars collection :
Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks
that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
Code :
Meteor.startup(function () {
SerialPort = Meteor.npmRequire('serialport');
// Wrap method SerialPort.list to call it Synchronously
listSerialPorts = function(callback) {
SerialPort.list(function (err, ports) {
callback(null, ports);
// Reset cars collection
serialPortsRefresh: function () {
// TODO : problem when several arduinos ?
// Call SerialPort.list
var asyncListSerialPorts = Meteor.wrapAsync(listSerialPorts);
var resultsListSerialPorts = asyncListSerialPorts();
// Insert results in database
var configSerialPorts = {key: "serialPorts", value: resultsListSerialPorts[0].comName };
// Connect Serial port
serialPortConnect: function (port) {
// debugger;
// serialPort = new SerialPort(port.value, {baudrate: 9600});
serialPort = new SerialPort.SerialPort("/dev/ttyUSB0", {baudrate: 9600, parser: SerialPort.parsers.readline("\n")});
// connectSerialPort(port);
serialPort.on('open', function() {
console.log('Port ' + port.value + ' open');
serialPort.on('data', function(data) {
//Watchdog.insert({key: "Receiving data", value: data })
sendToArduino = function(message) {
dispatchMessages = function(data) {
//Split data
var datas = data.split(" ");
if (datas[1] == "OK") {
console.log("Car " + datas[0] + " is here");
// Add car to database
cid: datas[0],
active: true
// Ping bridge
ping: function () {
The problem is that the callbacks you're passing to serialPort.on will not run within the same fiber as your method when they're invoked. In fact, they won't run within a fiber at all, unless you wrap them appropriately.
Meteor.bindEnvironment runs the passed function within a fiber, but also copies in the surrounding environment, which is necessary as Meteor stores all sorts of variables within the current fiber which might be required to run the callback in question.
So, if you do this it should work:
serialPort.on('open', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() {
// Wrapping this one is unnecessary at present as it doesn't
// do anything that needs to be run in a fiber, but you should
// probably wrap it anyway so that you can safely add more code
// if required.
console.log('Port ' + port.value + ' open');
}, function(e) {
// This is an error-handler - you don't have to pass one, but
// if you don't it can make debugging a nightmare.
throw e;
serialPort.on('data', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(data) {
//Watchdog.insert({key: "Receiving data", value: data })
}, function(e) {
throw e;
Note that you also need to wrap callbacks within callbacks, etc., which can become quite verbose (and makes putting something like var mBE = Meteor.bindEnvironment at the top of your methods file quite a good idea).

How to ensure asynchronous code is executed after a stream is finished processing?

I have a stream that I process by listening for the data,error, and end events, and I call a function to process each data event in the first stream. Naturally, the function processing the data calls other callbacks, making it asynchronous. So how do I start executing more code when the data in the stream is processed? Listening for the end event in the stream does NOT mean the asynchronous data processing functions have finished.
How can I ensure that the stream data processing functions are finished when I execute my next statement?
Here is an example:
function updateAccountStream (accountStream, callThisOnlyAfterAllAccountsAreMigrated) {
var self = this;
var promises = [];
.on('data', function (account) {
migrateAccount.bind(self)(account, finishMigration);
.on('error', function (err) {
return console.log(err);
.on('end', function () {
console.log("Finished updating account stream (but finishMigration is still running!!!)");
callThisOnlyAfterAllAccountsAreMigrated() // finishMigration is still running!
var migrateAccount = function (oldAccount, callback) {
executeSomeAction(oldAccount, function(err, newAccount) {
if (err) return console.log("error received:", err);
return callback(newAccount);
var finishMigration = function (newAccount) {
// some code that is executed asynchronously...
How do I ensure that callThisOnlyAfterAllAccountsAreMigrated is called AFTER the stream has been processed?
Can this be done with promises? Can it be done with through streams? I am working with Nodejs, so referencing other npm modules could be helpful.
As you said, listening for the end event on the stream is useless on its own. The stream doesn't know or care what you're doing with the data in your data handler, so you would need to write some code to keep track of your own migrateAccount state.
If it were me, I would rewrite this whole section. If you use the readable event with .read() on your stream, you can read as many items at a time as you feel like dealing with. If that's one, no problem. If it's 30, great. The reason you do this is so that you won't overrun whatever is doing work with the data coming from the stream. As-is right now, if accountStream is fast, your application will undoubtedly crash at some point.
When you read an item from a stream and start work, take the promise you get back (use Bluebird or similar) and throw it into an array. When the promise is resolved, remove it from the array. When the stream ends, attach a .done() handler to .all() (basically making one big promise out of every promise still in the array).
You could also use a simple counter for jobs in progress.
Using a through stream (the npm through2 module), I solved this problem using the following code that controls the asynchronous behaviour:
var through = require('through2').obj;
function updateAccountStream (accountStream, callThisOnlyAfterAllAccountsAreMigrated) {
var self = this;
var promises = [];
accountStream.pipe(through(function(account, _, next) {
migrateAccount.bind(self)(account, finishMigration, next);
.on('data', function (account) {
.on('error', function (err) {
return console.log(err);
.on('end', function () {
console.log("Finished updating account stream");
var migrateAccount = function (oldAccount, callback, next) {
executeSomeAction(oldAccount, function(err, newAccount) {
if (err) return console.log("error received:", err);
return callback(newAccount, next);
var finishMigration = function (newAccount, next) {
// some code that is executed asynchronously, but using 'next' callback when migration is finished...
It is a lot easier when you handle streams via promises.
Copied from here, an example that uses spex library:
var spex = require('spex')(Promise);
var fs = require('fs');
var rs = fs.createReadStream('values.txt');
function receiver(index, data, delay) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
console.log("RECEIVED:", index, data, delay);
resolve(); // ok to read the next data;
}, receiver)
.then(function (data) {
// streaming successfully finished;
console.log("DATA:", data);
}, function (reason) {
// streaming has failed;
console.log("REASON:", reason);

Using Async waterfall in node.js

I have 2 functions that I'm running asynchronously. I'd like to write them using waterfall model. The thing is, I don't know how..
Here is my code :
var fs = require('fs');
function updateJson(ticker, value) {
//var stocksJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("stocktest.json"));
fs.readFile('stocktest.json', function(error, file) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if (stocksJson[ticker]!=null) {
console.log(ticker+" price : " + stocksJson[ticker].price);
console.log("changing the value...")
stocksJson[ticker].price = value;
console.log("Price after the change has been made -- " + stocksJson[ticker].price);
console.log("printing the the Json.stringify")
console.log(JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4));
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json', JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4), function(err) {
if(!err) {
console.log("File successfully written");
if (err) {
}); //end of writeFile
} else {
console.log(ticker + " doesn't exist on the json");
} // end of updateJson
Any idea how can I write it using waterfall, so i'll be able to control this? Please write me some examples because I'm new to node.js
First identify the steps and write them as asynchronous functions (taking a callback argument)
read the file
function readFile(readFileCallback) {
fs.readFile('stocktest.json', function (error, file) {
if (error) {
} else {
readFileCallback(null, file);
process the file (I removed most of the console.log in the examples)
function processFile(file, processFileCallback) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if (stocksJson[ticker] != null) {
stocksJson[ticker].price = value;
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json', JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4), function (error) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("File successfully written");
else {
console.log(ticker + " doesn't exist on the json");
processFileCallback(null); //callback should always be called once (and only one time)
Note that I did no specific error handling here, I'll take benefit of async.waterfall to centralize error handling at the same place.
Also be careful that if you have (if/else/switch/...) branches in an asynchronous function, it always call the callback one (and only one) time.
Plug everything with async.waterfall
], function (error) {
if (error) {
//handle readFile error or processFile error here
Clean example
The previous code was excessively verbose to make the explanations clearer. Here is a full cleaned example:
function readFile(readFileCallback) {
fs.readFile('stocktest.json', readFileCallback);
function processFile(file, processFileCallback) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if (stocksJson[ticker] != null) {
stocksJson[ticker].price = value;
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json', JSON.stringify(stocksJson, null, 4), function (error) {
if (!err) {
console.log("File successfully written");
else {
console.log(ticker + " doesn't exist on the json");
], function (error) {
if (error) {
//handle readFile error or processFile error here
I left the function names because it helps readability and helps debugging with tools like chrome debugger.
If you use underscore (on npm), you can also replace the first function with _.partial(fs.readFile, 'stocktest.json')
First and foremost, make sure you read the documentation regarding async.waterfall.
Now, there are couple key parts about the waterfall control flow:
The control flow is specified by an array of functions for invocation as the first argument, and a "complete" callback when the flow is finished as the second argument.
The array of functions are invoked in series (as opposed to parallel).
If an error (usually named err) is encountered at any operation in the flow array, it will short-circuit and immediately invoke the "complete"/"finish"/"done" callback.
Arguments from the previously executed function are applied to the next function in the control flow, in order, and an "intermediate" callback is supplied as the last argument. Note: The first function only has this "intermediate" callback, and the "complete" callback will have the arguments of the last invoked function in the control flow (with consideration to any errors) but with an err argument prepended instead of an "intermediate" callback that is appended.
The callbacks for each individual operation (I call this cbAsync in my examples) should be invoked when you're ready to move on: The first parameter will be an error, if any, and the second (third, fourth... etc.) parameter will be any data you want to pass to the subsequent operation.
The first goal is to get your code working almost verbatim alongside the introduction of async.waterfall. I decided to remove all your console.log statements and simplified your error handling. Here is the first iteration (untested code):
var fs = require('fs'),
async = require('async');
function updateJson(ticker,value) {
async.waterfall([ // the series operation list of `async.waterfall`
// waterfall operation 1, invoke cbAsync when done
function getTicker(cbAsync) {
fs.readFile('stocktest.json',function(err,file) {
if ( err ) {
// if there was an error, let async know and bail
return; // bail
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if ( stocksJson[ticker] === null ) {
// if we don't have the ticker, let "complete" know and bail
cbAsync(new Error('Missing ticker property in JSON.'));
return; // bail
stocksJson[ticker] = value;
// err = null (no error), jsonString = JSON.stringify(...)
function writeTicker(jsonString,cbAsync) {
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json',jsonString,function(err) {
cbAsync(err); // err will be null if the operation was successful
],function asyncComplete(err) { // the "complete" callback of `async.waterfall`
if ( err ) { // there was an error with either `getTicker` or `writeTicker`
console.warn('Error updating stock ticker JSON.',err);
} else {'Successfully completed operation.');
The second iteration divides up the operation flow a bit more. It puts it into smaller single-operation oriented chunks of code. I'm not going to comment it, it speaks for itself (again, untested):
var fs = require('fs'),
async = require('async');
function updateJson(ticker,value,callback) { // introduced a main callback
var stockTestFile = 'stocktest.json';
function getTicker(cbAsync) {
fs.readFile(stockTestFile,function(err,file) {
function parseAndPrepareStockTicker(file,cbAsync) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if ( stocksJson[ticker] === null ) {
cbAsync(new Error('Missing ticker property in JSON.'));
stocksJson[ticker] = value;
function writeTicker(jsonString,cbAsync) {
fs.writeFile('stocktest.json',jsonString,,function(err) {
],function asyncComplete(err) {
if ( err ) {
console.warn('Error updating stock ticker JSON.',err);
The last iteration short-hands a lot of this with the use of some bind tricks to decrease the call stack and increase readability (IMO), also untested:
var fs = require('fs'),
async = require('async');
function updateJson(ticker,value,callback) {
var stockTestFile = 'stocktest.json';
function parseStockTicker(file,cbAsync) {
var stocksJson = JSON.parse(file);
if ( stocksJson[ticker] === null ) {
cbAsync(new Error('Missing ticker property in JSON.'));
function prepareStockTicker(stocksJson,cbAsync) {
stocksJson[ticker] = value;
],function asyncComplete(err) {
if ( err ) {
console.warn('Error updating stock ticker JSON.',err);
Basically nodejs (and more generally javascript) functions that require some time to execute (be it for I/O or cpu processing) are typically asynchronous, so the event loop (to make it simple is a loop that continuously checks for tasks to be executed) can invoke the function right below the first one, without getting blocked for a response. If you are familiar with other languages like C or Java, you can think an asynchronous function as a function that runs on another thread (it's not necessarily true in javascript, but the programmer shouldn't care about it) and when the execution terminates this thread notifies the main one (the event loop one) that the job is done and it has the results.
As said once the first function has ended its job it must be able to notify that its job is finished and it does so invoking the callback function you pass to it. to make an example:
var callback = function(data,err)
do something with the received data
something went wrong
asyncFunction1(someparams, callback);
the execution flow would call: asyncFunction1, asyncFunction2 and every function below until asyncFunction1 ends, then the callback function which is passed as the last parameter to asyncFunction1 is called to do something with data if no errors occurred.
So, to make 2 or more asynchronous functions execute one after another only when they ended you have to call them inside their callback functions:
function asyncTask1(data, function(result1, err)
asyncTask2(data, function(result2, err2)
//call maybe a third async function
result1 is the return value from asyncTask1 and result2 is the return value for asyncTask2. You can this way nest how many asynchronous functions you want.
In your case if you want another function to be called after updateJson() you must call it after this line:
console.log("File successfully written");

