Javascript animation easing - javascript

I have a function which moves my canvas using an ease in aspect. The problem how ever is the canvas animation doesn't work. It just scrolls too far and what appears to be too fast as well.
This is my function which moves the camera to the location the user clicked on the canvas:
function moveCamera(e,parent){
var mouseData = mousePos(evt,parent); //get x:y relative to element
var initial = {'x':el.width/2,'y':el.height/2},
target = {'x':mouseData.x,'y':mouseData.y},
deltaX = target.x-initial.x,
deltaY = target.y-initial.y,
timeStart =,
timeLength = 800,
function update(){
function fraction(t){
x = (target.x - initial.x) - (t*deltaX),
y = (target.y - initial.y) - (t*deltaY);
camera.x -= x;
camera.y -= y;
function easing(x) {
return 0.5 + 0.5 * Math.sin((x - 0.5) * Math.PI);
deltaTime = ( - timeStart) / timeLength;
if (deltaTime > 1) {
} else {
parent.scroll = setInterval(update, 10);
I have attatched a JSFiddle of the issue demonstrated: simply click on the canvas to scroll to that position, and you will see it goes a bit crazy.
I am wondering how to solve this so the camera offset changes correctly each time?

I changed a little bit your version and it seems that it is working, please try this:
var el = document.getElementById('canvas'),
initial = {'x':el.width/2,'y':el.height/2},
ctx = el.getContext('2d'),
camera = {'x':el.width/2,'y':el.height/2},
box = {'x':0,'y':0};
var x,y,deltaTime;
function moveCamera(e,parent){
var mouseData = mousePos(e,parent);
target = {'x':mouseData.x,'y':mouseData.y},
deltaX = target.x-initial.x,
deltaY = target.y-initial.y,
timeStart =,
timeLength = 800;
function update(){
function fraction(t){
x = target.x - (initial.x + (t*deltaX)),
y = target.y - (initial.y + (t*deltaY));
if (Math.abs(camera.x + x - target.x) > Math.abs(camera.x - target.x)) {
camera.x = target.x;
initial.x = target.x;
} else {
camera.x += x;
if (Math.abs(camera.y + y - target.y) > Math.abs(camera.y - target.y)) {
camera.y = target.y;
initial.y = target.y;
} else {
camera.y += y;
function easing(x) {
return 0.5 + 0.5 * Math.sin((x - 0.5) * Math.PI);
deltaTime = ( - timeStart) / timeLength;
if (deltaTime > 1) {
} else {
parent.scroll = setInterval(update, 200);
function mousePos(evt,el){
var offsetX = 0,
offsetY = 0;
offsetX += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
offsetY += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
}while(el = el.offsetParent){
return {'x':evt.pageX - offsetX, 'y':evt.pageY - offsetY}
function draw(){
ctx.rect(box.x-25, box.y-25,50,50);
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';


What can I do to help my canvas animation run faster in safari like it does in chrome?

I've got an animation that runs great the first few times on safari. But after each time the loop is triggered it slows down slightly. On chrome I don't experience the slow down. Is there some trick I'm needing to utilize for safari?
External link: Codepen
Here is my JS example:
let canvas = document.querySelector('.canvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let scratch = document.createElement('canvas');
let ctxS = scratch.getContext('2d', { alpha: false });
let vw = window.innerWidth;
let vh = window.innerHeight;
let circleRadius = 50;
let circleSpacing = 3;
let stepDistanceX;
let stepDistanceY;
let originCircle;
let clickNum = 0;
let circles = [];
// Transition vars.
let frame;
let isZooming = false;
let destination;
let dx;
let dy;
let ds;
let dt = 0;
let zoomingImage;
// For matrix circles.
function setCircleSizes() {
if (vw < 600) {
circleRadius = 20;
circleSpacing = 2.5;
else if (vw < 900) {
circleRadius = 40;
circleSpacing = 3;
// Easing funciton for animation (linear)
function easing(t) {
return t
// On window resize.
function resize() {
canvas.width = vw;
canvas.height = vh;
scratch.width = Math.max(vw, vh);
scratch.height = Math.max(vw, vh);
// Set matrix for circles.
function setCircleMatrix() {
stepDistanceX = (circleRadius * circleSpacing) + ((vw % (circleRadius * circleSpacing)) / 2);
stepDistanceY = (circleRadius * circleSpacing) + ((vh % (circleRadius * circleSpacing)) / 2);
const circlesAcross = Math.floor(vw / stepDistanceX);
const circlesDown = Math.floor(vh / stepDistanceY);
let circlesToAdd = circlesAcross * circlesDown;
circles = new Array(circlesToAdd);
while (circlesToAdd) {
const i = circles.length - circlesToAdd;
const column = ((i + 1) + circlesAcross) % circlesAcross || circlesAcross;
const row = Math.floor(i / circlesAcross) + 1;
circles[i] = {
x: ((vw - (stepDistanceX * (circlesAcross - 1))) / 2) + (stepDistanceX * (column - 1)),
y: ((vh - (stepDistanceY * (circlesDown - 1))) / 2) + (stepDistanceY * (row - 1)),
drawn: false
// Gets the closest circle.
function getClosestCircle(x, y) {
return circles[, i) => {
return {dist: Math.abs(circle.x - x) + Math.abs(circle.y - y), index: i };
}).sort((a, b) => {
return a.dist - b.dist;
// Gets the closest circles by range.
function getClosestCircles(x, y, range) {
return circles.filter(circle => {
return Math.abs(circle.x - x) + Math.abs(circle.y - y) < range;
// Handle click event.
function getPosition(event){
if (event.srcElement.tagName === "A" || isZooming) {
return true;
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = event.clientX - rect.left; // x == the location of the click in the document - the location (relative to the left) of the canvas in the document
const y = event.clientY -; // y == the location of the click in the document - the location (relative to the top) of the canvas in the document
if (clickNum < 1) {
// First click.
originCircle = getClosestCircle(x,y);
drawStuff([originCircle], x, y);
else {
// Add from origin.
drawStuff(getClosestCircles(originCircle.x, originCircle.y, Math.max(clickNum * stepDistanceX, clickNum * stepDistanceY)), x, y);
// This is the zoom animation.
function zoomReset() {
// break loop if no canvas.
if (!canvas) {
return true;
frame = requestAnimationFrame(zoomReset);
// Loop it.
if (dt < 1 && isZooming) {
dt += 0.08; //determines speed
// Do alot of stuff in the scratch pad.
ctxS.clearRect(0, 0, scratch.width, scratch.height);
const tx = easing(dt) * dx - (((scratch.width - canvas.width) / 2) * (1 - dt));
const ty = easing(dt) * dy - (((scratch.height - canvas.height) / 2) * (1 - dt));
const ts = 1 - ds * (easing(dt) * 1);
// set elements by tx
ctxS.putImageData(zoomingImage, (scratch.width - canvas.width) / 2, (scratch.height - canvas.height) / 2);
ctxS.arc(scratch.width / 2, scratch.height / 2, Math.max(scratch.width / 2, scratch.height / 2), 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctxS.fillStyle = `rgba(255, 79, 23, ${(1 * dt) - (0.2 / (1 * (dt * 2)))})`;
ctxS.fillRect(0, 0, scratch.width, scratch.height);
// Update on main canvas.
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, vw, vh);
ctx.drawImage(scratch, Math.floor(tx), Math.floor(ty), Math.floor(scratch.width * ts), Math.floor(scratch.height * ts));
else if (isZooming) {
isZooming = false;
// Draw stuff on the canvas.
function drawStuff(stuffToDraw = [], x, y) {
// Do circles.
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, vw, vh);
stuffToDraw.forEach(circle => {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF4F17";
ctx.beginPath(); //Start path
ctx.arc(circle.x, circle.y, circleRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // Draw a point using the arc function of the canvas with a point structure.
ctx.fill(); // Close the path and fill.
circle.drawn = true;
// Do our zoom.
if (!circles.filter(circle => !circle.drawn).length && isZooming === false) {
originCircle = getClosestCircle(x,y);
const {x:nx, y:ny} = originCircle;
destination = [nx,ny];
ds = Math.min(1 - (circleRadius / vw), 1 - (circleRadius / vh));
dx = nx - ((scratch.width * (1 - ds)) / 2);
dy = ny - ((scratch.height * (1 - ds)) / 2);
zoomingImage = zoomingImage ? zoomingImage : ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
clickNum = 1;
dt = 0;
circles.forEach(circle => {
circle.drawn = false;
isZooming = true;
// Start.
canvas.addEventListener("click", getPosition);
frame = requestAnimationFrame(zoomReset);
<canvas class="canvas"></canvas>
UPDATE: I've found that if I reset the scratch element after using the loop scratch = document.createElement('canvas'); resize(); ctxS = scratch.getContext('2d', { alpha: false });, the animation works as fast each time like the first time. Any ideas as to why that is the case?

Space-Ship movement - simulation

I have written some code to simulate a gravitation-free movement of a ship with a single thruster. Most of the time it works, and the ship reaches it's destination perfectly, but just sometimes it accelerates infinitively. But I can't figure out, why?
seek(target) {
var desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.position); // A vector pointing from the location to the target
if (desired.mag()>0.1){
this.orientation = desired;
if (this.velocity.heading() - desired.heading() > 0.01 && this.velocity.mag() >0.01) {
this.orientation = this.velocity.copy().mult(-1);
if ((this.velocity.mag()*this.velocity.mag())/(2*(this.maxForce/this.mass)) > desired.mag()) {
} else {
this.velocity = createVector(0,0);
You can test the result here:
The issue of the ship object going past the target is caused by the magnitude delta being too small for the increment that the ship moves in.
In order to get the spaceship object to land on the selected point you need to modify the seek method:
seek(target) {
var desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.position); // A vector pointing from the location to the target
if (desired.mag()>.01){
The object is moving in increments that can cause desired.mag to go from a number that is greater than .01 as the object approaches to another magnitude that is larger than .01 as the object passes the target and moves away.
if (desired.mag() > .01)
if (desired.mag() > 2.0)
for example and the ship will be captured and land on the target and stay there until another target is selected.
Here is a working example with the delta set to equal the diameter of the target so that the ship appears to land on the surface of the target.
let v;
var targetDiameter = 12;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1000, 1000);
v = new Vehicle(width / 2, height / 2);
target = createVector(200, 200);
function draw() {
// Draw an ellipse at the mouse position
ellipse(target.x, target.y, targetDiameter, targetDiameter);
// Call the appropriate steering behaviors for our agents;
function mouseClicked() {
target = createVector(mouseX, mouseY);
hex = find_HexCoordinates(100, target);
console.log("click " + hex.x + " " + hex.y + " " + hex.z);
class ThrustList {
constructor(thrust, time) {
this.thrust = createVector(thrust);
this.time = time;
set(thrust, time) {
this.time = time;
class ThrustParams {
constructor (deltaPosition, deltaVelocity, maxForce, mass) {
this.deltaPosition = createVector(deltaPosition);
this.deltaVelocity = createVector(deltaVelocity);
this.maxForce = maxForce;
this.mass = mass;
class hexmetrics {
constructor (radius) {
this.outerRadius = radius;
this.innerRadius = this.outerradius * sqrt(3)/2;
function find_HexCoordinates (radius, position) {
this.innerRadius = radius;
this.outerRadius = this.innerRadius * sqrt(3)/2;
this.px = position.x - 1000/2; = position.y - 1000/2;
this.x = px / this.innerRadius * 2;
this.y = -x;
this.offset = py / this.outerRadius * 3;
this.x -= offset;
this.y -= offset;
this.iX = Math.round(x);
this.iY = Math.round(y);
this.iZ = Math.round(-x -y);
if (iX + iY + iZ != 0) {
dX = Math.abs(x-iX);
dY = Math.abs(y-iY);
dZ = Math.abs(-x -y -iZ);
if (dX > dY && dX > dZ) {
iX = -iY -iZ;
else if (dZ > dY) {
iZ = -iX -iY;
return createVector(this.iX, this.iY, this.iZ);
class Vehicle {
constructor(x, y){
this.mass = 1;
this.orientation = createVector(0,1);
this.turning_speed = 90;
this.acceleration = createVector(0, 0);
this.maxForce = .02;
this.position = createVector(x, y);
this.r = 3;
this.velocity = createVector(0, 0);
// Method to update location
update() {
// Update velocity
// Limit speed
// Reset accelerationelertion to 0 each cycle
applyForce(force) {
// A method that calculates a steering force towards a target
seek(target) {
var desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.position); // A vector pointing from the location to the target
if (desired.mag() > targetDiameter){
this.orientation = desired;
if (Math.abs(this.velocity.heading() - desired.heading()) > 0.01 && this.velocity.mag() >0.01) {
this.orientation = this.velocity.copy().mult(-1);
if ((this.velocity.mag()*this.velocity.mag())/(2*(this.maxForce/this.mass)) > desired.mag()) {
} else {
this.velocity = createVector(0,0);
display() {
// Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity
var theta = this.orientation.heading() + PI / 2;
translate(this.position.x, this.position.y);
vertex(0, -this.r * 2);
vertex(-this.r, this.r * 2);
vertex(this.r, this.r * 2);
<script src=""></script>
I'm never using p5js before but I think it's because of the applyForce() , it's keep adding new force when user click.
applyForce(force) {

HTML5 Canvas Scallop Shape

I really need help badly on how to create a scallop shape using Canvas
I tried playing around the cloud sample but it was really difficult for me to create what I've wanted.
I simply wanted to know the code for the scallop shape for rectangle and circle.
This is the image that What I've wanted.
It design doesn't have to exactly the same but as possible it does look like this.
You can draw such a shape by using dotted line dash, like this(a bit tricky).
const canvas = document.querySelector("#canvas");
canvas.width = canvas.height = 300;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const rect = [50, 50, 200, 200];
//draw dotted line dash.
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.setLineDash([0, 40]);
ctx.lineDashOffset = 20;
ctx.lineWidth = 42;
ctx.strokeStyle = "purple";
//remove disuse range.
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
ctx.lineWidth = 38;
From an older answer but the question was very vague and has a lot of extra baggage. Here is a snippet from that answer. It has some extra code in it that may be helpful but not directly related.
The function display (about halfway down) does most of the work, adding the arcs to the object box.
See running demo for instruction
const pointSize = 4;
const pointCol = "#4AF";
var arcDepth = -0.5; // depth of arc as a factor of line seg length
// Note to have arc go the other (positive) way you have
// to change the ctx.arc draw call by adding anticlockwise flag
// see drawArc for more
const arcCol = "#F92";
const arcWidth = 8;
// Find a circle that fits 3 points.
function fitCircleTo3P(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, arc) {
var vx,
c = (p2x - p1x) / (p1y - p2y); // slope of vector from vec 1 to vec 2
c1 = (p3x - p2x) / (p2y - p3y); // slope of vector from vec 2 to vec 3
// This will not happen in this example
if (c === c1) { // if slope is the same they must be on the same line
return null; // points are in a line
// locate the center
if (p1y === p2y) { // special case with p1 and p2 have same y
vx = (p1x + p2x) / 2;
vy = c1 * vx + (((p2y + p3y) / 2) - c1 * ((p2x + p3x) / 2));
} else
if (p2y === p3y) { // special case with p2 and p3 have same y
vx = (p2x + p3x) / 2;
vy = c * vx + (((p1y + p2y) / 2) - c * ((p1x + p2x) / 2));
} else {
vx = ((((p2y + p3y) / 2) - c1 * ((p2x + p3x) / 2)) - (u = ((p1y + p2y) / 2) - c * ((p1x + p2x) / 2))) / (c - c1);
vy = c * vx + u;
arc.x = vx;
arc.y = vy;
vx = p1x - vx;
vy = p1y - vy;
arc.rad = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
return arc;
var points = [];
var arcs = [];
function addArc(p1, p2, depth) {
var arc = {
p1 : p1,
p2 : p2,
depth : depth,
rad : null, // radius
a1 : null, // angle from
a2 : null, // angle to
x : null,
y : null,
return arc;
function calcArc(arc, depth) {
var p = points[arc.p1]; // get points
var pp = points[arc.p2];
// change depth if needed
depth = arc.depth = depth !== undefined ? depth : arc.depth;
var vx = pp[0] - p[0]; // vector from p to pp
var vy = pp[1] - p[1];
var cx = (pp[0] + p[0]) / 2; // center point
var cy = (pp[1] + p[1]) / 2; // center point
var len = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); // get length
cx -= vy * depth; // find 3 point at 90 deg to line and dist depth
cy += vx * depth;
// To have depth as a fixed length uncomment 4 lines below and comment out 2 lines above.
//var nx = vx / len; // normalise vector
//var ny = vy / len;
//cx -= ny * depth; // find 3 point at 90 deg to line and dist depth
//cy += nx * depth;
fitCircleTo3P(p[0], p[1], cx, cy, pp[0], pp[1], arc); // get the circle that fits
arc.a1 = Math.atan2(p[1] - arc.y, p[0] - arc.x); // get angle from circle center to first point
arc.a2 = Math.atan2(pp[1] - arc.y, pp[0] - arc.x); // get angle from circle center to second point
function addPoint(x, y) {
points.push([x, y]);
function drawPoint(x, y, size, col) {
ctx.fillStyle = col;
ctx.arc(x, y, size, 0, Math.PI * 2);
function drawArcStart(width,col){
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.strokeStyle = col;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineWidth = width;
function drawArc(arc){
function drawArcDone(){
function findClosestPoint(x, y, dist) {
var index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
var p = points[i];
var vx = x - p[0];
var vy = y - p[1];
var d = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (d < dist) {
dist = d;
index = i;
return index;
var dragging = false;
var drag = -1;
var dragX, dragY;
var recalcArcs = false;
var box;
// New box code from here down
// creates the box when canvas is ready
var onResize = function(){
box = {
x : canvas.width * (1/8),
y : canvas.height * (1/8),
w : canvas.width * (6/8),
h : canvas.height * (6/8),
recalculate : true,
arcCount : 20, // number of arcs to try and fit. Does not mean that it will happen
function display() {
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // reset transform
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
if(mouse.w !== 0){
if(mouse.buttonRaw & 4){ // change arc depth
if(mouse.w < 0){
arcDepth *= 1/1.05;
arcDepth *= 1.05;
recalcArcs = true;
}else{ // change arc count
box.arcCount += Math.sign(mouse.w);
box.arcCount = Math.max(4,box.arcCount);
box.recalculate = true;
mouse.w = 0;
// drag out box;
if(mouse.buttonRaw & 1){
box.x = mouse.x;
box.y = mouse.y;
dragging = true;
box.w = mouse.x - box.x;
box.h = mouse.y - box.y;
box.recalculate = true;
if(box.w <0){
box.x = box.x + box.w;
box.w = - box.w;
if(box.h <0){
box.y = box.y + box.h;
box.h = - box.h;
dragging = false;
// stop error
if(box.w === 0 || box.h === 0){
box.recalculate = false;
// calculate box arcs
// reset arrays
points.length = 0;
arcs.length = 0;
// get perimeter length
var perimLen = (box.w + box.h)* 2;
// get estimated step size
var step = perimLen / box.arcCount;
// get inset size for width and hight
var wInStep = (box.w - (Math.floor(box.w/step)-1)*step) / 2;
var hInStep = (box.h - (Math.floor(box.h/step)-1)*step) / 2;
// fix if box to narrow
if(box.w < step){
wInStep = 0;
hInStep = 0;
step = box.h / (Math.floor(box.h/step));
}else if(box.h < step){
wInStep = 0;
hInStep = 0;
step = box.w / (Math.floor(box.w/step));
// Add points clock wise
var x = box.x + wInStep;
while(x < box.x + box.w){ // across top
x += step;
var y = box.y + hInStep;
while(y < box.y + box.h){ // down right side
addPoint(box.x + box.w,y);
y += step;
x = box.x + box.w - wInStep;
while(x > box.x){ // left along bottom
addPoint(x,box.y + box.h);
x -= step;
var y = box.y + box.h - hInStep;
while(y > box.y){ // up along left side
y -= step;
// calculate arcs.
for(var i =0; i <points.length; i++){
calcArc(addArc(i,(i + 1) % points.length,arcDepth));
box.recalculate = false;
// recalculate arcs if needed
for(var i = 0; i < arcs.length; i ++){
// draw arcs
for(var i = 0; i < arcs.length; i ++){
recalcArcs = false;
// Boiler plate code from here down. Does mouse,canvas,resize and what not
var w, h, cw, ch, canvas, ctx, mouse, globalTime = 0, firstRun = true; ;
(function () {
var createCanvas,
resizeCount = 0;
createCanvas = function () {
var c,
cs = (c = document.createElement("canvas")).style;
cs.position = "absolute"; = cs.left = "0px";
cs.zIndex = 1000;
return c;
resizeCanvas = function () {
if (canvas === undefined) {
canvas = createCanvas();
canvas.width = innerWidth;
canvas.height = innerHeight;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (typeof setGlobals === "function") {
if (typeof onResize === "function") {
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
} else {
resizeCount += 1;
setTimeout(debounceResize, RESIZE_DEBOUNCE_TIME);
function debounceResize() {
resizeCount -= 1;
if (resizeCount <= 0) {
setGlobals = function () {
cw = (w = canvas.width) / 2;
ch = (h = canvas.height) / 2;
mouse = (function () {
function preventDefault(e) {
var mouse = {
x : 0,
y : 0,
w : 0,
alt : false,
shift : false,
ctrl : false,
buttonRaw : 0,
over : false,
bm : [1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3],
active : false,
bounds : null,
crashRecover : null,
mouseEvents : "mousemove,mousedown,mouseup,mouseout,mouseover,mousewheel,DOMMouseScroll".split(",")
var m = mouse;
function mouseMove(e) {
var t = e.type;
m.bounds = m.element.getBoundingClientRect();
m.x = e.pageX - m.bounds.left;
m.y = e.pageY -;
m.alt = e.altKey;
m.shift = e.shiftKey;
m.ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
if (t === "mousedown") {
m.buttonRaw |=[e.which - 1];
} else if (t === "mouseup") {
m.buttonRaw &=[e.which + 2];
} else if (t === "mouseout") {
m.buttonRaw = 0;
m.over = false;
} else if (t === "mouseover") {
m.over = true;
} else if (t === "mousewheel") {
m.w = e.wheelDelta;
} else if (t === "DOMMouseScroll") {
m.w = -e.detail;
m.start = function (element) {
if (m.element !== undefined) {
m.element = element === undefined ? document : element;
m.mouseEvents.forEach(n => {
m.element.addEventListener(n, mouseMove);
m.element.addEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault, false); = true;
m.remove = function () {
if (m.element !== undefined) {
m.mouseEvents.forEach(n => {
m.element.removeEventListener(n, mouseMove);
m.element.removeEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault);
m.element = m.callbacks = undefined; = false;
return mouse;
function update(timer) { // Main update loop
if (ctx === undefined) {
globalTime = timer;
display(); // call demo code
setTimeout(function () {
mouse.start(canvas, true);
window.addEventListener("resize", resizeCanvas);
}, 0);
Left click drag to create a box<br>Mouse wheel to change arc count<br>Hold right button down and wheel to change arc depth.<br>
Use "Bezier Curve Method" to make complicated shapes.
I suggest going on desmos and messing around with the bezier curve in order to understand the complications. I hope this helped :)
Edit: Bezier curves work like this:
ctx.bezierCurveTo(Control point x, control point y, 2nd control point x, 2nd control point y, finishing x, finishing y);

No animation, endless loop in Canvas

I am trying to create what I thought would be a simple Canvas to move a point from A to B using requestAnimationFrame.
Unfortunately it is not showing anything, and the animation loop seems to be headed towards infinity.
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong? And is there a flag I can create to show when the animation should stop?
var startX = 10,
startY = 10;
var endX = 200,
endY = 350;
var speed = 1;
var dx = endX - startX;
var dy = endY - startY;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var moves = distance / speed;
var xunits = (dx / moves);
var yunits = (dy / moves);
var posit = {
x: startX,
y: startY
var fps = 60;
var delay = 1000 / 30;
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canv.width, canv.height);;
ctx.translate(startX, startY);
ctx.arc(0, 0, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2);
function move() {
startX += dx;
startY += dy;
if (moves > 0) {
posit.x += xunits;
posit.y += yunits;
var start = 0;
function animate() {
running = true;
var current = new Date().getTime(),
delta = current - start;
if (delta >= delay) {
start = new Date().getTime();
anim = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
You should not use save and restore, these functions is for saving and restoring the images.
You should translate posit.x and posit.y instead of startX and startY.
You are changing startX and startY which is not reasonable.
You need a if to determinate if or if not to continue aniamtion.
Which ends up with a working code:
var canv = document.getElementById('canv'),
ctx = canv.getContext('2d');
var startX = 10,
startY = 10;
var endX = 200,
endY = 350;
var speed = 2;
var dx = endX - startX;
var dy = endY - startY;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var moves = distance / speed;
var xunits = (dx / moves);
var yunits = (dy / moves);
var posit = {
x: startX,
y: startY
var fps = 60;
var delay = 1000 / 60;
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canv.width, canv.height);
ctx.translate(posit.x, posit.y);
ctx.arc(0, 0, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.translate(-posit.x, -posit.y);
function move() {
//startX += dx;
//startY += dy;
if (moves > 0) {
posit.x += xunits;
posit.y += yunits;
var start = 0;
function animate() {
running = true;
var current = new Date().getTime(),
delta = current - start;
if (delta >= delay) {
start = new Date().getTime();
if(posit.y < endY)
anim = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
<canvas id="canv" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
Using basic trigonometry you can make the entire code look and read easier, with less up front variables. I still need to set quite a lot of variables here, but you would want to mostly calculate them on the fly (which means you would have to move things like angle, from and to value and distance into the myDraw() function).
var myCanvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var myContext = myCanvas.getContext('2d');
myContext.fillStyle = '#000';
// Values expressed as x, y, positions
var fromValue = [300,20];
var toValue = [100,100];
// time expressed in Milliseconds
var time = 5000;
var start =;
// Get the angle with the arctangent function
// tan(angle) = opposite / adjacent => atan(opposite / adjacent) = angle
// atan2 is used because you can pass it the lengths and it takes care of
// some negative edge cases.
var angle = Math.atan2(toValue[0] - fromValue[0], toValue[1] - fromValue[1]);
// Basic distance because.. Pythagoras. (a^2 = sqrt(b^2 + c^2))
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(toValue[0] - fromValue[0], 2) + Math.pow(toValue[1] - fromValue[1], 2));
function myDraw(now){
// The max distance can be divided by the total time, multiplied by the time that has passed
var t = (distance / time * (now - start));
var x = fromValue[0] + Math.sin(angle) * t;
var y = fromValue[1] + Math.cos(angle) * t;
// Clear the canvas by resetting its width
myCanvas.width = myCanvas.width;
// Draw the arc at position x and y
myContext.arc(x, y, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2);
// Return false if the animation is done.
if(now < start + time) return true;
else return false;
function myAnimate(){
// Keep executing as long as myDraw() returns true
if(myDraw( window.requestAnimationFrame(myAnimate);
<canvas width="500" height="500" id="myCanvas" />

Getting mouse position within canvas

I am trying to modified this effect to work within my canvas. However, I can't seem to get the mouse position to work properly. The hover area isn't contained to my canvas.
Here's a CSSdeck of how i tried to implement it:
function hoverText(){
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function( callback ){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
keyword = "MacroPlay Games",
density = 3,
mouse = {},
hovered = false,
colors = ["0,120,232", "8,200,255", "30,140,255"],
minDist = 20,
bounceFactor = 0.7;
var W = window.innerWidth, H = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = W;
canvas.height = H;
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
mouse.x = e.pageX-50;
mouse.y = e.pageY+200;
}, false);
// Particle Object
var Particle = function() {
this.w = Math.random() * 10.5;
this.h = Math.random() * 10.5;
this.x = -W;
this.y = -H; = false;
this.vy = -5 + parseInt(Math.random() * 10) / 2;
this.vx = -4 + parseInt(Math.random() * 8);
// Color
this.a = Math.random();
this.color = colors[parseInt(Math.random()*colors.length)];
this.setPosition = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.draw = function() {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba("+this.color+","+this.a+")";
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
var particles = [];
// Draw the text
function drawText() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, W, H);
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
ctx.font = "100px 'Arial', sans-serif";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText(keyword, W/2, H/2);
// Clear the canvas
function clear() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, W, H);
// Get pixel positions
function positionParticles() {
// Get the data
imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, W, W);
data =;
// Iterate each row and column
for (var i = 0; i < imageData.height; i += density) {
for (var j = 0; j < imageData.width; j += density) {
// Get the color of the pixel
var color = data[((j * ( imageData.width * 4)) + (i * 4)) - 1];
// If the color is black, draw pixels
if (color == 255) {
particles.push(new Particle());
particles[particles.length - 1].setPosition(i, j);
// Update
function update() {
for(i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
var p = particles[i];
if(mouse.x > p.x && mouse.x < p.x + p.w && mouse.y > p.y && mouse.y < p.y + p.h)
hovered = true;
if(hovered == true) {
var dist = Math.sqrt((p.x - mouse.x)*(p.x - mouse.x) + (p.y - mouse.y)*(p.y - mouse.y));
if(dist <= minDist) = true;
if( == true) {
p.y += p.vy;
p.vy += 0.15;
p.x += p.vx;
// Collision Detection
if(p.y + p.h > H) {
p.y = H - p.h;
p.vy *= -bounceFactor;
// Friction applied when on the floor
if(p.vx > 0)
p.vx -= 0.1;
p.vx += 0.1;
if(p.x + p.w > W) {
p.x = W - p.w;
p.vx *= -bounceFactor;
if(p.x < 0) {
p.x = 0;
p.vx *= -0.5;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
(function animloop(){
It's highly advised you use jquery (or some js lib) to avoid cross-browser issues like getting the mouse position.
You can easily get the mouse position in any browser using jquery like this:
// get the position of the canvas relative to the web page
var canvasOffset=$("#canvas").offset();
var offsetX=canvasOffset.left;
// then in the mouse handler, get the exact mouse position like this:
function handleMouseDown(e){
// Put your mousedown stuff here
// tell the browser to send mousedown events to the handleMouseDown function
I personally prefer a library like hammer.js. I've use it for all my projects - check it out, it's pretty good.

