Button not working in multi-page application - javascript

I have created 2 buttons. The second button should go to NewFile.html but it isn't working. my index.html main file consist of div tag inside it created 2 buttons and with id ForNext for one of the button.
var pagesHistory = [];
var currentPage = {};
var path = "";
function wlCommonInit(){
function nextMethod() {
$("#ForNext").load(path + "pages/NewFile.html", function(){
$.getScript(path + "js/NewPage.js", function() {
if (currentPage.init) {
currentPage = {};
currentPage.init = function(){
WL.Logger.debug("NewFile :: init");

There are all sort of issues, but the main ones are the following:
In nextMethod() You are trying to load NewFile.html into the ID of your button. That won't work: $("#ForNext").load("pages/NewFile.html", function(){
It needs to be loaded into the pagePort DIV. Replace "ForNext" with "pagePort".
In bba= WL.Client.getEnvironmen();, you are missing the "t" in ".getEnvironment".


Cordova navigator.app.backHistory button on html different approach

I'm building hybrid app with Intel XDK and I need help with back button and it's function. I have only one index.html file. All "pages" are 's and each one have different id.
I navigate through them using activate_subpage("#uib_page_10");
$(document).on("click", ".firs_div_button", function(evt){
//#uib_page_10 is div with it's content
var thisPage = 1;
goBackFunction (thisPage); //call function and pass it page number
$(document).on("click", ".second_div_button", function(evt){
//#uib_page_20 is div with it's content
var thisPage = 2;
goBackFunction (thisPage); //call function and pass it page number
I have set this EventListener hardware on back button.
document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown, false);
function onBackKeyDown() {
This is functional but it does not work as it should, in my case and for my app.
When I navigate from one page to another (5 pages / divs) and hit back button, sometimes it does not go back to the first page. It just go "back" to history too deep and close the app, without changing the actual page (view) before closing.
Now, I have an idea, but I need help with this.
I will not use history back, I will use counter and dynamic array for up to 5 elements.
function goBackFunction (getActivePage) {
var active_page = getActivePage;
var counter = 0; // init the counter (max is 5)
var history_list = [counter][active_page]; // empty array
counter = counter + 1;
document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown, false);
function onBackKeyDown() {
//read the array and it's positions then activate:
counter = counter - 1;
if (counter == 0) {
//trigger the app exit when counter get's to 0.
This is only idea, not tested. I would like to store list of opened pages in Array and when back button is pressed, to activate the pages taken from the Array list, backwards.
I do not know how to do this, I'm not a expert :( There is may be batter way to do this. If someone have any suggestion, I will accept it :D
I save an array in localStorage with all pages navigated and I go back using a pop() on the array. At the moment, it's the best way I got to go back.
This is my code:
// First, create the table "pages"
function init_pages_table()
var pages = new localStorageDB("pages", localStorage);
if (!pages.isNew())
var pages = new localStorageDB("pages", localStorage);
pages.createTable("Pages", ["nome"]);
// commit the database to localStorage
// all create/drop/insert/update/delete operations should be committed
// Add a page into the array:
function push_pagename(pagename)
var pages = new localStorageDB("pages", localStorage);
if (!pages.tableExists("Pages"))
pages = new localStorageDB("pages", localStorage);
pages.insert("Pages", {nome: pagename});
// Pop a page form the array:
function pop_pagename()
var output = '';
var id_page = ''
var pages = new localStorageDB("pages", localStorage);
var last_page = pages.queryAll("Pages", { limit: 1,
sort: [["ID", "DESC"]]
$.each(last_page, function(index,value){
output = value.nome;
id_page = value.ID;
return false;
var rowdeleted = pages.deleteRows("Pages", {ID: id_page});
return output;
You can also define functions for set, get, read:
function set_backpage(pageurl)
function get_backpage()
return pop_pagename();
function read_backpage()
var output = '';
var id_page = ''
var pages = new localStorageDB("pages", localStorage);
var last_page = pages.queryAll("Pages", { limit: 1,
sort: [["ID", "DESC"]]
$.each(last_page, function(index,value){
output = value.nome;
id_page = value.ID;
return false;
return output;

Accordion Next Button

I have tried searching for what I am trying to accomplish, however I have not found what I am looking for.
I am looking to create a Next and Previous button inside the content of the Spry Accordion provided with Dreamweaver CS6. I have searched the SpryAccordion.js and found this code below:
Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openNextPanel = function()
return this.openPanel(this.getCurrentPanelIndex() + 1);
Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openPreviousPanel = function()
return this.openPanel(this.getCurrentPanelIndex() - 1);
So I attempted to do this with "#acc-step-1-next" being my "Next" button in Panel 1.
Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openNextPanel = function(){
return ('#Accordian1').openPanel(this.getCurrentPanelIndex() + 1);
I was wondering if doing it this way might make it easy! How would I go about applying this? Would this work or not?
Also, with the "Next" button, could I just make it ".acc-step-next" and use it universally, instead of individually assigning new ID's?
Sorry, yes I read your answer incorrectly. I have tried searching for the init property, however have had no success.
This is what starts in the Accordion JS file:
(function() { // BeginSpryComponent
if (typeof Spry == "undefined") window.Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
Spry.Widget.Accordion = function(element, opts)
this.element = this.getElement(element);
this.defaultPanel = 0;
this.hoverClass = "AccordionPanelTabHover";
this.openClass = "AccordionPanelOpen";
this.closedClass = "AccordionPanelClosed";
this.focusedClass = "AccordionFocused";
this.enableAnimation = true;
this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
this.currentPanel = null;
this.animator = null;
this.hasFocus = null;
this.previousPanelKeyCode = Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_UP;
this.nextPanelKeyCode = Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_DOWN;
this.useFixedPanelHeights = false;
this.fixedPanelHeight = 0;
Spry.Widget.Accordion.setOptions(this, opts, true);
if (this.element)
Which I added this after, but still no luck:
var acc_next = document.getElementById("acc-step-next");
var acc_prev = document.getElementById("acc-step-prev");
$("acc_prev").click(function() {
I have never worked with Spry.Widget.Accordion, but I would try something like the following.
Search for the code, where your accordion is initialized, it should look something like that:
var accordion = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordian1",{});
And add this just below:
Together it could look something like that:
<script type="text/javascript">
var accordion = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordian1",{});
// Add a click handler to all buttons with the class 'acc-step-next' (yes you can do that)
// when the button is clicked, call the openNextPanel method of the accordion instance we saved above

ng-click not working after first click (embedded directives)

I'm having issues with a button and ng-click. I have an input and a button with and ng-click that when click generates 3 random words. I display this words in a div generated by a directive.
The problem I'm having is that when I click the button the first time the code runs perfectly, but when I click again, the button does nothing, I had to implement a clear button that clears the $scopes and then the generate button works again.
This is the code for my button:
<button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click='generateRandom()'>Generate</button>
Here is the code for the directive:
<div jz-tabs camel='camel' snake='snake' kebab='kebab'></div>
The $scope.generateRandom():
$scope.generateRandom = function() {
var temp = '';
.then(function(response) {
response.data.forEach(function(e) {
temp += ' ' + e.word;
$scope.camel = lodash.camelCase(temp);
$scope.kebab = lodash.kebabCase(temp);
$scope.snake = lodash.snakeCase(temp);
I tried clearing the $scopes inside of the function but it looks like after the first ng-click, the function isn't even been called. Does having embedded directives affect ng-clicks?
Any help with this? I don't want to click "clear" every time I want to generate words, I want them to be able to click generate and get random words every time.
Thank you in advance!
UPDATE: Here is a plnkr of the problem: http://plnkr.co/edit/qGB1VjsIJgBzWKl8tXMt?p=preview
I fixed the problem, I had this two functions:
$scope.generateRandom = function() {
var temp = '';
.then(function(response) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.data.length; i++) {
temp += ' ' + response.data[i].word
$scope.camel = temp;
$scope.kebab = temp;
$scope.snake = temp;
$scope.clear = function() {
$scope.camel = '';
$scope.kebab = '';
$scope.snake = '';
All I had to do was add $scope.clear() at the end of the $scope.generateRandom function and it does the trick.

jQuery Tree issue - add first child li

I have 2 columns, on the left side a team with users, on the right column, will be displayed the users i have selected. so everything its working but i'm trying to implement a new feature as follow:
I have 2 list level like a tree (only 2 levels). When i click on a user, i'm able to select it sending to the right column. Also, when i click (single click) on the first level (team name), the second level (users) appear as toggle jquery function. i need so, when i double click on a team (level 1) all users on that tree turns selected and go to column on the right side.
Also, when i click on the team (first level) on the right side, all the users get removed back.
My code to add the users jquery current is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var maxAllowed = 10000;
var $selectTable = $("#mytable");
var $selectList = $("#selected_users ul")
var getActivated = function () {
var activated = new Array();
$selectTable.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').closest("li").each(function () {
var $obj = new Object;
var currentBox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]');
$obj.id = currentBox.val();
$obj.boxid = currentBox.attr("id");
$obj.name = $(this).find("label").text();
return activated;
var updateActiveList = function () {
// Truncate list
$(getActivated()).each(function () {
$selectList.append("<li><a href='#' class='remove' data-id='" + this.id + "' data-box-id='" + this.boxid + "'>" + this.name + "</li></a>");
var countActivated = function () {
return getActivated().length;
$('#view').click(function () {
allIds = new Array();
getActivated().each(function () {
$selectList.on("click", "a.remove", function () {
$('#' + $(this).data("box-id")).prop("checked", false);
$selectTable.on("change", 'input[type="checkbox"]', function (event) {
if ($(this).is(":checked") && countActivated() > maxAllowed) {
console.log("max reached!");
$(this).prop("checked", false);
Here's a jsFiddle with working example:
Thanks all!
Hi, i just added a code to separate single click from double click. So when the user single click, will open the tree. now i need when the user double click on the first level, add both (first level and they're childrens to the right side.
Follow code for single and double clicks:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#mytable').on('click', '.toggle', function (ul) {
//Gets all <tr>'s of greater depth
//below element in the table
var findChildren = function (ul) {
var depth = ul.data('depth');
return ul.nextUntil($('ul').filter(function () {
return $(this).data('depth') <= depth;
var el = $(this);
var ul = el.closest('ul'); //Get <tr> parent of toggle button
var children = findChildren(ul);
var el=$(this);
if (alreadyclicked){
alreadyclicked=false; // reset
clearTimeout(alreadyclickedTimeout); // prevent this from happening
alreadyclicked=false; // reset when it happens
//Remove already collapsed nodes from children so that we don't
//make them visible.
//(Confused? Remove this code and close Item 2, close Item 1
//then open Item 1 again, then you will understand)
var subnodes = children.filter('.expand');
subnodes.each(function () {
var subnode = $(this);
var subnodeChildren = findChildren(subnode);
children = children.not(subnodeChildren);
//Change icon and hide/show children
if (ul.hasClass('collapse')) {
} else {
return children;
// do what needs to happen on single click.
// use el instead of $(this) because $(this) is
// no longer the element
},300); // <-- dblclick tolerance here
return false;
And new jsFiddle is: http://jsfiddle.net/muzkle/LMbV3/8/
To distinguish different groups I am wrapping each group/section in a wrapper div with class .wrapper
<div class="wrapper">
Also I attached a double click event to .wrapper and currently I have made it to alert its inner labels.Just write some additional code to add these labels to the right side like you are currently adding one element on click.Below is the code with jQuery .dblclick() function which attaches a double-click event to .wrapper.
Check this fiddle

A div on click redirect to another HTML page and call a javascript to show a particular div

I have two html files namely FIRST.html and SECOND.html
FIRST.html has DIVs with IDs A1 to A100, SECOND.html has DIVs with IDs B1 to B100
On clicking a particular DIV in FIRST.html, I want to redirect the user to SECOND.html and show the corresponding DIV.
For example, if a user clicks DIV id=A10 in FIRST.html, he should be redirected to SECOND.html and be shown the DIV id=B10.
I need thoughts on how this could be done, I would like to know if we could pass some parameters from one page to another and then call a javascript using those parameters.
Thank you!
You could try something like this:
Add this to FIRST.html
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div').click(function () {
id = $(this).attr('id').substring(1);
window.location = 'SECOND.html?id=' + id;
var getVar = location.search.replace('?', '').split('=');
$('div[id$=' + getVar[1] + ']')[0].scrollIntoView();
Add this to SECOND.html
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div').click(function () {
id = $(this).attr('id').substring(1);
window.location = 'FIRST.html?id=' + id;
var getVar = location.search.replace('?', '').split('=');
$('div[id$=' + getVar[1] + ']')[0].scrollIntoView();
$("#A10").click(function () {
document.location.href = "SECOND.html?id=B10";
$(function () {
//Prepare the parameters
var q = document.location.search;
var qp = q.replace("?", "").split("&");
var params = {};
$(qp).each(function (i, kv) {
var p = kv.split("=");
params[p[0]] = p[1];
var idToOpen = params["id"]
$("#" + idToOpen).show();
//You can add some other parameters
document.location.href = "SECOND.html?id=B10&message=SomeMessage";
//Get it like this
$(function () {
//Prepare the parameters
var q = document.location.search;
var qp = q.replace("?", "").split("&");
var params = {};
$(qp).each(function (i, kv) {
var p = kv.split("=");
params[p[0]] = p[1];
var idToOpen = params["id"]
var message = params["message"]
$("#" + idToOpen).show();
in FIRST.html put this code
$('div').click(function() {
var someId = $(this).attr("id");
Or you can use your full URL path instead SECOND.html/#. Its just an idea, not tested, but you can try it. P.S. Those are two different pages, so you can put same ID's on both to try this example. It's not pure JavaScript but Jquery.

