How to design standalone module in reduxjs? - javascript

Say we have a CountryPicker which on mount will send a request to server to load country list then display it, user can pick a country and it will dispatch a PICK_COUNTRY action and update UI correspondingly. Also it will display some helpful information when it fails to load country list. The logic of this component is rather complete and standalone.
Many of our pages use this CountryPicker and apparently we want to reuse the code.
Based on the situation, we have a CountryPicker React component, a CountryReducer and CountryActions.
The problem is, some of our pages using CountryPicker would like to do some thing more (like retrieve new data according to new country) when user picks a different country.
The solution I can think of is add a handleSelectCountry props for CountryPicker, and call it with new country payload when user picks a country.
This is kind of ugly to me, is there anyway to do it more unanimously? Thanks in advance.

You could use Store.subscribe to watch for changes in the state of the component and trigger actions from there.


JAMStack - Small E-commerce store

Building a simple E-commerce store with Nuxt and Prismic.
I have this very simple action in my store:
async GET_ALL_CATEGORIES({commit}) {
// gets all the categories from prismic
// Set categories to the state
My question is, when I move around the application from / to /category1 to /category1/product1 should I be dispatching this action everytime?
Would one save this array of categories in localStorage?
Should I have an if block in my asyncData that checks for the categories state and if it is empty, dispatch the action, otherwise use whats in state?
How do the pros handle this situation?
Thank you!
It depends on how often you think your 'categories from prismic' would change. If not very often then you can save it to the store and then just read from the store.
Otherwise you may want to query your API etc on every page load, probably in mounted()
EDIT: You many also want to set an expiry date on the state so that it can pull in fresh data at intervals

Persist sidebar with fetched data through all the routes

I got this route in my react application
This is the entrypoint for my users, they click on the link and see a screen with informations provided by this hash in a right sidebar component.
Below I attached a kind of wireframe, trying to be more clear about the sidebar:
Wireframe to understand how my app components are shown at the end, and why the hash is important in a visual way
This works fine, I can get the hash and make the request inside my dumb component to display data.
The problem:
I'm doing the fetch to the api in my Layout component, and passing down the data via props to my sidebar that is fixed in my layout, because it is displayed through all the user experience
When my user sign in, my route change, from:
I still see the component with the information I need, but if I refresh the page at the second route, the app crashes, because my sidebar cant find the hash to fetch my api and get the necessary data.
What I've been trying to do:
Persist this route with the hash and make the route change internally - but that doesn't makes sense to me at all, and I could not find any resources even close to this strategy.
Persist this hash in localstorage and get the hash with hooks inside the sidebar. This way if I can't find my hash at the url it'll be in the localstorage and I can fetch my api to get the data. I did it, but doesn't work because the components presents the some behavior, trying to render with no data.
As I'm using redux to manage the global state I've already taken the hash and the fetch response to the localstorage, this way I can take this data through all the aplication, but the hash is what makes my hooks update when I tried to wrote this strategy, and when the user updates the page I got the same behavior, because the hook could not find the :id on the url.
Final question
How can I persist the sidebar with the fetched data I did when I load the page?
I did not post the code because at this moment I got too much code trying to solve this and I'm stuck in this problem for almost one month. I'll update this post later on.

Intercepting Actions in React Components

I have a React application that uses Redux.
The application displays the results of some calculations at the top and some of the constituents that go into those calculations at the bottom. The user can click a button which pops up a modal in which the user can add one of these constituents. This will fire off an action during which it will send that new constituent to the backend, which will make those calculations have different results.
As you might expect, what I want is to refresh those results from the server based on the new data. The calculations are quite complex so replicating the calculation in the UI is not an option.
There is a loadConstituents() method which is called by componentWillMount() when the user lands on the page. I basically need to call this method again once the server confirms to the user that the data was received (via a SAVE_SUCCESS action).
How can I intercept an action in my component?
Alternatively, is there a better pattern for achieving this?
The best thing I could think of is passing the loadConstituents() function to the modal, which would pass it to the call, which will execute it once the call is done but passing a function through so many classes as a parameter seems very hacky.

data persistence across elements

suppose I want to have a data provider element for my user, like
<user-data-provider user-data="{{data}}"></user-data-provider>
which sends an ajax request and gets the logged in user.
Suppose I want to access my user data in different pages, and I add this tag to wherever I need, but the problem is, every time the browser sees this tag, makes an ajax again and I have to wait until data is fetched!
I know I can make a variable in my main page and pass it along child pages, but that seems like overkill to me !
how can I persist user data across different pages and part of my app?
thank you in advance
There are different ways to do this.
You can use use a monostate pattern
You can have one instance of your user-data-provider element in your root element or index.html and use iron-signals to transmit the data to all other elements that want to consume it
You can use iron-meta to have global state
Use an external state management framework (i.e. redux). There is a polymer wrapper for it: polymer-redux
I would recommend using an external state mangement framework such as redux.
Some of the solutions are shown here:
Polymer 1.0 Global Variables
I used pouchdb for my data store, and used polymer's predefined elements to work with it
now every time that I need data, I just use that component

Ember.js update models from application controller

I need to update data every minute and on some specific events.
My idea is to create an action in ApplicationRoute, that would find the current router and evoke the model() method again.
But how can I access other routes from ApplicationRoute?
Maybe there are any other ideas to make it?
You don't have to reenvoke the model hook.
The matter is that most store data retrieval methods, for example, store.findAll() (ex store.find()) return live arrays. A live array will automatically update its content whenever new records appear in the store or existing records are removed.
So all you need is to repopulate the store.
A good place to periodically fetch the data is a service.
Also, you can enable/disable periodic data retrieval from within routes. Simply create a mixin that would enable data retrieval in the service when the route is visited and disable when the route is left.

