Javascript make dynamic links but ignore existing links - javascript

Im using this to dynamically make links in a webpage:
var linkWord = function(obj){
for(i in obj){
var x = document.body.innerHTML;
var linkStart = '<a href="'+obj[i]+'">';
var linkEnd = '</a>';
var reg = new RegExp("\\b(" + i + ")\\b","ig");
x = x.replace(reg, linkStart + i + linkEnd);
document.body.innerHTML = x;
This creates links in the page that matches the keyword, but overwrites existing hrefs if it also matches. How can I improve this to ignore the existing links?
No jQuery please.

You can fix it by appending negated sets to the reg expression in order to discard words that are prefixed by > and suffixed by <.
Edit: A better approach might be to build a negative lookahead in order to disallow text contained inside tags.
Edit again: it is even better if the negative lookahead only works for anchor tags:
var linkWord = function(obj){
for(i in obj){
var x = document.body.innerHTML;
var linkStart = '<a href="'+obj[i]+'">';
var linkEnd = '</a>';
var reg = new RegExp("\\b(" + i + ")\\b(?![^<]*>|[^<>]*<\/[a])","ig");
x = x.replace(reg, " " + linkStart + i + linkEnd + " ");
document.body.innerHTML = x;
Note that spaces were also added before and after the replaced string since the regex would strip them.
Edit: working demo here.
Edit2: working demo for second solution here.
Edit3: working demo for third solution here.

It looks like this question was answered before I could come up with a solution, and its also much cleaner than my solution. Good Job
It would seem, after testing your code under various circumstances,
that the best way to accomplish this is to remove your links from
the layout before running your function, and add them again once it is
Keep in mind we are only removing the inner contents of those
tags, so it will be necessary to store these in order so that they will be added again in the correct places.
var links_array = {};
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var linkWord = function(obj){
for(i in obj){
var x = document.body.innerHTML;
var linkStart = '<a class=added href="'+obj[i]+'">';
var linkEnd = '</a>';
var reg = new RegExp("\\b(" + i + ")\\b","ig");
x = x.replace(reg, linkStart + i + linkEnd);
document.body.innerHTML = x;
function getPrevLinks(){
for(link in links){
if(typeof links[link] === 'object'){
if(! links[link].hasAttribute('class')){
links_array[links[link].innerHTML] = links[link].href;
links[link].innerHTML = '';
return links_array;
function returnLinks(links, links_array){
for(link in links){
if (links[link].innerHTML === ""){
for(prop in links_array){
if(links[link].innerHTML === ""){
links[link].innerHTML = prop;
delete links_array[prop];
returnLinks(links, links_array);
<p id=me>The Vokalia Brent some more stuff and
The Vokalia Brent 1
The Vokalia Brent 2
The Vokalia Brent 3
<p>some paragraph</p></p>
<script src="java.js"></script>
If you need a detailed explanation just leave me a comment.
And the fiddle


How to dynamically add <a> tags given an index of HTML page's string?

I'm making a search function for my website. So far, I've found the string the user searches for in the whole website, and I'm able to print the string and the context of the string. I have achieved this by using $.get on my HTML pages, then stripping the HTML to leave the pure text I want to search in. I then find the index of the string I'm looking for, then use substr to find the context of the input string (a few indexes ahead and behind).
Now, I need to link to the original page when a user clicks on a search result. My research says to use <a> tags, but how do I dynamically insert those into the HTML page with the index I have? And the index I have isn't even the complete page; it's stripped of tags.
These are the relevant parts of my code:
function getIndicesOf(searchStr, str) { //get the indices of searchStr inside of str
var searchStrLen = searchStr.length;
if (searchStrLen == 0) {
return [];
var startIndex = 0, index, indices = [];
str = str.toLowerCase();
searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {
startIndex = index + searchStrLen;
return indices;
function search() {
obj.onclick = function() {
var searchInput = document.getElementById('searchBox').value;
var allPageContent = ['chap/telem.php', 'chap/nestor.php', 'chap/aeolus.php', 'chap/calypso.php', 'chap/circe.php', 'chap/cyclops.php', 'chap/eumaeus.php', 'chap/hades.php','chap/ithaca.php', 'chap/lestry.php', 'chap/lotus.php', 'chap/nausicaa.php', 'chap/oxen.php', 'chap/penelope.php', 'chap/proteus.php', 'chap/scylla.php', 'chap/sirens.php', 'chap/wrocks.php']; //contains all text
var allText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allPageContent.length; i++){
$.get(allPageContent[i], function(data){
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = data;
//allText = div.textContent || div.innerText || ""; //gets the text to search in, stripped of html
alltext = data;
allText = allText.replace(/(\r\n\t|\n|\r\t)/gm," ");
var indices = getIndicesOf(searchInput, allText); //the variable indices is the array that contains the indices of the searched text in the main text
localStorage.output = '';
function findContext(currentValue, index) {
if (currentValue <= 16) {
searchContext = "..." + allText.substr(currentValue, 100) + "...";
} else {
searchContext = "..." + allText.substr(currentValue-15, 100) + "...";
localStorage.output = localStorage.output + searchContext + "<br /><br />";
<script>document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = localStorage.output;</script>
It's a bit confusing what you're trying to achieve, considering your HTML, but replying to this
My research says to use <a> tags, but how do I dynamically insert
those into the HTML page with the index I have?
this would do the trick
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var a = document.createElement("a");
var linkText = document.createTextNode("my linked text");
a.href = "";

Remove HTML tags in script

I've found this piece of code on the internet. It takes a sentence and makes every single word into link with this word. But it has weak side: if a sentence has HTML in it, this script doesn't remove it.
For example: it replaces '<b>asserted</b>' with '<b>asserted</b>'
Could you please tell me what to change in this code for it to change '<b>asserted</b>' to ''.
var content = document.getElementById("sentence").innerHTML;
var punctuationless = content.replace(/[.,\/#!$%\؟^?&\*;:{}=\-_`~()”“"]/g, "");
var mixedCase = punctuationless.replace(/\s{2,}/g);
var finalString = mixedCase.toLowerCase();
var words = (finalString).split(" ");
var punctuatedWords = (content).split(" ");
var processed = "";
for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
processed += "<a href = \"" + words[i] + "\">";
processed += punctuatedWords[i];
processed += "</a> ";
document.getElementById("sentence").innerHTML = processed;
This regex /<{1}[^<>]{1,}>{1}/g should replace any text in a string that is between two of these <> and the brackets themselves with a white space. This
var str = "<hi>How are you<hi><table><tr>I<tr><table>love cake<g>"
str = str.replace(/<{1}[^<>]{1,}>{1}/g," ")
will give back " How are you I love cake".
If you paste this
var stripHTML = str.mixedCase(/<{1}[^<>]{1,}>{1}/g,"")
just below this
var mixedCase = punctuationless.replace(/\s{2,}/g);
and replace mixedCase with stripHTML in the line after, it will probably work
function stripAllHtml(str) {
if (!str || !str.length) return ''
str = str.replace(/<script.*?>.*?<\/script>/igm, '')
let tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
tmp.innerHTML = str;
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";
This function will strip all the HTML and return only text.
Hopefully, this will work for you
if you need to remove HTML tags And HTML Entities You can use
const text = '<p>test content </p><p><strong>test bold</strong> </p>'
text.replace(/<[^>]*(>|$)| |‌|»|«|>/g, '');
the result will be "test content test bold"

Replace a space within a SPAN tag with a BR tag

I need to replace the space between the 2 words with a BR tag. I've tried quite a few things, this one I thought would work, but the original script only does it to the first item. :( I need it to replace it on all the menu items.
It's for menu text on a CMS, so I won't know what the text is going to be. All I know is that it will always be no more than 2 words.
I can use either JS or jQuery.
Demo here: JS Bin Link
<span class="navtext">Lorem ipsum</span>
<span class="navtext">Lorem ipsum</span>
<span class="navtext">Lorem ipsum</span>
// Doesnt work
// var span = document.getElementsByTagName(".navtext");
// Only works for the first one
var span = document.querySelector(".navtext");
// Doesnt work
// var span = document.querySelectorAll("navtext");
function space() {
var elem = document.createElement("br");
// elem.className = "space";
// elem.textContent = " ";
return elem;
function replace(elem) {
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = elem.childNodes[i];
if(node.nodeType === 1) {
} else {
var current = node;
var pos;
while(~(pos = current.nodeValue.indexOf(" "))) {
var next = current.splitText(pos + 1);
current.nodeValue = current.nodeValue.slice(0, -1);
current.parentNode.insertBefore(space(), next);
current = next;
i += 2;
I think, you dont want to use jQuery. Well, Here is quick solution:
var elms = document.querySelectorAll(".navtext");
for(var i=0; i<elms.length; i++){
elms[i].innerHTML = elms[i].innerHTML.replace(/\s/gi, "<br />");
Here is the jsfiddle:
using jQuery you can do this:
$(this).html($(this).text().replace(/ /g,"<br />"));
If you install jQuery you can make it all more simple. Follow the installation instructions and then the code you'll need is something like:
jQuery(function($) {
// for each navtext run the described function
$(".navtext").each(function() {
// "this" represents the navtext
// replace all " " with "<br/>" from this's html
var code = $(this).text();
code = code.replace(" ", "<br/>");
// update this's html with the replacement
Someone on twitter provided me with a fix, which was exactly like what Ashish answered.
var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
spans[i].innerHTML = spans[i].innerHTML.replace(' ', '<br>');
But that would quite work for me, but it did give me my answer! So thanks to Pete Williams
This is the code I went with:
var spans = document.querySelectorAll('.navtext');
for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
spans[i].innerHTML = spans[i].innerHTML.replace(' ', '<br>');

AppendTo previous iteration (each)

I have the following code, which should split this string #266##271##295# into this
and append it to the same container where it came from: .groups
var str = $(this).html();
if (str.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
str = str.substring(1); // Remove first #
if(str.substring(str.length-1, str.length) == '#'){
str = str.substring(0, str.length-1); // Remove last #
str = str.split(/[##]+/);
$(this).empty(); // empty the groups container
$.each(str, function(index, val){
var html = '' + val + ''
My problem (i think) is the line $(html).appendTo(this);
i somehow need to add it to the previous each().
How can I do this. Or am I moving in the wrong direction with this code?
I think you made this way too complicated, just do this:
var str = $(this).html();
var parts = str.split("#");
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
html += '' + parts[i] + '';
Something like this?
var str = $(this).html();
if (str.substring(0, 1) == '#') {
str = str.substring(1); // Remove first #
if(str.substring(str.length-1, str.length) == '#'){
str = str.substring(0, str.length-1); // Remove last #
str = str.split(/[##]+/);
$(this).empty(); // empty the groups container
var target = $(this);
$.each(str, function(index, val){
var html = '' + val + ''
I added the var target = $(this) outside your second loop as a reference that you can use inside your second loop.
You do need to be mindful of the leading and trailing #'s, but you can easily trim them while you split with a clever regex. When you use $.each to iterate over an array, the this reference no longer refers to your original context but to the current item. Constructing the item's markup and concatenating to a string which you insert outside of the loop will not only get around this, but also provide better performance since you will only be doing one DOM insertion.
var str = $(this).html();
str = str.replace(/^#+|#+$/g, ''); // trim leading and trailing #
var links = str.split("#");
var markup = '';
$.each(links, function(){
markup += '' + this + "\n";

Why is my Javascript not valid?

I have a div with ID 'adpictureholder', to which I dynamically add (or remove) images.
On Form submit I want to get SRC values of all these images within that DIV and put them to the value of one hidden input with ID 'piclinkslisttosubmit'. The thing is that my current Javascript does not function as if there is some syntax typo there, but I don't see where. Can anyone please have a quick look at it?
function copyonsubmit(){
var strump1 = '';
var i=0;
var endi = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes[].length - 1;
var images = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes[];
for (i=0;i<=endi;i++)
strump1 = strump1 + '|' + images[i].src;
document.getElementById('piclinkslisttosubmit').value = strump1;
Change childNodes[] to simply childNodes.
You don't need to specify that a variable you're referencing is an array by adding brackets.
Your javascript isn't valid because you keep putting childNodes[] you can solve that by replacing childNodes[] with simply childNodes
function copyonsubmit(){
var strump1 = '';
var i=0;
var endi = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes.length - 1;
var images = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes;
for (i=0;i<=endi;i++)
strump1 = strump1 + '|' + images[i].src;
document.getElementById('piclinkslisttosubmit').value = strump1;
} ​
You shouldn't use [] when reading a property value:
var images = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes;
You can then get the length from the array, instead of reading the property again:
var endi = images.length - 1;
First off you don't need the [] after childNodes. that causes an error.
You also were forgetting that childNodes includes text nodes and would not work properly, because they did not all contain the src property. I've corrected that in the following example:
function copyonsubmit() {
var str = '';
var textbox = document.getElementById('piclinkslisttosubmit');
var i = 0;
var images = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes;
var numImages = images.length - 1;
var src = "";
for (i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
if (images[i].tagName === "IMG") {
str += images[i].src + '|';
str = str.slice(0, -1); // cut off the final |
textbox.value = str;
Secondly you could write this really simply with jQuery.
var str = "";
$("#apictureholder").children("img").each(function() {
str += $(this).attr("src") + "|";
Third off make sure to check your console for errors. It was very clear when I ran this code on JSFiddle that it had a problem.
Finally, what exactly are you trying to do?
Change childNodes[] to childNodes and rest looks fine to me,
Read about childNodes
function copyonsubmit(){
var strump1 = '';
var i=0;
var endi = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes.length - 1;
var images = document.getElementById('adpictureholder').childNodes;
for (i=0;i<=endi;i++)
strump1 = strump1 + '|' + images[i].src;
document.getElementById('piclinkslisttosubmit').value = strump1;
You said you were using jQuery, but you presented us with vanilla Javascript. I took the liberty of converting your code to jQuery and cleaning it up a bit. The others have already identified your problem, though.
function copyonsubmit() {
var strump1 = '';
var images = $("#adpictureholder")[0].childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
strump1 += '|' + images[i].src;

