lambda like matching on json object for javascript backbone? - javascript

not a front end there a javascript or backbone(_) equivalent of this java 8 lambda instead of looping over a JSON array and matching on "type"? :
"things": [
"type": "MY_THING"
thing theThing = -> x.getType() == ThingType.MY_THING).findFirst().orElse(null);

Assuming you are looking to iterate through an array and only return objects with a given type, I would suggest the following:
For single or little use, you could simply create the function that asserts the type of your choice:
function isThing(jsonObject) {
return jsonObject.type === "THIS_THING";
Or to avoid hard coding:
function isThing(jsonObject) {
return jsonObject.type === THING_TYPE;
Then you can apply this function to an array using its filter method.
var filteredList = completeList.filter(isThing);
filter, as described on MDN Array.prototype.filter, takes a function as an argument and applies it to every element within the array. If the function returns true, the element is added to a new array. Once the passed function has been applied to each element, the filter function returns the new array.
The above choice may be practical if you are simply looking for one or two types. However, if you have many types for which you might want filters, you should consider abstracting this away slightly, like so:
function createFilterWithType(desiredType) {
// will return true if jsonObject is of desired type
var typeAsserter = function (jsonObject) {
return jsonObject.type === desiredType;
return typeAsserter;
// Create functions that assert if object is given type
var isThisThingType = createFilterWithType("THIS_THING");
var isOtherThingType = createFilterWithType("OTHER_THING");
// Data
var completeList = [
{type:"THIS_THING", id:0},
{type:"OTHER_THING", id:1}
// Data filtered by applying asserters to completeList
var thingTypeList = completeList.filter(isThisThingType);
// returns [{type:"THIS_THING", id:0}]
var otherTypeList = completeList.filter(isOtherThingType);
// returns [{type:"OTHER_THING", id:1}]
Alternatively, you can create the asserters and apply in a single step:
var thingTypeList = completeList.filter(createFilterWithType("THIS_THING"));
var otherTypeList = completeList.filter(createFilterWithType("OTHER_THING"));
Though you remove a few lines by doing so, you lose in performance as each invocation of filter requires the creation of the anonymous assertion function. Worse still, compacting your code this way can make it far more difficult to reason about.


Javascript Filtering JSON data

Sample JSON data:
"assignments": [{
"date": "2022-04-01",
"lName": "lastname",
"uId": "12345",
"uCode": "LName1",
"fName": "FName1 ",
"aName": "AsignmentName1",
"aId": "998"
I'd like to filter the following data to get a specific element's contents based on searching for an assignment name.
For instance in SQL like terms
Select * FROM assignments WHERE `aName` = 'AssignmentName1'
I'm sure this is simple but having trouble with methods for how to accomplish it.
I am new here, but if you have access to modern day JavaScript, I would do something like:
const data = JSON.parse('{"assignments":[{"date":"2022-04-01","lName":"lastname","uId":"12345","uCode":"LName1","fName":"FName1 ","aName":"AsignmentName1","aId":"998"}]}';
const yourMatch = data.assignments.find(c => c.aName === 'AssignmentName1');
Since data.assignments is an array, you can call the find() function on it. This functions takes a 'search'-function/lambda as argument.
This search function basically takes an element and decides, whether it is the one you search for, or not aka it returns a boolean.
In my example the arrow function is c => c.aName === 'AssignmentName1', which is shorter and easier to read than a normal function definition. (You can call c whatever you want, it's just cleaner this way.)
You can exchange find() with filter(), if you accept multiple results and not just the first one.
You first have to parse the JSON string:
const parsedJSON = JSON.parse(jsonString);
The object returned is contains all the data from your JSON string. To access the assignments array you can use dot notation.
const assignments = parsedJSON.assignments;
If you don't need to support old browsers, ES6 has a handy function for finding the value in an object. Use the "find"-function and pass a function that returns true for the item you are looking for:
const selectedAssignment = assignments.find( (assignment)=> {
return assignment.aName=="AssignmentName2";
If you don't want to use ES6 you can use a for loop.
var assignments = JSON.parse(jsonString).assignments;
function getAssignmentWithName(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) {
if (assignments[i].aName == name) {
return assignments[i];
return false;
var selectedAssignment = getAssignmentWithName("AssignmentName1");

JavaScript Constructor Function Methods

I am wondering why I need the PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.slice method below.
Why can't I just use slice(3,6).join('') inside my other methods without needing to add PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.slice method? When the interpreter doesn't find the method on the PhoneNumberFormatter object, wouldn't it just look up the prototype chain to find slice and join on the Array prototype?
function PhoneNumberFormatter(numbers) {
this.numbers = numbers;
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.render = function() {
var string = '';
string += this.parenthesize(this.getAreaCode());
string += ' ';
string += this.getExchangeCode();
string += '-';
string += this.getLineNumber();
return string;
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.getAreaCode = function() {
return this.slice(0, 3);
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.getExchangeCode = function() {
return this.slice(3, 6);
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.getLineNumber = function() {
return this.slice(6)
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.parenthesize = function(string) {
return '(' + string + ')';
// why do I need the following method?
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {
return this.numbers.slice(start, end).join('');
var phoneNumberOne = new PhoneNumberFormatter([6, 5, 0, 8, 3, 5, 9, 1, 7, 2]);
I guess it was created to make the code cleaner and prevents code duplication.
As the use of the slice keyword in two different places seems to confuse you I'll explain briefly the differences.
In your prototype methods (e.g. getAreaCode, getExchangeCode, ...), the keyword this represents a PhoneNumberFormatter object. When you call this.slice() (in the methods), you are calling the slice method of this object hence the one created in your code.
But in your slice method (the one in your code), you are calling this.numbers.slice(). Here you call the slice method on an array (this.numbers). You are using the native array method slice.
You could write your methods like so and remove the slice method created in your code:
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.getAreaCode = function() {
return this.numbers.slice(0, 3).join('');
I think the main confusion you seem to have is the name of the method slice. This leads you to believe that it is the array method, but in fact it is not.
The slice method mentioned in your code is the slice method of the PhoneNumberFormatter, not the one of the array.
Because of this, the interpreter could never find the slice method in the prototype chain, because the prototype of the PhoneNumberFormatter would be object, and just calling slice would rather throw an error that the method is undefined.
The this.slice method refers to PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.slice and this one will refer to it's own numbers property and will then call the slice method on the numbers Array.
Maybe it is simply easier to rename the code like:
function PhoneNumberFormatter( numberArr ) {
this.numbers = numberArr.slice(); // copy numbers
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.getAreaCode = function() {
return this.take(0, 3);
PhoneNumberFormatter.prototype.take = function() {
return Array.prototype.splice.apply( this.numbers, arguments ).join('');
var formatter = new PhoneNumberFormatter([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);
Which maybe makes it more clear to you, that the take method is simply a utility method simplifying your code, cause be honest, why would you want to repeat for 5 different methods the slice and join part, and then take a potential risk of copying an error 5 times, or in case you need to change something, need to make the same change 5 times

Javascript: How to create an object from a dot separated string?

I ran into this potential scenario that I posed to a few of my employees as a test question. I can think of a couple ways to solve this problem, but neither of them are very pretty. I was wondering what solutions might be best for this as well as any optimization tips. Here's the question:
Given some arbitrary string "mystr" in dot notation (e.g. mystr = "node1.node2.node3.node4") at any length, write a function called "expand" that will create each of these items as a new node layer in a js object. For the example above, it should output the following, given that my object name is "blah":
blah: { node1: { node2: { node3: { node4: {}}}}}
From the function call:
mystr = "node1.node2.node3.node4";
blah = {};
Alternately, if easier, the function could be created to set a variable as a returned value:
mystr = "node1.node2.node3.node4";
blah = expand(mystr);
Extra credit: have an optional function parameter that will set the value of the last node. So, if I called my function "expand" and called it like so: expand(blah, mystr, "value"), the output should give the same as before but with node4 = "value" instead of {}.
In ES6 you can do it like this:
const expand = (str, defaultVal = {}) => {
return str.split('.').reduceRight((acc, currentVal) => {
return {
[currentVal]: acc
}, defaultVal)
const blah = expand('a.b.c.d', 'last value')
Here's a method that popped up in my mind. It splits the string on the dot notation, and then loops through the nodes to create objects inside of objects, using a 'shifting reference' (not sure if that's the right term though).
The object output within the function contains the full object being built throughout the function, but ref keeps a reference that shifts to deeper and deeper within output, as new sub-objects are created in the for-loop.
Finally, the last value is applied to the last given name.
function expand(str, value)
var items = mystr.split(".") // split on dot notation
var output = {} // prepare an empty object, to fill later
var ref = output // keep a reference of the new object
// loop through all nodes, except the last one
for(var i = 0; i < items.length - 1; i ++)
ref[items[i]] = {} // create a new element inside the reference
ref = ref[items[i]] // shift the reference to the newly created object
ref[items[items.length - 1]] = value // apply the final value
return output // return the full object
The object is then returned, so this notation can be used:
mystr = "node1.node2.node3.node4";
blah = expand(mystr, "lastvalue");
var obj = {a:{b:{c:"a"}}};
const path = "a.b.c".split(".");
while(path.length > 1){
obj = obj[path.shift()];
obj[path.shift()] = "a";

Generic 2D hash in JavaScript?

In other languages it is possible to create a generic 2D hash. I know creating 2d hashes is possible in javascript as well as explained here, but I can't seem to find a generic way to achieve this.
As an example of what I am looking for. In Ruby you can do this:
2dhash ={|h, k| h[k] = }
puts 2dhash["test"]["yes"]
#=> nil
2dhash[1][2] = "hello"
puts 2dhash[1][2]
#=> "hello"
Notice that I have not initialized the second level of hash, it happens automatically.
Is it possible to somehow achieve the same in javascript? Specifically, a way to make a 2d hash without initializing the first level of hash (or hard-coding it to be even more specific). The 2dhash will be used dynamically, so I have no clue what the first level will be.
Looks like a nice data structure excercise, let me try :D
function Hash() {
this.hash = {};
Hash.prototype.set = function(val) {
var paths =, 1) // all levels
var path = paths.shift() // first level
var hashed = this.hash[path]
if (paths.length) {
// still have deeper levels
if (!(hashed instanceof Hash)) {
hashed = this.hash[path] = new Hash()
Hash.prototype.set.apply(hashed, [val].concat(paths))
} else {
// last level
this.hash[path] = val
Hash.prototype.get = function() {
var paths =, 0) // all levels
var path = paths.shift() // first level
var hashed = this.hash[path]
if (paths.length) {
// still have deeper levels
return Hash.prototype.get.apply(hashed, paths)
} else {
// last level
return hashed
Now, let's see if it works:
var trytry = new Hash()
trytry.set('the value to store', 'key1', 'key2')
trytry.get('key1') // Hash{key2: 'the value to store'}
trytry.get('key1', 'key2') // 'the value to store'
Hooray it works!
It also works for even deeper levels:
trytry.set('the value to store', 'key1', 'key2','key3', 'key4')
trytry.get('key1', 'key2','key3') // Hash{key4: 'the value to store'}
However, a disadvantage of this approach is that you have to use instance methods get and set, rather than native object literal getter/setter.
It's still incomplete. For production environment, we need to do more, e.g. methods and properties like contains, size, etc.
If you initialize the first level of the hash with objects, then you can reference the second level without typeErrors, even if the data was not defined before.
var _2dhash = {a: {}, b: {}, c:{}}
//Note you cannot start variable names with numbers in js
// > undefined
It works because you're accessing undefined properties of defined objects. If you try to access through a missing top-level object, ie.
You will get a TypeError, because _2dhash.d was not defined, and the second lookup fails, trying to read the 'whatever' property of undefined.

What is this javascript code doing?

this.String = {
Get : function (val) {
return function() {
return val;
What is the ':' doing?
this.String = {} specifies an object. Get is a property of that object. In javascript, object properties and their values are separated by a colon ':'.
So, per the example, you would call the function like this
this.String.Get('some string');
More examples:
var foo = {
bar : 'foobar',
other : {
a : 'wowza'
alert(; //alerts 'foobar'
alert(foo.other.a) //alerts 'wowza'
Others have already explained what this code does. It creates an object (called this.String) that contains a single function (called Get). I'd like to explain when you could use this function.
This function can be useful in cases where you need a higher order function (that is a function that expects another function as its argument).
Say you have a function that does something to each element of an Array, lets call it map. You could use this function like so:
function inc (x)
return x + 1;
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
var newArr =;
What the map function will do, is create a new array containing the values [2, 3, 4]. It will do this by calling the function inc with each element of the array.
Now, if you use this method a lot, you might continuously be calling map with all sorts of arguments:; // to increase each element; // to create a list of booleans (even or odd); // to create a list of strings
If for some reason you'd want to replace the entire array with the same string (but keeping the array of the same size), you could call it like so:"my String"));
This will create a new array of the same size as arr, but just containing the string "my String" over and over again.
Note that in some languages, this function is predefined and called const or constant (since it will always return the same value, each time you call it, no matter what its arguments are).
Now, if you think that this example isn't very useful, I would agree with you. But there are cases, when programming with higher order functions, when this technique is used.
For example, it can be useful if you have a tree you want to 'clear' of its values but keep the structure of the tree. You could do"default value")) and get a whole new tree is created that has the exact same shape as the original, but none of its values.
It assigns an object that has a property "Get" to this.String. "Get" is assigned an anonymous function, which will return a function that just returns the argument that was given to the first returning function. Sounds strange, but here is how it can be used:
var ten = this.String["Get"](10)();
ten will then contain a 10. Instead, you could have written the equivalent
var ten = this.String.Get(10)();
// saving the returned function can have more use:
var generatingFunction = this.String.Get("something");
alert(generatingFunction()); // displays "something"
That is, : just assigns some value to a property.
This answer may be a bit superflous since Tom's is a good answer but just to boil it down and be complete:-
this.String = {};
Adds an object to the current object with the property name of String.
var fn = function(val) {
return function() { return(val); }
Returns a function from a closure which in turn returns the parameter used in creating the closure. Hence:-
var fnInner = fn("Hello World!");
alert(fnInner()); // Displays Hello World!
In combination then:-
this.String = { Get: function(val) {
return function() { return(val); }
Adds an object to the current object with the property name of String that has a method called Get that returns a function from a closure which in turn returns the parameter used in creating the closure.
var fnInner = this.String.Get("Yasso!");
alert(fnInner()); //displays Yasso!

