Can't get this conditional statement to adjust columns back - javascript

Having issues getting this to work.
The intent is on click event to have a list with two columns switch to 1 column while hiding same level elements and on next click do the inverse. I specifically can't get the conditional statement for the columns to switch back to two columns on the second click.
var $col = 2;
$(".pft-directory").click(function () {
if ($col > 1) {
$(".php-file-tree").css("columns", "1", "-webkit-columns", "1").set.$col = 2;
} else {
$(".php-file-tree").css("columns", "2", "-webkit-columns", "2").set.$col = 1;
Code Update:
var col = 2
$(".pft-directory").click(function() {
if (col > 1) {
$(".php-file-tree").css("columns", "1", "-webkit-columns", "1");
col = 1;
} else {
$(".php-file-tree").css("columns", "2", "-webkit-columns", "2");
col = 2;

Instead of chaining .set.$col = 2; after the css, try ending the line after css. Then on the next line say $col = 1 or 2 I would also advise not to use the bling sign for variables not directly pertaining to jQuery collections and such. I also do not believe .set is a valid method available.


How to combine two javascripts?

Would anyone be so kind as to advise me how to amend this JavaScript please? I'll admit I don't have much experience working with JavaScript and I've tried myself but ended up a bit lost.
To explain, WooCommerce outputs products on my site in .columns-3 and .columns-4, and assigns .first and .last classes accordingly.
If the site is loaded on mobile, the script below will remove the .first and .last tags, and re-assign them to display the products in two columns.
The script currently only targets .columns-3 within function defaultProductRows and function adjustProductRows. I need to also target .columns 4 within the same script, but I'm not sure how to go about adding it.
$(window).on('load resize', function (){
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
if(windowWidth < 753){ // this is my screen size break point for the rows
adjustProductRows(); // call the function to adjust add last and first classes
} else {
defaultProductRows(); // else if large screen size then get everything back to defalut
function defaultProductRows(){
var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product');
products.each(function(idx, li) {
var product = $(li);
// remove all classes we added
$('ul.products li.adjusted-row.first').removeClass('adjusted-row first');
$('ul.products li.adjusted-row.last').removeClass('adjusted-row last');
if(idx == 0) { // make sure first li tag gets first class
else if((idx+1) % 3 == 0) //this will make sure we have 3 rows by adding last classes after each 3 products
else if(idx % 3 == 0)
product.addClass('first'); // make sure all products divided by 3 will have first class
console.log(idx); // just checking for the index
function adjustProductRows() {
var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product');
products.each(function(idx, li) {
var product = $(li);
if(idx % 2 == 0) // we are even
product.addClass('adjusted-row first');
else // we are odd
product.addClass('adjusted-row last');
Change your selector to include columns-4
var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product');
var products = $('ul.products.columns-3 li.type-product, ul.products.columns-4 li.type-product');
This tells jQuery to select li.type-products that are part of either columns-3 or columns-4

Client-side pagination

I have N number of html elements. Is it possible to hide the N - 10 bottom elements with jQuery and then create a "Load more" button to show another 10 elements?
I mean that when the page loads, only the 10 first elements should be visible, and when I click "Load more", the 20 first elements is visible, and when I click again, the 30 first elements is visible, etc.
Would it be something like
$('li').slice(-($('li').length - 10)).hide();
and then
var num_visible = 10;
$('#loadMore').click(function () {
$('li').slice(num_visible, num_visible + 10).show();
num_visible += 10;
You might need to add some further validation – this just shows the general idea – for your specific use case, but would something like this work?
var currShowing = 10;
function changeShowing() {
$('div').each(function(index, value) {
if (index < currShowing - 1 ) {
} else {
function showMore() {
currShowing += 10;

JavaScript Hiding li tag by selecting an html attribute not working

I have 3 columns which include dynamically generated list elements (li tags)
these have an attribute that I try to use to hide a row / li when an amount of character is not reached in this element.(by using opacity property)
I have it working...sometimes and sometimes it only works for one column out of the 3...
So I'd appreciate some insight on what's wrong here.
(function() {
// selecting all elements with class
// class="checkout-tariff-meta-maybe-hidden"
var elems = $(".checkout-tariff-meta-maybe-hidden");
// interact between founded elements
for (var k = 0; k < elems.length; k++) {
// getting text content size
var textSize = elems[k].textContent.length;
// if text size is one we will hide element
if (textSize <= 1) {
// hiding
elems[k].style.opacity = "0";
You can just go straight to the point and do something like:
// Adjust as needed
$(document ).ready(function() {
$('.checkout-tariff-meta-maybe-hidden').filter( function() {
return $(this).text().length<3; } ).hide();
Since you're using jQuery, to hide an element you can just do:
Alternatively, if you're looking to hide it without collapsing (since you're changing opacity, I assume this is the case), look into .fadeTo():
$(elems[k]).fadeTo(1, 0);
You might look at ...
if (textSize <= 1) {
elems[k].style.opacity = "0";
} else {
elems[k].style.opacity = "1";
... to ensure they get turned back on when longer.

Add Button into HTML Table with JavaScript without generator file

I apologize in advance, English is not my native language.
I am working on a project that was delegated to me. I am working on a webpage, that is being generated by an XSLT file. I only have access to the source code of the generated page.
What does it do: The page shows a synopsis in form of a table. The left most column (lets call that one A) and the top most row (lets call it B) are the Header (?) segments (like in this table i found on google)
There are also Buttons in the top most row to sort the table.
Now the problem: There is a button to invert the table which activates the following code. This is where the problem is
I have this java code
function swap_table_horizontally_vertically() {
//This is the code I already have
// Deletes all sort buttons
for (i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
try {
var sort_buttons = document.getElementById('sort_buttons');
catch(err) {
} finally {
//End of the Code I made
//This code was already in the file
var old_table = document.getElementById('synopsis_table'),
old_table_rows = old_table.getElementsByTagName('tr'),
cols = old_table_rows.length, rows = old_table_rows[0].getElementsByTagName('td').length,
cell, next, temp_row, i = 0, new_table = document.createElement('table');
while(i < rows) {
cell = 0;
temp_row = document.createElement('tr');
if (i == 0) {
while(cell < cols) {
next = old_table_rows[cell++].getElementsByTagName('td')[0];
else {
while(cell < cols) {
next = old_table_rows[cell++].getElementsByTagName('td')[0];
old_table.parentNode.replaceChild(new_table, old_table);
new_table.setAttribute("id", "synopsis_table");
Now what I need is a way to add the buttons again into the new table head (top most row) with a class and id attribute.
To summarize: I need to delete the buttons from the previous top most row (because the left column shouldn't have them) and add them again to the new top most row (the previous left column).

How to count dynamically created divs

I'm trying to write a form builder where users can generate a signup form. I need to limit the amount of items that the user can create however they also need to delete the items.
Originally I had
var limit = 5;
var counter = 0;
if (counter == limit) {
However when the user deleted items the counter remained the same and so they couldnt replace the deleted form element with a new item. So what I want to do is count how many items are currently active. I tried to do this by giving each new element a class (.kid) and then counting the amount of divs with that class but it didnt work.
Could anyone point me in the right direction? This is what I have so far however it doesn't work.
var limit = 6;
var num = $('.kid').length;
function addAllInputs(divName, inputType){
if (num == limit) {
alert("You have all ready added 6 form items");
else {
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
newdiv.setAttribute('id', 'child' + (counter + 1));
newdiv.setAttribute('class', 'kid' );
Cheers all!
You need to capture the current counter in a closure. Decrease the counter when the user deletes an item and increase it after an item is created. Your code sample doesn't reveal how you handle the deletion, but I'll try to illustrate what I mean with a small code snippet:
$(document).ready(function () {
var limit = 5;
var counter = $('.kid').length;
$('#triggers_delete').click(function () {
/* delete the item */
$('#triggers_creation').click(function () {
if (counter == limit) {
alert('Limit reached');
return false;
/* somehow determine divName and inputType
and create the element */
addAllInputs(divName, inputType);
function addAllInputs(divName, inputType) {
/* just create the item here */
Is there any reason an approach like this won't work? Every time you go to add a new DIV, the length of the current collection is examined to see if it meets or exceeds the limit. Of course, you may need to refine the scope of your selector if there could be other DIVs of the form with the same class ID.
var limit = 6;
function addAllInputs(divName, inputType){
if ( $('.kid').length >= limit ) {
alert("You have all ready added 6 form items");
else {
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
newdiv.setAttribute('id', 'child' + (counter + 1));
newdiv.setAttribute('class', 'kid' );
Edit: Just a note, I am assuming that you are either removing the deleted items from the DOM or differentiating them from active items with a different class or attribute. Otherwise, the approach I suggested will return a count that includes the deleted items as well.
The only real issue is that your num variable is being defined outside of the function. It will get the number of .kid elements at the time the page loads and will not update. Simply move this line inside the function:
var limit = 6;
function addAllInputs(divName, inputType){
var num = $('.kid').length;
Try this
var limit = 6;
function addAllInputs(divName, inputType){
if ($('.kid').length == limit) {
alert("You have all ready added 6 form items");
else {
var newdiv = $('div', { 'id': 'child' + (counter + 1), 'class': 'kid' } );

