.length property change inside a .substr()? - javascript

Here is some I just noticed and im asking if its normal. Im using a .length property inside a .substr(), but it seems like the value of .length change during the .substr(). Here is a example here : https://jsfiddle.net/L11yg3y0/1/
var immastring = "Metaphysics"
var test = immastring.substr(2,immastring.length-2);
Shouldn't it output "taphysi" instead of "taphysics"? Because right now, it means that in the method .substr, they first remove the first two character, actualize the .length value and then remove the last two character.
I was just wondering because I already used this kind of method in other language like c++ and c#, but it wasn't working that way.

.substr takes the start index and the length of the substring. "Metaphysics" has length 11, so immastring.length - 2 is 9. "taphysics".length is indeed 9.
If you want to specify the end index, use .substring instead.

JavaScript has two substring methods, you picked the wrong one.
str.substr(start[, length])
str.substring(indexStart[, indexEnd])
MDN substr
MDN substring


what to know little about the arguments for given code .....?

$('.selector:contains("'+ filterText +'")').show()
for showing div based on the bases of string "search" now it's working fine with the exact character case of lowercase and upper case
now here i googled my issue many links i found and in almost all sites and event stackoverflow i found similar code like below code..
jQuery.expr[':'].Contains = function(a,i,m){
return jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase())> -1;
so here i am interested in this a, i, and m parameters
also that how can i use the $(".selector":contains('"+ search +"')).show() with any case sensitivity ( lowercase or upper case ).
the use this code with what i have written will be better one
and alternative solutions about free text search with key press will be the best on but but but
no use of third party plugins.
i think You guys need to refer bellow link
There are many ways to filter an element that contains the give text. One form is the following.
$(".selector:contains('"+ search +"')").show();
But this is case sensitive. If you'd like a case insensitive match, you may want to write a custom filter method by extending the filter expressions of jQuery, like below.
jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
icontains: function(elem, index, arr){
return jQuery(elem).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(arr[3].toLowerCase()) !== -1
In the method you create for any jQuery expression, you are given three arguments. The first is the DOM element for that particular iteration. Second is the index of the DOM element relative to the original collection the expression was called on. Last is an array similar to what you'd get from a RegExp exec method call. The full expression is the first array position, second is the text from the selector between the colon and opening paren, and the last is the string that occurs within the parens.
Then use it as:
$(".selector:icontains('" + search + "')").show();
I would suggest you learn to use filter(fn) which offers lots of control over how you filter elements.
return $(this).toLowerCase().indexOf(search.toLowerCase()) >-1;

Variable with .size won't show correct number

I use this bit of code
to calculate how many .workedu_forms that exist. Using only that will for example return the value 2 without problems.
However, if I put that code into a variable like this
var count = $('.workedu_forms').size();
count returns 0, why does it do that and how can I bypass that and put the code into a variable?
Don't use $('.workedu_forms').size(); because .size() was deprecated.
Use .length instead.
Please read this : .size()

Remove first character with jQuery

How would I go about removing the first character from this.className in the below line?
The first variable will be _ and then a number. I just want the number to be assigned to className.
className = this.className;
Furthermore I am changing "$('.inter').html(window[link[className]]);" to use an array instead of the className variable. Is the below code the correct way to use an array with the index as a variable?
No need to use jQuery for that, just plain ol' javascript using .substring
var trimmed = this.className.substring(1);

Using jasmine to compare arrays fails in ie8

Apparently ie8 has three properties that get appended to the resulting array from a call to String.prototype.match():
input, index and lastIndex
(MSDN Documentation)
The result is that array comparison fails when using Jasmine's .toEqual() matcher.
I'm still working my way up the learning curve on unit testing, so I'm just curious of what the right way is to do deal with this failure.
The following works but seems a bit lame:
numArray = str.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g);
if (numArray && numArray.input) {
delete numArray.index;
delete numArray.input;
delete numArray.lastIndex;
Underscore's 'difference' method can help -
expect(_.difference(['item1', 'item2'], ['item1', 'item2'])).toEqual([]);
I think #monkeyboy's answer is not correct.
Since underscore.difference() returns the elements of the first array that are not present in the second array: _.difference([1],[1,2]); is also [] so the test will pass when it shouldn't. I couldn't find a way to solve this using underscore.
So i'm using:
which works as expected.
Anyway, i'd like to know how others are doing this.

parseInt always returns NaN?

long story short, i was trying to validate a phone field. ive added
the isNaN and parseInt for checking the " " in the field but that said
This below never validates to true..what am i missing?
error.text("Sorry but this phone field requires numbers only");
return false;
} else {
return true;
it always fails...it never reads true even when i enter a number in the field and submit.
i always get the error mssg.
EDIT: I am testing input values from a form, phone is the name of the field.
Various ways to coerse JS strings to numbers, and their consequences:
(source: phrogz.net)
I personally use *1 as it is short to type, but still stands out (unlike the unary +), and either gives me what the user typed or fails completely. I only use parseInt() when I know that there will be non-numeric content at the end to ignore, or when I need to parse a non-base-10 string.
Edit: Based on your comment, if using phone.val() fixed it then
You were using jQuery (which you never mentioned, and should have), and
You actually had/have a jQuery object, wrapping one or more DOM elements (probably just one).
Whenever you do var foo = $('…'); then the foo variable references a jQuery object of one or more elements. You can get the first actual DOM element from this via var fooEl = foo[0]; or var fooEl = foo.get(0);…but even then you still have a DOM element and not a particular property of that.
For form inputs, you need to get the .value from the DOM element, which is what the jQuery .val() method does.
parseInt is a bit odd at times:
> parseInt("123-456-789")
Fortunately you can probably solve your case with:
> Number("123-456-789")
parseInt only returns NaN if the first character cannot be converted to a number.
I've seen Number() suggested, but that will still allow things like -21 or 123.456. The best way to check for the absence of non-digits in a string is like this:
function hasNonDigit(str){
return /\D/g.test(str.toString());

