Jquery mobile open individual feed items on separate page - javascript

I have this code which is supposed to be an RSS reader using JQuery, HTML5 and CSS.
The challenge is that, I'm trying to open each individual feed item on a separate page after clicking on the title.
I'm not sure how to go about it.
Here's my code:
function getRSSFeed(feed) {
var qryRSS = 'select * from rss where url=' + '"' + feed + '"';
$.getJSON("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql", {
q: qryRSS,
format: "json"
function (data) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var con = data.query.results.item[i].link;
$('#body-content').append(' <div id="rss-bdy">' + data.query.results.item[i].encoded + '</div>');
$('#body-content').append('<div id="rss-ttle"><h4>' + data.query.results.item[i].title + '</h4></div>');
$('#body-content').append('<p id="rss-dte">' + data.query.results.item[i].pubDate + '</p><br>');
$('#body-content2').append('<div id="full-article">' + con + '</div>');
$(function () {


Add new line using jQuery concat

Through ajax response I'm passing array data from controller to blade.
On Ajax success I'm looping through array with 2 elements and concatenating string to display later on in my bootstrap popover.
success: function (data) {
var content = "";
var num = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
content = content.concat(num + "." + " " + data[i]);
$("#content").popover({content: content});
I would like to add new line, so that each item or "artikel" would be displayed in new line e.g. :
I tried to add "\n" (as below) or html break but nothing works, it only appends as string.
content = content.concat(num + "." + " " + data[i] + "\n");
Use this:
content.concat(num + "." + " " + data[i] + "<br/>");
And this:
$("#content").popover({ html:true, content: content });

How to toggleClass with SignalR hub.server?

I am currently learning SignalR with .Net MVC and following a tutorial to work on a simple app. Right now it is working alright, but I am having trouble understanding some part and also if possible, want to sort of enhance it.
Plane Seats Tutorial link
Right now the app is working as when a user clicks on a seat, it reserves it. And there is no going back. I want to implement like a toggle, where if the user wants to change seat, he gets to unreserve his selected seat, and then be free to reserve another one. I am not being able to do it with myHub.server.selectSeat(userId, $(this).toggleClass(settings.selectingSeatCss));. Whenever I click on a seat, it gives me this error in the Dev tools
Uncaught: Converting circular structure to JSON
var settings = {
rows: 5,
cols: 15,
rowCssPrefix: 'row-',
colCssPrefix: 'col-',
seatWidth: 35,
seatHeight: 35,
seatCss: 'seat',
selectedSeatCss: 'selectedSeat',
selectingSeatCss: 'selectingSeat'
$(function() {
//// Start the hub
window.hubReady = $.connection.hub.start();
$.connection.hub.start().done(function() {
// Call the server side function AFTER the connection has been started
//invoke for the user data
// Seat selection
$('.' + settings.seatCss).click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass(settings.selectedSeatCss)) {
alert('Sorry, this seat has been already reserved');
} else {
//myHub.server.selectSeat(userId, $(this).toggleClass(settings.selectingSeatCss));
myHub.server.selectSeat(userId, $(this)[0].innerText);
// Client method to broadcast the message
myHub.client.createUser = function(message) {
userId = message;
//get seats data
myHub.client.populateSeatData = function(message) {
var parsedSeatsData = JSON.parse(message);
$.each(parsedSeatsData, function(index, value) {
$("a:contains('" + value.seatnumber + "')").parent("li").toggleClass(settings.selectedSeatCss);
// Client method to broadcast the message as user selected the seat
myHub.client.selectSeat = function(message) {
var parsedSeatData = JSON.parse(message);
$("a:contains('" + parsedSeatData.seatnumber + "')").parent("li").toggleClass(settings.selectedSeatCss);
And can anyone please briefly explain what is str.push doing in this block of code? What is it exactly pushing into the array?
var init = function(reservedSeat) {
var str = [],
seatNo, className;
for (i = 0; i < settings.rows; i++) {
for (j = 2; j < settings.cols; j++) {
seatNo = (i + j * settings.rows + 1);
className = settings.seatCss + ' ' + settings.rowCssPrefix + i.toString() + ' ' + settings.colCssPrefix + j.toString();
if ($.isArray(reservedSeat) && $.inArray(seatNo, reservedSeat) != -1) {
className += ' ' + settings.selectedSeatCss;
str.push('<li class="' + className + '"' + 'style="top:' + (i * settings.seatHeight).toString() + 'px;left:' + (j * settings.seatWidth).toString() + 'px">' + '<a title="' + seatNo + '">' + seatNo + '</a>' + '</li>');
I had to use a toggleSeat() function instead of just using toggleClass.
public void toggleSeat(int userId, int seatNumber)
PlaneSeatArrangment mySeat = allSeats.Where(s => s.SeatNumber == seatNumber).FirstOrDefault();
var retunData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mySeat);
if (mySeat != null && userId == mySeat.UserId)

External resources not reaching inside of function scope

I'm trying to make an inventory picker for my trading website, but I'm having some trouble calling external resources.
When originally calling the external function, all goes correctly, but whenever I try to call the external function INSIDE of a function in the html, it errors, saying
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).imagepicker is not a function
This is my relevant code.
<script src="~/Scripts/image-picker.js"></script>
var name = "HomeguardDev";
var inventory = [];
var selectedItems = [];
async: false,
type: 'GET',
url: "/Home/getInventory/?username=" + name + "&page=1",
success: function (data) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(data);
for (var i = 0; i < parsed.length; i++) {
var text = parsed[i].Name;
inventory[i] = parsed[i];
if (parsed[i].SerialNumber !== "---") {
text = text + " [#" + parsed[i].SerialNumber + " / " + parsed[i].SerialNumberTotal + "]";
$("#sendingItems").append('<option data-img-label="<small>' + text + '</small>" data-img-src="' + parsed[i].ImageLink + '" value="' + i + '">' + text + '</option>');
show_label: true
function addItem() {
if (selectedItems.length < 4) {
var obj = (inventory[$("#sendingItems").val()]);
if (!containsObject(obj, selectedItems)) {
$('#sendingItems option[value="' + ($("#sendingItems").val()) + '"]').remove();
show_label: true
<p><a><input type="button" id="addItemButton" onclick="addItem()" value="Add item" /></a></p>
<p><a><input type="button" id="sendTradeButton" onclick="sendTrade()" value="Send Trade" /></a></p>
The error occurs inside of the function addItem() when calling imagepicker, but in the main block it calls and functions correctly. What am I doing incorrectly?

How to implement an onclick function to an array of divs

I'm using the Flickr API and I want to create a onlick popup div for each image which shows the image in a larger form like this http://fancybox.net/.
How can I implement this so that the onclick function will be applied to each div in the div container?
The project: http://jsfiddle.net/phippsy20/rtzp8/
jQuery: so this statement makes the divs
for (var i = 0; i < 210; i++) {
$('<div />').attr('id', 'photo-' + i).addClass('photo').appendTo('#photo-container');
This function loads the picture from flickr as the background image:
$.each(data.photos.photo, function(i, photo) {
var imgURL = 'http://farm' + photo.farm + '.staticflickr.com/' + photo.server + '/' + photo.id + '_' + photo.secret + '_n.jpg';
// Pre-cache image
$('<img />').attr({'src': imgURL, 'data-image-num': i}).load(function() {
console.log('image loaded');
var imageDataNum = $(this).attr('data-image-num');
$('#photo-' + imageDataNum).css('background-image', 'url(' + imgURL + ')').removeClass('fade-out').addClass('fade-in');
Ok, if i understand your question, this may help you:
$("#heading-name div").each(function(i){
Demo working: http://jsfiddle.net/k2h8p/1/ (test the code locally in your computer)

Displaying 30 Instagram Images of certain tag of certain userID

I have an Instagram API call that requests images tagged with CrookedSpaces, when those images return I am filtering the data making sure that only images from a certain user (using their userID), the code follows:
$(function() {
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: false,
url: "https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/crookedspaces/media/recent/?count=100&access_token=TOKEN",
success: function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
var igUID = data.data[i].user.id;
if(igUID === "USER ID") {
<div class='instagram-feed'>\
<img class='instagram-image' src='" + data.data[i].images.standard_resolution.url +"' width='325px' alt='" + data.data[i].user.id + " " + igUID + "' onMouseOver=\"toggle_visibility('igImageHover" + i + "');\"/>\
<div class='igHover' id='igImageHover" + i + "' onMouseOut=\"toggle_visibility('igImageHover" + i + "');\">\
<div class='igHover2'>\
</div />\
} else {
console.log("Else portion of code ran " + elseCount + " time(s).");
However, I am only able to display 27 images because there are 4 images not posted by that specific userID. Is there some way to force the for loop to not increment? Or to subtract 1 from i without sending the code into an infinite loop?
Here is the JSFiddle -- http://jsfiddle.net/UQcZP/
You could use a while loop:
var i = 0;
var used=0;
while (used<31)
if (i < data.data.length){
// .. Do your work here
// only increment used when you actually get a match
// Here we are past the end of the data and did not reach the 30 items,
// so just set the number of items to 31 to exit the loop.
used = 31;

