Web Audio API and real current time when playing an audio file - javascript

I am having problems when I want to know the current time of a file playing using the Web Audio API. My code plays the file nicely and the current time returned by the getCurrentTime() function is accurate enough when it comes to short files which load fast.
But when I try to load big files, sometimes the current time returned by the getCurrentTime() function is accurate and sometimes not. Sometimes, after waiting for example for 20 seconds to hear the file playing, when it starts playing it says that the current time is about 20 seconds (which is not true because it is just playing the beginning of the file). It happens with any audio format (OGG, MP3, WAV...) but only sometimes.
I am using a slow system (Asus EEE PC 901 with an Intel Atom 1.60 Ghz and 2 GB RAM with Windows XP Home Edition and SP3) and Firefox 41.0.1.
I am not sure, but it seems that the source.start() method starts playing the sound way too late, so the line after calling that method, where I set the value for the startTime variable, is not the real starting time.
Here is the code (simplified):
var context, buffer, startTime, source;
var stopped = true;
function load(file, startAt)
//Here creates the AudioContext and loads the file through XHR (AJAX) and gets the buffer. All works fine.
//When it gots the buffer through XHR (AJAX) and all is fine, it calls play(startAt) function immediately.
//Note: normally, startAt is 0.
function play(startAt)
source = context.createBufferSource(); //Context created before.
source.buffer = buffer; //Buffer got before from XHR (AJAX).
//Creates a gain node to be able to set the volume later:
var gainNode = context.createGain();
//Plays the sound:
source.loop = false;
source.start(startAt, 0, buffer.duration - 3); //I don't want the last 3 seconds.
//Stores the start time (useful for pause/resume):
startTime = context.currentTime - startAt; //Here I store the startTime but maybe the file has still not begun to play (should it be just startTime = context.currentTime?).
stopped = false;
function stop()
stopped = true;
function getCurrentTime()
return (stopped) ? 0 : context.currentTime - startTime;
How can I detect when exactly the source.start() method starts playing the file? So I can set the startTime variable value just at that moment, and never before.
Thank you very much in advance. I would really appreciate any kind of help.

From MDN (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioBufferSourceNode/start), about the first parameter of the start() function:
when (Optional)
The time, in seconds, at which the sound should begin to play, in the same time coordinate system used by the AudioContext. If when is less than (AudioContext.currentTime, or if it's 0, the sound begins to play at once. The default value is 0.
There is no evident issue with your code (although there is no example a call to play()): if you call play(0) or play(context.currentTime + someDelayInSeconds), start() should behave as expected. Unfortunately here the issue is that AudioBufferSource is not meant for big files. Again from the MDN doc of AudioBuffer (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioBuffer):
Objects of these types are designed to hold small audio snippets, typically less than 45 s.
I suspect that for big something doesn't work very well with the "sound begins play at once" assumption (I also experienced it, although 20 seconds seems way too much...). Unfortunately there is no way to get the exact start time of AudioBufferSource in WebAudio yet.
If you don't have any real reason to load this big file with AudioBufferSource, I suggest you use a MediaElementSourceNode (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaElementAudioSourceNode): as you can see from the example on the linked doc, it allows you to plug a simple HTML5 Audio element into the AudioContext. You then can have all usual control over the element itself, i.e. you also have access to the audioElement.currentTime property, which tells you the current playout time (in this case of the file itself, which is what you need). Additionally, you don't have to handle loading of the file in memory and could start playing as soon as some data is available.

context.currentTime starts counting the second you create the context object. That means if it takes 20 seconds for your audio to load, context.currentTime == 20.
To account for this delay, you can set a simple timer from the time that you create the context to the time that audio loading completes.
var context; //Create your context here
var audioLoadStart = new Date();
//Do audio load
var audioLoadOffset = (new Date() - audioLoadStart) / 1000;
currentTime = context.currentTime - audioLoadOffset - startTime;


I'm having trouble playing audio in javascript at the same time

So far, I have tried using this function to create a new audio element every time it is called:
function createAudio(src, type){
var sound = new Audio();
var source = document.createElement('source');
source.type = type;
source.src = src;
That way, if you want to play a single audio file called, for example, "gunshot.mp3", but multiple times you can use this line of code:
This works ok, but what will happen is that when the sound is loaded a bunch of times, it will just stop running entirely. Every time that you reload the game its like rolling dice to see which sounds will or won't run, and even when it does run its patchy and inconsistent.
I'm guessing that it has something do with the html page being overloaded with new elements, so is there maybe a way to clear the elements every once and a while, like clearing a particle array so it doesn't get too long? Or is it just that my function is not correct in the first place?

Need Javascript help to avoid timeouts when loading audio files

I support several churches that don't have musicians, by providing a little website with a bunch of pure Javascript so they can select music for their services from a collection of about 1100 mp3 and m4a music files. Previously, they created playlists in iTunes or Media Player, but after a track completed, the player would immediately start the next track unless they quickly clicked 'Stop'. So my website allows them to select all their music ahead of time (up to 10 tracks), with a separate "Play" button for each. Hit "Play" and it plays that one track and stops. (Duh.)
I'm encountering delays in loading the files into my "audio" tags - and I need the file to load when they select it so I can display the track duration, which is frequently important to the selection of the music for the service. A delay doesn't occur very often, but often enough to be annoying. Also, the load will occasionally time out completely, even after several attempts. I've experimented played with various techniques, like using setTimeout with different values to allow several seconds before checking if it's loaded, or, loading 5 or 10 times with shorter timeout values until it's loaded. I created a test page that indicates that the timeouts vary greatly - from 2% to 5% of the time, to upwards of 25% occasionally (during tests of 1,000 to 10,000 random loads).
My first technique was relying on events (I tried both 'canplay' and 'canplaythrough' events with minimal difference):
const testAudio = document.getElementById('test-audio');
let timeStart = Date.now();
function loadMusic(p_file) {
testAudio.src = p_file;
testAudio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', musicLoaded);
timeStart = Date.now();
function musicLoaded() {
console.log('music loaded in ' + (Date.now()-timeStart) + 'ms');
testAudio.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', musicLoaded);
/* should I add/remove the listener each time I change the source file ? */
My second approach (from a post here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10235919/the-canplay-canplaythrough-events-for-an-html5-video-are-not-called-on-firefox) is to check the 'readyState' of the audio element after a specified timeout, rather than relying on an event. This question specifically addressed Firefox, so I should mention that in my tests Firefox has horrible load times for both the "events" and the "readyState" techniques. Chrome and Edge vary in the range of 2% to 6% load failure due to timeout and Firefox has 27% to 39% load timeouts.
let myTimeout = '';
function loadMusic(p_file) {
myTimeout = setTimeout(fileTimeout, 1000); /* I've tried various values here */
testAudio.src = p_file;
timeStart = Date.now();
function fileTimeout() {
if (testAudio.readyState > 3) {
console.log('music loaded in ' + (Date.now()-timeStart) + 'ms');
} else {
/* here, I've tried calling loadMusic again 5 to 10 times, which sometimes works */
/* or, just reporting that the load failed... */
console.log('music FAILED to load!');
I have a shared server hosting plan, and I suspect the delay might be due to traffic on my server. Unfortunately, my hosting service turns a deaf ear to anything that might be application or content related (not surprising). And this isn't worth upgrading to a dedicated server just to eliminate that variable. But I suspect that might be a major factor here.
I need a technique that will always work - even if it takes 30 seconds or more. As long as I can display an intermittent "Still loading..." type message I (and my users) would be satisfied. The "track X won't load" messages happen often enough to be annoying. Early on, I had a few files with bad characters in the file name that needed to be fixed before they would load. So the users think that problem persists. But I know I've fixed all them now.
Any and all suggestions are welcome - but I'd love to keep everything in plain Javascript.
Using an audio constructor:
function loadMusic(p_file) {
myTimeout = setTimeout(fileTimeout, 1000);
let audioConst = new Audio();
audioConst.src = p_file;
timeStart = Date.now();
function fileTimeout() {
if (audioConst.readyState > 3) {
console.log('music loaded in ' + (Date.now()-timeStart) + 'ms');
} else {
console.log('music FAILED to load!');
myTimeout = '';

Web Audio Api precise looping in different browsers

So what I want is to have constant looping interchanging from different audio sources. For demo purpose I made a little puzzle game - you align numbers in order from 0 to 8 and depending on how you align them different loops are playing. I managed to get the result I want on Chrome Browser, but not on Safari or Firefox. I tried adding a different audio destination or multiple audio contexts but no matter what loop just stops after one iteration in Safari and other browsers except for Chrome.
Here is a link to the demo on code-pen Demo Puzzle with music
please turn down your sound as music might be a little too loud, I didn't master it. And here is basic code I have for Web Audio Api manipulation.
*Also it does not work for mobile at all.
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
const audio1 = document.getElementById("aud1");
const audio2 = document.getElementById("aud2");
const audio3 = document.getElementById("aud3");
const audio4 = document.getElementById("aud4");
var chosenTrack = audio2;
let gameStarted = false;
function startGame() {
document.getElementById("sHold").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("container").style.display = "block";
gameStarted = true;
audioContext = new AudioContext();
audio1.currentTime = 0;
setInterval(function() {
if (gameStarted) {
//console.log(audioContext.currentTime );
if (audioContext.currentTime >= 6.4) {
audioContext = new AudioContext();
chosenTrack.currentTime = 0;
}, 5);
Some thoughts:
You're not really using Web Audio this way, you're still using audio elements as the source which doesn't help if you want to be able to achieve precise timing. You should load them into AudioBuffers and play them using an AudioBufferSourceNode.
If you absolutely want to use audio elements (because the files you use are really massive and you want to stream them) you probably want to use the loop property on it although i doubt if that ends up being precise and gapless.
Never use setInterval to get a callback every frame, use requestAnimationFrame
Don't use setInterval OR requestAnimationFrame to be able to achieve precise audio looping, the javascript thread is not precise enough to do that AND can be held up when other things take a bit more time, too many enemies in screen for example. You should be scheduling ahead of time now and then: https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/audio/scheduling/
AudioBufferSourceNodes have a loop boolean property which will loop them as precise as possible
Do realise that different audio-decoders (so: different browsers) MIGHT decode audiofiles slightly differently: some may have a few more ms on the start for example. This might become an issue when using multiple looping AudioBufferSourceNodes, which may all be running out of sync after an x amount of time. I always reschedule something on the exact time needed instead of using the loop property.

Optimizing JavaScript for multiple browser display at high fps

I have an FFT using canvas that plots a high speed display. I want to optimize the code to have 16 browser windows showing at the same time at 60 fps or close to it. Right now on my machine it runs at 5 fps with 16 windows showing simultaneously.
I was wondering if there was a better way to optimize my code for drawing performance.
With this I am getting 60 fps for up to four simultaneous browser windows but fps drops significantly after that. Right now I am loading all the files into an array buffer and manipulating the points and drawing them at the same time in drawFFT(). Any tips on improving fps performance on multiple browser windows running at the same time?
60 fps animation on multiple windows
99.99% of the time, requestAnimationFrame is the way to do visual animations. It's a great tool, synced with the screen refresh rate, with great timing precision, and battery friendly.
This last advantage is your problem : To save power, browsers do allow the screen synchronization only for the currently focused window at 60fps. All other windows are delayed, on a lower frame-rate.
Since you want to have multiple windows, you'll be able to get only one focused, and thus only one refreshing at 60fps, all others will be slowed down to about 5fps.
How to circumvent this ?
The WebAudioAPI does have its own low-level and high-precision clock system.
By "low-level", I mean that this clock system is not tied to the main js-thread*. On some implementations (chrome) all the WebAudioAPI even runs on a parallel thread. And more importantly to our case, this clock system is not only tied to focused window. This does mean that we can run code, in a background window, at 60fps.
Here is a simple implementation of an timing loop based on the WebAudioAPI clock.
(*Note that while the clock is not tied to the main js thread, the event handler is).
An alternative timing loop, based on AudioContext's clock
#arg callback : a callback function
with the audioContext's currentTime passed as unique argument
#arg frequency : float in ms;
#returns : a stop function
function audioTimerLoop(callback, frequency) {
var freq = frequency / 1000; // AudioContext time parameters are in seconds
var aCtx = new AudioContext();
// Chrome needs our oscillator node to be attached to the destination
// So we create a silent Gain Node
var silence = aCtx.createGain();
silence.gain.value = 0;
var stopped = false; // A flag to know when we'll stop the loop
function onOSCend() {
var osc = aCtx.createOscillator();
osc.onended = onOSCend; // so we can loop
osc.start(0); // start it now
osc.stop(aCtx.currentTime + freq); // stop it next frame
callback(aCtx.currentTime); // one frame is done
if (stopped) { // user broke the loop
osc.onended = function() {
aCtx.close(); // clear the audioContext
// return a function to stop our loop
return function() {
stopped = true;
And call it like that :
var stop_anim = audioTimerLoop(yourCallback, 60); // runs 'yourCallback' every 60ms
And to stop it :
All right, Now we are able to run smooth animation even on blurred windows.
But I want to run it on 16 windows !
Unfortunately, browsers are tied to hardware limitations when creating AudioContext. (e.g. on my computer, I can not have more than 6 contexts running at the same time.)
Here the solution is to run all the code on a single, master window.
From this master window, you'll first
Open all the other windows, so that you can access their content,
Grab the contexts of your canvas elements,
draw on these contexts
This way, you've got a single update thread, on the main window, and all other windows only have to render.
Live Example
(Be sure to allow popups and to disable your ad-blocker though).

Why isn't my audio rewinding?

I'm having a bit of trouble rewinding audio in Javascript. I basically have a countdown that beeps each second as it gets towards the end of the countdown.
I tried using;
var bip = new Audio("http://www.soundjay.com/button/beep-7.wav");
but it didn't beep every second which I'm guessing has something to do withit having to load a new sound every second. I then tried loading the sound externally and triggering it with the following code.
bip.currentTime = 0;
but this only plays the sound once then completely fails to rewind it (this is shown by the console logging a time of 0.19 seconds after the first playthrough).
Is there something I'm missing here?
In google chrome I noticed that it only works if you have the audio file in same domain. I have no problems if the audio file is in same domain. Event setting .currentTime works.
var bip = new Audio("http://www.soundjay.com/button/beep-7.wav");
bip.currentTime; //0.10950099676847458
bip.currentTime = 0;
bip.currentTime; //0.10950099676847458
var bip = new Audio("beep-7.wav");
bip.currentTime; //0.10950099676847458
bip.currentTime = 0;
bip.currentTime; //0
I tried googling for a while and could find nothing in specs about this or even any discussion.
when I want rewind I simply load the audio again:
*btw, I also use a eventlistener for 'canplay' to trigger the my_audio.play(). It seems that this is necessary in android, and maybe other devices also*
To further dsdsdsdsd's answer with a bit of paint-by-numbers for the "whole shebang"
NOTE: In my app, loc1 is a dummy that refers to the song's stored location
// ... code before ...
tune = new Audio(loc1); // First, create audio event using js
// set up "song's over' event listener & action
tune.addEventListener('ended', function(){
tune.load(); //reload audio event (and reset currentTime!)
tune.play(); //play audio event for subsequent 'ended' events
tune.play(); // plays it the first time thru
// ... code after ...
I spent days and days trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, but it all works fine now... at least on the desktop browsers...
As of Chrome version 37.0.2062.120 m, the behaviour described by #Esailija has not changed.
I workaround this issue by encoding the audio data in base64 encoding and feed the data to Audio() using data: URL.
Test code:
snd = new Audio('data:audio/ogg;base64,[...base64 encoded data...]');
snd.onloadeddata = function() {
snd.currentTime = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
snd.currentTime = 0;
}, 200);
(I am surprised that there are no bug reports or references on this matter... or maybe my Google-fu is not strong enough.)

