Animate clipping mask with canvas - javascript

Please see attached image. you can see first slide with canvas masking to animate like second slide.

Well I have no clue what language you wanted, so Javascript it is, but the principles are the same for whatever SDK or language you use.
Easy to do. Use requestAnimationFrame to make it smooth. Create a set of shapes that you can animate each from and just draw them to the canvas context as normal using moveTo, lineTo or which ever path function you want. Instead of calling fill or stroke call ctx.clip() then draw the image and it will only be displayed in the clipping areas.
Below is a rather kludged example but it will give you the basics, you can improve it to meet your needs.
var canvas = document.getElementById("canV"); // get the canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // get the context
var blobs = []; // array to hold blobs
var width = canvas.width;
var height = canvas.height;
var blobPCount = 16; // how bumpy the blobs are
var wobbla = 0; // adds a bit of a wobble
var growSpeed = 2; // grow speed 0.1 very slow 10 mega fast
var cludgeFactor = 0.25; // used to work out when its all done
var cludgeFactorA = 1-cludgeFactor; // its a bit of a cludge hence the name
// a wiki commons image
var imageURL = "";
var image = new Image(); // create the image
image.src = imageURL; // load it
var done = false; // flag is true when done
function addBlob(){ // adds a blob
var b = {};
b.x = Math.random()*width; // find a random pos for it
b.y = Math.random()*height;
b.points = []; // create a set of pointy in a circle that will grow outward
for(var i = 0; i < Math.PI*2;i+= (Math.PI*2)/blobPCount){
var p = {};
// mess up the perfection a little
var dir= (i+((Math.PI*2)/(blobPCount*3))*(Math.random()-0.5))*(1+2/blobPCount);
p.dx = Math.cos(dir); // the delta x and y
p.dy = Math.sin(dir);
p.x = p.dx * 5; // the starting size
p.y = p.dy * 5;
p.dx *= growSpeed; // set the speed
p.dy *= growSpeed;
b.points.push(p); // add the point
blobs.push(b); // and the blob
function growBlobs(){ // grows the blob
var i;
for(i = 0; i < blobs.length; i++){ // for each blob
var b = blobs[i];
var pc = b.points.length;
for(var j = 0; j < pc; j++){ // grow the points
var p = b.points[j];
p.x += p.dx+p.dx*Math.random()*0.2; // move the point with a liitle random
p.y += p.dy+p.dy*Math.random()*0.2;
// creates the clipping mask
function createClipMask(){
var i;
ctx.beginPath(); // begin a path
wobbla += 0.2; // add some wobbla
var inside = false; // the flag to test done
for(i = 0; i < blobs.length; i++){ // for each blob
var b = blobs[i];
var pc = b.points.length; // get len
for(var j = 0; j < pc-1; j++){ // do eacj point
var p = b.points[j];
var x = b.x+p.x + Math.sin(wobbla+i+j*0.2)*10; // get a point
var y = b.y+p.y + Math.cos(wobbla+i+j*0.2)*10;
if(j === 0){
ctx.moveTo(x,y); // move to the first point
j ++; // all other points as a second order bexier
p = b.points[j];
var x1 = b.x +p.x*0.75 + Math.sin(wobbla+i+j*0.2)*10; // add the wobble
var y1 = b.y +p.y*0.75 + Math.cos(wobbla+i+j*0.2)*10;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x,y,x1,y1); // create tke bezier path
// test if the points are inside the screen by cludge factor
if(!inside && x > width*cludgeFactor && x < width*cludgeFactorA &&
y > height*cludgeFactor && y < height*cludgeFactorA){
inside = true;
ctx.closePath(); // done with this blob close the path
// all blobs done so set the clip
if(!inside){ // if no points inside the cludge area the we are done
done = true;
// make a semi random number of blobs
var numberBlobs = Math.ceil(Math.random()^5) +3;
for(var i = 0; i < numberBlobs; i++){
// do the update
function update(){
if(done){ // if done draw the image
return; // return stops the rendering
ctx.fillStyle = "white"; // draw the white
ctx.fillRect(0,0,width,height);; // save the current ctx state
if(image.complete){ // has the image loaded
growBlobs(); // yes so grow blobs
createClipMask(); // create the clip
ctx.drawImage(image,0,0,width,height); //draw the clipped image
ctx.restore(); // dont need the clip anymore so restore the ctx state
window.requestAnimationFrame (update); //request a new anim frame
update(); // start it all going
.canC {
<canvas class="canC" id="canV" width=500 height=400></canvas>
Also I had to guess what you wanted so hope I guessed right. Any question please do ask.


How to store X and Y coordinates, after clicking on a button to store it

im trying to store the x and y coordinates after clicking on the canvas, i can set a marker position, i can show the x an y coordinates and a picture of a marker on that position, but now i want to store these coordinates so that when you reload the web browser, the marker position wil still be at his place where you first placed it.
full code down..
var context = (this.canvas.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement).getContext("2d")
//Map sprite
var mapSprite = new Image();
mapSprite.src = "";
var Marker = function () {
this.Sprite = new Image();
this.Sprite.src = ""
this.Width = 12;
this.Height = 20;
this.XPos = 0;
this.YPos = 0;
var Markers = new Array();
var rect = (this.canvas.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement).getBoundingClientRect();
var mouseClicked = function (mouse) {
// Get current mouse coords
var mouseXPos = (mouse.x - rect.left);
var mouseYPos = (mouse.y -;
console.log("x: " + mouseXPos);
console.log("y: " + mouseYPos)
console.log("Marker added");
// Move the marker when placed to a better location
var marker = new Marker();
marker.XPos = mouseXPos - (marker.Width * 37.7);
marker.YPos = mouseYPos - (marker.Height * 7);
for (var i = 0; i < Markers.length; i++) {
if(i > 1){
sessionStorage.setItem('Marker', JSON.stringify(marker));
let store = sessionStorage.getItem('Marker');
var remember = function(){
return store;
// Add mouse click event listener to canvas
/* (this.canvas.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement).addEventListener("mousedown", mouseClicked, false); */
var firstLoad = function () {
context.font = "15px Georgia";
context.textAlign = "center";
var main = function () {
var width = (this.canvas.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement).width
var height = (this.canvas.nativeElement as HTMLCanvasElement).height
var draw = function () {
// Clear Canvas
context.fillStyle = "#000";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Draw map
// Sprite, X location, Y location, Image width, Image height
// You can leave the image height and width off, if you do it will draw the image at default size
context.drawImage(mapSprite, 0, 0, 700, 700);
// Draw markers
for (var i = 0; i < Markers.length; i++) {
var tempMarker = Markers[i];
// Draw marker
context.drawImage(tempMarker.Sprite, tempMarker.XPos, tempMarker.YPos, tempMarker.Width, tempMarker.Height);
setInterval(main, (1000 / 10)); // Refresh 60 times a second
You can use Window.sessionStorage to store your coordinates.
sessionStorage.setItem('Marker', JSON.stringify(marker));
If this is ionic 3 store the information in a Provider too keep it consistent from page to page/on refresh or use a service for ionic 4 ( - tutorial). To keep the information after closing and opening the app you could use the ionic file plugin or other such native storage.

How to efficiently manipulate pixels in HTML5 canvas?

So I am fooling around with pixel manipulation in canvas. Right now I have code that allows you to draw to canvas. Then, when you have something drawn, there is a button you can press to manipulate the pixels, translating them either one tile to the right or one tile to the left, alternating every other row. The code looks something like this:
First, pushing the button will start a function that creates two empty arrays where the pixel data is going to go. Then it goes through the pixels, row by row, making each row it's own array. All the row arrays are added into one array of all the pixels data.
$('#shift').click(function() {
var pixels = [];
var rowArray = [];
// get a list of all pixels in a row and add them to pixels array
for (var y = 0; y < canvas.height; y ++) {
for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x ++) {
var src = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1)
var copy = ctx.createImageData(src.width, src.height);;
pixels = [];
Continuing in the function, next it clears the canvas and shifts the arrays every other either going one to the right or one to the left.
// clear canvas and points list
// take copied pixel lists, shift them
for (i = 0; i < rowArray.length; i ++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
rowArray[i] = rowArray[i].concat(rowArray[i].splice(0, 1));
} else {
rowArray[i] = rowArray[i].concat(rowArray[i].splice(0, rowArray[i].length - 1));
Last part of the function now takes the shifted lists of pixel data and distributes them back onto the canvas.
// take the new shifted pixel lists and distribute
// them back onto the canvas
var listCounter = 0;
var listCounter2 = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < canvas.height; y ++) {
for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x ++) {
ctx.putImageData(rowArray[listCounter][listCounter2], x, y);
listCounter2 ++;
listCounter2 = 0;
listCounter ++;
As of right now, it works fine. No data is lost and pixels are shifted correctly. What I am wondering if possible, is there a way to do this that is more efficient? Right now, doing this pixel by pixel takes a long time so I have to go by 20x20 px tiles or higher to have realistic load times. This is my first attempt at pixel manipulation so there is probably quite a few things I'm unaware of. It could be my laptop is not powerful enough. Also, I've noticed that sometimes running this function multiple times in a row will significantly reduce load times. Any help or suggestions are much appreciated!
Full function :
$('#shift').click(function() {
var pixels = [];
var rowArray = [];
// get a list of all pixels in a row and add them to pixels array
for (var y = 0; y < canvas.height; y ++) {
for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x ++) {
var src = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1)
var copy = ctx.createImageData(src.width, src.height);;
pixels = [];
// clear canvas and points list
// take copied pixel lists, shift them
for (i = 0; i < pixelsListList.length; i ++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
rowArray[i] = rowArray[i].concat(rowArray[i].splice(0, 1));
} else {
rowArray[i] = rowArray[i].concat(rowArray[i].splice(0, rowArray[i].length - 1));
// take the new shifted pixel lists and distribute
// them back onto the canvas
var listCounter = 0;
var listCounter2 = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < canvas.height; y ++) {
for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x ++) {
ctx.putImageData(rowArray[listCounter][listCounter2], x, y);
listCounter2 ++;
listCounter2 = 0;
listCounter ++;
Performance pixel manipulation.
The given answer is so bad that I have to post a better solution.
And with that a bit of advice when it comes to performance critical code. Functional programming has no place in code that requires the best performance possible.
The most basic pixel manipulation.
The example does the same as the other answer. It uses a callback to select the processing and provides a set of functions to create, filter, and set the pixel data.
Because images can be very large 2Megp plus the filter is timed to check performance. The number of pixels, time taken in µs (1/1,000,000th second), pixels per µs and pixels per second. For realtime processing of a HD 1920*1080 you need a rate of ~125,000,000 pixels per second (60fps).
NOTE babel has been turned off to ensure code is run as is. Sorry IE11 users time to upgrade don`t you think?
canvas.addEventListener('click', ()=>{
var time =;
ctx.putImageData(processPixels(randomPixels,invertPixels), 0, 0);
time = ( - time) * 1000;
var rate = pixelCount / time;
var pps = (1000000 * rate | 0).toLocaleString();
info.textContent = "Time to process " + pixelCount.toLocaleString() + " pixels : " + (time | 0).toLocaleString() + "µs, "+ (rate|0) + "pix per µs "+pps+" pixel per second";
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const pixelCount = innerWidth * innerHeight;
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
const randomPixels = putPixels(ctx,createImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height, randomRGB));
function createImageData(width, height, filter){
return processPixels(ctx.createImageData(width, height), filter);;
function processPixels(pixelData, filter = doNothing){
return filter(pixelData);
function putPixels(context,pixelData,x = 0,y = 0){
return pixelData;
// Filters must return pixeldata
function doNothing(pd){ return pd }
function randomRGB(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat32 = new Uint32Array(;
while (i < dat32.length) { dat32[i++] = 0xff000000 + Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF }
return pixelData;
function invertPixels(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat =;
while (i < dat.length) {
dat[i] = 255 - dat[i++];
dat[i] = 255 - dat[i++];
dat[i] = 255 - dat[i++];
i ++; // skip alpha
return pixelData;
.abs {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
font-family : arial;
font-size : 16px;
background : rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
.m {
top : 100px;
z-index : 10;
#info {
z-index : 10;
<div class="abs" id="info"></div>
<div class="abs m">Click to invert</div>
<canvas class="abs" id="canvas"></canvas>
Why functional programming is bad for pixel processing.
To compare below is a timed version of George Campbell Answer that uses functional programming paradigms. The rate will depend on the device and browser but is 2 orders of magnitude slower.
Also if you click, repeating the invert function many times you will notice the GC lags that make functional programming such a bad choice for performance code.
The standard method (first snippet) does not suffer from GC lag because it barely uses any memory apart from the original pixel buffer.
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
//maybe put inside resize event listener
let width = window.innerWidth;
let height = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const pixelCount = innerWidth * innerHeight;
//create some test pixels (random colours) - only once for entire width/height, not for each pixel
let randomPixels = createImageData(width, height, randomRGB);
//create image data and apply callback for each pixel, set this in the ImageData
function createImageData(width, height, cb){
let createdPixels = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
let pixelData = editImageData(createdPixels, cb);;
return createdPixels;
//edit each pixel in ImageData using callback
//pixels ImageData, cb Function (for each pixel, returns r,g,b,a Boolean)
function editImageData(pixels, cb = (p)=>p){
return Array.from(, i) => {
//red or green or blue or alpha
let newValue = cb({r: i%4 === 0, g:i%4 === 1, b:i%4 === 2, a:i%4 === 3, value: pixel});
if(typeof newValue === 'undefined' || newValue === null){
throw new Error("undefined/null pixel value "+typeof newValue+" "+newValue);
return newValue;
//callback to apply to each pixel (randomize)
function randomRGB({a}){
return 255; //full opacity
return Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
//another callback to apply, this time invert
function invertRGB({a, value}){
return 255; //full opacity
return 255-value;
ctx.putImageData(randomPixels, 0, 0);
//click to change invert image data (or any custom pixel manipulation)
canvas.addEventListener('click', ()=>{
var time =;, invertRGB));
ctx.putImageData(randomPixels, 0, 0);
time = ( - time) * 1000;
var rate = pixelCount / time;
var pps = (1000000 * rate | 0).toLocaleString();
if(rate < 1){
rate = "less than 1";
info.textContent = "Time to process " + pixelCount.toLocaleString() + " pixels : " + (time|0).toLocaleString() + "µs, "+ rate + "pix per µs "+pps+" pixel per second";
.abs {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
font-family : arial;
font-size : 16px;
background : rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
.m {
top : 100px;
z-index : 10;
#info {
z-index : 10;
<div class="abs" id="info"></div>
<div class="abs m">George Campbell Answer. Click to invert</div>
<canvas class="abs" id="canvas"></canvas>
Some more pixel processing
The next sample demonstrates some basic pixel manipulation.
Random. Totaly random pixels
Invert. Inverts the pixel colors
B/W. Converts to simple black and white (not perceptual B/W)
Noise. Adds strong noise to pixels. Will reduce total brightness.
2 Bit. Pixel channel data is reduced to 2 bits per RGB.
Blur. Most basic blur function requires a copy of the pixel data to work and is thus expensive in terms of memory and processing overheads. But as NONE of the canvas/SVG filters do the correct logarithmic filter this is the only way to get a good quality blur for the 2D canvas. Unfortunately it is rather slow.
Channel Shift. Moves channels blue to red, red to green, green to blue
Shuffle pixels. Randomly shuffles pixels with one of its neighbours.
For larger images. To prevent filters from blocking the page you would move the imageData to a worker and process the pixels there.
document.body.addEventListener('click', (e)=>{
if( !== "button" || === "test"){
pixels = getImageData(ctx);
info.textContent = "Untimed content render."
var time =;
ctx.putImageData(processPixels(pixels,pixelFilters[]), 0, 0);
time = ( - time) * 1000;
var rate = pixelCount / time;
var pps = (1000000 * rate | 0).toLocaleString();
info.textContent = "Filter " " " +( ? : "") + pixelCount.toLocaleString() + "px : " + (time | 0).toLocaleString() + "µs, "+ (rate|0) + "px per µs "+pps+" pps";
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const pixelCount = innerWidth * innerHeight;
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
var min = Math.min(innerWidth,innerHeight) * 0.45;
function testPattern(){
var grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = grad;
"000,AAA,FFF,F00,00F,A00,00A,FF0,0FF,AA0,0AA,0F0,F0F,0A0,A0A".split(",").forEach((col,i) => {
circle("#"+col, min * (1-i/16));
function circle(col,size){
ctx.fillStyle = col;
ctx.arc(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2, size, 0 , Math.PI * 2);
var pixels = getImageData(ctx);
function getImageData(ctx, x = 0, y = 0,width = ctx.canvas.width, height = ctx.canvas.height){
return ctx.getImageData(x,y,width, height);
function createImageData(width, height, filter){
return processPixels(ctx.createImageData(width, height), filter);;
function processPixels(pixelData, filter = doNothing){
return filter(pixelData);
function putPixels(context,pixelData,x = 0,y = 0){
return pixelData;
// Filters must return pixeldata
function doNothing(pd){ return pd }
function randomRGB(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat32 = new Uint32Array(;
while (i < dat32.length) { dat32[i++] = 0xff000000 + Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF }
return pixelData;
function randomNoise(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat =;
while (i < dat.length) {
dat[i] = Math.random() * dat[i++];
dat[i] = Math.random() * dat[i++];
dat[i] = Math.random() * dat[i++];
i ++; // skip alpha
return pixelData;
function twoBit(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat =;
var scale = 255 / 196;
while (i < dat.length) {
dat[i] = (dat[i++] & 196) * scale;
dat[i] = (dat[i++] & 196) * scale;
dat[i] = (dat[i++] & 196) * scale;
i ++; // skip alpha
return pixelData;
function invertPixels(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat =;
while (i < dat.length) {
dat[i] = 255 - dat[i++];
dat[i] = 255 - dat[i++];
dat[i] = 255 - dat[i++];
i ++; // skip alpha
return pixelData;
function simpleBW(pixelData) {
var bw,i = 0;
var dat =;
while (i < dat.length) {
bw = (dat[i] + dat[i+1] + dat[i+2]) / 3;
dat[i++] = bw;
dat[i++] = bw;
dat[i++] = bw;
i ++; // skip alpha
return pixelData;
function simpleBlur(pixelData) {
var i = 0;
var dat =;
var buf = new Uint8Array(dat.length);
var w = pixelData.width * 4;
i += w;
while (i < dat.length - w) {
dat[i] = (buf[i-4] + buf[i+4] + buf[i+w] + buf[i-w] + buf[i++] * 2) / 6;
dat[i] = (buf[i-4] + buf[i+4] + buf[i+w] + buf[i-w] + buf[i++] * 2) / 6;
dat[i] = (buf[i-4] + buf[i+4] + buf[i+w] + buf[i-w] + buf[i++] * 2) / 6;
i ++; // skip alpha
return pixelData;
function channelShift(pixelData) {
var r,g,i = 0;
var dat =;
while (i < dat.length) {
r = dat[i];
g = dat[i+1];
dat[i] = dat[i+2];
dat[i+1] = r;
dat[i+2] = g;
i += 4;
return pixelData;
function pixelShuffle(pixelData) {
var r,g,b,n,rr,gg,bb,i = 0;
var dat =;
var next = [-pixelData.width*4,pixelData.width*4,-4,4];
var len = dat.length;
while (i < dat.length) {
n = (i + next[Math.random() * 4 | 0]) % len;
r = dat[i];
g = dat[i+1];
b = dat[i+2];
dat[i] = dat[n];
dat[i+1] = dat[n + 1];
dat[i+2] = dat[n + 2];
dat[n] = r;
dat[n+1] = g;
dat[n+2] = b;
i += 4;
return pixelData;
const pixelFilters = {
.abs {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
font-family : arial;
font-size : 16px;
.m {
top : 30px;
z-index : 20;
#info {
z-index : 10;
background : rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
<canvas class="abs" id="canvas"></canvas>
<div class="abs" id="buttons">
<input type ="button" data-filter = "randomRGB" value ="Random"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "invertPixels" value ="Invert"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "simpleBW" value ="B/W"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "randomNoise" value ="Noise"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "twoBit" value ="2 Bit" title = "pixel channel data is reduced to 2 bits per RGB"/>
<input type ="button" data-note="High quality blur using logarithmic channel values. " data-filter = "simpleBlur" value ="Blur" title = "Blur requires a copy of pixel data"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "channelShift" value ="Ch Shift" title = "Moves channels blue to red, red to green, green to blue"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "pixelShuffle" value ="Shuffle" title = "randomly shuffles pixels with one of its neighbours"/>
<input type ="button" data-filter = "test" value ="Test Pattern"/>
<div class="abs m" id="info"></div>
It makes more sense to use something like ctx.getImageData or .createImageData only once per image, not for each pixel.
You can loop the "array-like" Uint8ClampedArray. Each 4 items in the array represent a single pixel, these being red, green, blue, and alpha parts of the pixel. Each can be an integer between 0 and 255, where [0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,...] means the first pixel is transparent (and black?), and the second pixel is white and full opacity.
here is something I just made, not benchmarked but likely more efficient.
It creates image data, and you can edit image data by passing in a function to the edit image data function, the callback function is called for each pixel in an image data and returns an object containing value (between 0 and 255), and booleans for r, g, b.
For example for invert you can return 255-value.
this example starts with random pixels, clicking them will apply the invertRGB function to it.
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
//maybe put inside resize event listener
let width = window.innerWidth;
let height = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
//create some test pixels (random colours) - only once for entire width/height, not for each pixel
let randomPixels = createImageData(width, height, randomRGB);
//create image data and apply callback for each pixel, set this in the ImageData
function createImageData(width, height, cb){
let createdPixels = ctx.createImageData(width, height);
let pixelData = editImageData(createdPixels, cb);;
return createdPixels;
//edit each pixel in ImageData using callback
//pixels ImageData, cb Function (for each pixel, returns r,g,b,a Boolean)
function editImageData(pixels, cb = (p)=>p){
let i = 0;
let len =;
let outputPixels = [];
let pixel =[i];
outputPixels.push( cb(i%4, pixel) );
return outputPixels;
//callback to apply to each pixel (randomize)
function randomRGB(colour){
if( colour === 3){
return 255; //full opacity
return Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
//another callback to apply, this time invert
function invertRGB(colour, value){
if(colour === 3){
return 255; //full opacity
return 255-value;
ctx.putImageData(randomPixels, 0, 0);
//click to change invert image data (or any custom pixel manipulation)
canvas.addEventListener('click', ()=>{
let t0 =;, invertRGB));
ctx.putImageData(randomPixels, 0, 0);
let t1 =;
#canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
code gist:
check out which should help, including loading an actual image as ImageData for usage.

paper.js animate point on graph

I'm trying to build an animated graph with paper.js that can react to different input. So I want to smoothly animate one point vertically to a different point.
I've looked at different examples and the closest ones to mine is this one:
paper.tool.onMouseDown = function(event) {
x = event.event.offsetX;
y = event.event.offsetY;
paper.view.attach('frame', moveSeg);
var x;
var y;
function moveSeg(event) {
event.count = 1;
if(event.count <= 100) {
myPath.firstSegment.point._x += (x / 100);
myPath.firstSegment.point._y += (y / 100);
for (var i = 0; i < points - 1; i++) {
var segment = myPath.segments[i];
var nextSegment =;
var vector = new paper.Point(segment.point.x - nextSegment.point.x,segment.point.y - nextSegment.point.y);
vector.length = length;
nextSegment.point = new paper.Point(segment.point.x - vector.x,segment.point.y - vector.y);
This Code animates one Point to the click position, but I couldn't change it to my needs.
What I need is:
var aim = [120, 100];
var target = aim;
// how many frames does it take to reach a target
var steps = 200;
// Segment I want to move
And then I dont know how to write the loop that will produce a smooth animation.
example of the graph:
I worked out the answer. The following steps in paperscript:
Generate Path
Set aim for the point
OnFrame Event that does the moving (eased)
for further animations just change the currentAim variable.
var myPath = new Path({
segments: [[0,100],[50,100],[100,100]]});
// styling
myPath.strokeColor = '#c4c4c4'; // red
myPath.strokeWidth = 8;
myPath.strokeJoin = 'round';
// where the middle dot should go
var currentAim = [100,100];
// Speed
var steps = 10;
function onFrame(event) {
dX1 = (currentAim[0] - myPath.segments[1].point.x )/steps;
dY1 = (currentAim[1] - myPath.segments[1].point.y )/steps;
myPath.segments[1].point.x += dX1;
myPath.segments[1].point.y += dY1;

Scroll along path Paper.js

Basically I want to scroll a object along path. I've seen several threads looking for similar solution not using paper.js but i was wondering if this possible with paper.js. Or can someone give me a working jsfiddle of object follow svg curve because I couldn't get any thing to work. I ultimately want to have a chain of divs follow the path.
// vars
var point1 = [0, 100];
var point2 = [120, 100];
var point3 = [120, 150];
// draw the line
var path = new Path();
path.add(new Point(point1), new Point(point2), new Point(point3));
path.strokeColor = "#FFF";
path.closed = true;
// draw the circle
var circle = new Path.Circle(0,100,4);
circle.strokeColor = "#FFF";
// target to move to
var target = point2;
// how many frame does it take to reach a target
var steps = 200;
// defined vars for onFrame
var dX = 0;
var dY = 0;
// position circle on path
circle.position.x = target[0];
circle.position.y = target[1];
function onFrame(event) {
//check if cricle reached its target
if (Math.round(circle.position.x) == target[0] && Math.round(circle.position.y) == target[1]) {
switch(target) {
case point1:
target = point2;
case point2:
target = point3;
case point3:
target = point1;
// calculate the dX and dY
dX = (target[0] - circle.position.x)/steps;
dY = (target[1] - circle.position.y)/steps;
// do the movement
//circle.position.x += dX;
//circle.position.y += dY;
Here is the jsfiddle:
You can find a point along a path with path.getPointAt(offset) where offset is measured in points along the length of the path. If you can calculate the position of a slider along its track, you can multiply that by the path.length to get an offset.
You can do this with an HTML slider or with a canvas element, as shown here:
// vars
var point1 = [0, 100];
var point2 = [120, 100];
var point3 = [120, 150];
// draw the line
var path = new Path();
path.add(new Point(point1), new Point(point2), new Point(point3));
path.strokeColor = "#FFF";
path.closed = true;
// draw the circle
var circle = new Path.Circle(0,100,4);
circle.strokeColor = "#FFF";
// slider
var sliderLine = new Path(new Point(10,30.5), new Point(210, 30.5));
sliderLine.strokeColor = '#FFF';
var sliderKnob = new Path.Circle(new Point(10,30.5), 5);
sliderKnob.fillColor = '#FFF';
var sliderHit = false;
function onMouseDown(event) {
if (event.item == sliderKnob) sliderHit = true;
function onMouseDrag(event) {
if (sliderHit === true) {
if (event.point.x > 10 && event.point.x < 210) {
sliderKnob.position.x = event.point.x;
else if (event.point.x < 11) {
sliderKnob.position.x = 10;
else if (event.point.x > 209) {
sliderKnob.position.x = 210;
// Get offset and set circle position
var percent = ( sliderKnob.position.x - 10 ) / 200;
circle.position = path.getPointAt(path.length * percent);
function onMouseUp(event) {
sliderHit = false;
Click and drag the filled circle along the line to move the circle along the triangle.

Collisions in simple javascript game

I'm writing a simple game in javascript and I'm wondering what the best way to handle collisions between the player and the world objects.
var isJumping = false;
var isFalling = false;
var w = 1;
var recwidth = 400;
var recheight = 400;
var xpos = 50;
var ypos = 279;
window.onload = function() {
var FPS = 30;
var ground = new myObject();
setInterval(function() {
ground.draw(0, 325);
}, 1000/FPS);
function myObject(){
this.draw = function drawground(groundx, groundy){
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var img=new Image()
img.onload = function() {
function jump()
var t=.1;
var jumpint= setInterval(function() {
yup = 12*t-(5*t*t);
ypos= ypos - yup;
t = t + .1
if(yup < 0)
isJumping = false;
isFalling = true;
jumpint = 0;
}, 20);
function fall()
var fallint= setInterval(function() {
ydown = (5*t*t);
ypos= ypos + ydown;
t = t + .1
if(ypos > 275)
isFalling == false;
fallint = 0;
}, 20);
function changex(x){
xpos = xpos + (x);
function changey(y){
ypos = ypos + (y);
function draw(){
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var img=new Image()
img.onload = function() {
function clear(){
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.clearRect(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
document.onkeydown = function(event) {
var keyCode;
if(event == null)
keyCode = window.event.keyCode;
keyCode = event.keyCode;
// left
case 37:
// up
case 38:
// action when pressing up key
// right
case 39:
// action when pressing right key
// down
case 40:
// action when pressing down key
So, as you can see I'm creating two objects so far, and the player stops falling at any arbitrary point. I feel collisions at this stage wont be too difficult, but once I start adding more I feel it's going to get more difficult. I'm not going to be using the instance of the object with the same image for each instance of the object, so at some point I'm going to change the myobject function to be able to accept the image as a parameter, and then checking for collisions will be a bit more tricky. I also plan on making this into a side scroller, so once one end the map is hit it changes into the next area, which is going to cause performance issues. If I'm checking for collisions on every single object in the entire game every interval I imagine things are going to get slow. What is going to be the best way to limit the number of collisions checked? Obviously, if the object isn't on screen there is no need to check it, but is there a way to limit that. I'm thinking of making an array for every frame of the game, and filling that array with it's objects. Then, only check the array the of the frame the player is currently in. Is this feasible or still going to cause too many issues? Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you want pixel perfect collisions, I have some plain javascript code that worked for me with canvas2d rendering context.
function collide(sprite, sprite2, minOpacity=1) {
// Rectangular bounding box collision
if (sprite.x < sprite2.x + sprite2.width && sprite.x + sprite.width > sprite2.x && sprite.y < sprite2.y + sprite2.height && sprite.y + sprite.height > sprite2.y) {
// Finds the x and width of the overlapping area
var overlapX = (this.rect.x > other.rect.x) ? [this.rect.x, (other.rect.x + other.rect.width) - this.rect.x + 1] : [other.rect.x, (this.rect.x + this.rect.width) - other.rect.x + 1];
// Finds the y and height of the overlapping area
var overlapY = (this.rect.y + this.rect.height > other.rect.y + other.rect.height) ? [this.rect.y, (other.rect.y + other.rect.height) - this.rect.y + 1] : [other.rect.y, (this.rect.y + this.rect.height) - other.rect.y + 1];
// Creates a canvas to draw sprite.image to
var spriteImageCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(overlapX[0] + overlapX[1], overlapY[0] + overlapY[1]);
var spriteImageCanvasContext = spriteImageCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Draws sprite.image to spriteImageCanvasContext
spriteImageCanvasContext.drawImage(this.image, sprite.x, sprite.y, sprite.width, sprite.height);
// Creates a canvas to draw sprite2.image to
var sprite2ImageCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(overlapX[0] + overlapX[1], overlapY[0] + overlapY[1]);
var sprite2ImageCanvasContext = otherImageCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Draws sprite2.image to sprite2ImageCanvasContext
sprite2ImageCanvasContext.drawImage(sprite2.image, sprite2.x, sprite2.y, sprite2.width, sprite2.height);
// Loops through the x coordinates in the overlapping area
for (var x = overlapX[0]; x <= overlapX[0] + overlapX[1]; x++) {
// Loops through the y coordinates in the overlapping area
for (var y = overlapY[0]; y <= overlapY[0] + overlapY[1]; y++) {
if (/* Checks if the pixel at [x, y] in the sprite image has an opacity over minOpacity input */ thisImageCanvasContext.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data[3] >= minOpacity && /* Checks if the pixel at [x, y] in the sprite2 image has an opacity over minOpacity input */ otherImageCanvasContext.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data[3] >= minOpacity) {
return true;
Or if you just want rectangular collision, use the first if statement in the function.

