I have problem with parse. I wrote cloud code
Parse.Cloud.afterSave(Parse.User, function(request) {
var user = request.object;
if( !user.existed() ) {
//all the times !user.existed() is true when I save user object
//also in signup is true
how can I make the inside if block run only if the user is new user?
This seems to be a Parse bug as of the latest Parse Javascript SDK (1.6.7).
A quick work around (courtesy of Andrei Patru in the above thread):
var createdAt = request.object.get("createdAt");
var updatedAt = request.object.get("updatedAt");
var objectExisted = (createdAt.getTime() != updatedAt.getTime());
Just tested it and it works.
I'm quite new to working with telegram bots, but I managed well so far with some basic bot. Now I want to improve a bit things and let my site "feed" the bot.
This is the scenario
I have a Google spreadsheet that make some calculation and then sends a message to the bot with the classic URL. Something like this...
var optionsUG = {
'method' : 'post',
'payload' : formDataUG,
var optionsLG = {
'method' : 'post',
'payload' : formDataLG
//SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('UrlFetchApp options ['+options+"]");
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://api.telegram.org/bot'+token+'/sendMessage',optionsUG);
Utilities.sleep(5 * 1000);
result = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://api.telegram.org/bot'+token+'/sendMessage',optionsLG);
now I would like to make something like but, instead of sendMessage I would like to call a method of my bot
I use JavaScript Telegraf framework ATM, but I can change is not a problem.
I want to achieve something like:
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://api.telegram.org/bot'+token+'/register',optionsUG);
here is the bot currently configured
const serverPath = "/home/bots/PlatoonAdvisor/telegram";
const commands = require(serverPath+'/package/modules/commands.js');
const config = require(serverPath+'/config.json');
var helpText = require(serverPath+'/package/help.txt');
const token = config.TELEGRAM_BOT_SECRET;
const Telegraf = require('telegraf');
const bot = new Telegraf(token);
const REGISTER_COM = 'register';
const HELP_COM = 'help';
const REQUIREMENTS_COM = 'requirements';
const CAHT_ID_COM = 'chatid';
const getCommandParameters = function (text, command) {
var reg = "/\/"+command+" (.*)/g";
var arr = text.match(reg);
return arr;
bot.on('text', message=> {
return message.reply('I am Grooth');
bot.command(HELP_COM, ctx=> {
return ctx.reply(helpText);
bot.command(REGISTER_COM, ctx=> {
var replyMsg;
var param = getCommandParameters(ctx.message.text, REGISTER_COM);
var player_name, allycode;
if (param != null) {
try {
var params = param.split(",");
if (params.length < 2) {
replyMsg = "Missing parameters, try /help if you need help :)";
throw replyMsg;
player_name = params[1];
allycode = params[0];
var channel = ctx.chat.id;
commands.registerTPlayer(player_name, allycode, channel);
replyMsg = "Successfully registered player ${player_name} with allycode ${allycode}!"
} catch (ex) {
console.log (ex);
return ctx.reply(replyMsg);
bot.command(REQUIREMENTS_COM, ctx=> {
var param = getCommandParameters(ctx.message.text, REQUIREMENTS_COM);
var params = param.split(",");
var json = ctx.chat.id;
return ctx.reply(json);
bot.command(CAHT_ID_COM, ctx=> {
var id = ctx.chat.id;
var msg = "The chat id requested is ${id}";
return ctx.reply(msg);
is that even possible? I'm looking over the internet for a while now and was not able to find any clue about.
EDIT: Doing some more digging I found webhooks to send content to a web server when something happens in the bot but not vice versa. I'm getting frustrated.
My goal is to update the local database with information the spreadsheet have but the bot still don't so users can later ask to the bot to retrieve those information.
I mean I could make an ajax call if it were a real web server, but it is just a spreadsheet which doesn't act as a server.
Ok I forgot to answer this question with the solution I found.
there is no way indeed to call a specific function of the bot from the outside because it is not a real function, it is a parsed string that a user type and the bot interpret as a command.
So I had to be creative and expose a RestServer from the bot itself (the NodeJS express library did the trick) which I was then able to call from the script.
Here an handy guide for Express.js
This is my solution which is working great now.
I'm newer in servicenow developing.
I try to create a bundle "Script Include" - "Client Script".
Using background script I see, that my script include works fine.
But when I try to call this include via client script, it doesn't return any response.
Here is my method in Script Include:
usersCounter: function () {
var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
var users = gr.getRowCount();
gs.info('Number of users'+ ' ' + users);
return users;
And here is my client script:
var ga = new GlideAjax('SCI_Training_ScriptIncludeOnChange');
ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'usersCounter');
function getUsers(response) {
var numberOfUsers = response.responseXML.documentElement.getAttribute("answer");
And I have null in my console.
What have I missed?
Irrespective of why it's not working, you probably want to change your server side GlideRecord to use GlideAggregate instead, and just let mysql return the row count:
var gr = new GlideAggregate('sys_user');
var users = gr.getAggregate('COUNT');
gs.info('Number of users'+ ' ' + users);
return users;
Doing a GlideRecord#query with no where clause is essentially doing a "SELECT * FROM sys_user", bringing over all the data, when all you're asking for is the row count from the metadata in the result set.
Beyond that, make sure your Script Include properly extends AbstractAjaxProcessor and has the client-callable field set to true per this:
You can try to debug your getUsers() method. Try to check what the object structure of response is.
You could also use
var ga = new GlideAjax('SCI_Training_ScriptIncludeOnChange');
ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'usersCounter');
function getUsers(response) {
var numberOfUsers = response;
Given the following localStorage code (jsfiddle) :
// my new information
var data = {character: "中", totalMistakes: 0};
var han = data.character;
// create localStorage; Unpack, update, repackage knol
localStorage.knol = '{}'; // create pseudo object, as string
var knol = JSON.parse(localStorage.knol)
knol[han] = data;
localStorage.knol = JSON.stringify(knol);
// Print to check if all went well.
console.log('data: ',data)
console.log('han: ',han)
console.log('knol: ',knol)
console.log('localStorage.knol: ',localStorage.knol)
console.log('localStorage.knol: ',JSON.parse(localStorage.knol))
console.log('localStorage.knol[han]: ',JSON.parse(localStorage.knol)[han])
At the end, localStorage.knol is :
"中": {character: "中", totalMistakes: 0}
I'am looking for a Mongo-like js library to store data on client side indexedDB, with a syntax similar to MongoDB with which I'am already familiar.
How to convert localStorage code above into Mongo-like IndexedDB library syntax so to store an object ?
EDIT: I suggest minimongo, but any MongoDB-like library storing in indexedDB will do.
There is a variety of librairies available to do that.
Using Dexie.js and its API (jsfiddle) :
<!-- Include dexie.js -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/dexie#latest/dist/dexie.js"></script>
var db = new Dexie('MyDatabase');
// Define a schema
db.version(1).stores({ knol: 'character, totalMistakes' });
// Open the database
db.open().catch(function(error) { alert('Uh oh : ' + error); });
// or make a new one
db.knol.put({ character: '中', totalMistakes: 8 });
// Find some old friends
var mistakes = db.knol.where('totalMistakes');
//mistakes.above(6).each (function (item) { console.log (item); });
mistakes.aboveOrEqual(0).each (function (item) { console.log (item)});
I don't recommend it, but there is how to use it in web browsers
(Exploration ongoing https://jsfiddle.net/vb92pecv/3/ )
I am using parse server to live query a class containing rows with pointers.
When I use include() in the normal query it get all the data of the pointer but in the live query I only get the objectId
var currentUser = Parse.User.current();
const Conversation = Parse.Object.extend("conversations");
var fromQuery = new Parse.Query(Conversation);
fromQuery.equalTo("from", currentUser );
var toQuery = new Parse.Query(Conversation);
toQuery.equalTo("to", currentUser);
var mainQuery = Parse.Query.or(fromQuery, toQuery);
this.convsubscription = mainQuery.subscribe();
mainQuery.find().then((conversations) => {
for (var i = 0; i < conversations.length; i++){
var object = conversations[i]
this.convsubscription.on('update', (object) => {
// we will get the index of updated object
var index = this.conversations.findIndex(x => x.id == object.id);
// then we will remove the old object and insert the updated one
this.conversations.splice(index, 1 ,object)
When I do JSON.stringify(this.conversations[index].get('lastMessage')) it only gives the objectId. I need a way to access the content of the pointer lastMessage
includeKey()/include() isn't supported in Live Queries:
this is a server side issue, the includeKey is ignored when subscribing to the query. The decision tree is processed synchronously after an object is saved on parse-server, therefore we don't have the opportunity to inject inclusions. We'd need to refactor the whole serverside logic in order to support those.
See related issues to keep track:
I want to update a div with a list of anchors that I generate from a local database in chrome. It's pretty simple stuff, but as soon as I try to add the data to the main.js file via a callback everything suddenly becomes undefined. Or the array length is set to 0. ( When it's really 18. )
Initially, I tried to install it into a new array and pass it back that way.
Is there a setting that I need to specify in the chrome manifest.json in order to allow for communication with the database API? I've checked, but all I've been able to find was 'unlimited storage'
The code is as follows:
window.main = {};
window.main.classes = {};
awe.Data = function(opts){
opts = opts || new Object();
return this.init(opts);
awe.Data.prototype = {
var self = this;
self.modified = true;
var db = self.db = openDatabase("buddy","1.0","LocalDatabase",200000);
tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS listing ( name TEXT UNIQUE, url TEXT UNIQUE)",[],function(tx,rs){
var i = "INSERT INTO listing (name,url)VALUES('"+item.name+"','"+item.url+"')";
return this;
var self = this;
self.modified = true;
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO listing (name,url)VALUES(?,?)",[item.name,item.url],function(tx,rs){
var self = this;
self.modified = true;
tx.executeSql("DELETE FROM listing where name='"+item.name+"'",[],function(tx,rs){
var self = this;
self.data = new Array();
tx.executeSql('SELECT name,url FROM listing',[],function(tx,rs){
for(var i = 0; i<rs.rows.length;i++)
// var row = rs.rows.item(i)
// var n = new Object()
// n['name'] = row['name'];
// n['url'] = row['url'];
self.modified = false
return 'main.Database'
And the code to update the list.
var data = []
var node = $('<div > '+item.name + '</div>');
var t = $(evt.target).attr('href');
self._tab_index = evt.index
From looking at your code above, I notice you are executing "self._load()" at the end of each function in your API. The HTML5 SQL Database is asynchronous, you can never guarantee the result. In this case, I would assume the result will always be 0 or random because it will be a race condition.
I have done something similar in my fb-exporter extension, feel free to see how I have done it https://github.com/mohamedmansour/fb-exporter/blob/master/js/database.js
To solve a problem like this, did you check the Web Inspector and see if any errors occurs in the background page. I assume this is all in a background page eh? Try to see if any error occurs, if not, I believe your encountering a race condition. Just move the load within the callback and it should properly call the load.
Regarding your first question with the unlimited storage manifest attribute, you don't need it for this case, that shouldn't be the issue. The limit of web databases is 5MB (last I recall, it might have changed), if your using a lot of data manipulation, then you use that attribute.
Just make sure you can guarantee the this.database.all is running after the database has been initialized.