Google Custom Search API javascript - javascript

I'm writing an AngularJS application which should perform image search through entire web using google custom search api.
I've used the query as follows:
''+ googleApiKey + '&cx=014766414461901118935:knbecyxzx4u&searchType=image&startIndex=41&imgType=photo&q=' + query;
As a result I get an array which consists of 10 elements. The documentation says that it can return up to the first 100 results. How can I load all the rest of results beside those 10 which come from the query above?
Note: Besides the array of images I also get the query object which has the nextPage object which holds the metadata describing the query to use for the next page of results, but apparently I have no idea how to use it as the startIndex value is always 11

I believe that you use &start instead of &startIndex


In MarkLogic, how do I search in JSON documents using only the key?

I have a bunch of JSON documents in my db. I need to perform delete operation on a few documents by searching the documents that have the particular field present in them {key only}. What query can I add to my code so that it finds all the documents with the field? I will be using them to get their values(integer), put them in an array and then use them one by one.
Expanding a bit on the link provided by George Bailey, you might want to use cts.uris() instead of because xdmp.documentDelete() takes uri strings instead of documents:
const uris = cts.uris(
['score-zero', 'unchecked'],
cts.jsonPropertyScopeQuery('theKey', cts.trueQuery())
If it's a large number of documents, you might need to specify the start value and a limit on the call to cts.uris() to delete different slices of documents in multiple passes.
Hoping that helps,

How to do an 'AND' statement in Firebase or equivalent?

I need to do a query where I can show only specific data using an 'AND' statement or equivalent to it. I have taken the example which is displayed in the Firebase Documentation.
// Find all dinosaurs whose height is exactly 25 meters.
var ref = firebase.database().ref("dinosaurs");
ref.orderByChild("height").equalTo(25).on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
I understand this line is going to retrieve all the dinosaurs whose height is exactly 25, BUT, I need to show all dinosaurs whose height is '25' AND name is 'Dino'. Is there any way to retrieve this information?
Thanks in advance.
Actually firebase only supports filtering/ordering with one propery, but if you want to filter with more than one property like you said I want to filter with age and name, you have to use composite keys.
There is a third party library called querybase which gives you some capabilities of multy property filtering. See
You cannot query by multiple keys.
If you need to sort by two properties your options are:
Create a hybrid key. In reference to your example, if you wanted to get all 'Dino' and height '25' then you would create a hybrid name_age key which could look something like Dino_25. This will allow you to query and search for items with exactly the same value but you lose the ability for ordering (i.e. age less than x).
Perform one query on Firebase and the other client side. You can query by name on Firebase and then iterate through the results and keep the results that match age 25.
Without knowing much about your schema I would advise you to make sure you're flattening your data sufficiently. Often I have found that many multi-level queries can be solved by looking at how I'm storing the data. This is not always the case and sometimes you may just have to take one of the routes I have mentioned above.

Breeze - Getting All Navigation Properties For Array of Entities

I'm trying to figure out with Breeze how to expand a specific navigation property for all items in an array of entities with a single request.
On this page of the Breeze documentation it shows the following way of achieving this:
var orderEntityType = selectedOrders[0].entityType;
var navProp = orderEntityType.getNavigationProperty("OrderDetails");
var navQuery = EntityQuery
.fromEntityNavigation(selectedOrders, navProp)
However, when I tried this I get the error
The 'entity' parameter must be an entity
So I looked up in the documentation specifically for the EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation method and it shows:
// 'employee' is a previously queried employee
var ordersNavProp = employee.entityType.getProperty("Orders");
var query = EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation(employee, ordersNavProp);
The documentation indicates that it is for a specific entity, not multiple. Which is consistent with the error I'm getting.
Is it possible to get all the navigation properties in a single request, or is the preferred way to iterate over an array making a request for each entity?
Basically, I'm working on filtering a list of items. My goal is that when a user selects a filter it then expands the needed navigation property at that time instead of loading all the data up front.
Thanks for the help.
I think this might be a typo or some out of date information on the navigation properties documentation page. According to the API documentation for EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation, the first parameter should be a single entity, not an array. Took a look at the breeze code, didn't see any evidence that an array of entities could be passed.
As a workaround, you could construct the query a bit differently. Continuing with the Order/OrderDetails scenario, you could do something like this:
var subsetOfOrders = ..., // array containing the subset of orders whose OrderDetails we need to load
predicates = { return new breeze.Predicate('OrderId', '==', order.OrderId()); }),
predicate = breeze.Predicate.or(predicates),
query = new breeze.EntityQuery('Orders').expand('OrderDetails').where(predicate);
If you're able to query the order details directly you don't even need expand. Breeze will wire up the freshly loaded OrderDetails to the respective orders entities that are already cached in the entity manager:
var subsetOfOrders = ..., // array containing the subset of orders whose OrderDetails we need to load
predicates = { return new breeze.Predicate('OrderId', '==', order.OrderId()); }),
predicate = breeze.Predicate.or(predicates),
query = new breeze.EntityQuery('OrderDetails').where(predicate);
This predicate based workaround may or may not be feasible depending on the number of orders you're dealing with. Could end up with a long query string. You could then consider using a dedicated controller action (ie "OrderDetailsByOrderId(int[] orderIds)" and use the withParameters EntityQuery method to load the order details using the new action.
The documentation was in error. I just corrected it.
#Jeremy Danyow offered a superb explanation and a solution. I probably would use his approach to solve a specific use case.
The documentation now discusses the problem and describes yet another approach that might be more appropriate if you were trying to write a general utility.
// create an array of filter criteria (`wherePredicate`) for each order
var predicates = (order) {
return EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation(order,'OrderDetails')
// OR the predicates together
var filter = breeze.Predicate.or(predicates);
Thanks to you both for identifying the problem and working through it.

SharePoint2013 - Javascript - Pagination in client side- Using listitemcollectionposition

I am getting data from a sharepoint list based on certain filter criteria.
I am getting the records using javascript object model. This is working fine.
I am facing issue with pagination.
I have referred this article :
This works for "Next Page".
Doesnt work for "Previous Page" in my case, because the values are retrieved randomly. So,the IDs are not consecutive.
Does "listItemCollectionPosition" work only for data which is consecutive?
previousPagingInfo = "PagedPrev=TRUE&Paged=TRUE&p_ID=" + myListItems.itemAt(0).get_item('ID');
This code doesnt work properly, some records are getting missed out.
The listItemCollectionPosition works for custom filtered and sorted list data.
In the link you share, there is another linked article that has an example for sorting and pagination.
You need to add additional values to your previousPagingInfo string to specified how you are sorting the result. In the example below I assume you are sorting your results by a list column with name "SORTCOLUMNNAME".
previousPagingInfo = "PagedPrev=TRUE&Paged=TRUE&p_ID=" + myListItems.itemAt(0).get_item('ID') + "&p_SORTCOLUMNNAME=" + myListItems.itemAt(0).getitem("SORTCOLUMNNAME");
You can find a good example here, how to page in CSOM:
There are some articles that gives you the following answers about paging in Sharepoint 2013.
A very important consideration to take into account:
- with JSOM or the classic webservices svc/asmx or oData, you cannot use the "$skip" particle to do paging of listitems. So it is OOTB almost impossible to do a true paging with numbers.
For items, you have to use listItemCollectionPosition in your SOAP or using $skiptoken (oData).
The only paging possible is previous/next.

How to handle results when make a search

I've learning how to play with search results using Google Image API at this URL I need to get "tbUrl" & "unescapedUrl" values as described in section Handling search results: Result properties but didn't know how to and can't find any example to get this working. Also I'm trying play with search results in this page Can any help me to get this values?
Cheers and thanks in advance
Modify your bind_event callback function to have the following signature:
function bind_event(sc, searcher){}
Then, you can access the properties by calling:
Substituting 0 for whatever iterative number you're on when you loop the searcher.results collection.

