I am using an NVD3 multibar graph with a focus chart. I want the ticks on my secondary (top) x-axis to line up properly with the bars on the primary (bottom) x-axis - preferably at the beginning of them. Currently, the ticks don't line up with the bars at the same place. Some of them are over a neighbouring date or in the middle of the bar, as shown below:
The ticks coincide with events on specific dates. Both axes use the same scale. Its domain is assigned on a brush event based on the extent of the selection on the context graph by the following:
x.domain([new Date(extent[0]), new Date(extent[1])]);
I also tried this:
x.domain([new Date(extent[0]), d3.time.day.offset(new Date(extent[1]), 1)]);
which lines up nicely at the front of the bars for the beginning selection, but doesn't keep the ticks in place when focus range is changed. How can I keep the ticks in line with their bars?
EDIT: I specify the location of the ticks using tickValues(). x is a d3.time.scale().
The problem was I was missing bar data for some dates so the number of dates on the scale didn't match up to the number of bars. I fixed this by inserting 0 values in the data for missing dates.
I would like to know if this is possible to do with Chart.js. I have not been able to figure it out.
Basically, I want a horizontal bar chart where time is on the X axis, and the bars have data that is a start date/time and end date/time, such that the bars "float" and are not anchored to the left side of the chart. The bar would start at the start time and end at the end time, as labeled on the x axis.
Also, I need the y axis labels to be inside the horizontal bar.
Does Chart.js support this use case? Does anyone have sample code? Thanks!
Yes they support floating bars (https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/samples/bar/floating.html) if you add the property indexAxis: 'y' in the options object it will become a horizontal bar chart. to get the labels in the bars you will need to use the datalabels plugin: https://chartjs-plugin-datalabels.netlify.app/samples/charts/bar.html
I am developing an application which allows a user to select dynamically queried data which can then be used in Recharts visualizations. There are certain edge cases where the default formatting / rendering within recharts produces an ugly result. For example, if there are many unique values passed to the <XAxis /> component then the chart produced will likely have overlapping text for the ticks.
There does not seem to be any good "render as many ticks as possible, without overlapping" option described in the documentation. These appear to be the only options:
Render all ticks (obviously leads to too many ticks)
name={getXAxisLabel(xAxisField, chartType)}
getMetaDataType(xAxisField) ===
? tickEpochFormatter // force numbers to be displayed as 'YYYY-MM-DD'
: tickNumberFormatter
ticks={xValues.sort()} // gets all of the values
interval={0} // display all of values, instead of the default 5
angle={-90} // force text to be 90, reading towards the graph
textAnchor="end" // rather than setting "dy={50}" or something
Render only the start / end / start & end, which depends (seemingly) entirely on the width of the text, prior to rotation.
name={getXAxisLabel(xAxisField, chartType)}
getMetaDataType(xAxisField) ===
? tickEpochFormatter // force numbers to be displayed as 'YYYY-MM-DD'
: tickNumberFormatter
ticks={xValues.sort()} // gets all of the values
interval="preserveStart" // ensure that everything can be read, giving preference to the "left"???
angle={-90} // force text to be 90, reading towards the graph
textAnchor="end" // rather than setting "dy={50}" or something
Hardcode the number of intervals to ensure a maximum? I'm not sure if this is a viable option since I would need to know how many ticks are truly overlapping. Just seems like a crude approach.
Is it even possible to have Recharts render as many things as possible, even if they are rotated 90 degrees, and then selectively choose what has enough space to display? Is it possible to have the angle property dynamically update based on the length of the tick mark texts?
Here is a list of links, none of which seems to answer these questions:
Recharts Docs
Recharts XAxis Docs
Recharts LineChartAxisInterval Docs
Github Recharts repo
Show all ticks
Vertical Axis Label
Rotated Axis Labels
Rotate tick text
Axis Labels Display Over Data
Axis Labels Look Awful
Last XAxis label not aligned with tick mark when rotated -45 degrees
Prevent hiding of tick labels
Missing ticks on x-axis
Long strings in labels generate overlap in YAxis for horizontal barchart
StackOverflow Posts
Scalable YAxis Label
Display all XAxis ticks
YAxis Ticks don't auto calculate
Set Label Margin
Here's a picture of the problematic rendering I want to clean up:
Also, please note that normally I would prefer to stick to the same library that I have been using, but if another library is better suited for this use-case, I would like to consider switching!
I had the same problem, ended up removing the interval property which set the ticks to be sort-of-dynamic but had only 4 or 5 ticks.
So I set the minTickGap to some negative value. the result was that more ticks appeared on the axis
<XAxis dataKey="date"
I have a Gantt chart, and I need to make the duration scale to one day. Currently there's a label for every other day only.
See image below:
The axis chooses granularity and number of labels / grid lines based on available space, so that it does not look crammed.
You can influence it in a number of ways:
1) Set (reduce) minHorizontalGap for your value axis.
This setting defines how much free space there should be between labels. The less the number the more labels the chart will display.
2) Disable autoGridCount and set gridCount manually.
With both approaches you might need to play around with the numbers to find the one that works for your chart setup and available space.
Flot chart is repeating ticks on right Y axis when:
I want to align both axes but hide repeated tick values.
Is there something in the API i have missed or i have to check thicks before painting and hide duplications.
Set the tickDecimals option to 2 to get reasonable labels for the right y axis (see this updated fiddle).
The label values are not really duplicated, but they are rounded so that they seem so.
I was wondering if there is a way to prevent Highcharts from recalculating and redrawing the scale of the Axis when I add a new serie.
What I need to do is the following: I have a scatter chart with a lot of data; when the user selects a point, I add a new series with a "line" type. This series' points are a limited sample from the previous ones, so no "real" new points are added, but the scale of the xAxis changes.
Setting xAxis' min and max value, startOnTick and endOnTick to true did not solve the problem. Any idea?
As I wrote, the way Highcharts handles axis' scales is still a mistery to me. In my case, I was rendering one scatter and one column graph on the same canvas. In response to a user click, I was adding 2 new series: a line serie and a column serie each one based on a subset of the original data. The problem was caused by the column graph: when you add a new serie to a column graph, bars are not overlapped, but redistributed, thus creating the scale change effect.
Try to create the line series but hidden, and when you want to show it use chart.series[1].show().