Unable to convert strings to proper integers in Javascript - javascript

So I am trying to convert a string to an integer in javascript and then comparing it to an integer variable I created. I have read many many things online but nothing worked so far. This is my code:
var followedUsers = $('.ProfileNav-item.ProfileNav-item--following.is-active').find('.ProfileNav-value').html();
so when I type followedUsers in console I get "1256". I tried parseInt as follows:
var x = parseInt(followedUsers,10);
But when I type x in console I get 2. Yes it is an integer but its not correct integer.
I also tried parseFloat. It gives the same result. This one didn't work either.
var x=parseInt(followedUsers.valueOf(),10);
I dont know if this is a thing but I was just messing around trying different things. I saw another guy's question. So I gave that a shot:
var x = +followedUsers
This one gave me a NaN.
var x = followedUsers*1
This one also gave me a NaN.
I tried converting my integer value to a string and comparing them that way but that doesn't gives me correct outputs. I am running out of ideas guys, am I missing something here? Changing a string to an integer shouldn't be this hard, right?

Perhaps followedUsers isn't what you think it is.
I made a simple example in JSBin, trying to simulate you problem and everything is working:

Try getting followedUsers with .val() insted of .html()

It turns out that the old browser in my university computer lab doesn't support parseInt or any other methods I mentioned above. It worked fine when I tried it on other computers. Although I believe this post will be useful for anybody looking for conversion in means of seeing all the methods in one place

var x = parseInt(followedUsers);


Id encoding differences across platforms?

When I run, for example,
Does anyone know why this could be?
You can use idna-uts46 package to get Chrome-like result:
var uts46 = require('idna-uts46');
uts46.toAscii("💩⚽️🍊"); // produces "xn--y8h2559nb4a"

js math equation mystery

I'm new here :)
So, in javascript, I "simply" wanted to solve X in an equation:
My original formula was:
var X = (((((k/(cc**ci))-bk*)/(0.01*kg))-18)/((0.1+0.05*d1)*(280/(w+100)))-sd)
If I recall correctly, it returned some ridiculously high number...
Ok, I guess that was one problem... so, I tried this:
var X = (((((k*1.0/(cc*1.0*ci*1.0))-bk*1.0)/(0.01*kg*1.0))-18)/((0.1+0.05*d1*1.0)*(280/(w*1.0+100)))-sd*1.0)
Now it worked quite well for these simple variables:
cc=0, ci=0, bk=100, kg=100, d1=10, w=100, sd=10
BUT.. when the solution was approaching 0, it suddenly went completely crazy.
In this case, if k=126.4 the solution should be 0. However, I'm getting "7.1054273576" instead. I calculated it with different programs (even my old pocket-calculator lol), and they all say it's 0 --> so I guess my equation should be correct.
I tried k=126.5, which returns 0.119.
and k=126.3, which returns -0.119
These are correct.
So logically k=126.4 should return 0... but it doesn't. It still returns 7.1(...) instead.
I even tried replacing all the variables with the (see above) numbers:
var X = (((((126.4*1/(1*1*1*1))-100*1)/(0.01*100*1))-18)/((0.1+0.05*10*1)*(280/(100*1+100)))-10)
--> THIS STILL RETURNS TO 7.1(...), although it should be 0.
So the problem is definitely not one of my variables.
For these tests I was using an input type="number" object to review the results, if that is of any relevance...
I still can't see the problem, this seems absolutely illogical and is a complete mystery to me. Pls help!
You missed the bit at the end. X is equal to:
Scientific Notation!
Note the e-15 at the end. That means, in decimal notation, it's
Or in other words, very close to 0, as far as most uses are concerned. The difference between it and 0 likely comes about by rounding.
The problem was indeed an e-15 at the end. So if anybody else is stumbling across this page they can stop wondering.
A very simple solution: Just use Math.round() in this case to reduce the number of integers behind the comma, so that "e" doesn't get used to describe the number.

JSON return error as undefined when the value is numeric

not sure where the errors lies in what I am trying to achieve.
I am working with someone else's code and unfortunately they have used numbers for div ids in some places.
These number ids are used in various places and if I can, I want to find a way to keep things as they are.
returning the following in JSON:
editorID: "1000"
And in my AJAX call i use that return like so:
var editorID = response.editorID;
CKEDITOR.instances.editorID.insertHtml('<br><img class="buildimage" src="http://www.buildsanctuary.com/phpLibs/bulletproof-master/src/userBuildImages/'+response.imageName+'"><br>');
However this gives me an error saying that the editorID is undefined.
As you can I already use a JSON response in my code, this works fine so its not a problem with datatypes etc.
I also tried to do:
which gave me the correct value.
When I tried putting a number directly into CKEditor insertHTML code it was showing my syntax errors so maybe thats the issue. If so, any work around for it?
Thanks. Craig.
To use a variable as a property, you have to use [] notation:
CKEDITOR.instances[editorID].insertHtml('<br><img class="buildimage" src="http://www.buildsanctuary.com/phpLibs/bulletproof-master/src/userBuildImages/'+response.imageName+'"><br>');
When you use .editorID, it's looking for a property named editorID, not 1000.
You also have to use this syntax when the property isn't a valid identifer. So if you wanted to put the number directly, you would write:
CKEDITOR.instances['1000'].insertHtml('<br><img class="buildimage" src="http://www.buildsanctuary.com/phpLibs/bulletproof-master/src/userBuildImages/'+response.imageName+'"><br>');

Why is 'indexOf' not returning anything?

The book I am reading tells me to open up the JavaScript console and try the code "foo: bar".indexOf(":"). I've tried it in many ways. I tried removing quotation marks, putting it inside a show() and alert() function. I just can't seem to tease anything out.
Has something changed in JavaScript? Has the author made a mistake? Am I supposed to get no return? Do I need to append document.write, perhaps? Any help greatly appreciated.
Yes something changed in Firefox 5+
However the console (ctrl-shift-k) still works
In the error console (ctrl-shift-J) you will need to wrap it in alert:
foo:bar is a property definition in json, and indexOf is supposed to deal with a left value (string variable, constant, or at least something that can have characters in it. I don't know why the book you are reading wants you to do this, but it doesn't seem to be correct. The correct way to use indexOf would be :
var myObject = {
try like follows, it should work. Generally the indexOf() will return -1 if the value to search for never occurs.
var str="foo:bar";
document.write(str.indexOf(":") + "<br />");
The output should be 3

jQuery .val() works correctly - unless I pass it the vaue I really need

Here is a simple chunk of code:
1 var selected_clone = selected.clone();
2 alert(selected_clone.text());
3 var new_value = selected_clone.text();
4 form_li.find('input.ajax_selection').val(new_value);
Line 2 (debugging) outputs exactly the value I expect it to.
Line 3 is redundant, I know, but I used it for testing: when passing an arbitrary string to new_value, the val in line 4 works perfectly.
It does not change the value if I assign it the result of selected_clone.text()
The question is: why does it behave in such a puzzling way?
From chrome's debugging console, just chilling silence.
Additional info:
typeof(new_value) is string;
the value in the form field is actually updated: the value attribute, however is not.
about the latter point: no, it's not my debugger. the values sent on submit are non-updated.
the request sends the unupdated value; while the form displays the updated one.
Holy Shitzu this is weird.
I solved the problem by changing line 4 to: form_li.find('input.ajax_selection').attr('value',new_value);.
That does not make the slightest amount of sense to me though, and I would still like to know why.
The answer to your new question can be found in that question: .prop() vs .attr()
To understand you will need to know that val() is a shortcut to prop('value')
I would first try to know how many objects the form_li.find(...) method returns. Then I would check if
works or not. Difficult to answer with so few code, sorry

