How do I distribute my bookmarklet conveniently? - javascript

I just wrote my first bookmarklet. It is simple js code which takes the current page's URL and does a POST request to submit it to another page.
The problem is that I need to share this on a blogging platform ( that does not allow HTML. Thus, I need to post a link to my bookmarklet on a different website and provide a link to that. I'd like to be able to provide a single link that folks can drag to their bookmarks bar.
This is the bookmarklet code.
javascript:(function() {
var msg = window.jQuery.ajax({url:'',async:false,type:'GET'});
var username = undefined;
if (msg) {
username = window.jQuery.parseJSON(msg.responseText.replace('while(1);',''));'https://my-website',
alert ( + ' nominates ' + window.location.href);


How to get JS script of a Google form?

I owned a google form, how can I get the js script of it?
I click the Script Editor but there is no corresponding js I can find.
I have already searched on internet but no expected answers.
update on 20/08/2017
Assume that I owned a form like this :
Sample Form.
How can I get the corresponding google script of this form?
function myFunction() {
// Create a new form, then add a checkbox question, a multiple choice question,
// a page break, then a date question and a grid of questions.
var form = FormApp.create('Sample Form');
var sect1 = form.addSectionHeaderItem();
var item = form.addCheckboxItem();
item.setTitle('What condiments would you like on your hot dog?');
item.setChoices([item.createChoice('Ketchup'), item.createChoice('Mustard'), item.createChoice('Relish')]);
var item2 = form.addMultipleChoiceItem().setTitle('Do you prefer cats or dogs?');
// .setChoiceValues(['Cats','Dogs'])
// .showOtherOption(true);
var sect2 = form.addSectionHeaderItem();
form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Getting to know you');
form.addDateItem().setTitle('When were you born?');
var sect3 = form.addSectionHeaderItem();
var break2 = form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Getting to know you 2');
var choice1 = item2.createChoice('cat', FormApp.PageNavigationType.CONTINUE);
var choice2 = item2.createChoice('dog', break2);
item2.setChoices([choice1, choice2]);
form.addGridItem().setTitle('Rate your interests').setRows(['Cars', 'Computers', 'Celebrities']).setColumns(['Boring', 'So-so', 'Interesting']);
Logger.log('Published URL: ' + form.getPublishedUrl());
Logger.log('Editor URL: ' + form.getEditUrl());
Google Script Editor is a way that Google allows people to make their forms (and many other Google services) more flexible and customizable. You can even create Add-ons using Google Scripts. But there is not such thing as a default user script for each form; all forms begin with no user Google Scripts at all and it is up to you to add some more functionality by writing some new scripts.
Now, if you mean to get the javascript source of that form, then you can use Developer Tools in Chrome (F12 key in Windows) and go to sources, there you'll see all the cripts that Google uses for the forms:
And if you left click the form and view the source of it, you'll see some more small script blocks mostly related to the data that the Google Form has:
<script>_docs_flag_initialData={ ....
<script>;this.gbar_={CONFIG:[[[0,"", ....
<script type="text/javascript">var FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ = [null,[null, ....
Another approach can be to create a html form yourself and send a request to a Google Apps Script Web app. See this example if you want to try it out:
Regards, Peter

chrome extension and Facebook login problems

I try to write a chrome extension which is triggered by visting a certain website. So far this works already. My extension users are from my web game where they login with their facebook account. For identifying the extension users with their game account I need to know their fb app scoped user id from my game.
So far I learned my background script is not able to use the facebook sdk for login because window.fbAsyncInit isn't called inside. I looked around for solutions and I found this page:
He opens an invisible tab that contains an iframe. Inside of the iframe he calles the facebook login sdk from the webserver and then sends the user data with windows.postmessage to the parent. That sounds like the perfect solution for my problem. There is only one line that I don't understand what I have to add there:
parent.postMessage({connectStatus:"" + response.status + "", userID:"" + uid + "", accessToken:"" + at + ""}, "https://www.<PARENT_PAGE_DOMAIN>"); //This MUST match the root domain where the iFrame will be inserted, or the message won't get passed
What do I have to add in the field PARENT_PAGE_DOMAIN? I used the root domain of the page which is in the content_scripts/maches in the manifest file and I used the domain where the iframe page is hosted but I never receive the message in my background script
Did you try use this ?
enter link description here
First of all you need to get redirect url
Here is my code:
url: AUTH_URL,
interactive: true
}, function(redirectURL) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
var q = redirectURL.substr(redirectURL.indexOf('#')+1);
var parts = q.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var kv = parts[i].split('=');
if (kv[0] == 'access_token') {
var token = kv[1];
// do something...

Extracting page id from a facebook page url

I have an application where when a user enters their facebook fan page url, I extract the page id and store that into the database to be used later in facebook graph api.
I have added the following js to extract page id:
var fburl= "";
if(fburl.indexOf("?") != -1) {
var fburl_new=fburl.split("/");
var fburl_newer=(fburl_new[fburl_new.length-1])
var fburl_newer =fburl_newer.split("?");
var fbnameonly=(fburl_newer[fburl_newer.length-2]);
} else {
var fbnameonly = fburl.substring(fburl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if(fbnameonly==undefined) {
}else {
So, if I a user enters a facebook url like:, I get the output audi which is fine.
If a user enters facebook url as :, I get the output 1234568 which is fine.
but for urls like: (should return 12345678)
or (should return audi)
I am unable to get the page id, is there any better way by which I can extract page id from any facebook fan page url and use it in facebook graph api like: dynamically ?
I figured out a better way to get page id from any facebook page url, I am not sure if there is even better option to do this but here is the code what I have used:
$fbUrl = "";
$graphUrl = "".$fbUrl."&access_token=xxxxx&fields=id";
$output = file_get_contents($graphUrl);
$output = json_decode($output, TRUE);
echo $output["id"]; // returns 1521824524722026
I tried this with various facebook urls and it worked everytime, hope this helps someone in the future.

Custom Social Sharing: shareUrl passing to URL but not actually sharing the shareURL

I have five custom share icons for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Email. For each, on click, I would like them to share the current URL. The problem is that, while the shareURL is getting passed to the window URL (such as:, this shareURL is NOT getting passed into the dialogue box for each social medium. So even thought it appears in the browser URL box, the individual social users aren't actually sharing anything. The dialogue box appears empty.
In my example above, shareURL = thisURL in my script below. Here is a sample of my script:
function share_twitter(thisURL){"" + encodeURIComponent(thisURL));
thisURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + window.location.pathname;
My hunch is that this has to do with global variables and the document ready function. Not sure where to go from here.
the arguments is not complete to redirect command, need variable %(cmd) to finish it up..
ex:{url} , & make sure it has right url path check. try...

Facebook Application permission

Hi I have developed a Facebook application in Flash using Action-script 3. The application is working fine. I have developed Facebook login and authentication in JavaScript. The problem is then the user is not sign in to Facebook the application works fine, provide the user login panel and application permission panel and post the desire thing on user wall but if the user is already sign in than the JavaScript wont ask for the Facebook app permission and hence the app wont post on user wall. My JavaScript code is
<script type="text/javascript">
var APP_ID = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var REDIRECT_URI = "";
var PERMS = 'publish_stream , email, user_birthday'; //comma separated list of extended permissions
function init()
FB.init({appId:APP_ID, status: true, cookie: true, oauth: true});
function handleLoginStatus(response)
if (response.authResponse && response.status=="connected")
//Show the SWF
$('#ConnectDemo').append('<h1>You need at least Flash Player 9.0 to view this page.</h1>');
"ConnectDemo", "803", "516", "9.0", null, null, null, {name:"ConnectDemo"});
var params = window.location.toString().slice(window.location.toString().indexOf('?'));
top.location = ''
+'&redirect_uri=' + REDIRECT_URI
+ params;
Yours quick response will be highly appreciable
I don't know if this helps or not. But instead of your
var PERMS = 'publish_stream , email, user_birthday';
I do believe it should be states as an Array and then you would list your permissions.
It works for me, so I think it should look like this:
public var PERMS:Array = ["publish_stream","email","user_birthday"];
Also, not having your variables public might be the problem too.
Also, from what I see, you don't have any buttons, or text input?
If not, you need to create those. Then have a click handler for when there is text in the text input it will activate a click handler that then will go to a submit post handler, which then goes to a get status handler that will show you the new status you have created. I may be saying this all wrong. After all, I am not using Java for my app. But it seems logical to me that that is what you would do.. Try my first suggestions out and get back to me. If you'd rather, email me at, so I can help you some more.

