JavaScript object inheritance issue - javascript

I'm a beginner with JavaScript Objects and Prototypes and trying to develop my first " multi-level inherited" JS Objects, an unexpected issue came up.
This is my code:
var Utils = function () {};
Utils.prototype = {
sayHelloGeneral: function(){
var FormTools = function () {;
this.fields = [];
FormTools.prototype = Object.create(Utils.prototype);
FormTools.prototype.constructor = FormTools;
FormTools.prototype.sayHelloForm= function (fields) {
console.log('hello form');
function GroupManager(value) {;
this.val = typeof values === 'undefined' ? 1 : value;
GroupManager.prototype = Object.create(FormTools.prototype);
GroupManager.prototype.constructor = GroupManager;
GroupManager.prototype.helloGroupManager= function (givenValue) {
console.log('Hello group manager');
Why when I try to call the group manager, it prints only the sayHelloGeneral function?
var GM = new GroupManager;
GM.sayHelloGeneral(); //->ok
GM.helloGroupManager(); //--> ok
GM.sayHelloForm(); //->sayHelloForm is not a function

It seems to be working fine. See the snippet below
var Utils = function () {};
Utils.prototype = {
sayHelloGeneral: function(){
var FormTools = function () {;
this.fields = [];
FormTools.prototype = Object.create(Utils.prototype);
FormTools.prototype.constructor = FormTools;
FormTools.prototype.sayHelloForm= function (fields) {
console.log('hello form');
function GroupManager(value) {;
this.val = typeof values === 'undefined' ? 1 : value;
GroupManager.prototype = Object.create(FormTools.prototype);
GroupManager.prototype.constructor = GroupManager;
GroupManager.prototype.helloGroupManager= function (givenValue) {
console.log('Hello group manager');
var GM = new GroupManager;
//GM.sayhello(); //->ok---> should be sayHelloGeneral()
GM.helloGroupManager(); //--> ok
GM.sayHelloForm(); //->Works fine too


Javascript function does not return the right value

So i have this code:
function Class1() {
this.i = 1;
var that=this;
function nn() {
return 21;
this.aa = function() {
}; = function() {
}; = function() {;
var o = new Class1();
alert(b); //undefined
But when the alert is fired, I get an undefined error and not 21, Does the private method can not use a return? Thanks!
When using the function() {} syntax to define a function, you always explicitly need to return the value, i.e. not only from nn, but from all intermediate functions as well.
function Class1() {
this.i = 1;
var that = this;
function nn() {
return 21;
this.aa = function() {
return nn();
} = function() {
return this.aa();
} = function() {
var o = new Class1();
var b =;
alert(b); // "21"
Apart from the answer above, the 'this' context seems weird in your functions. Maybe you are better of with arrow functions if you dont want to bind the this context to each function. I also think that it is better to actually separate private and public functions when using a 'class' like this.
function Class1() {
var _nn = function () {
return 21;
var _aa = function () {
return _nn();
var _bb = function () {
return _aa();
var cc = function () {
return _bb();
return {
var o = new Class1();
var a =;
Much easier to understand that it is only cc that is a public function.
So with arrow function it would instead look like this, and you can use the Class1 this context inside of your private functions without doing
var that = this; or using bind.
function Class1() {
this.privateThing = 'private';
var _nn = () => { return this.privateThing; };
var _aa = () => { return _nn(); };
var _bb = () => { return _aa(); };
var cc = () => { return _bb(); };
return {

Can't have access to a variable using call in Javascript

I'm studying Javascript and learning how to use call. I created this script and I don't know why I can't have access to this variable Time.
var MyObject;
(function(MyObject) {
var Runner = (function() {
function Runner(time) {
this.time = time;
var myFunctionArray = [];
Runner.prototype.execute = function() {
Runner.prototype.newTest = function(index, execute) {
var test = function() {
return Runner;
MyObject.Runner = Runner;
})(MyObject || (MyObject = {});
var myNewObj = new MyObject.Runner(1000); myNewObj.newTest('1', function() {
console.log(this.time) //output: undefined
So how can I get time value inside newTest function?
Issue is in newTest function
Runner.prototype.newTest = function(index, execute) {
var test = function() {
Here this is pointing to test and not Runner. You will have to save context in a variable and then set it in call.
Runner.prototype.newTest = function(index, execute) {
var self = this;
var test = function() {
.call + self
var MyObject;
(function(MyObject) {
var Runner = (function() {
function Runner(time) {
this.time = time;
var myFunctionArray = [];
Runner.prototype.execute = function() {
Runner.prototype.newTest = function(index, execute) {
var self = this;
var test = function() {
return Runner;
MyObject.Runner = Runner;
})(MyObject || (MyObject = {}));
var myNewObj = new MyObject.Runner(1000);
myNewObj.newTest('1', function() {
console.log(this, this.time) //output: undefined
As commented, you can even use .bind
var MyObject;
(function(MyObject) {
var Runner = (function() {
function Runner(time) {
this.time = time;
var myFunctionArray = [];
Runner.prototype.execute = function() {
Runner.prototype.newTest = function(index, execute) {
return Runner;
MyObject.Runner = Runner;
})(MyObject || (MyObject = {}));
var myNewObj = new MyObject.Runner(1000);
myNewObj.newTest('1', function() {
console.log(this, this.time) //output: undefined
When you declare your Runner function, you've actually declared a function that takes no arguments that then itself declares a function called Runner that takes one argument.
Actually In this code snippet :
Runner.prototype.newTest = function(index, execute) {
var test = function() {
this will reference to test variable (as per constructor invocation pattern)
So, to pass right variable cache the value of this in another variable and then pass that to function.

Node Module Inheritance

I wrote the below listed module for an ExpressJS application. I now need to create a similar module with about 3 changed methods, and a few different instance variables. My plan is to create a superclass that has all the common (call it Common.js) and then require it for the two or more subclasses.
I generalized pointer to a tutorial might help me, but here are my specific questions:
the requires will be common, I suppose I put them in Common.js,
I assume I should promote as many instance variables (the subclasses) into Common as possible?
The following could be a template fro the subclasses, with the Object.create coming at the top of the file
SubClass snippet:
var Common = require("./Common");
SubClass.prototype = Object.create(Common.prototype);
SubClass.prototype.subMethod = function() {....}
and also I assume that any submethod can refer to variables in the superclass, as well as new variables in the subclass, with as this.variableName,
BTW, how would I create new subClass instance variables?
Here is my original Code:
var _ = require('lodash');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var tools = require("../tools/tools");
var Job = require("./falconJob");
var Batch = function (ticket) {
this.counts = [];
this.maxes = [];
this.errors = [];
this.done = []; = 0;
this.started =;
this.ended =;
this.jobBatch = {};
this.ticket = ticket;
this.batchRoot = null;
Batch.prototype.setup = function (frameList, req, next) {;
this.makeRoot(req, next);
} = function (list) {
_.forEach(list, function (obj) {
if (this.jobBatch[obj.type] == undefined) {
this.jobBatch[obj.type] = [];
}, this);
Batch.prototype.makeRoot = function (req, next) {
var config =;
this.batchRoot = path.join(config.JobsPath, this.ticket);
var self = this;
fs.mkdir(this.batchRoot, function (err) {
if (err) return next(err);
var mapInfoFile = path.join(self.batchRoot, "MapInfo.json");
var mapInfo = {
Date: (new Date()).toISOString(),
Version: global.manifestVID,
Zoom: req.body.Zoom,
CenterLat: req.body.CenterLat,
CenterLon: req.body.CenterLon
fs.writeFile(mapInfoFile, tools.pretty(mapInfo), function (err) {
if (err) return next(err);
return next(null);
Batch.prototype.spawn = function () {
_.forEach(this.jobBatch, function (files, key) {
var job = new Job(key, files, this.batchRoot, this.ticket, this);
}, this);
Batch.prototype.count = function () {
var sum = 0;
for (var key in this.counts) {
sum += this.counts[key];
return sum;
} = function () {
var sum = 0;
for (var key in this.maxes) {
sum += this.maxes[key];
return sum;
Batch.prototype.fails = function () {
var sum = 0;
for (var key in this.errors) {
sum += (this.errors[key]) ? 1: 0;
return sum;
Batch.prototype.finished = function () {
var keylist = Object.keys(this.done);
if (keylist.length == 0) return false;
for (var key in this.done) {
if (this.done[key] == false) return false;
if ( != 0) return false;
return true;
Batch.prototype.rate = function () {
var speed = (this.count() * 1000) / (this.ended - this.started); // tiles / second
return speed;
Batch.prototype.begin = function (job) {
var type = job.type;;
this.counts[type] = 0;
this.maxes[type] = 0;
this.errors[type] = false;
this.done[type] = false;
Batch.prototype.end = function (job) {
type = job.type;;
this.errors[type] = job.errors;
this.done[type] = true;
Batch.prototype.update = function (status) {
type = status.layer;
this.ended =;
this.counts[type] = status.tilesCount;
this.maxes[type] = status.tilesMax;
this.done[type] = status.done;
module.exports = Batch;
I am surprised, no one answered. Well I have a solution, and a few tips. First, read the Mozilla developer page about an introduction to javascript inheritance:
Here is how I structured my "sub-module" which I can just require in and it will pull in the super-module, and then subclass it.
var _ = require('lodash'); // require any additional modules that your sub module needs
var BatchRoot = require('./Batch'); // require the super-module with the superclass
var Job = require("./falconJob"); // another module that I need
var Batch = function (ticket) {, ticket); // The superclass constructor takes "ticket" as a param
// define new subclass instance variables here, e.g. this.foobar = 33;
Batch.prototype = new BatchRoot(); // This does the subclassing
Batch.prototype.constructor = BatchRoot; // MDN says to do this to correct the constructor pointer because it points to Batch
// this is a new subclass function, notice that I use Job which is only defined here
Batch.prototype.spawn = function () {
_.forEach(this.jobBatch, function (files, key) {
var job = new Job(key, files, this.batchRoot, this.ticket, this);
}, this);
module.exports = Batch;

How to "new" a returned function in Javascript

I am trying to simulate a namespace feature in Javascript.
var com = {};
com.domain = {};
com.domain.system = {}; = {}; = {}; = {}; = {}; = {};
com.domain.util = {};
com.domain.util.timer = {};
com.domain.plugins = {};
com.domain.session = {}; = {};
com.domain.algorithm = {};
com.domain.debug = {};
This is the namespaces declaration. Later I will add functions to these namespaces.
This is my selector function:
For a convenient way to use namespaces, I add a function named $. This function will walk all namespaces in com. If the selected name exists, return the object.
function $ (selector) {
function digger (namespace, selector) {
for (var prop in namespace) {
if (typeof namespace[prop] == "array" || typeof namespace[prop] == "object") {
if (prop == selector) {
return namespace[prop];
var dig = digger(namespace[prop], selector);
if (dig != null) {
return dig;
} else {
if (prop == selector) {
return namespace[prop];
return digger (com, selector);
After that, I add a timer to namespace com.doamin.util.
com.domain.util.timer = function () {
this._handle = new InnerObj.SystemTimer(io);
return this;
com.domain.util.timer.prototype.expiresFromNow = function (seconds, cbHandler) {
this._handle.ExpiresFromNow (seconds, cbHandler);
com.domain.util.timer.prototype.wait = function (seconds, cbHandler) {
this._handle.Wait (seconds, cbHandler);
com.domain.util.timer.prototype.expiresAt = function (seconds, cbHandler) {
this._handle.Wait (seconds, cbHandler);
com.domain.util.timer.prototype.cancel = function () {
this._handle.Cancel ();
1. var timer = new com.domain.util.timer (); OK
timer.expiresAt (1, {}); OK
2. var func = $("timer"); OK
var timer = new func (); OK
timer.expiresAt (1, {}); OK
But but but but but
var timer = new $("timer") (); NG
Can anyone tell me why the last new function is not working?
Try var timer = new ($("timer"))();.
Your question is not clear but I guess since $("timer") returns a function, you want a new instance of the result of $("timer") and not a new instance of $().

Javascript Metaprogramming

Is there a way to specify something similar to the following in javascript?
var c = {};
c.a = function() { }
c.__call__ = function (function_name, args) {
c[function_name] = function () { }; //it doesn't have to capture c... we can also have the obj passed in
return c[function_name](args);
c.a(); //calls c.a() directly
c.b(); //goes into c.__call__ because c.b() doesn't exist
Mozilla implements noSuchMethod but
No, not really. There are some alternatives - though not as nice or convenient as your example.
For example:
function MethodManager(object) {
var methods = {};
this.defineMethod = function (methodName, func) {
methods[methodName] = func;
}; = function (methodName, args, thisp) {
var method = methods[methodName] = methods[methodName] || function () {};
return methods[methodName].apply(thisp || object, args);
var obj = new MethodManager({});
obj.defineMethod('hello', function (name) { console.log("hello " + name); });'hello', ['world']);
// "hello world"'dne');
Almost 6 years later and there's finally a way, using Proxy:
const c = new Proxy({}, {
get (target, key) {
if (key in target) return target[key];
return function () {
console.log(`invoked ${key}() from proxy`);
c.a = function () {
console.log('invoked a()');

