I don't understand how jQuery .each() and .html() methods work - javascript

Im Timo. I'm new at web programming and I have this issue. I have made a simple html table with 3 rows. Each td has to have a random numeric value. My problem is that my code puts the same value at every td element.
Down below is my js code:
$(function() {
var randomValues = function(){
var $td = $('.table').find('td');
// each td has to have a different random value
var random_values = Math.random() * 100 ;
//console.log(i + ":" + Math.random() * 100);

This is because you're generating a single random value then using that for each of the tds, rather than generating a new one for each td. So:
$td.eq(i).text(Math.random(Math.random() * 100));
In other words, generate the random value inside the loop, not outside of it.
Furthermore, understand that, inside each callbacks, the context, i.e. this, points to the element being considered. So you don't need
but merely

$.each() is essentially a foreach loop. You need to create a new random value on each iteration.
Like this:
var randomValues = function() {
var $td = $('.table').find('td');
// each td has to have a different random value
//console.log(i + ":" + Math.random() * 100);
var random_value = Math.random() * 100 ;

It's because your random value is generated before the each statement, so the same value is being used each time.
Move your Math.random()*100 into your .text() and all should work.

The problem has nothing to do with .each() or .html(). You have generated the random value just once and setting the same value to each of the td. You need to do this.
var randomValues = function(){
var $td = $('.table').find('td');
// each td has to have a different random value
// var random_values = Math.random() * 100 ;
//console.log(i + ":" + Math.random() * 100);
$td.eq(i).text(Math.random() * 100);


I'm tring to make a simple program that changes the innerText to a different word every time i click on it

const word = document.getElementById("myText");
const randomWords = ["gave","column","judge","hair","single","were",
const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40);
word.onclick = function() {
this.innerText = randomWords[randomNum];
When i click on my p Element which has the word hi set to it in the html, the word changes to a random word from this list like i expected, but it only does it once. I have to refresh the page and click it again for it to change again when i click on it. Anyone know why?
Your randomNum variable is only set once. So, every time you click the element, it sets the word to the same index.
Fix this by putting the random number generator inside the onClick, like so:
word.onclick = function() {
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40)
this.innerText = randomWords[randomNum]
This way, the number will be generated again every time your onClick is triggered.
Also, I'd suggest using randomWords.length instead of 40, so that you can add and remove words from the array without breaking your code, like so:
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomWords.length))

How to access the value of a math.random calculation?

I'm writing a program that simulates a card shuffler. The program should randomly selects a random image within an array and displays it to the screen. Then it deletes that image from the array before running again. The problem I'm having is storing the value of the randomized number so I can delete said array position from the array. I'm pretty sure the math.random calculation needs to be within a function, but I'm having a hard time using that value to randomize the array position while simultaneously storing that random value.
var shuffler = {
cards: [...]
displayCard: function() {
document.getElementById("card-1").style.backgroundImage = 'url(' +
shuffler.cards[shuffler.randomizer()] + ')';
randomizer: function() {
Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length) = randomized;
return this.randomized;
shuffler.cards.splice(randomized, 1)
You cannot store the value correctly because following line is errorsome
Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length) = randomized;
= sign in programming is not like = in math. It just assigns the value of right side to left side. Thus, you should do it like this instead:
this.randomized = Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length);
There are two problems. First one is with assignment of randomized. See the line
Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length) = randomized;
Here the LeftHandSide of assignment expression is an expression which is wrong. It should be
let randomized = Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length);
The second problem is that you are using splice() after return move it before return
The last problem is that you are using the variable name inside the methods of the object. You should use this instead of shuffler. The final code will look like.
var shuffler = {
cards: [...]
displayCard: function() {
document.getElementById("card-1").style.backgroundImage = 'url(' +
this.cards[this.randomizer()] + ')';
randomizer: function() {
let randomized = Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length);
this.cards.splice(randomized, 1)
return randomized;
In the code snippet you have you're returning before you splice from your array, making it dead code that's unreachable.
In terms of answering the title of this question, you're in the right spirits of just simply storying the random number as a variable, however you need to have proper syntax.
bro check your syntax
randomizer: function() {
Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffler.cards.length) = randomized;
return this.randomized;
shuffler.cards.splice(randomized, 1)
I think it will be
randomizer: function() {
this.randomized = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.cards.length);
shuffler.cards.splice(this.randomized, 1);
return this.randomized;
and you also need to declare randomized property in your shuffler object.
You also need to fix your displayCard method.
displayCard: function(index) {
document.getElementById("card-1").style.backgroundImage = 'url(' +
shuffler.cards[index] + ')';

JavaScript function will only work once

I have a JavaScript function that is triggered onchange. What it does is take the value from a input field and then add it to the value entered in another field and then display the answer in a different field.
It works fine the first time, but when I enter a new value and leave the field there is an error: TotalPurchasePrice is not a function
function TotalPurchasePrice(BuyinPrice, TopupAmount) {
var BuyinPrice
var TopupAmount
BuyinPrice = BuyinPrice.toString().replace(/\£|\,/g, '');
TopupAmount = TopupAmount.toString().replace(/\£|\,/g, '');
TotalPurchasePrice = (BuyinPrice * 1) + (TopupAmount * 1);
document.getElementById('tTotalPurchasePrice').value = TotalPurchasePrice;
Can anyone tell me why this would only work once?
This line :
TotalPurchasePrice = (BuyinPrice * 1) + (TopupAmount * 1);
replaces the TotalPurchasePrice function by a number. Then it's not a function, hence the error you have.
Use a different variable name :
var totalPrice = (BuyinPrice * 1) + (TopupAmount * 1);
document.getElementById('tTotalPurchasePrice').value = totalPrice;
You could also simply have added the var keyword but it would have made the code confusing.
A way to reduce the probability of such errors is to follow best practices when naming functions and variables. Here you should have named your function as a verb to denote an action instead of a value.
You're are confusing JavaScript with VBScript here.
To return value use return keyword:
return (BuyinPrice * 1) + (TopupAmount * 1);
Then outside the function have such line:
document.getElementById('tTotalPurchasePrice').value = TotalPurchasePrice(BuyinPrice, TopupAmount);
Assigning the value of a variable inside a function without stating it with var (TotalPurchasePrice in your case) means that the variable is global.
Since you could have the function declaration written as: var TotalPurchasePrice = function(BuyinPrice, TopupAmount) {}, you are just overriding it.
You could either rename the variable inside the function or add a var statement in front of it like:
var TotalPurchasePrice = (BuyinPrice * 1) + (TopupAmount * 1);

Javascript: Math.floor(Math.random()*array.length) not producing a random number?

This on e is a doozey.
I have while loop to generate a random number that is not the same as any other random number produced before. The random number is used to select a text value from an object.
for example:
quoteArray[1] = "some text"
quoteArray[2] = "some different text"
quoteArray[3] = "text again"
quoteArray[4] = "completely different text"
quoteArray[5] = "ham sandwich"
This is part of a larger function and after that function has cycled through = quoteArray.length it resets and starts the cycle over again. The issue I am hitting is that the following code is SOMETIMES producing an infinite loop:
//Note: at this point in the function I have generated a random number once already and stored it in 'randomnumber'
//I use this while statement to evaluate 'randomnumber' until the condition of it NOT being a number that has already been used and NOT being the last number is met.
while(randomnumber === rotationArray[randomnumber] || randomnumber === lastnumber){
randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (quoteArray.length));
When I console.log(randomnumber) - when I am stuck in the loop - I am just getting '0' as a result. When stuck in the loop it doesn't appear as though Math.floor(Math.random() * (quoteArray.length)) is producing a random number but rather just '0' infinitely.
can anyone tell me why I am running into this problem?
EDIT: Here is the complete pertinent code with function + variable declarations
// Function to initialize the quoteObj
function quoteObj(text,cname,ccompany,url,height) {
// Populate my quotes Object with the quotation information from the XML sheet.
var qObj = new quoteObj('','','','');
var quoteArray = new Array();
var counter = 0;
//cycles through each XML item and loads the data into an object which is then stored in an array
type: "GET",
url: "quotes.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
quoteArray[counter] = new quoteObj('','','','');
quoteArray[counter].text = $(this).find('text').text();
quoteArray[counter].cname = $(this).find('customer_name').text();
quoteArray[counter].ccompany = $(this).find('customer_company').text();
quoteArray[counter].url = $(this).find('project').text();
// This is the setion that is generating my infinite loop issue.
// I've included all of the other code in case people are wondering specific things about how an item was initialized, etc.
// Generate a random first quote then randomly progress through the entire set and start all over.
var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (quoteArray.length));
var rotationArray = new Array(quoteArray.length);
var v = 0;
var lastnumber = -1;
bHeight = $('#rightbox').height() + 50;
var cHeight = 0;
var divtoanim = $('#customerquotes').parent();
// Give the innershadow a height so that overflow hidden works with the quotations.
$(divtoanim).css({'height' : bHeight});
// Rotate the Quotations Randomly function.
randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (quoteArray.length));
//checks to see if the function loop needs to start at the beginning.
if(v == (quoteArray.length)){
rotationArray.length = 0;
v = 0;
//determines if the random number is both different than any other random number generated before and that is is not the same as the last random number
while(randomnumber === rotationArray[randomnumber] || randomnumber === lastnumber){
randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (quoteArray.length));
lastnumber = randomnumber;
rotationArray[randomnumber] = randomnumber;
//animation sequence
$('#ctext, #cname').animate({'opacity':'0'},2000, function(){
$('#cname').html('- ' + quoteArray[randomnumber].cname);
cHeight = $('#customerquotes').height() + 50;
This is an asynchronous problem: the array quoteArray is empty when the code runs, because it fires off the ajax request, and moves on. Anything that depends on quoteArray should be inside the success function of $.ajax.
The array has a length when you type quoteArray.length in the console, only because by that time the Ajax request has completed.
have you tried something like
Math.floor(Math.random() * (5));
To make sure the array length is being found properly?
First, since you updated your question, be sure that you are handling asynchronous data properly. Since an ajax call is asynchronous, you will need to be sure to only run the randomizer once the call is successful and data has been returned.
Second, assuming you are handling the asyc data properly, the size of your result set is likely it is too small. Thus, you are probably randomly getting the same number too often. Then, you can't use this number because you have already done so.
What you need to do is pop off the parts that are already used from the results array each time. Recalculate the array length, then pull a random from that. However, the likelihood of this feeling random is very slim.
There is probably a more efficient way to do this, but here's my go:
var results = ['some text','some text2','some text3','some text4','some text5', /* ...etc */ ],
randomable = results;
function getRandomOffset( arr )
var offset,
if( arr.length < 1 )
return false;
else if( arr.length > 1 )
offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length );
offset = 0;
arr.splice( offset, 1 );
return [
while( res = getRandomOffset( randomable ) )
// Set the randomable for next time
randomable = res[1];
// Do something with your resulting index
results[ res[0] ];
The arrgument sent to the function should be the array that is returned form it (except the first time). Then call that function as you need until it returns false.

How to get random element in jquery?

How can I return a random element in jQuery by doing something like $(.class).random.click()?
So, if .class had 10 links, it would randomly click one of them.
Here is what I did:
var rand_num = Math.floor(Math.random()*$('.member_name_and_thumb_list a').size());
$(".member_name_and_thumb_list a").eq(rand_num).click();
You can write a custom filter (taken from here):
jQuery.jQueryRandom = 0;
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[":"], {
random: function(a, i, m, r) {
if (i == 0) {
jQuery.jQueryRandom = Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length);
return i == jQuery.jQueryRandom;
Example usage:
The same thing but as a plugin instead:
​jQuery.fn.random = function() {
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length);
return jQuery(this[randomIndex]);
Example usage:
If you don't want to hard code the number of elements to choose from, this works:
things = $('.class');
var n_elements = $(".someClass").length;
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*n_elements);
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
Math.random() gets you a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1, so multiplying it by 10 and rounding it down gets you 0 to 9. .eq() is 0 indexed, so this will get you a random jQuery element out of the 10 you have.
I'd suggest doing it the jQuery way using .eq() and .trigger().
$elements.eq(Math.floor(Math.random() * $elements.length)).trigger('click');
You can select random item by class name using jquery method eq()
see the example bellow.
var len = $(".class").length
var random = Math.floor( Math.random() * len ) + 1;
randojs.com makes this a simple one-liner:
The ".value" is there because you also have the option to get the index of the random jQuery element. The "[0]" is there to turn the jQuery element into a plain JavaScript element. If you add the following to the head of your html document, you can do pretty much whatever you want with randomness easily. Random values from arrays, random jquery elements, random properties from objects, and even preventing repetitions if needed.
<script src="https://randojs.com/1.0.0.js"></script>

